Brian Oxman will WOW your audience with his personal insights ...


Proud Member
Aug 22, 2007
Michigan USA
This is why he has NEVER been respected in the fanbase and why fans are still
leary of him and his motives. He exploits Michael Jackson for his own publicity
and gain_ He is a publicity hound and that is one of the main reasons he was
fired from representing Michael during the trial _ Tom Mez doesnt like or trust
him either _ and has publically made references to his shenanigans. So why are
fans acting like he is some kind of hero _ I guess they dont know his past
and what he is still doing _ check it out _

There is nothing of his actions here for fans to look up to or defend
This is from Brian Oxman's website

Need an interesting speaker for your organization or charity fundraiser?
Brian Oxman will WOW your audience with his personal insights in
celebrity scandals and mysteries. :doh:
Presentation topics:
Celebrity Scandal
The Life and death of Michael Jackson.
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every MJ fan should see it before thinking about quoting him while fighting for justice of MJ. Oxman and MJ should not even be in the same sentence.
This is from Brian Oxman's website

Need an interesting speaker for your organization or charity fundraiser?
Brian Oxman will WOW your audience with his personal insights in
celebrity scandals and mysteries. :doh:
Presentation topics:
Celebrity Scandal
The Life and death of Michael Jackson.

And how much is he charging for this 'honour?' The guy makes me sick. Claims to want justice yet will happily continue to make money from Michael and how Joe allows this I do not know.
watch the ones with the biggest smiles.. the idle jabbers. cause they are the backstabbers.
OMG What is this "Celebrity Scandal The Life and death of Michael Jackson." :doh:
I hate when charity (people's tragedies) is used to justify inane and shameless activities...
Oxman is a money grabbing, publicity seeking Prat. I am sick of hearing about his dishonest attempts to cash in on Michael's death, and his ability to manipulate some of Michael's fans into thinking he wants justice for Michael. T-Mez sacked him for a reason.
agree. oxman is scum and i cant believe any fans would be daft enough to be taken in by him.hes no better than halperin and all the others and the fact some family members keep him around sums everything up
This is why he has NEVER been respected in the fanbase and why fans are still
leary of him and his motives. He exploits Michael Jackson for his own publicity
and gain_ He is a publicity hound and that is one of the main reasons he was
fired from representing Michael during the trial _ Tom Mez doesnt like or trust
him either _ and has publically made references to his shenanigans. So why are
fans acting like he is some kind of hero _ I guess they dont know his past
and what he is still doing _ check it out _

There is nothing of his actions here for fans to look up to or defend
This is from Brian Oxman's website

Seriously, the man is terrible... see his ad:

Brian Oxman gives a multimedia presentation that will make your event the event of the season! So forget the humdrum and go with a proven audience pleaser!

Is that the way a lawyer, a decent lawyer, will promote himself? Making his clients (all of them, not only MJ) a public show in a powerpoint presentation?

The night MJ died, he said on CNN if it turns out Michael died of PRESCRIPTION drugs, he would raise hell and speak out strong about it. He was going to do everything that night. All mouth and no action.
Lets hope he makes a better speaker than he is a lawyer, remembering how he almost screwed up the defence in 2005. He is just trying to make a living off knowing Michael.
Never liked this guy. Something's not quite right about his obsession for attention.
I dont think it will be bad, Brian Oxman always defended Michael, I think he would offer insights into Michael's world, which could only help the ones thinking about making a Biopic, we may learn Michael was not so happy and that he suffered or what would make him feel happy, or that he was more common then excentric or the contrary) If its good, im gonna see what this is all about
The fact that Nancy grace like to pick him to talk about Jackson issue regardless to all the people who are more crediable to speak about Michael.
Will tweet #justice4mj on the 23rd )and 25th)but will be tweeting against Oxman at the same time. He's a liability to the criminal case, not an asset, imo. Shame some peeps can't see this. :(
So called ''fans'' supporting Brian Oxman and Joe (YES! Joesph that old man who employs this bigotted monster) are no less than those two. To hell with Brian and everyone who supports him including the infamous ppl who shall remain unnamed.
I dont think it will be bad, Brian Oxman always defended Michael, I think he would offer insights into Michael's world, which could only help the ones thinking about making a Biopic, we may learn Michael was not so happy and that he suffered or what would make him feel happy, or that he was more common then excentric or the contrary) If its good, im gonna see what this is all about

I would have to disagree with you on this one. In my opinion, Brian Oxman is a joke and a HUGE embarrassment.

Wasn't he the first person, waving his arms at the hospital, while declaring that Michael was a drug addict. He didn't even wait for any confirmation before publicly speaking, he just went on television spewing nonsense, with no backup evidence.

In my opinion, he can't "offer insight into Michael's world." He may have been on the defense team led by T-Mez, for 2 seconds before he got the boot, but he was never a part of Michael's inner circle. He can only tell second and third-hand stories, which he most likely heard from OTHER folks.

Aside from being Joe Jackson's mouthpiece, what else has he done? I mean, it's not like he has a list of famous clients. Reasonable folks probably see him coming and RUN in the opposite direction. LOL!
So called ''fans'' supporting Brian Oxman and Joe (YES! Joesph that old man who employs this bigotted monster) are no less than those two. To hell with Brian and everyone who supports him including the infamous ppl who shall remain unnamed.
You forgot Randy, Oxman is his attorney :smilerolleyes:

He is an id**t:"Michael Jackson is going to wake up dead" :no:
Rickey Brian Oxman should finally shut up!
^^ I think they still do the last time I went there.

thanks for replying.. i looked up the site and see now that they have a link to Oxman's FB. I've always had a strange vibe from Oxman - sometimes he seems to talk too much and say too much.
IMO, as long as you get paid to talk about other's personal issues, or as long as you gather people to have them listening to you talking about other people's life (paid or unpaid), that not the right thing to do, unless those people you are talking about have asked you to do so.

Of course, that is not the case with Michael Jackson. To be honest, I feel a bit uncomfortable when they say they can give an "insight" on MJ's privacy. Why doing that? I wonder if he would have like Michael to give an insight of Oxman's personal life and secrets... not to mention his professional skills and the reasons why he was fired.

Can you imagine that? "Join us tonight for an intimate and close insight on Mr. Oxman, by Michael Jackson, a member of his inner circle, one of the few who really know him up close and personal" C'mon!! He would be ready to suit MJ the next morning!