Best-Selling Author to prove Jackson's innocence in TV Documentary

She is an angel. I have SO much respect for this woman. Thank you from the bottom of my heart Aphrodite! :)
Great news!!!:clapping: She's a courageous woman.

The article tells me she had a tough childhood:( I guess her own experience helped her to understand Michael as a person as well as the superstar hated by the media. I believe that kind of emotional connection did play a part in her motivation to write the book and make this documentary.
Can't wait.

Hope it will be released on DVD too.

Great news.
Will this doc be shown around the world or just the US?

How many viewers will it reach? :)

I hope so, but I wouldn't hold my breath.
The fact this has been picked up by a new station rather than a major station just goes to show that the mainstream media still wants to ignore the 'Mike is innocent' angle (at least that seems to be the case). I don't expect the shows will be picked up by major networks in other countries.
I have this book, its really worth having. I really feel her anger at the media for their attempt to recklessly destroy Michael and I really believe that she did what she felt was the right thing by speaking up. She is very brave.... not many journalists would take that risk. She is a journalist with a heart, a journalist with a moral conscience -before her I didn't think these things could co exist!!
About the TV series, I will have to check to see if I've got ID, I've got Discovery so hopefully ID is part of the same package, not sure though???
And this reminds methat i should get that book. I am glad to hear that she still fights to get the truth out there.
Its interesting to read that she had a tough childhood. I guess that people who acknowledge their own pain, are more likely to relate to Michaels story.
I've been planning to buy this book for the past year but I haven't had much extra cash. I will certainly do so asap. The reviews I've read have been great

Same here. I just ordered it from her own website. It's a little more expensive but it's autograph copy and I think she deserves all the money.
The most ironic thing about it is that they didn't sell anyway. For all his fame, books about Michael don't sell well.

Unless a book talks about his music or his musical creatures, the general public does not care. They may watch trash on tv, but they rarely bother to read about it.

You are SOOOO right. Every time I go to a store whether it be Walmart or the grocery store, I NEVER see anybody buying tabloids or books for that matter. I always make a point to watch for it while waiting in line.

This BS about : "We just give people what they want or That's what sells" is pure BULLSHHHHH*T. "They're" just trying to brainwash you into thinking that. And the only reason "They" stay in business is because of the very powerful people backing them up.

Also many haters are hired trolls by these same VIP so don't waste your time with them.
But when Jones came to write her book she hit wall after her wall. As one of the only journalists willing to admit that Jackson's 2005 trial had proven his innocence once and for all, Jones found that publishing houses were unwilling to give her a deal.

Thomas Mesereau, Jackson's defence lawyer, encountered the same problem. After the trial almost every major publishing house in the US approached him with lucrative book deals. When he maintained that Jackson was truly innocent and he wouldn't write anything to the contrary, every publishing house retracted its offer.

This kind of shit pisses me right off. It seems like companies really ONLY WANT negative stuff to say about MJ. Unbelievable.

I can't wait for the TV documentary. Hopefully this sets the record straight once and for all.
This kind of shit pisses me right off. It seems like companies really ONLY WANT negative stuff to say about MJ. Unbelievable.

I can't wait for the TV documentary. Hopefully this sets the record straight once and for all.
So true. Look at Geraldo. He was bothered when he defended Jackson but he stood his ground overall even betting to cut off his mustache if Jackson was found guilty because he just did not believe anyone would buy this lie in court.
This kind of shit pisses me right off. It seems like companies really ONLY WANT negative stuff to say about MJ. Unbelievable.

I can't wait for the TV documentary. Hopefully this sets the record straight once and for all.

I hate that too, sensationalism sucks sometimes. They always prefer publishing books that call Mike all sorts of names but never want to hear another side. This is what happens with all books on high profile cases. You have to look deep down to find a non-biased book about a high profile case. Being a true crime reader myself, I can say that from experience.
not sure if it's appropriate to post it here. if it's not please tell me and i will delete it .
I saw it on today's newspaper.
forgive me if there is any typo. I don't have time to double check it

Books Change of tune

American true-crime writer Aphrodite Jones might be expected to know something about the strains of celebrity life.She not only covered Michael Jackson's 2005 child molestation trial, but published a book about it two years later.

Even so, the 50-year-old was surprised by the intense interest that her book, Michael Jackson Conspiracy, garnered following the pop star's death on June 25."Once he died, I got flooded with calls from China, Taiwan, all over Europe including Italy, Bulgaria, Romania...the list goes on,"Jones says.Book deals rolled in and translations of Conspiracy are being printed in various European languages. In Taiwan, Leeds Publishing released the Chinese translation last month to coincide with the cinematic run of This is It, the documentary about Jackson's rehearsals for his planned London concerts. On the mainland, China Translation and Publishing Corporation issued a version in simplified characters last week.

