Blanket's Birthday...[Donation button added on Post #13]

And Friday is now :D So it will be delivered today then? Wasn't Prince's present delivered before midday so is it the same for Blanki?
I don't know what time it will be delivered. We are using a different company this time so the rules may be different... I hope ElleBella will let us know! :D I can't wait! :D
Ah, ok I thought it was the same company :) I'm sure she'll let us know when she has time to come online!
The gifts will arrive today, and I will get an E-mail once the gifts have been delivered.
I wonder if you even received my donation that I sent when you opened this thread ??? :D My bank says you received it but I never got a confirmation email or something. I really hope the family would accept the gift. They are not used to this kind of attention as Michael was. We can’t blame them it could be for security reasons they don’t accept anything. MJ had his gift room in Neverland and he had soooo many things there it could be enough for several homes.
The E-mail have messed up, if you want PM me your E-mail and I'll look to see. Some donations were put on a hold because of issues with Pay Pal, they said they fixed everything but who knows.
Did you get an email about the gifts being accepted? :)
Well, we aren't ordering from FTD again. I had the order set to be delivered Friday, I did everything the same for Blanket as it was for Prince I called FTD to get the number to the local flower shop that would be doing the balloons. I got the address from them, then ordered the shoe. The shoe was going to be delivered to the flower shop, that way they would be able to deliver everything together. In order for that, she asked me to ship it over night to make sure that they would have in on time. No problem, it was going to be delivered either Thursday evening/early Friday morning. Yesterday at around 4:30 she called me saying she there was no shoe. I put in the tracking number and it wasn't even in California yet! I called FTD saying we paid for OVERNIGHT for a reason. LONG story short, we got money back and yesterday the balloons, teddy bear and card were delivered AND accepted by security, today the shoe is set to arrive at the shop around 11 and will be delivered shortly after. Sorry everyone for the mistake!
Well, we aren't ordering from FTD again. I had the order set to be delivered Friday, I did everything the same for Blanket as it was for Prince I called FTD to get the number to the local flower shop that would be doing the balloons. I got the address from them, then ordered the shoe. The shoe was going to be delivered to the flower shop, that way they would be able to deliver everything together. In order for that, she asked me to ship it over night to make sure that they would have in on time. No problem, it was going to be delivered either Thursday evening/early Friday morning. Yesterday at around 4:30 she called me saying she there was no shoe. I put in the tracking number and it wasn't even in California yet! I called FTD saying we paid for OVERNIGHT for a reason. LONG story short, we got money back and yesterday the balloons, teddy bear and card were delivered AND accepted by security, today the shoe is set to arrive at the shop around 11 and will be delivered shortly after. Sorry everyone for the mistake!
Aww too bad there was probems but at least they're now delivered :) Thanks again ElleBella for all your work!
oh my god, when I saw such a huge reply from ElleBella I instantly had a heart attack thinking the security didn't accept the gift!! Then I took a loooong breath and read the reply lol! Thank god it got sorted out in the end!!! And Blanket received his gift! YAY!! :wild:

ElleBella, thanks again for doing such wonderful job for all of us here, you are amazing! :clapping:

I think next time we should stick with the first company (the one we chose for Prince's gift), since they proved to be professional.
Well, we aren't ordering from FTD again. I had the order set to be delivered Friday, I did everything the same for Blanket as it was for Prince I called FTD to get the number to the local flower shop that would be doing the balloons. I got the address from them, then ordered the shoe. The shoe was going to be delivered to the flower shop, that way they would be able to deliver everything together. In order for that, she asked me to ship it over night to make sure that they would have in on time. No problem, it was going to be delivered either Thursday evening/early Friday morning. Yesterday at around 4:30 she called me saying she there was no shoe. I put in the tracking number and it wasn't even in California yet! I called FTD saying we paid for OVERNIGHT for a reason. LONG story short, we got money back and yesterday the balloons, teddy bear and card were delivered AND accepted by security, today the shoe is set to arrive at the shop around 11 and will be delivered shortly after. Sorry everyone for the mistake!

It's not your fault Ella:no: They messed it up, you don't have to apologize thanks for the work you put in :)
The shoe is going to be delivered today though right? I'm glad the ballons, card and bear got accepted, hopefully Blanket will get the stuff :wub::)
Thanks everyone.
I just got a call saying it was delivered and someone from security brought it in. So accepted yay!
Thank you EllaBella for every thing you did. It was not your fault.We are waiting for Paris Birthday project.
Can you guys just imagine what it would be like if MJ was still here and he saw the gifts coming in for Prince and Blanket? He would be so happy!!
Thank you so much ElleBella :) hope Blanket love our gift :D
i read on the FB page of Michael Jackson Fans of Southern California that two fans brought gifts for Blanket personally to the Encino home and a guard came out and asked the family if he could bring in the gifts inside and they said yes so he brought everything inside and a source told to one of the fans that the kids were allowed to eat the candy: "Blanket loved the Transformer Bag, Prince and Paris Attacked the Dum DUM Lolly Pops and all the brothers LOVED the Jackson 5 Valentine Card, Especially Marlon :)"

i hope they liked also our gifts:)
Ellabella you are wonderful, thank you so much. xxxxxx

Can you guys just imagine what it would be like if MJ was still here and he saw the gifts coming in for Prince and Blanket? He would be so happy!!
........and if I delivered it, he would've given one great big smile, that of a grateful parent.....and let me take a pic with him.....and he'd tell me how wonderful I am.....then I'd swoon, panic and forget all about why I was wish MJ2 a HAPPY B'day;D
I also sent over a cookie bouquet and was told it was accepted!
Hey everyone!
Just talked to a friend who knows the family, she said the gifts were indeed accepted and they were all given to the kids. She said she was told they all loved them! Great job everyone!
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