"Breaking News" All General Discussion Here [Merged]

What do You Think Now???

  • Now im Sure Its Michael!!!

    Votes: 89 21.4%
  • I Still Think its Not him!!!

    Votes: 223 53.7%
  • I now think that its Michael, but still have my doubts!!

    Votes: 24 5.8%
  • Im Confused!!!!

    Votes: 79 19.0%

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Re: "Breaking News" All Discussion Here [Merged]

Please go and listen to a whole bunch of demos of MJ's available on commercially releases albums as Extras, and also look on Youtube at the Dangerous Rehearsals, and see him not putting in effort and a proper vocal performance, listen to the unreleased Demo versions of Another Day, Hold My Hand, Escape. There is NO comparrison.

I've got about 10-12GB of MJ music in my iTunes library and Breaking News/all the other new album snippets are in that collection. Sounds like MJ to me.
Re: "Breaking News" All Discussion Here [Merged]

Man do u think as a fan, I haven't heard those songs before?

There is a difference, those songs were not overproduced like this one!!!

And some of those demos, some of them not all, are from the Thriller, bad and dangerous era, u can't compare the music of MJ on the 80s and 90s with his new sound.
Re: "Breaking News" All Discussion Here [Merged]

This was a demo, in some demos Michael wasn't giving his best!! And we, all the fans feel something weird, It's so obvious why, Michael did not finished the song, he did't give the song his last touch, so it's never going to sound as u guys want.

'In The Back' is like a demo of a demo, it didn't even have lyrics, but do someone doubt it's MJ?
Re: "Breaking News" All Discussion Here [Merged]

Please go and listen to a whole bunch of demos of MJ's available on commercially releases albums as Extras, and also look on Youtube at the Dangerous Rehearsals, and see him not putting in effort and a proper vocal performance, listen to the unreleased Demo versions of Another Day, Hold My Hand, Escape. There is NO comparrison.

Man do u think as a fan, I haven't heard those songs before?

There is a difference, those songs were not overproduced like this one!!!

And some of those demos, some of them not all, are from the Thriller, bad and dangerous era, u can't compare the music of MJ on the 80s and 90s with his new sound.
Re: "Breaking News" All Discussion Here [Merged]

Michael could sing the alphabet.......actually sorry, speak the alphabet and it would better than th fake tracks, lol.
Re: "Breaking News" All Discussion Here [Merged]

Man do u think as a fan, I haven't heard those songs before?

There is a difference, those songs were not overproduced like this one!!!

And some of those demos, some of them not all, are from the Thriller, bad and dangerous era, u can't compare the music of MJ on the 80s and 90s with his new sound.

What 'new sound' are you talking about? Please, watch This Is It again. Michael's voice didn't change THAT much
Re: "Breaking News" All Discussion Here [Merged]

'In The Back' is like a demo of a demo, it didn't even have lyrics, but do someone doubt it's MJ?

I know man, I know but you cannot compare songs, each song has a different story.

It's like if I compare Thriller with Invincible, every song and every demo it's different, were made in different studios, at different times, and MJ was a human being, and we human beings are not always in the same mod or have the same energy come on guys, be racional. Let ur fellings out of this, be racional!!
fxfan;3063457 said:
Guys are u serious?

Ok let´s trust our own ears instead of trusting in experts and close friends to Michael that worked with him and were always loyal to him.

Think about that

Yes, lets. I obviously hear sampled "aoows". I hear them pasting to words together to form a sentence (You're breaking. The ews. at the end of the song) and I hear the back up singers louder than the lead. Even if it really was MJ singing it's obvious that the songs was still in it's earliest forms. The vocals are not good, the lyrics are not good, and the arrangement is just not that strong.

This song is just not meant for the public, it's too unpolished in every aspect (except for the beat. That was cool). Even if it was MJ it surely doesn't sound like him.
Re: "Breaking News" All Discussion Here [Merged]

What 'new sound' are you talking about? Please, watch This Is It again. Michael's voice didn't change THAT much

Sorry I did't explain that.

What I mean is, his songs are very different, with different effects, if u compare the voice of MJ in thriller or off the wall, with the voice in invincible there is a huge difference, I think u guys where expecting to hear a new billie jean or a new smooth criminal or a new the way you make me feel, but no, he say it once, that his new record was going to be something totally different, he wanted to surprise us
Re: "Breaking News" All Discussion Here [Merged]

I love how someone like myself is being said to be "derailing" a project for what I believe.

