Big Australian TV Alert: Rage: Michael Jackson


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
rage: Michael Jackson

You wanted it, you got it. rage will have a mammoth tribute night on Michael Jackson on Saturday August 1st.

It begins with a one hour teaser at 10am in the morning, before the full tribute begins later that night at 11:45pm.

rage promises no interruptions, only full length clips, archive rarities, interview footage and much more spanning over 40 years of Michael Jackson’s prolific career.

It includes rare footage of Jackson performing his earliest hits, interview footage with the Jackson family from the 1970s, plus favourite clips from the Jackson Five.

The tribute includes rare footage from Countdown including exclusive interviews with Jackson, and even Molly Meldrum dressed in ghoulish zombie makeup to celebrate the release of Thriller.

High budget, epic clips were Jackson’s signature and rage will show his clips in all their cinematic glory including Bad and Thriller. The clip for Liberian Girl has 30 celebrity cameos. There are duets with his sister Janet plus Michael Jordan and the iconic We are the World.

The hour-long preview starts at 10am on Saturday, August 1. Repeat screening at 5pm on ABC2. Then the full tribute starts at 11:45pm on Saturday night, ABC1.

To find out more about the special visit the rage website – the full playlist for the special will be posted at on Friday 31st July.
I can't wait to see the playlist! I'll have to get my sister to set the IQ, and also record it on VHS. We have a DVD recorder but it's not set up lol. Plus I'm away so I won't be able to do it ugh!
I'm excited! :D Thanks heaps, Pez.

I'm really looking forward to the 70s and other rare interview footage.
So there'll be a 1-hour teaser/trailer at 10am Saturday.
lol @ a duet with Michael Jordan. I hope they're talking about Jam. :lol:
Do we know how long the "full tribute" starting at 11:45 that night will go for?
Daaaaaamn.. ok, maybe I'll have to see this :D

Doesn't rage go on all night? Or until 6am or something? I don't know, it always cures my insomnia so I've never been able to watch it till the end :lol:
I saw this on Max Jax. I will be recording this in HQ.
Yay!! I was one of the people who wrote in thier guestbook saying that they need to do a full show dedicated to Michael!
Looks like it worked.

I'm gonna be watching this and taping it! :)

I'm most looking forward to the rare stuff of course. i'm pretty sure they're talking about the "jam" video re. the michael jordon duet lol.
Excellent! I don't know if I could take staying up all night though! I'm busy the whole weekend during the day. And I recently got rid of my VCR so I can't tape it! I wish rage was on at normal hours!
Yeh i'll properly have to get it taped.

That is unless i'll have to make my self wake up!!!! lol
Its been many years I think since the last Michael-marathon on Rage. Its times like this I wish I had a DVD recorder with harddrive so I could tape it all in one go and then later record to DVD. I'm going to try and stay up and watch it all if I can and record onto DVD discs - I'll format them prior so hopefully I only miss out on one or two songs while changing discs. I'm assuming they will play all the videos so that's something like 5 or 6 hours all up (especially if they play some of the extended versions of videos like Thriller, Black or White, Bad, etc).
oh this only on ABC1 - so only HD??? I don't have HD! :(

This is on ABC1 which is normal ABC (eg, channel 2). It is ABC2 and the up-coming ABC3 that you'll need a digital or HD tuner to view though.

ABCHD is just for HD and is pretty much 95% a copy of ABC1 just with better picture quality.
Australian fans : MJ Special on Rage Aug 1st

There's an MJ special on music program Rage on ABC that is set to air on 1st of August. I think it'll start at its usual time at midnight but im not sure.
I can't wait!!
Re: Australian fans : MJ Special on Rage Aug 1st

I remember seeing another thread about this somewhere on this site, but I thank you for the reminder. I dont have a Harddrive DVD recorder but I'm hoping to stay up and attempt to record as much of the special as possible as its been many years since the last one and I've heard they have access to a lot of rare material including archival material from the old 80's Countdown show that Molly Meldrum hosted.
Re: Australian fans : MJ Special on Rage Aug 1st

:O What!?
Im hoping they will play more of his obscure stuff rather thant he obvious ones that gets played all the time eg. Billie Jean
Re: Australian fans : MJ Special on Rage Aug 1st

From what I read on the other thread about this special they have the rights to rare Jackson 5 material as well as Countdown footage from around the time when Thriller was released. I'm assuming it will go all night as I think they need around 6 hours or so to play all the videos, including the longform versions of Bad, Thriller, etc. I'm hoping I can stay awake to record it, but by changing discs every 2 hours I'll miss some of the songs. Ideally I wish I had a harddrive dvd recorder but I cant afford one of those. Would be cool though!
I gotta keep remembering this cause I can't set it to record until tomorrow :lol: and I just know I'mma forget
What? IQ and...I don't even know what a TV card is.
My only option is to stay up/wake up and sit there with a remote control in my hand. :lol:
IQ is a device some Foxtel subscribers use. Its basically a Harddrive storage device that you can record to instead of recording to dvd disc. I bet this will be on ebay too - because about 2 weeks ago I saw a seller on there selling one of the old Michael Jackson rage specials for something like $100 and there will be so many people recording this special. I'm expecting that it will go all night and contain every single music video as well as some Countdown interviews/footage. Me? I'll be recording to dvd disc in sp mode (which is 2 hours per disc) so in between changing discs I'll miss some songs but I think its better than recording it to vhs because the quality would be much worse on vhs and i dont use my vhs much anymore.
IQ is a device some Foxtel subscribers use. Its basically a Harddrive storage device that you can record to instead of recording to dvd disc. I bet this will be on ebay too - because about 2 weeks ago I saw a seller on there selling one of the old Michael Jackson rage specials for something like $100 and there will be so many people recording this special. I'm expecting that it will go all night and contain every single music video as well as some Countdown interviews/footage. Me? I'll be recording to dvd disc in sp mode (which is 2 hours per disc) so in between changing discs I'll miss some songs but I think its better than recording it to vhs because the quality would be much worse on vhs and i dont use my vhs much anymore.
Wow, krism. I didn't expect anyone to actually explain it to me, but thankyou. :D I only know how to record on VHS so that's what I'll do.
*sigh* 22 and out of the technology loop already. :lol:

Anyway, can't wait. I'm expecting the 3 interviews Molly did with Michael.
Hopefully a lot of J5 footage too if we're lucky.