Breaking News: Roger Friedman FIRED!!!!

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i feel like i just got a ticket to a Michael Jackson concert!!! HHHHHHHHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

i'm feelin goooooooooooood!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:punk::punk::punk::punk::punk::punk::punk::punk::punk:



i feel like i just got a ticket to a Michael Jackson concert!!! HHHHHHHHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

i'm feelin goooooooooooood!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:punk::punk::punk::punk::punk::punk::punk::punk::punk:



Now tell us how you really feel.
From Drudge Report:

SOURCES: Monday morning meeting to decide fate of FOXNEWS columnist Roger Friedman over WOLVERINE piracy column...



Fox fired up over 'Wolverine' review

Company at war with Friedman over column

Has longtime Fox News entertainment blogger Roger Friedman been fired? It depends whom you ask.

On Saturday News Corp. released a statement saying the Hollywood gadfly had been "terminated."

But on Sunday afternoon Friedman told Daily Variety that he had not been let go.

Fox News released its own missive when asked on Sunday afternoon if Friedman had been ousted. "This is an internal matter that we're not prepared to discuss at this time," a Fox News spokesperson said.

For its part, the studio weighed in Friday with its own statement, calling Friedman's actions "reprehensible."

Friedman came under fire for posting a review of a pirated version of 20th Century Fox's "X-Men Origins: Wolverine." Both Fox News and 20th Century Fox are divisions of parent company News Corp.

Friedman posted a review of the film Thursday, one day after an incomplete version of the tentpole was leaked on the Internet, a breach that occurred a month before the film's release and that could potentially cost the studio millions in box office receipts.

After Friedman's positive "Wolverine" review hit the Web, the fanboy blogging community, which had largely called for a boycott of any reviews of the film, immediately lobbied for Friedman's dismissal., which posted a screen grab of Friedman's item, echoed the sentiments of many bloggers when it wrote: "Where does come up with the balls to publish a review of an unfinished illegal copy of a film their sister company is so desperately trying to squelch the existence of?"

As of Sunday afternoon, Friedman's Fox 411 blog was still on's website; however, the offending "Wolverine" item had long since been pulled and deleted from the website's cache.

The whole sequence of events looks like a case of corporate synergy gone awry, as three different divisions of News Corp. couldn't even agree on the fate of Friedman.

Fox News' boss Roger Ailes has strained relations with other News Corp. division execs, and, in fact, the entire Fox News division has an entirely different style than the rest of the company.

But Fox News is a cable ratings hotshot and contributes mightily to the conglom's bottom line. Friedman's posting was bound to cause friction between the two News Corp. divisions especially considering that Friedman's Fox 411 blog is a top traffic draw for

Studio execs began to hear about Friedman's post Friday and called for the matter to be addressed by its sister company, though stopped short of asking for Friedman's ouster. The studio's statement said: "We've just been made aware that Roger Friedman, a freelance columnist who writes Fox 411 on -- an entirely separate company from 20th Century Fox -- watched on the Internet and reviewed a stolen and unfinished version of 'X-Men Organs: Wolverine.' This behavior is reprehensible and we condemn this act categorically -- whether the review is good or bad."

Calling an entirely separate company from 20th Century Fox was an interesting choice of words, given that they're sibling companies.

It took another day -- and a torrent of negative press aimed at News Corp. in the blogging community -- before News Corp. took action. Late Saturday night, News Corp. released a statement saying: "Roger Friedman's views in no way reflect the views of News Corp. We, along with 20th Century Fox Film Corp., have been a consistent leader in the fight against piracy and have zero tolerance for any action that encourages and promotes piracy. When we advised Fox News of the facts they took immediate action, removed the post, and promptly terminated Mr. Friedman."


Really hoping that he doesn't end up keeping any aspect of his job.
well let me say that everyone this dude writes about has sharks in their camp, or either ex he's not making things up out of thin air from the small brain of his. when he talks about madge, it's from either an employee or an ex....

he just went too far this time in faux's eyes
'bout freakin time! What gets me is that sensationalist journalism, un-ethical reporting, blatant lies and ravaging of people's lives is ok. But piracy is not. Shouldn't he have been sacked long ago!??

Nevertheless, karma caught up in the end. Ahhhhh this just made my day :)
omg....i just found this out and guess where i headed...ha ha......

How did that fat sack last this long? This just in, Michael Jackson is really 80 years old a source of mine told me.

What a load of crap, Fox News is years behind. Promoting piracy is bad, but promoting blatantly crap and laughable stories is ok?
he actually said that??:bugeyed

Nah, I was being facetious, but it's not a stretch. He really did run with any story he could pull out of his own fat arse. I have no clue how he gets paid for being a complete and utter worthless "journalist". I can make up stories, who do I call for an interview?
And now they're holding a meeting to see whether or not to fire him, after they already released a statement saying they had? Doesn't make any sense to me. They should have figured that out before saying anything IMO.