I feel like i'd be going against myself if I were to accept what I've heard.

It's like accepting "Mamacita" as an MJ track.
Re: "Breaking News" All Discussion Here [Merged]

Here's where I stand from what I know..

Breaking News: contains SOME MJ vocals without a doubt. Those who say it has no Mj vocals are out to lunch. There is a high possibility from what I heard that a stand in could have been used. Unless there is substantial proof stating the otherwise, it's easy enough to tell that MJ isn't singing the full song.

Monster: snippet was too short and unorganized to tell. We don't even know if this version is done. There is a chance it's fake, there's a chance it's real. Don't jump to conclusions so soon. I've been told it's Michael with a stand in at times but the case isn't closed on this one.

Another Day: 100% real

Hold My Hand: 100% real

Blue Gangsta: 100% real

Love Never Felt So Good: 100% real

All I Need: sounds like MJ, I can't believe so many people are judging this 18 second snippet when half the time there is an annoying voiceover plus the last half is all choir. I'd say yes it's Michael.

Carry On: 100% real

Much Too Soon: 100% real (I don't see why there's even a debate on this)

Enough with the conspiracy guys, it's going into overdrive here. Yes Breaking News should put up some red flags but at this point we need to relax and wait for a response. One is coming...

I expected that the leaking of snippets would clear things up for all of us. I know it did for me.

But today I wake up to find people more confused, including you Smooth. I disagree completely with the bolded parts.

First of all, I take as a given that if a snippet is fake the whole song is, it is totally UNACCEPTABLE to me that there will be a stand-in even if he only sings the bridge, for instance, or a verse.

As for Carry on specifically, the vocals all there have big similarities with BN's vocals (lack that small "metal" that Michael's voice has + have that stupid vibrato near the end of the snippet) but none with all classic MJ (not even newly leaked Much too soon, which is definately our Michael). All I need is even more obvious, the pronounciation of the word THERE is a strong indication that it is not Michael.

Since some people like the imposter/stand in songs, why don't you all go download that "7even" album and enjoy yourselves (if you didn't already) and let the rest of us wait for a real MJ release.
Re: "Breaking News" All Discussion Here [Merged]

I know man, I know but you cannot compare songs, each song has a different story.

It's like if I compare Thriller with Invincible, every song and every demo it's different, were made in different studios, at different times, and MJ was a human being, and we human beings are not always in the same mod or have the same energy come on guys, be racional. Let ur fellings out of this, be racional!!

Yes, you can compare Thriller and Invincible. They both sound like the same person singing.
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Re: "Breaking News" All Discussion Here [Merged]

Yes, lets. I obviously hear sampled "aoows". I hear them pasting to words together to form a sentence (You're breaking. The ews. at the end of the song) and I hear the back up singers louder than the lead. Even if it really was MJ singing it's obvious that the songs was still in it's earliest forms. The vocals are not good, the lyrics are not good, and the arrangement is just not that strong.

This song is just not meant for the public, it's too unpolished in every aspect (except for the beat. That was cool). Even if it was MJ it surely doesn't sound lie him.

I agree with u in that point, but I can tell u, if he was alive, maybe he would finish this song, and it would be a master piece, but his not here anymore, I'm not saying this is a great song, I have to say that I like it, but some of u guys not, and it's okay, Im not saying hes singing the whole time, I'm just saying this song was created by michael, and he is present in the song!! that's for sure
Re: "Breaking News" All Discussion Here [Merged]

There is a big difference behind over produced tracks/vocal effects and 'Breaking News'. Yes, it has been overproduced, but you can still recognise Michael in there somewhere. The majority of it isn't him though. You telling me when you first heard it, you didn't get a feeling AT ALL that something wasn't quite right with what you were hearing?? I desperately WANT this to be Michael Jackson singing, bad demo, over produced vocals - anything that is him, I really truly want that to be the case. I cannot believe it is at this point though. It's just not there, and I'm shattered and confused.
Re: "Breaking News" All Discussion Here [Merged]

I agree with u in that point, but I can tell u, if he was alive, maybe he would finish this song, and it would be a master piece, but his not here anymore, I'm not saying this is a great song, I have to say that I like it, but some of u guys not, and it's okay, Im not saying hes singing the whole time, I'm just saying this song was created by michael, and he is present in the song!! that's for sure

Oh.. Apparently our little discussion was meaningless since we are EXACTLY on the same page.

I think MJ worked on this.
I think his voice is present.
I like, but not love the song.

