Best-Selling Author to prove Jackson's innocence in TV Documentary

i don't know what you mean by hardcore, but if you mean sticking to technicalities... then in this country you INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY. So yes I AM hardcore in my unwavering position that Michael is Innocent, and so Proven in Court by 10 NOT GUILTY Verdicts.
Ummmm, I wasn't arguing about anything ;) And I certainly never implied that MJ was guilty!!! My goodness. I meant those who believe they are 'hardcore rationalists'... i.e. people who'd say that it's simply a matter of belief on the jury's part as to whether the prosecution had a good case or not. If there's reasonable doubt, then there's no conviction. And that's the stance the media harps on like mad when it's in their best interest to screw up someone's life by saying that "not guilty doesn't mean innocent". They like to paint themselves as realists so they can get away with it. Whichever way they can make more money. If it's by promoting someone's innocence they'll appeal to you emotionally and you'll hear "Oh come on, of course they didn't do something like that! Everyone can easily see they're not capable of it!" But, more commonly, if the big cash-in lies in guilt they'll say,"Hey, we weren't there, so we don't really know-- no matter what the jury says", implying that you're not being rational if you don't doubt at least a little. It's all a sick game for money.
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nothing needs proving thanks
Legally that's correct. But all you have to do is scroll down to the comments section on news stories and you'll see the awful things so many people still believe :no: I hope Aphrodite's show goes on as planned. There's always hope that enough journalists will rebel against the current system of 'anything for money' to convince the average person they're being manipulated. I can't give up that hope ~sigh~
Can't wait. I read her book and it was great and VERY eye opening. To anybody who wants to know what went on in that court room get your hands on it for real.

I think her documentary will be very honest and thorough. She was anti-Jackson before she "saw the light" so her view is even more powerful.
Legally that's correct. But all you have to do is scroll down to the comments section on news stories and you'll see the awful things so many people still believe
haters will always hate when the media has an agenda to destroy someone and brainwashes the public
In my opinion people should give this specific topic a rest and just let it die down though I doubt it will ever happen.
Ummmm, I wasn't arguing about anything ;) And I certainly never implied that MJ was guilty!!! My goodness. I meant those who believe they are 'hardcore rationalists'... i.e. people who'd say that it's simply a matter of belief on the jury's part as to whether the prosecution had a good case or not. If there's reasonable doubt, then there's no conviction. And that's the stance the media harps on like mad when it's in their best interest to screw up someone's life by saying that "not guilty doesn't mean innocent". They like to paint themselves as realists so they can get away with it. Whichever way they can make more money. If it's by promoting someone's innocence they'll appeal to you emotionally and you'll hear "Oh come on, of course they didn't do something like that! Everyone can easily see they're not capable of it!" But, more commonly, if the big cash-in lies in guilt they'll say,"Hey, we weren't there, so we don't really know-- no matter what the jury says", implying that you're not being rational if you don't doubt at least a little. It's all a sick game for money.

yes i understood you. my points are not towards you, but towards those whom you mentioned would argue against my saying he is innocent.

here is what is frustrating about those who would make such arguments, is that they are not arbitrarily talking off the cuff. they are decidedly forming public opinion.

And here's my axe to grind with the notion of doubting Michael a little bit and siding on those who made accusations:

a little history:

evan chandler's - the first accuser's father - and ring leader of those allegations leaked tape

- 7 years of follow up investigation - Sneddon keeping the original case Open for 7 years after the settlement - It was NOT closed contrary to what has been put out for general public consumption it was LEFT Open for 7 Full Years - The Maximum it could be under the law's of that day Statutory Limits. And Sneddon putting out an All Points Bulletin that if Even ONE child would step forward to make similar allegations it would be reopened. NOT One child did.

Then All the Resources unleashed after the second allegations:

- 70 cops descended on Neverland
- $4 million dollar trial (on the Tab of Santa Barbara Taxpayers)
- 5 month trial

A Common Sense Look at the 2nd Group of Accusers

Janet Arvizo - the 2nd accuser's mother - and ring leader of second set of allegations
- caught in lie after lie,2933,157620,00.html

Janet Arvizo - Proven frauder of welfare system -

Star Arvizo - the 2nd accuser's sibling - admits to perjury

Devallin Arvizo - the 2nd accuser's other sibling - confides in a NVL employee before the
allegations are ever made that her mother is planning something big against Michael
Court Document:

There is more than enough evidence to show that Michael Jackson was an EASY TARGET and NOT what he was portrayed as by media, late night television hosts, talk show hosts, comedians, other Singers, Law and Order popular Television show and just about every other known form of "media" persusasion - and yet.. even now there are people feeling the need to take up the crusade to Prove his innocence. Truth is available... hard core common sense is low hanging fruit... and has been... these articles and documents are from the time that the events happened in... not recent... and yet... the perception is Not the Truth
but the LIES.
n my opinion people should give this specific topic a rest and just let it die down though I doubt it will ever happen.

