Brian Oxman will WOW your audience with his personal insights ...

You forgot Randy, Oxman is his attorney :smilerolleyes:

He is an id**t:"Michael Jackson is going to wake up dead" :no:
Rickey Brian Oxman should finally shut up!
Randy goes among the unnamed ones and he isn't the only one.
Thanks for posting this. I refused to go to his facebook or website. I even switched the channel on TV when I see his face.
another cornball trying to make a dollar out of 15cents These so called lawyers/people who care for Michael personally don't its all about money and what they can gain from it and why would any of them care (with out meanting any names) they doing them too its is that blunt to not see the legacy of MJ life for it self? I been lurking on different blogs. sites etc MJJ fans are doing more for his Justice then any body doing more to promote his legacy period its very sad it takes a force of Nature to move mountains but blood swin through it. Take my reply as what ever this is no shade no disrespect just something I just had to put in check out of respect. Good day all
I dont think it will be bad, Brian Oxman always defended Michael, I think he would offer insights into Michael's world, which could only help the ones thinking about making a Biopic, we may learn Michael was not so happy and that he suffered or what would make him feel happy, or that he was more common then excentric or the contrary) If its good, im gonna see what this is all about

Are you serious??????:scratch:

Brian Oxman is just another weasel that some in the Jackson family fail to recognize as such! On the day MJ died, he was all over the media talking about MJ and prescription drugs I would've gotten rid of his ass right there and then. Why he's tolerated is beyond me, spineless little twit!
I'm not surprised Oxman would do this.

He's a leech and a loser.
@ twinklEE

I suppose I should rather write which family member he not represents .. the list would be very short! :rofl:
Jackson family lawyer
Published: 05 Sep 2009

I have a unique view of the Jackson Family. Some people knew Michael. Others knew Janet, or La Toya, or Rebbie. Or Jackie, Jermaine, Tito, Marlon, or Randy. But I knew them all. From their mum and dad, Katherine and Joe, to their grandchildren, they were all my friends.
I know all of their secrets, all of their tears, and all of their failures and glories. (..)
@ Sirena
you said "He's a leech and a loser." Yepp, you're so right!
(..)The arrival of Brian Oxman, presently Joe Jackson, La Toya and Marlon Jackson's lawyer, was perhaps the most waited for encounter of the whole day. Presented by the American journalist and television personality Kathryn Milofsky, Oxman was able to give us his special evaluation of his ongoing working rapport with the King of Pop. Oxman was Michael's personal lawyer during the last 25 years.
During the course of a two hour visula presentation which dwelled upon many aspects of the private and personal life of Michael (..)
The two go well together: two loosers and leeches! Here is the full article
So called ''fans'' supporting Brian Oxman and Joe (YES! Joesph that old man who employs this bigotted monster) are no less than those two. To hell with Brian and everyone who supports him including the infamous ppl who shall remain unnamed.
I never supported Joe Jackson, yes Oxman is his lawyer, but i was pointing out that he may say some things, but not bad ones... and i dont like Randy Jackson either , PLEASE!, i was just saying that what Oxman may say, im sure is not bad, thats all, PLEASE dont mess up my statement, In fact if you want me to be real, I dont support any of the Jacksons or their lawyers (except for Michael's kids and Katherine (but my support for Katherine is just for respect to Michael... and only that) so your point is pointless.

May be he would talk about how doctors acted in Michaels life, but i have no idea, so i wont say anything more cause then some of you say that i support the guy, which is totally WRONG.
Are you serious??????:scratch:

Brian Oxman is just another weasel that some in the Jackson family fail to recognize as such! On the day MJ died, he was all over the media talking about MJ and prescription drugs I would've gotten rid of his ass right there and then. Why he's tolerated is beyond me, spineless little twit!
well i was jus stating my perception, of course he is a leech and an opportunist, but i think he would do it without saying bad things about Michael i think he would talk about the doctors, or may be is just me trying to see everything positive, i dont know..., may be the second one, is that you never know... but yes, anyway i dont support the guy!
Jackson family lawyer
Published: 05 Sep 2009

I have a unique view of the Jackson Family. Some people knew Michael. Others knew Janet, or La Toya, or Rebbie. Or Jackie, Jermaine, Tito, Marlon, or Randy. But I knew them all. From their mum and dad, Katherine and Joe, to their grandchildren, they were all my friends.

"They were all my friends".
Woowww!! What a friendly guy.
That's gotta be a HUGE number of friends

I know all of their secrets, all of their tears, and all of their failures and glories. (..)
... because I am Gandalf the White and I can see everything. You shall not paaasssss!!!! (c'mon!! what is that??? And people buy that stuff??? that speaks volumes of the ones who pay to hear him :doh:)
This is why he has NEVER been respected in the fanbase and why fans are still
leary of him and his motives. He exploits Michael Jackson for his own publicity
and gain_ He is a publicity hound and that is one of the main reasons he was
fired from representing Michael during the trial _ Tom Mez doesnt like or trust
him either _ and has publically made references to his shenanigans. So why are
fans acting like he is some kind of hero _ I guess they dont know his past
and what he is still doing _ check it out _

There is nothing of his actions here for fans to look up to or defend
This is from Brian Oxman's website

i never was a fan of the guy. and i'm not starting, now. i'm sure he's out to make money as a public speaker..especially with that advertisement, with the word 'wow', in it. the guy is pathetic.
Oh geez! Oxman, is a sham. Perhaps he should read the following about attorney client privilege as he seems to have forgotten about that.