... But to me, and many others, that's just not enough.

Oh well carry on then :p
Re: "Breaking News" All Discussion Here [Merged]

To those who think Michael sung Breaking News:

Do you think "Mamacita" is also a Michael Jackson track? YouTube it if you don't know what i'm talking about. "Michael Jackson - Mamacita" in the YouTube search engine, then get back to me.
Guys ok, everyone has a different opinion I think it's time for some good news, I already post this before, but im going to do it again

Productor chileno que trabajó con Jackson valida autenticidad de tema póstumo

Ante tales reacciones, Sony emitió un comunicado oficial, asegurando que confían "completamente" en los resultados de su exhaustiva investigación y en las personas que estuvieron en el estudio con Jackson. Y en medio de la discusión, una voz importante que sale a dar su visión es la del productor chileno Humberto Gatica, que trabajó con el fallecido intérprete en los álbumes Thriller, Bad e Invincible, y asegura desde Los Angeles: "No me cabe duda que es la voz de Michael. La conozco muy bien y sé de sus detalles. Es normal que a mucha gente le parezca que no es su voz, porque aparece muy débil".

Breaking news es parte del disco Michael, que será editado el próximo 14 de diciembre e incluye una media docena de composiciones inéditas, trabajos que Jackson dejó en el camino y que Sony publica como parte del acuerdo por US$ 250 millones al que llegó con los albaceas del cantante. Gatica también colaboró en este proyecto: "Entregué cuatro temas que los trabajé durante cuatro semanas.

"No sé si finalmente estarán en el álbum, no me lo han informado". En cuanto al single lanzado ayer, el ingeniero tiene una mala impresión: "En el disco hay muchas mejores canciones que ésta, que no tiene demasiada convicción, se nota que está hecha muy a la rápida y le falta fuerza. La encuentro muy débil y no sé qué pasará a nivel de radios... Sólo puedo decir que el resto del material del disco es mucho mejor que el single. Las canciones que pasé yo son más rítmicas y agresivas".

Because of the reactions, Sony made an official anoucemnet, confirming that they trust in the results of the investigation and in the peolple that were with Michael at the studio. And between the discussion, an important voice that comes out to give us his opinion is the chileno producer Humberto Gatica, who worked with MJ in the albums Thriller, Bad and Invincible, and he affirms from Los Angeles: " I have no doubts that is Michael's voice. I know his voice very well and I know the details of his voice. It's normal that a lot of people thinks that it's not his voice, because it's very weak in this song.

Breakings news its part of the Michael album, that will be released next december 14 and incluides a dozen of unpublished compositions, songs that michael did and that sony is releasing as part of an agreement for 250 million dolars. Gatica also collaborated on this project: " I delivered for songs that I worked for four weeks.

I don't know if the songs I worked in are going to be in the album, I don't have that information yet. About the single released yesterted. Gatica has a bad impression. " On the album there are a lot o much better songs than breaking news, that has no conviction, I can tell that this song was made very fast and need more energy and strenght. I found this song very week and I don't know if this is going to be on the radio... All I can say that the rest of the material in the album is much better than this song. The songs that I worked in are more rhythmic and aggressive

Guys Breaking News is just one song, and for some reason it's not the first single, let's wait for the album, I have a feeling that it's going to be great.

And stop thinking so much about this song, forget it, I think good things are coming

fxfan;3063492 said:
Guys ok, everyone has a different opinion I think it's time for some good news, I already post this before, but im going to do it again

Productor chileno que trabajó con Jackson valida autenticidad de tema póstumo

Ante tales reacciones, Sony emitió un comunicado oficial, asegurando que confían "completamente" en los resultados de su exhaustiva investigación y en las personas que estuvieron en el estudio con Jackson. Y en medio de la discusión, una voz importante que sale a dar su visión es la del productor chileno Humberto Gatica, que trabajó con el fallecido intérprete en los álbumes Thriller, Bad e Invincible, y asegura desde Los Angeles: "No me cabe duda que es la voz de Michael. La conozco muy bien y sé de sus detalles. Es normal que a mucha gente le parezca que no es su voz, porque aparece muy débil".

Breaking news es parte del disco Michael, que será editado el próximo 14 de diciembre e incluye una media docena de composiciones inéditas, trabajos que Jackson dejó en el camino y que Sony publica como parte del acuerdo por US$ 250 millones al que llegó con los albaceas del cantante. Gatica también colaboró en este proyecto: "Entregué cuatro temas que los trabajé durante cuatro semanas.

