Beyonce Leak Samples DSTYGE - Listen!

i appreciate that she loves MJ. i'd like the track....if she and her company kept their mouth shut, and just left the MJ part on there.

music really misses MJ. when he's not involved in it, it's dead. there's just no doubt about it. and the other artists must realize it, cus they keep tryin to jump on his bandwagon, so they'd get noticed.

REP POINTS FOR YOU HUN... that's truth right there!

I think i should be black, but inside i feel we are all the same anyway, whites, blacks, yellow, green, red, we are all the same, we are HUMAN

Did you just say that you think you should be black? :lol: That's kinda cute! What makes you say that?

its just my opinion.. but I think some artist like Beyonce thinks since Michael is gone.. his crown is available............but my feeling is.. he took his crown with him...

their is no vacancy in music for another "Michael Jackson".. their was just one and that is it...

Rep points for you too! There will never be another.

And I really have no comment on the song. It's pretty obvious that it was "leaked" (or perhaps recently created) to create buzz for her using Michael's music. It's pretty pathetic actually. But whatever. Let the kids dance. Today's music scene is pathetic so.... yeah.
...I understand MJ was the "music" the "soul" in the music industry but I think artists need to find their own tune now. No one can possibly sing MJ songs or reinvent the songs without failing. If they love MJ so much, they should try to pay they respects or use the feelings the loss created for creating something new in memory of MJ. If they would have ever learned something from MJ, they would not be redoing his stuff. Instead they would be inventing something new. (in memory of MJ)...but I am sure this becomes a hit because all MJ related is the "coolest" thing at the moment.
The song is kinda..... O_O
Omg Beyonce make you own song :p
I dont like that.. only MJ is good!
It's not an official song so I won't wind my mind up on this. Not a fan of the vocals but sampling has been done for ages and it's nothing new. It prob won't be on an album.
I like Beyonce but I'm not a fan of this. No one can even attempt to sample or cover MJ songs because it just doesn't work. MJ's passing really blew a hole in the music industry. The standard that he set was not just high but out of this world high and no one can live up to it. His passing emphasised that even further. As I've always said there's Michael Jackson and then there's everyone else.
its like how swv did human nature in the 90`s..but theirs was so good..dstuge by beyonce might grow onto me later, but i heard it just once right now, its ... no the laughing part?? eww.
i like beyonce but she cant eff with a CLASSIC! that was horrible
ewww . I like alot of her other stuff but...what the?
& the way she does that laugh stuff...not good.
I love Beyonce. I actually kinda got in the groove to that! :lol: But yeah, only cuz it's DSTYGE. It's not that terrible though.
Well I just hope that the Estate makes that royalty money.

Personally, I really don't like this. It sounds cheap & too synthesized.

"let's hook up, gimme some some of that stuff" is that "Black Culture?"

I wonder what Dr. MLK, Jr., Malcolm X, Duke Ellington, Louie Armstrong, Ella Fitzgerald, Count Basie or Rosa Parks would say about this song.

Note to Beyonce: You can SING. You can DANCE. You are GORGEOUS. Please hire more creative producers to work your music - and make your OWN thing.

This is NO tribute to MJ. This is a ripoff.
Yes and tupac - letter to my unborn child !


Letter to My Unborn Child is the BEST MJ sample, EVER. Liberian Girl!!!

And what I love about it is that - Tupac made that track & made something so different with it.

RIP MJ & TUPAC - I sure hope you guys are hanging out together & making beautiful music up in heaven!
There's SWV's song where they sample human nature is my fave , there are a lot of songs that I like that sample MJ. Not this one of course, It's not bad but I don't like it.
Oh yes, can't believe I forgot about that!

The new Bone Thugs song is also a beautiful sample. It's a shame Michael's estate blocked it from being on their album.

i don't ever remember Michael restricting the use of his music from being sampled. i worry, sometimes about those who took over MJ's decision making.
i don't ever remember Michael restricting the use of his music from being sampled. i worry, sometimes about those who took over MJ's decision making.

I believe they had the song in the works prior to his death and it was going to be cleared but then he died and his estate blocked it.
First time I've heard this, a superb song!

This was the shit when I was a kid - they played it non stop on the radio.
It's produced by Teddy Riley, and it's Pharrell Williams that does all those extra "the s... the double... u..." vocals.