Beyonce Leak Samples DSTYGE - Listen!

Re: Beyone Leak Samples DSTGE - Listen!

WOah what the hell. Thats so weird.. and its nowhere near as good as DSTGE!
Re: Beyone Leak Samples DSTGE - Listen!

it's not that bad. but I don't like it :p
Re: Beyone Leak Samples DSTGE - Listen!

damn...why do these artists do this....
Re: Beyone Leak Samples DSTGE - Listen!

Notice the ugly bass added. Whyyy.
Re: Beyone Leak Samples DSTGE - Listen!

In the words of Chandler Bing; oh dear god.
Re: Beyone Leak Samples DSTGE - Listen!

Crap. Michael's music is the only thing good.. Why can't these artists Make their own stamp?
Re: Beyone Leak Samples DSTGE - Listen!

WTF is that? :mello:
Re: Beyonce Leak Samples DSTGE - Listen!

I read its meant to be some sort of a tribute?

I like Beyonce but I don't like this song.. maybe it'll grow on me.. then again perhaps not :mello:. The laughing sounds weird..and the lyrics aren't up to much... REALLY poor compared to her other songs.

I don't think MJs songs should be touched by anyone else :no:
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Re: Beyone Leak Samples DSTGE - Listen!

.... eemmm.... well... :ermm: whatever, she's got a beutiful voice.
But don't touch the original, please :)
Re: Beyone Leak Samples DSTGE - Listen!

"I am black culture"

Really? -_-

Wait, maybe she didn't mean it that way...never mind.
Re: Beyone Leak Samples DSTGE - Listen!

^ she also said 'you are black culture' and 'we are black culture' ..

Sometimes 'black culture' is used in a negative way for example here -

So perhaps the song is hitting back at the negativity surrounding the term..?

I dunooo..
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Re: Beyone Leak Samples DSTGE - Listen!

Sounds like a demo. Sounds like something she made for Sasha Fierce but didn't like it. Gives me a bit of Video Phone vibe.

As an instrumental, I like it. but the vocals don't work with it.
Re: Beyone Leak Samples DSTGE - Listen!

uh-no....Sounds like a party jam, but for real peeps need to leave classics alone unless they can make a version better than the original.

This is NOT it. Nice try tho' B.
Re: Beyone Leak Samples DSTGE - Listen!

i appreciate that she loves MJ. i'd like the track....if she and her company kept their mouth shut, and just left the MJ part on there.

music really misses MJ. when he's not involved in it, it's dead. there's just no doubt about it. and the other artists must realize it, cus they keep tryin to jump on his bandwagon, so they'd get noticed.
Re: Beyone Leak Samples DSTGE - Listen!

Well, that is soooo DSTYGE. In the news section, there was an article and there was no confirmation that Beyonce sampled the song even though this song is produced by Quincy Jones. . .ick! Sorry, I have problems with Quincy.

But Beyonce said in the Number Ones DVD that Off the Wall was her most favorite album/record, so I am no surprised that she is trying to sample off off of the album.

Too bad the lyrics suck. She is trying to do something new and different and her next album is described as 'Indie'.
Re: Beyone Leak Samples DSTGE - Listen!

Well, that is soooo DSTYGE. In the news section, there was an article and there was no confirmation that Beyonce sampled the song even though this song is produced by Quincy Jones. . .ick! Sorry, I have problems with Quincy.

But Beyonce said in the Number Ones DVD that Off the Wall was her most favorite album/record, so I am no surprised that she is trying to sample off off of the album.

Too bad the lyrics suck. She is trying to do something new and different and her next album is described as 'Indie'.

Correct me if I'm wrong but didn't Michael composed and made the beat (with Randy's help) on his own. I heard the home demo and it was just as good as the finished product. Quincy was really lucky. Michael made his job easier as a producer.
Re: Beyone Leak Samples DSTGE - Listen!

I loved it, Michael really liked her by the way, she was one of his favorites from nowadays
Re: Beyone Leak Samples DSTGE - Listen!

I think i should be black, but inside i feel we are all the same anyway, whites, blacks, yellow, green, red, we are all the same, we are HUMAN
its just my opinion.. but I think some artist like Beyonce thinks since Michael is gone.. his crown is available............but my feeling is.. he took his crown with him...

their is no vacancy in music for another "Michael Jackson".. their was just one and that is it...
its just my opinion.. but I think some artist like Beyonce thinks since Michael is gone.. his crown is available............but my feeling is.. he took his crown with him...

their is no vacancy in music for another "Michael Jackson".. their was just one and that is it...

that's right. you have the quote of all quotes. he took his crown with him. perhaps you should be down in that Beyonce thread in the mtmtwgr section, maybe u are, it's too big for me to look..but..that about says it all..
:hysterical:I let my brother hear it and he said it would be a good dance record sans Beyonce.:clapping:
Its near febuary, its pretty obvious to me why she chose those lyrics and sampled DSTYGE, and if this is indeed a leak, then that means it was meant to come out some time later on. And with the lyrics, I'm almost certain thats why she chose to sample DSTYGE.