"No sé si finalmente estarán en el álbum, no me lo han informado". En cuanto al single lanzado ayer, el ingeniero tiene una mala impresión: "En el disco hay muchas mejores canciones que ésta, que no tiene demasiada convicción, se nota que está hecha muy a la rápida y le falta fuerza. La encuentro muy débil y no sé qué pasará a nivel de radios... Sólo puedo decir que el resto del material del disco es mucho mejor que el single. Las canciones que pasé yo son más rítmicas y agresivas".

Because of the reactions, Sony made an official anoucemnet, confirming that they trust in the results of the investigation and in the peolple that were with Michael at the studio. And between the discussion, an important voice that comes out to give us his opinion is the chileno producer Humberto Gatica, who worked with MJ in the albums Thriller, Bad and Invincible, and he affirms from Los Angeles: " I have no doubts that is Michael's voice. I know his voice very well and I know the details of his voice. It's normal that a lot of people thinks that it's not his voice, because it's very weak in this song.

Breakings news its part of the Michael album, that will be released next december 14 and incluides a dozen of unpublished compositions, songs that michael did and that sony is releasing as part of an agreement for 250 million dolars. Gatica also collaborated on this project: " I delivered for songs that I worked for four weeks.

I don't know if the songs I worked in are going to be in the album, I don't have that information yet. About the single released yesterted. Gatica has a bad impression. " On the album there are a lot o much better songs than breaking news, that has no conviction, I can tell that this song was made very fast and need more energy and strenght. I found this song very week and I don't know if this is going to be on the radio... All I can say that the rest of the material in the album is much better than this song. The songs that I worked in are more rhythmic and aggressive

Guys Breaking News is just one song, and for some reason it's not the first single, let's wait for the album, I have a feeling that it's going to be great.

And stop thinking so much about this song, forget it, I think good things are coming


It's not the best translation, but I did my best!!
Re: "Breaking News" All Discussion Here [Merged]

To those who think Michael sung Breaking News:

Do you think "Mamacita" is also a Michael Jackson track? YouTube it if you don't know what i'm talking about. "Michael Jackson - Mamacita" in the YouTube search engine, then get back to me.

*goes to youtube, looks up the song, listens to the first second*

:lol: LOL c'mon now.. WTF was that? :lol:
Re: "Breaking News" All Discussion Here [Merged]

I don't mean to be rude, but I believe that there are a lot of people here who WANT this to be Michael, regardless of what their ears tell them.

With all my heart I want to be Michael in this song... but this is NOT him!!! I can't hear Michael Jackson in this track, I don't feel NOTHING when I listen this track, I can't recognize the voice I listen all my life (37 years)! THIS IS NOT HIM!!! No matter who will come to prove the opposite.. I trust only my heart and my ears!

REMOOVE THIS SHIT FROM THE ALBUM IMMEDIATELY! Stop treat us like fools! We gave you so much money! We deserve the real thing!

What a shame for Teddy Riley. We all trusted him so much...
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Re: "Breaking News" All Discussion Here [Merged]

I have noticed that nobody is saying Breaking News is MJ anymore......

What happened to deano and chris_jones etc. who had been adamant it was him?

Guess they just decided to pop in give a few posts and now arent bothering anymore. Fantastic.

Now that's enough right there!!!

Shut your cake hole if you have nothing sensible or subjective to say...
Re: "Breaking News" All Discussion Here [Merged]

Greetings to all! I am MJ fan for more than 30 years and I trully believe that on Breaking News is Michael's voice. Yes, the vocals are very processed, but it's Michael Jackson.
Re: "Breaking News" All Discussion Here [Merged]

You know.....to me...it's all about 'feeling'....Michael was always about the "FEELING" of everything..in voice, and in dance...When I listen to Michael sing, i'm THERE...I'm in his world that he's created with that wonderful instrument of nature he possessed..To experience what his voice can truly do to your soul and heart, is something you never, ever forget...It's something profound...It's something that has been with me since I was 5 years old...I would tend to trust that over everything else...I don't need proof...I just listen to his voice, close my eyes, and I"m back to where he takes me...and that song doesn't take me there...It's a huge part to be missing, a very huge important part...If you don't have that, you don't have Michael...
Re: "Breaking News" All Discussion Here [Merged]


Because of the reactions, Sony made an official anoucemnet, confirming that they trust in the results of the investigation and in the peolple that were with Michael at the studio. And between the discussion, an important voice that comes out to give us his opinion is the chileno producer Humberto Gatica, who worked with MJ in the albums Thriller, Bad and Invincible, and he affirms from Los Angeles: " I have no doubts that is Michael's voice. I know his voice very well and I know the details of his voice. It's normal that a lot of people thinks that it's not his voice, because it's very weak in this song.

