Breaking news: The official michael jackson opus video!

I have asked for this as my xmas present this year. But I bet now that the day its released bloody Royal Mail will be on strike!!!!!
Well... I coudn't manage to pre order online, so the Opus Custumer team were very kind and they phoned to my office and help me do this over the phone (!!!). The only bad thing is that they asked more for shippment (50 instead of 28 USD), but they didn't charge back then, but instead asked me last week to allow them to charge my credit card.


And I am really wondering how can they ask only USD28 for shipping, no matter where you live...

I live in Chile, so I understand sending 12 kilos from London to Santiago would be EXTREMELY expensive.... so... who knows... I just hope I will get mine sooonnn!! This is simply AMAZING. That would be my precious ;-)