It's Official: Roger Friedman Loses His Job Over Wolverine Piracy

Roger Friedman, a showbiz columnist for, failed to persuade Fox News head Roger Ailes that he should keep his job after downloading a pirated copy of Wolverine and angering 20th Century Fox studio executives.

As Fox called in the FBI to find out who had leaked the film onto the Internet, Friedman posted a column last Thursday marveling at how easy it was to find a copy of the purloined Hugh Jackman comic book film online. The column was quickly removed Over the weekend, reports emerged that he had been fired and corporate P.R. even released a statement on Sunday saying that the columnist was toast.

But that was a bit premature, and Ailes gave Friedman the chance to come in and tell him and Fox News executive vice president John Moody why he shouldn't be fired That meeting was supposed to take place this morning, but got pushed back to the afternoon.

Why go through all the bother? Our guess is that, as ridiculous as it might sound, corporate politics were to blame. Power at News Corp. is in flux now that Ruper Murdoch's deputy Peter Chernin has announced his exit. And some of the big winners in the corporate restructurings so far have been the heads of the Fox movie studio, Tom Rothman and Jim Gianopoulos. No matter how inevitable Friedman's exit may have been, it wouldn't be surprising if Ailes bristled at the idea of movie studio people making hiring-and-firing decisions in his cable news outfit.

So, Friedman got his day in kangaroo court. And lost. Here's the official statement from Fox News:

"Fox News representatives and Roger Friedman met today and mutually agreed to part ways immediately. Fox News appreciates Mr. Friedman's ten years of contributions to building and wishes him success in his future endeavors. Mr. Friedman is grateful to his colleagues for their friendship and support over the past decade."

It's Official: Roger Friedman Loses His Job Over Wolverine Piracy

Roger Friedman, a showbiz columnist for, failed to persuade Fox News head Roger Ailes that he should keep his job after downloading a pirated copy of Wolverine and angering 20th Century Fox studio executives.

So, Friedman got his day in kangaroo court. And lost. Here's the official statement from Fox News:

"Fox News representatives and Roger Friedman met today and mutually agreed to part ways immediately. Fox News appreciates Mr. Friedman's ten years of contributions to building and wishes him success in his future endeavors. Mr. Friedman is grateful to his colleagues for their friendship and support over the past decade."

Thank you thank you thank you! :cheers:
For sure, sometimes it seems as though won't ever get whats coming to them, but eventually they certainly do.....and if this does'nt prove it, nothing will!

Simply put, Roger Friedman fell on his own sword.....and THATS A WRAP!!!

Time to partyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy! The Friedass has fried his ass! :LOL: Well Friedface what do you think now about KARMA!

:angel:Thank you Lord for getting rid of the evil one that has been "stalking" Michael. Praise the Lord!






:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

:flowers: :flowers: :flowers: :flowers: :flowers: :flowers: :flowers:

:sarmoti: :sarmoti: :sarmoti: :sarmoti: :sarmoti: :sarmoti: :sarmoti:

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:agree:per MJ's fine example, won't direct ill will @ anyone!

I pray this will also be the best thing for him, too! MAYBE NOW..he can focus on becoming a true journalist!:clapping:
I think FoxNews didn't care at all about the crap Roger was pulling in his articles until he did this. And the only reason they fired him was because they are affiliated with the company that was making the movie and the movie company called in the FBI. FoxNews would be one of several objects of investigation IMO. Because the FBI would probably track anyone who downloaded that leak. And since Roger did it, I think FoxNews got scared of how it would make them look and that's why they kicked him out.
I think FoxNews didn't care at all about the crap Roger was pulling in his articles until he did this. And the only reason they fired him was because they are affiliated with the company that was making the movie and the movie company called in the FBI. FoxNews would be one of several objects of investigation IMO. Because the FBI would probably track anyone who downloaded that leak. And since Roger did it, I think FoxNews got scared of how it would make them look and that's why they kicked him out.
I agree. They sure didn´t care about any of the false rumors that he spread. And that not just about MJ.
I think FoxNews didn't care at all about the crap Roger was pulling in his articles until he did this. And the only reason they fired him was because they are affiliated with the company that was making the movie and the movie company called in the FBI. FoxNews would be one of several objects of investigation IMO. Because the FBI would probably track anyone who downloaded that leak. And since Roger did it, I think FoxNews got scared of how it would make them look and that's why they kicked him out.

lol..whatever it takes. it's still karma like..cus usually when u do something, it comes back to you in another form, so u might wonder why t happened to u, until u think about it. i'm sure, in his mind, he knows the real reason why he's gone. it's like someone with a criminal record that the law enforcement could not get for some reason, so they liik for something else to pin on him, such as tax evasion.
And nobody bother to call my butt over here when the sh*t went down... wowza.

omg yes no more peps claiming 'but rigged friedback said' and all that...
As many predicted, Roger Friedman is now operating his own blog... Predictably, he continues his MJ ramblings.
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