Australian heatwave/bushfires... some MJJC members directly affected

Fire fury as man charged
AN accused arsonist charged over a bushfire that killed 21 people was last night isolated behind bars under the tight security.
Fears for the safety of the 39-year-old Latrobe Valley man led to a court ban on reporting his identity or clues to who he was.

Fears for his safety?? :angry:
yeah he hasn't been found guilty yet, soooo... he wont like the next 25+ years of his life when/if he is found guilty... gonna be in for a world of hurt.
aww too cute she has a boyfriend!! :) :)

Hey everyone,

I thought I'd share my thoughts and feelings with you all since I havn't really put anything into writing yet regarding the recent life changing events.

I talk about Black Saturday alot because I feel I need to, everybody has their own methods of feeling a little better, and this is mine. Like I said to Earle yesterday if your going to talk about it there's just so much to talk about, the day, the loss of lives, survival, the aftermath - the list goes on and I don't think I can fit it all on, but I'll have a crack. :p

For me the day was hot! When the temperaturte hit 46 it was like wow wee this sucks, I got to go to work tonight - the cool change better come through soon! (ironically thats what nearly killed me) I kept checking the CFA site before work at the footy club and came across a small fire on Eagles Nest Rd, I immediately called work off and went home. At Nankervis Rd there was already police there blocking the road but letting in local residents only, the officiers last words to me was: "make sure you have you fire plan in place!" haha, I was like yeah ok whatever! Ignorant fool I was, but who was to expect a firestorm!

I got home, surveyed the area, early concerns was burnt out embers hitting the property, this was ok but you had to wonder... Pop and Uncle Dave were ready, water spread out around out area, tractors ready, water pressure hose ready. I checked the CFA page continuously inbetween circling the property with Mum with wet heschem bags to put out little spot fires if any started.

By my 2nd circle of the property Uncle Dave and myself stood on the dam watching alot of smoke appear from the back of Mt. Sugarloaf, we started to hear what it was creating, it's own thunderstorm, no rain, just lightning strikes with an unreal sound behind it. We both agreed we had a fight on our hands, we just didn't realise how quick it eventually came. I rang Phil Crawford and joked to him this could be the last phone call I make to him, it was after 5pm, he didn't hear from me for another 6 hours. Without thinking I went back inside grabbed my university information and at the last minute decided to leave it in front of the porch, I concluded if the house was to go then so should that, otherwise i'd be running around getting more belongings.

After the discussion on the dam with Uncle Dave I began to semi panick, I assumed departure would be the best option, I chucked Honey in the car and began asking Mum to jump in the car so we could all leave, she doesn't remember this but she said no, thankfully! So Dad was yelling at me to park the car in the open which I did, we got christmas decorations that could catch on fire off the roof of the motorbike shed, by this time the wind was blowing so fast! We knew we were in trouble. As I starting running towards my van I remembered I left Honey in the car. So I had to run back and grab her.

The moment I got to the pool I got a text, it was earle saying fire in our property towards where his house was, I asked for updates so we coulds come and fight the fires, about to jump into the pool I looked at the phone and said "no way" (am I coming to put that fire out) I was first in the pool, when you could see and feel it coming, you just knew!

Nan was second in the pool, very frightened she was passing me her handbag and ledgers, I just told her to get in! Then Mum came, she instantly went to hold Nan and stay with her, once Pop, Dad and Uncle Dave came in with Piggy I really knew this was it!

I don't recall but Pop and Uncle Dave got out and put out spot fires around the house while everyone was in the pool but they couldn't handle the smoke and heat and jumped literally straight back in. I remember seeing everything on fire around except for structures early on, we all had to hold our breath underwater in total... 3 times for about 45sec long each time, the first front was shock, the second time was "surely this is the last time", the 3rd was "we're not going to make it, too difficult", thankfully the last time prob only lasted 30secs. This happened inbetween 15mins of our greatest survival story ever.

I remember seeing Pops shed going up behind us with the instant fear of a sheet of tin/iron hitting us in the pool. Gas cylindars exploding, trees on fire, and I worried more when I saw the basketball ring in the middle of the tennis court on fire, I was amazed. Then I saw the packing shed go up in flames, I couldn't believe it... sadly the last thing that could on fire was Nan and Pops house, Uncle Dave was shattered, he wanted to get out and fight it off, but he knew he couldn't we told him to stay. It would've been hard watching your own house burn to the ground, I knew instantly our house would be gone, without a doubt, of course I was right, but I couldn't believe it was just the stumps standing when I first saw it.

We were in the pool for over 90mins.. I recall I was non stop talking, being optimistic, talking about the most importent thing is to survive and not to worry about anything else. I was on constant repeat mode for about an hour I reckon. 45mins of recovery and waiting for the smoke to clear we all exited the pool, shocked, amazed, but most importently proud, proud to be alive, 6 of us survived in the pool, the pool we will cherish for the rest of our life! I couldn't stop swearing, burping, farting and once I had some water from the cement tank tap, I had to do alot of vomiting to get the ash and whatever out of my lungs/throat/stomach. I apologised to Nan for my swearing/vomiting but she didn't mind the slightest. We were all wet, dirty and covered in filth. We saved what we could including the tractor and we were amazed that the aeroplane shed survived. I watched Mum and Dad arm in arm walk to their beloved home, nothing left. I couldn't go with them, I knew it was gone and just wanted to know what to do now. Helicopters flew over many a times - we signalled we were all alive. I let out many coo-wees, we got response back from the neighours.

