yeah, and especially during his life! They wanted him dead to capitalize his death and make more money without financing videos. Bet they were salivating toward this.....
Also they didn't have anymore faith in him. After History and BOTDF, they tried to pressure him immensely. They wanted radio friendly songs not like in History.... Invincible is the result, and even so I adore this album. Mike was there for extravagant mixing, for extraordinary singing, background vocals, everything is polished perfectly.
History was natural point of musical evolution where Mike was, I've also heard that he composed clasical music. A producer from England has now music for a clasical cd. Sony didn't approach him!
They wanted to box Mike in something 'hot' and radio friendly.... That's why Mike wasn't encouraged to release.... all those years ( exception of course for the trials and year after, he couldnt ) he was rushed to work with hot producers as Will I Am and Akon. And Mike, weakened by trial, harsh critics, he tried and tried..... I think nothing probably notable came out of those collaborations....
Also they were ashamed of his recent appearance/face. All recent musical covers are sketches, or paintings...... Do they think we are that stupid to not observe this???:smilerolleyes:
They made him waste his precious time on Earth with their stupidity. The same with touring and making many many concerts in England.
If Mike wouldn't been pressured to sign that contract, today he would be very much alike, and probably with an album out. :no: The insomnia would have not gotten worse, and Murray would not appear in Mike house. Cause and effect....
Instead of treasuring him, of buying him a record studio on his birthday, encourage to compose and record comfortably, more and more, in his free natural style.... They gave him pressure, stress, bad advices, pushed him in wrong directions ( touring ) making him loosing time with sub par producers. Akon is not on Mike level, Will I am the same....
Now I see that even Teddy Riley is so off......
I completely know NOW who was the real man behind all, even the mixing. Simple, Michael Jackson.
When he is not here, they are doing a mess including Teddy Riley. Ignore the voice for a while and look at the mixing. Where are the REAL instruments?? Where is the extravagant, extraordinary mixing that Mike would have been content with?? :doh: