Breaking News: Roger Friedman FIRED!!!!

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Well... as of right now, the ban we have against him is still going, so please remember to not post any links to his garbage.
As many predicted, Roger Friedman is now operating his own blog... Predictably, he continues his MJ ramblings.
And that might be bad for Michael Jackson because there would be no body Friedman would have to answer or report to. He can say whatever he wants. Also you know he is going to try and compete with Perez Hilton.:yes:
nopebad for rf CUZ he doesn't have a network to defend him when he's sued

and remember y'alls. this was the dude who put out the whole grifter trip in calabassas when they claimed he was holding them hostage.

at one time, he was a big ass thorn in teh side of the state...but that was a long time ago
If I remeber right Friedman became a gossip writer after he was fired or HAD to leave the newspaper he was working for... surprise surprise. Once a liar always a liar.
He never really said anything true about anyone in teh entrateiment bizz and he was bad rewied by everyone. He got popular only thanks to his fantasy stories about the MJ trial, then again forgotten, except MJ fans who kept on reading his trash.
He has always been fake and a liar.

PS: is it possible to delete the link at the blog. If MJ fans stop to read his trash he will have no job at all, cause he is getting money thanks to the number of people reading is blog.
I really don't understand why Friedman's new site is being promoted on this board.

I thought he was banned on this board. Why are we announcing he's new site? I don't get it.
i haven't gone to his new site. whatever it is, that witchcraft that makes me go to a site i don't want to go to, it's not lighting upon me, fortunately.
Ok time to close this one as it now has evolved into something different and RF is still banned on MJJC.
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