By this time I was walking around in boots, shirt and underwear, I didn't care because the jeans were too uncomfortable to wear, I ran down to Eagles Nest Rd where I found Dennis McCrohan, alive and with a vehicle, he told me he lost his house too and his wife was fine, he'd just been down to check on his daughter on another road, how he got there I don't know with the trees all blown over the roads. His daughter was fine but he told me of a local, who I won't name, who was just laying in the paddock deceased, we knew this person really well and it was one of the saddest parts for me, going back to my entire family and saying who had died. We couldn't express emotion, we were shocked, exhausted, sad.. but we couldn't cry at the time for that man. We knew there would be alot more deaths to come.

We got a lift up to the Browns house whose house had survived, Jack especially looked after me well, but Kathy and David did a fantastic job looking after my family for the first few hours. Water was the best thing at this stage. By this time I was still throwing up and just laying on the ground wishing it was all a dream, it started to become dar and Sugarloaf was lit up amazingly, little fires everywhere, harmless fires, just the trees, but it was an incredible sight.

Eventually we made our way up to the Udens house, the family was on holidays, Steves brother in law saved the house, the door caught on fire but that was it. We raided the pantry for food and more water. I was there at my lowest point, the realisation hit, and the not knowing killed me, was Earle alive? Probebly not! I felt for our dear friend who died. I just was an emotional wreck for an hour, balling my eyes out, it actually helped my eyes feel better as they were synged and sore, blinking hurt, trying to sleep would hurt the eyes.

About 9.30pm Steve arrived at his house just lost for words, Frithy came in with food and drinks for everyone, they all knew what we had been through.. not alot could be said.. all night Steve and his mates worked tirelessly putting out spot fires around the house (less danger, nothing threatening) and getting generators/water working. Water didn't come till the next day but we had plenty to drink. I was so exhausted I couldn't help.. I wanted too but I couldn't. I got 1 hours sleep that night, but spoke to Phil Crawf and brother Phil to let them know we were all safe.

The next morning I contacted Earle, I guessed his number and got it right, he answered, I immediately lost alot of stress off my back, he heard we survived but couldn't be 100% certain until he heard from one of us. I also contacted the pub, I heard they were worried as I didn't reply and my phone died.. it's still in the pool to this day! haha. I also contacted Crystals letting him know I needed a shower!

Then the relos managed to sneak into Strathewen, so emotional seeing them, Aunty Cindy and Sandra, I don't think there was a dry eye. Aunty Cindy took a photo of us all at the Udens, before we showered, while we were still in our filthy style - that will be a historic photo for our family I'm sure.

Uncle Vic turned up a few hours later, and he even admitted he choked when he saw us, especially Nan, black in the face, dirty, tired and relieved to see him too. Everyone lost their words around us when we saw them. Brother Shaun snuck in as well, I was so happy to see him and gave him the biggest hug, it brings me to tears right now thinking about that, it was so good to see him!

I met Crystals and Di at the road block point, once you left Strathewen you couldn't go back in so that was the deal but I had to get out. They took me to Arthurs Creek Hall where I saw the survivors and heard more about missing people and confirmed deaths, it was pretty full on. Earle and his family were there, it was good to see them even if it was under bad circumstances, I remember having that no emotion, no tears but I wanted to, still exhausted from the ordeal when I saw the Gardams, Kahlia, Karen, David and Pete. I wanted to cry with them but I just couldn't. It was good to go there and let people know that my family was alive. It was 100% confirmation to those concerned.

I went to have ashower at Crystals, I couldn't believe how much junk was in my hair, and I couldn't believe the smell of smoke coming off me, but this happened for 3-4 days straight of showering, I could smell the disaster all over again! First couple of nights I had a drink bottle in the room so I could put out the fire! I only had 1 nightmare, so that was a relief!

That's all I'll say about that day, but so much has happened since. We lost our home, our possessions, our irreplaceable memories, photos, tropheys, memoribilia, home videos, our world!... MY WORLD! It's not easy going through this transition phase, Shaun and I are not living at home, the family is split, still local, but it's not the same. However we are all being looked after so well! Its overwhealming.

No more caravan/anex where my world belonged, TV blaring, MJ or Elton John going OFF so loud that the neighbours could probebly hear it! cherished memories gone, and slowly forgotten :(

My great grandfather Ronald Nelson (dec), great grandmother Dorothy Nelson (dec), Nan & Pop built the farm to what it was, Uncle Dave and Pop maintained it so well to run their private family lemon farming business to the 7/2/09. For Pop, over 50 years of family history gone in 15 minutes. For Uncle Dave, his job, his successful living, gone in 15 minutes. We will rebuild, we will get it back to what it was as best we can, we won't give in.

For me, I'll be honest... I'm doing ok, I won't be great for along time, I might say I'm great, but I'm ok! I will let you know when I do feel great and when I mean it, for the meantime I'm ok. It hasn't been the easiest time in life, clearly the worst, but I'll keep plugging along. I couldn't think of a worse time to start university, but I'll keep trying and working hard. Coaching will continue, at first there was no hope in hell I was going to do it, but time has made me realised how importent Footy really is at a time like this. I'm back working at the pub 2 nights a week, I must say their support has been unreal, I love them all there, a fantastic group of supportive people!

In the last month I've attended funeral for (from memory) 7 people, the last one I believe is tomorrow. Strathewen lost 42 people out of a community of 200, 1/5 of the population. Black Saturday is a day I will never forget, I will be permantently affected by it, I'd be lieing if I said I wouldn't be but I'll survive. My family were the lucky ones, we all made it, to the people who lost loved ones, whether you did or did not survive the fires as well I can't comphrehend what you the real victims are going through and you have my love and support forever. If you need me just call or msg me, I'm there!

I want to take this little opportunity to thank those that have helped my family during this difficult time with donations, love, support and constant understanding and help. We still have a long way to go but we will get there, my family and I are so grateful to know and be involved with such wonderful people in this world.

We will all party at Strathewen in the future, keep yourself free when it's announced because it will go off! :)

All my love,