Breakings news its part of the Michael album, that will be released next december 14 and incluides a dozen of unpublished compositions, songs that michael did and that sony is releasing as part of an agreement for 250 million dolars. Gatica also collaborated on this project: " I delivered for songs that I worked for four weeks.

I don't know if the songs I worked in are going to be in the album, I don't have that information yet. About the single released yesterted. Gatica has a bad impression. " On the album there are a lot o much better songs than breaking news, that has no conviction, I can tell that this song was made very fast and need more energy and strenght. I found this song very week and I don't know if this is going to be on the radio... All I can say that the rest of the material in the album is much better than this song. The songs that I worked in are more rhythmic and aggressive

Guys Breaking News is just one song, and for some reason it's not the first single, let's wait for the album, I have a feeling that it's going to be great.

And stop thinking so much about this song, forget it, I think good things are coming


I translate this, sorry for my english I did my best
Re: "Breaking News" All Discussion Here [Merged]

I say if I have to rethink if a track is Michael Jackson (within seconds of first hearing it) than it is not Michael Jackson..or "Jacksiin" lol but seriously..It's not completely Michael on Breaking News and a couple other leaked tracks.
Re: "Breaking News" All Discussion Here [Merged]

To those who think Michael sung Breaking News:

Do you think "Mamacita" is also a Michael Jackson track? YouTube it if you don't know what i'm talking about. "Michael Jackson - Mamacita" in the YouTube search engine, then get back to me.

No, I don't think it's an MJ track. Jason Malachi could not hold a candle to Michael Jackson, and sounds nothing like Michael Jackson. Breaking News does not sound like Jason Malachi; simple fact is the song was sung by Michael Jackson.

Sure some of the background vocals are not his and the song is layered, but that's MJ singing. Anyone who didn't think that they were going to tweak some songs and complete others. I think Teddy did a great job and it's a great modern-day MJ track. Is it a MASTERPIECE? No. But i don't think that's possible from a demo.

Would some fans have been happier if they hadn't touched it and just put it on the album in complete demo form? Probably so. I'm not one of them. Teddy Riley put some serious funk and soul into this song, and it's worlds above 90% of music that's out right now, IMO. Would I like to hear the original demo? Sure, and I hope that they at least put it as a bonus track or downloadable extra or something like that.

But I won't be heartbroken if they dont. I truly feel and believe that it is MJ. I've played it literally more than 150 times since it was released and I'm enjoying it more and more. It's NEW MJ! My God, it's been 2 years since HMH leaked. A lot of you have ruined the excitement of this release for yourselves... hope you don't regret it.

Don't make me out to be a fool just because I don't agree with what you're saying. There's so many people on this forum are quick to make someone that does believe in this out to be an idiot, or not a true fan, or a Malachi-fan. These same people are quick to put up "fake" "fake" "fake" posts at every turn, and place boycott banners in their posts for an album that does not even have a CONFIRMED TRACK LISTING.

Truly sickening, and in some ways makes we wonder what this fandom is coming to. There are some great MJ fans, but there are a lot that need to take pause at their actions and how they are displaying them, because in the end, they're only going to end up looking like fools.

I've ranted enough... and I'm sure plenty will have things to say questioning my validity as an MJ fan... but you know what?

As MJ said... "Don't turn your back on the L.O.V.E..."
Re: "Breaking News" All Discussion Here [Merged]

Here's my two cents: Many fans here are frustrated because they desperately want a new 'Michael Jackson' album..no matter what. And I understand your frustration. I swear I remember as far back as 2006 when many fans including myself were seriously under the impression that the new album was going to come out that year and we were especially excited after the Access Hollywood interview with MJ and will.i.am in the studio in Ireland because we really believed that the album was just around the corner. We quite honestly continued to truly believe that the album would come out in 2007 and again in 2008 and again in 2009. When MJ announced the This Is It tour..we were like ok, right when he finishes it, he'll release his new album.