"Attorney-client privilege is a legal concept that protects communications between a client and his or her attorney and keeps those communications confidential. In regards to the attorney-client privilege as applied to legal representation in pending judicial claims and defenses, the privilege generally does not terminate upon the client's death and continues on in perpetuity."

Not only that, but Oxman seems to just make up what he doesn't know. Making money talking about celebrity scandals is not what I would call an honest living.

I can't believe his topic is "The life and death of Michael Jackson" and the case hasn't even come to trial yet. This guy drives me nuts. He should just stop. Really.
Ugh "celebrity scandal"!? :doh: Michael? No. Just no.

Oxman needs to sit down and get out. Leave Michael's name out of your greedy money grubbing.
Hey, how bout this guys: let's all sign a petition to have Oxman kicked in his nuts by 20,000 fans.
No, seriously. I know where he lives.
Oxman will also appear in Ian Halperin's documentary, that should also tell you something!

A documentary about which Karen Faye was asked if she is the "hairstylist" who will also be in it and Karen answered on her Twitter: "I would never be in such a crap".

But for Oxman it's no problem apparently.
Oxman will also appear in Ian Halperin's documentary, that should also tell you something!

A documentary about which Karen Faye was asked if she is the "hairstylist" who will also be in it and Karen answered on her Twitter: "I would never be in such a crap".

But for Oxman it's no problem apparently.

:puke: The pair of them make me sick. After all the crap Halperin wrote about Michael Oxman agrees to be in his film? Anything, anything, anything for money......
he's going to be on ET tonight... and then on the ustream, with Nancy Grace?

Brian Oxman will be on Entertainment Tonight at 7:30 EST, Nancy Grace at 8pm EST and Ustream at 11pm EST to discuss the latest in the case against Conrad Murray and that strange events that took place the day that Michael Jackson was killed.
Oxman will also appear in Ian Halperin's documentary, that should also tell you something!

A documentary about which Karen Faye was asked if she is the "hairstylist" who will also be in it and Karen answered on her Twitter: "I would never be in such a crap".

But for Oxman it's no problem apparently.

Ahhh NO!... i didnt know that... now i can totally say, OXMAN your credibilty is DONE! Ian Halperin???? Really??? that B*tch???, the one that is TOTALLY INSANE???, the one that is COMPLETELY OUT OF HIS MIND?? ridiculous... the things this Halperbitch says are just, only he has the imagination to create SO MANY stupid nonsence lies.... Oxman, YOU DID WRONG... and now you have 0 credibility, just like Halperbitch... how pathetic and sad... burn in hell Oxman... you did wrong… and you are DONE…
This is unbelievable!!
How far can Oxman go? Halperin for god's sake?
The number 1 trash-writer?

Oh boy, I sincerely hope Joe is in his right minds for trusting this guy so much.
Halperin, and now Nancy Grace. Unbelievable. Beginning to sound like the last trial after TMez gave him his walking papers. He was anywhere and everywhere; sounds like a repeat of history again. Seriously, does Joe have a clue about Brian's past behavior, and now this? I won't badmouth Joe because he is Michael's father, getting up there in years, etc., but by being associated with Brian doesn't help his cause for sure. jmo.
Oxman will also appear in Ian Halperin's documentary, that should also tell you something!

About that, I read this from someone on a facebook group -

You guys, first let me thank you all for joining our group. We are one,and our voice will be heard. Love to you all & God Bless. ♥

Í want to share with you a post that MJ's bodyguard Bill Whitfield left on our comments on his page. Here's what he had to say:

"Ok, after reading the past comments let me say this. I can honestly feel the LOVE all of you have for MJ, and I swear to you all MJ had 10X the LOVE for his fans"

and then he said ( in reply to my comment):

"as for Ian "IDIOT" Helperin we are waiting to see what his Doc on MJ is about so we can tear all his lies down. WE were there, not Mr.Helerin! Real Talk."

All I can say is GO BODYGUARDS!! Ian will go down! L.O.V.E. conquers all. Love yall! xo ♥
Brian Oxman will be on Entertainment Tonight at 7:30 EST, Nancy Grace at 8pm EST and Ustream at 11pm EST to discuss the latest in the case against Conrad Murray and that strange events that took place the day that Michael Jackson was killed.

Nancy Grace?? :bugeyed

no comments..... :puke:
Jackson family lawyer
Published: 05 Sep 2009

I have a unique view of the Jackson Family. Some people knew Michael. Others knew Janet, or La Toya, or Rebbie. Or Jackie, Jermaine, Tito, Marlon, or Randy. But I knew them all. From their mum and dad, Katherine and Joe, to their grandchildren, they were all my friends.
I know all of their secrets, all of their tears, and all of their failures and glories. (..)

:smilerolleyes: Yes, with this salacious quote he sounds so interested in finding the truth.

The arrival of Brian Oxman, presently Joe Jackson, La Toya and Marlon Jackson's lawyer, was perhaps the most waited for encounter of the whole day. Presented by the American journalist and television personality Kathryn Milofsky, Oxman was able to give us his special evaluation of his ongoing working rapport with the King of Pop. Oxman was Michael's personal lawyer during the last 25 years.

Marlon and LaToya too? Notice how he claims he was Michael's personal lawyer for the last 25 years. :brow:

Oxman will also appear in Ian Halperin's documentary, that should also tell you something!

A documentary about which Karen Faye was asked if she is the "hairstylist" who will also be in it and Karen answered on her Twitter: "I would never be in such a crap".

But for Oxman it's no problem apparently.

:puke: Disgusting.
So has Oxman wowed the audience with this upstream event yet? It's today right? Has anybody heard anything? I don't want to click any links that could lead to seeing Oxman :)