Breaking news: The official michael jackson opus video!

MJ's opus is going to be EPIC!!!!!!!!!!!

I am seriously broke, so I'm not gonna buy this at the moment. Hopefully, sometime in the future!

Anyways, if anyone in the US wants to buy it and hasn't yet, I got a $50 off coupon when I went to see TII. Anyone interested? I can mail it out to you!

Actually. . .looking at it right now. All you have to do is enter the code: CINEMA at and you will get $50 off. On my flyer it says that the Opus is $249 before 11/30/2009. So you can get it for $199 if you use the code!!! YAY! You can also email them at and quote CINEMA.

Still can't afford it though. . .:(
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video says available in stores dec 7th but thought it wasnt going to be available in stores and only via preorder
woooooo!i can't wait to get it in Christmas!
it must be the greatest christmas gift ...i give to myself ever:D

One strange thing though, wasnt they going to raise the price to like 570 dollar ??
Cause they havent, the book price is still very low, just 249 dollar, right now... confused?!! :|

look here:

Michael wants this book to be approachable so even there'll be a raise i don't think its gonna raise up to 570
umm.. is it just me or was that commercial better than 90% of movie trailers these days? >_>

it looks great, i'll get it when i have the chance.
Oh, I can't wait for my opus to arrive. I like the music in that video, does anyone know what it is ?
Damn...that clip was powerful! The clarity of the pictures combined with the music gave me goosebumps all over. I noticed the "in-stores" at the end as well...if that's the case I will be at my nearest bookstore come Dec. 7 :yes:
Same here the clip give me goosebumps :) can't wait for my Opus come on Christmas
Oh - My - Gosh. Any residual guilt I was feeling due to the ginormous amount of money I forked over is gone. I CANNOT WAIT for it to get here!!!!! =D
That video is awesome. Can't wait! :D
I wonder if that epic music will come along with the opus to boost the reading experience :lol:

How much did the opus cost before they pushed it up to the "normal price" that they're now having?
I kind of missed out on pre-ordering one :lol:
Actually. . .looking at it right now. All you have to do is enter the code: CINEMA at and you will get $50 off. On my flyer it says that the Opus is $249 before 11/30/2009. So you can get it for $199 if you use the code!!! YAY! You can also email them at and quote CINEMA.

Still can't afford it though. . .:(

Thank you - We actually get 50 off with that code - Hmm can't make up my mind what to do :lol:

I think I paid $165 + $28 shipping = $193 on the first day of ordering (I am in the US).

That was a smart move! :D
Wow, it looks great, but I'm still unsure whether to buy this or not.

£214 is a lot of money, even though it's not mine I'll be spending. :p
My heart almost jumped out of my chest when that music blasted out! Jeez wasn't expecting that shock.. my speakers were turned up massively :/!
It's shipped out Dec7th. Am I right. Can't wait. When I get it I won't open it and place it under Christmas Tree until Christmas morning.
looks great, but i'd be a million times more excited if michael was here. he would love it :( i wonder what the disney one looks like, apparently that's what convinced him to have one made for himself.
yeah i need 2 preorder mine now, but i have not the money for the moment, i´ll wait for 2 weeks :/ hope the price is still the same then