Jones has also been inundated in recent months with requests for interviews, and her e-mail, Facebook and Twitter accounts are choked with inquiries and messages from around the world."The pressure and attention I have now is just one iota of what Jackson had. I don't know how he managed to go through all this in his life." She says “I understand Jackson even more.Now I know why he liked to be with children; they have no agenda.”

It’s a marked contrast to the cold shoulders Jones received when she broached publishers with her manuscript two years ago. Although she had several top-selling books under her belt, publishers ere uncomfortable with her sympathetic account of the pop star’s travails.“No American publisher wanted to touch it,”she says.”They said they would not publish anything pro-Michael Jackson.” Jones eventually published the book herself.“I thought Michael was a pedophile who used his money to lure parents to bring children to his home. But now I know he just had a different idea about friendship. He just wanted to entertain people and make people happy.”

Jones says that while covering the 2005 trial for Fox TV, she became “one of the media folks who had predetermined the outcome of the trial, wrongly.” “If there was a media conspiracy, I was guilty.” Jones says.“Certain reporters had slanted TV and radio coverage to suit the prosecution, and I was one of the people who followed that dangerous trend…Somehow, I had missed the truth.”Her belief in Jackson’s guilt cracked, however, when the jury unanimously acquitted him of all charges.

“Twelve independent people who had nothing to gain whatsoever could see something that nobody else in the media could see.” she says. ”It was just one of those moments of realization. ”As she read news reports about the verdict the next day, Jones recalls, she felt “ashamed to have been part of the media machine that seemed hell-bent on destroying Jackson. ”So she set about carefully reviewing all the evidence and testimony related to the trial for her book and what she found only confirmed her suspicion that the pop star had been wronged.

The Chinese translation of Conspiracy has drawn considerable attention from readers and fans. Irene Wu Wen Chi, chief editor of Leeds Publishing, says the company printed about 10,000 copies of the book and sold more than 70 per cent within one month in Taiwan. ”Reaction has been very good and we received many letters from readers thanking us for publishing the book which helped them find out about the real Michael Jackosn.” Wu says. ”Translation work began after Jackson’s death as we spotted increasing public interest in the pop star. Many youngsters were watching his performance on youtube and became Jackson fans. Those who are not fans were also keen to find out more about this musical genius.”

Weber H.W.Lai, who heads the radio and TV department at the National Taiwan University of Arts, says Jones’ book is a warning against media bias.” Modern news if often viewed not as something valuable but as cheap entertainment. Sensationalism may be profitable but it can damage the community.” Lai says. ”The author admitted her fault to reveal the true story. That’s not easy, and that’s an important ethic we should encourage.”

In Hong Kong, long-time Jackson fan IceMan Tam,40 says the Chinese translation has stirred a lot of discussion online.” It was very difficult to find this book at the beginning of November. Not many Hong Kong bookstores stocked it.” Says Tam, a clerical worker. “Fans kept calling to check hen the book would be available and now more bookstores are importing it from Taiwan. “We really appreciate what the author has done to bring justice to Michael. The book was published in 2007 when Michael was still alive. It is clear that she did not do it for money, unlike other Jackson merchandise being sold to capitalize on his death.” Tam says.“We hope more people will learn the truth about the 2005 trail and about Michael.”

Borotion Shun, manager of local book distributor New Age Culture, says sales in Hong Kong have been stronger than expected. “I initially brought in about 400 copies but have had to place orders for more,” he says. Not unexpectedly, Jones feels vindicated by the worldwide interest after Conspiracy had been largely ignored in the US. “The media has been very embarrassed about their coverage of Michael Jackson and not acknowledging any mistake sand particularly not acknowledging my book,” she says.
“The US media is not interested in anything that is going to point a finger at them. They refuse to take responsibility for anything they did to Michael Jackson.” Only the French media was willing to find out what this book was about when it was published.

Jones says she has yet to make any money from her book, but adds: “I am very happy that people finally see the truth about Michael, but is is sad it had to take his death to make it happen.”

i'm gald that the book is becoming more approachable right now and she is given more chance to spread the truth .i truly respect this woman.:)
The Chinese translation of Conspiracy has drawn considerable attention from readers and fans. Irene Wu Wen Chi, chief editor of Leeds Publishing, says the company printed about 10,000 copies of the book and sold more than 70 per cent within one month in Taiwan.

Jones says she has yet to make any money from her book, but adds: “I am very happy that people finally see the truth about Michael, but is is sad it had to take his death to make it happen.”

So they sold more than 7,000 copies of the book in one month in Taiwan alone (not to mention the thousands other copies must have been sold around the world before and since MJ's death) and she hasn't made ANY money?

IF that's true then it just goes to show that self publishing is NOT the way to go. If I sold 7,000 copies I'd expect something back for my effort. I guess very few self-published books would ever sell more than Jones' book.