Thriller. Thriller. Thriller.
The absolute perfect album. Michael has so much energy here, and you can hear that smile in his voice when he sings. His range on this album is just astounding. Listen to Baby Be Mine (which is so underrated) and he's just got so much command and strength in his vocal ability. I could listen to this album for eternity and never be sick of it. I can't put into words how good it is. It was the first album to really show case Michael's true ability - a chameleon when it comes to mastering different musical genres. Thriller has a bit of everything, and retains that classic smooth sound without becoming too dated.
I think in a way limiting Michael to just 9 tracks ensured that the best possible material would appear on the album. It's the same case with Bad. Hit after hit after hit. I do love the freedom that Michael gained with the creation of the CD (in regards to space) but Thriller is just such a wonderful record that I don't ever think it could be topped. Dangerous had its flaws. I do like the NJS style but three of those tracks TBH are forgettable. I think if SDMW, WYWTOM and ICLHGA were excluded - the album would be a lot tighter in my opinion. Maybe then Someone Put Your Hand Out could have been included - a beautiful love song which Dangerous really lacked.
After Thriller, my favourite (or at least most listened to album) would be Invincible. Maybe it's my love for that smooth RnB sound or the great amount of love songs on there - but this album has a special place in my heart. It was also the first Michael Jackson studio album that I ever bought. It's criminally underrated and I listen to it almost everyday looking for new passages of magic that I may have missed on first listen. The album has always fascinated me most for some reason. Could Invincible have been stronger? Yes. IMO it needed Escape, We've Had Enough and Blue Gangster - possibly in replacement for the middle section of the album (I'd replace DWA, Privacy .. and not sure about the last one). The album just lacked that classic, high tempo, up-beat Jackson sound at some points. I still love the album dearly - but this is where it slips up a little.
Thriller for me however is flawless. Absolutely flawless. This is why it's my number one; and always will be.