My point is..we all have been anticipating a new MJ album very desperately for too long. But the fact of the matter is. An album full of fake vocals is quite simply NOT a Michael Jackson album. If you like the songs and want to listen to them anyway, that's totally fine, after all MJ isn't the only person on the planet who makes good music. HOWEVER, there is absolutely no reason for ANY fan to be hating on the rest of us who simply aren't giving in to this whole mess. I and I'm sure many others would simply rather not have a new MJ album and simply cherish the music we already have, rather than buy an album by someone else.

I mean cmon guys, if there is a song that is neither sung by Michael Jackson, written by him, composed by him, arranged by him, mixed by him, or produced by him...then how the hell is it defined as a Michael Jackson track? He has about as much creative input in it as he does in Justin Bieber's new song...aka..nothing. The definition of a Michael Jackson SONG is that it is SUNG by Michael Jackson. Even if everything else including music and mixing is done by someone else..it's still called a Michael Jackson song..even if its completely horrible..its still a Michael Jackson song. But if he doesn't even SING on it...then.....need I say more???
Re: "Breaking News" All Discussion Here [Merged]

Few new comments from Teddy Rilley on twitter:

I'm still here and I'm will never run from the truth. You will see a series of statements and the truth will be told...Cont.
I wanna thank everyone on here for the support and knowing I sincerely did this for my best friend and mentor...Cont.
Michael taught me well...all I can do is be still. Haters minds will change, the loving people will love more...Cont.
Michael did so much for so many people, including family. He pulled away from them all, except the true ones. This is about to get ugly!!
fxfan;3063492 said:
Guys ok, everyone has a different opinion I think it's time for some good news, I already post this before, but im going to do it again

Productor chileno que trabajó con Jackson valida autenticidad de tema póstumo

Ante tales reacciones, Sony emitió un comunicado oficial, asegurando que confían "completamente" en los resultados de su exhaustiva investigación y en las personas que estuvieron en el estudio con Jackson. Y en medio de la discusión, una voz importante que sale a dar su visión es la del productor chileno Humberto Gatica, que trabajó con el fallecido intérprete en los álbumes Thriller, Bad e Invincible, y asegura desde Los Angeles: "No me cabe duda que es la voz de Michael. La conozco muy bien y sé de sus detalles. Es normal que a mucha gente le parezca que no es su voz, porque aparece muy débil".

Breaking news es parte del disco Michael, que será editado el próximo 14 de diciembre e incluye una media docena de composiciones inéditas, trabajos que Jackson dejó en el camino y que Sony publica como parte del acuerdo por US$ 250 millones al que llegó con los albaceas del cantante. Gatica también colaboró en este proyecto: "Entregué cuatro temas que los trabajé durante cuatro semanas.

"No sé si finalmente estarán en el álbum, no me lo han informado". En cuanto al single lanzado ayer, el ingeniero tiene una mala impresión: "En el disco hay muchas mejores canciones que ésta, que no tiene demasiada convicción, se nota que está hecha muy a la rápida y le falta fuerza. La encuentro muy débil y no sé qué pasará a nivel de radios... Sólo puedo decir que el resto del material del disco es mucho mejor que el single. Las canciones que pasé yo son más rítmicas y agresivas".

Because of the reactions, Sony made an official anoucemnet, confirming that they trust in the results of the investigation and in the peolple that were with Michael at the studio. And between the discussion, an important voice that comes out to give us his opinion is the chileno producer Humberto Gatica, who worked with MJ in the albums Thriller, Bad and Invincible, and he affirms from Los Angeles: " I have no doubts that is Michael's voice. I know his voice very well and I know the details of his voice. It's normal that a lot of people thinks that it's not his voice, because it's very weak in this song.

Breakings news its part of the Michael album, that will be released next december 14 and incluides a dozen of unpublished compositions, songs that michael did and that sony is releasing as part of an agreement for 250 million dolars. Gatica also collaborated on this project: " I delivered for songs that I worked for four weeks.

I don't know if the songs I worked in are going to be in the album, I don't have that information yet. About the single released yesterted. Gatica has a bad impression. " On the album there are a lot o much better songs than breaking news, that has no conviction, I can tell that this song was made very fast and need more energy and strenght. I found this song very week and I don't know if this is going to be on the radio... All I can say that the rest of the material in the album is much better than this song. The songs that I worked in are more rhythmic and aggressive

Guys Breaking News is just one song, and for some reason it's not the first single, let's wait for the album, I have a feeling that it's going to be great.

And stop thinking so much about this song, forget it, I think good things are coming


"Gatica also collaborated on this project: " I delivered for songs that I worked for four weeks."

Enough said. He is not unbiased.
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