ppl are making their money will theres still a big intrest. only intrest i have is if JC came out.
haters will always hate when the media has an agenda to destroy someone and brainwashes the public

very true, each celebrity has an amount of haters that cannot be convinced to think otherwise.
However when it comes to mj there are those who aren't haters but are skeptical when it comes to these rumors, one can only hope these type of shows will help them :)
very true, each celebrity has an amount of haters that cannot be convinced to think otherwise.
However when it comes to mj there are those who aren't haters that don't really know what to believe concerning these rumors, one can only hope these type of shows will help them :)

Yeah, I told you about me own personal account on this subject.

While it is true, haters will always be haters, the vast majority is just ignorance. They didn't follow the case and looked to the news media for their information. It is the media's' job to be unbais and give the truth to the people, because the average person is too busy to take time out of their lives to go research a celebrity case. Especially a celebrity you do not particular care for.

However, the general public for Michael has changed from his death. This is mostly caused by the public outpouring of grief as well as the tears shred by his daughter at his memorial. For the general public, a pedo could never have effected a child like that and it made people take a harder look at Michael.
Can't wait. I read her book and it was great and VERY eye opening. To anybody who wants to know what went on in that court room get your hands on it for real.

I think her documentary will be very honest and thorough. She was anti-Jackson before she "saw the light" so her view is even more powerful.

totally agree about everything you said!
Things like this are encouraging and positive. I just hope people watch.

It seems to me the ones who really need to watch never do.

That's because they LIKE believing the worse of MJ.

Jordan Chandler and any other accusers could hold a network televised press conference and finally tell the truth, denouce themselves for making false allegations, and apologize to Michael and his family, but many will still say they don't believe it. That's just how it is with some folks, and nothing will change their minds.

So that's more about THEM, and has little to do with MJ, except that he is a world reknown very loved figure, and hating on him, somehow makes them feel better about their own stuff!

Plus, some just don't want to admit they were wrong. That takes courage.

But the documentary is fantastic news. Now, I have two things to look forward to regarding the King. The "This Is It "DVD with all the extra goodies and a truthful documentary. It's enough to make an obsessed MJ fan howl OWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!
so what day wil this tv documentary air? and will it ibe in the US?
Part of the problem in this society is that many skim the news, hear things, aren't fans and don't read further into things so what do they know but what they are told.

Let me ask those of you who don't understand why people don't believe in his innocence.

Do you all believe that OJ Simpson was actually not guilty?
This is great. I just hope it reaches out to a lot of people. I loved miss Jones' book.
Part of the problem in this society is that many skim the news, hear things, aren't fans and don't read further into things so what do they know but what they are told.

Let me ask those of you who don't understand why people don't believe in his innocence.

Do you all believe that OJ Simpson was actually not guilty?

what's OJ to do with Michael?
what's OJ to do with Michael?

I was responding to another post above mine that simply said something about being found not guilty and why don't people believe it.

It was not a comparison of the men but of the outcomes of the trials.....

........forget it.

Answer: Nothing.
Excellent. Her book is so good and I was happy to see it in Barnes and Noble, which is where I got it. Unfortunately, I don't think I get the channel this documentary will air on, so I hope someone uploads it to YouTube.
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:clapping: You rock Aphrodite
You know, It's really disappointing that she will probably never get the chance to show a documentary like this on one of the major U.S. networks, that EVERYONE gets and can watch. You know, like ABC, the channel that aired Bashir's crud.
I feel like I need to run around screaming to let out some emotion. I am sooo mad with the media world. Thank god for this lady! The fact that one of those trash books had to admit it made crap up under oath proves everything if only everyone could know! It is so so sad that to get a book deal you had to be writing about Michael's supposed guilt. That is awful! That highlights a huge problem that we have in this world and it makes me very sad. I am very thankful for anyone who stands up against this. Why are people so money hungry? It really is the root of all evil.. the love of money. sigh.

Thank you for posting this! This is great news :)
I feel like I need to run around screaming to let out some emotion. I am sooo mad with the media world. Thank god for this lady! The fact that one of those trash books had to admit it made crap up under oath proves everything if only everyone could know! It is so so sad that to get a book deal you had to be writing about Michael's supposed guilt. That is awful! That highlights a huge problem that we have in this world and it makes me very sad. I am very thankful for anyone who stands up against this. Why are people so money hungry? It really is the root of all evil.. the love of money. sigh.

Thank you for posting this! This is great news :)

The most ironic thing about it is that they didn't sell anyway. For all his fame, books about Michael don't sell well.

Unless a book talks about his music or his musical creatures, the general public does not care. They may watch trash on tv, but they rarely bother to read about it.