Australian heatwave/bushfires... some MJJC members directly affected


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Melbourne, Australia
Australia counts heatwave deaths

The Australian authorities fear about 20 people have died as a result of one of the worst heatwaves in 100 years to hit the south-east of the country.

Most of them were elderly people who had been struggling in the heat.

The heatwave has also caused power outages in Melbourne, Australia's second biggest city.

Extreme temperatures of more than 40C (104F) have hit the south-eastern states of Victoria and South Australia in the past three days.

If the high temperatures continue into Sunday, it will equal the worst heatwave that south-eastern Australia has witnessed in 100 years.

Already, it has caused disruption, destruction and death.


In Adelaide, the capital of South Australia, health officials reported more than 20 sudden deaths, most of them elderly people overcome by the baking temperatures of over 40C who had suffered strokes and heart attacks.

Raging wildfires have ripped through the Gippsland region of neighbouring Victoria, and at least 10 homes have been destroyed near the rural town of Boolarra.
In Melbourne, the state capital, the heatwave has meant disruption to transportation services and power outages.

Trains have been cancelled because the rail lines have buckled in the heat.

An explosion at an electrical substation left over 300,000 homes without power.

Some traffic lights in the city have stopped working, so too the signals in parts of the rail network.

Link... Includes Video


This week, many parts of southern Australia have been experiencing an intense heatwave, with temperatures soaring to 46C.


The baking heat has encouraged many to take to the beach and soak up the rays.


While others have been ensuring Australia's flora and fauna survive the weather.


Players and fans at the Australian Open tennis tournament did their best to keep cool.


But the heat has brought with it raging bush fires, which have already destroyed homes and buildings in the region.
Re: Australia counts heatwave deaths

i love the koala picture, lol.

yeah 3 days in a row above 43 in melbourne..... sleeping hasn't been easy at all.

I can't wait til summer is over now.
Re: Australia counts heatwave deaths

yeah I'm a little over the 40 degree heat too, that koala pic made me smile so I just had to post it :D
Re: Australia counts heatwave deaths

It's finally starting to cool down, I swear if we didnt have aircon, I dont know how I would have gotten through it. Just taking the dog outside for 5 minutes to pee made me extremely dehydrated!!

As for the bush fires, I'm reading now that they were deliberately lit.. argh..
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Re: Australia counts heatwave deaths

those damn bushfires are nearly always deliberately lit :angry: makes me so mad, I believe if the arsonists ever get caught they should have their hands burnt off so they can't do it again.

I was out in that 45 degree heat, and I just cannot fathom how firefighters can fight the blazes in this heat :no:
Re: Australia counts heatwave deaths

Exactly... what a waste of their time, hard work and not to mention water supply. My bet is that it was a group of bored teenagers looking to start some trouble..

And on top of all this drama, there's also the drama of the little girl being thrown over the bridge... this really isnt a good time for melbourne :(
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Re: Australia counts heatwave deaths

probably a mentally ill person, I know a guy used to start little fires along the highway and then ring 000 he was happy of how fast they would respond to the fires :ermm:


the story about the little girl is just horrific :( who throws their own 4 year old daughter off the westgate bridge?
Re: Australia counts heatwave deaths

I've read about Australia's struggling.. 45 is HOT. I don't know how the tennis players managed to play in such heath?? :blink:

I'm happy now that our temperature is -14C :D
Re: Australia counts heatwave deaths

I dont know how the manage it cause you feel your eyeballs dry out when you step into it. :lol:

check this little fella out:



he got a drink and then guess decided he was too hot for just a drink....


Re: Australia counts heatwave deaths

He does too :lol:

Those claws like very sharp though I dont think I will like to hug a koala bear
Re: Australia counts heatwave deaths

Aww that little Koala looks so cute.
While you guys are baking in the southern hemisphere, we are freezing our nuts off in the UK. We have had the worst snow for the past 18 yrs.:doh:
Re: Australia counts heatwave deaths

Nooo they're not my pics :D I wish though :)

Apparently they're part of a very popular email being forwarded around and the photos were taken from out past Geelong.

I'll try and post ones I have later, we had a possum end up in a cupboard in our staffroom, we think he feel through the vent system and decided to hide in the cool air of the cupboard as opposed to the extreme heat outside lol He was mighty scared when we pulled him out :lol:
Re: Australia counts heatwave deaths

LOL I dont blame him!! I'd hide there too if I was him :p But seriously, possums end up in the strangest places dont they?! I've had them so many times in my balcony and even running inside my house!
Re: Australia counts heatwave deaths

I'll have one of that to go, please! :wild:

Seriously, LJ, send me a koala bear NOW on priority mail!! :wub:

Theses little things are just too cute!!

And whoa...Aussie is even hotter than here, my God!
In the summer of 2006 we got up to 45°/46°C too, that was just unbareable! Now its in the 30-something and its already hard to put up with...Im taking 3 COLD showers a day and its not enough, Im always sweating...

We can see and feel so clearly the effects of global warming all around the the south hemisphere its soooo freaking hot, and in the north they are having strong snow storms...London is worse than ever....
And still there are A LOT of people contributing to the global warming and they dont even care.... :bugeyed


About the girl being thrown off the brigde, the same happened here, last year I think...a hobo threw a little boy that was passing by over the brigde, a guy jumped in and saved the boy....
did this girl survive, or is that brigde really high??
Re: Australia counts heatwave deaths

I'll have one of that to go, please! :wild:

Seriously, LJ, send me a koala bear NOW on priority mail!! :wub:

Theses little things are just too cute!!

And whoa...Aussie is even hotter than here, my God!
In the summer of 2006 we got up to 45°/46°C too, that was just unbareable! Now its in the 30-something and its already hard to put up with...Im taking 3 COLD showers a day and its not enough, Im always sweating...

We can see and feel so clearly the effects of global warming all around the the south hemisphere its soooo freaking hot, and in the north they are having strong snow storms...London is worse than ever....
And still there are A LOT of people contributing to the global warming and they dont even care.... :bugeyed


About the girl being thrown off the brigde, the same happened here, last year I think...a hobo threw a little boy that was passing by over the brigde, a guy jumped in and saved the boy....
did this girl survive, or is that brigde really high??

Koala's look cuddly but they're not sadly :lol: they have very sharp long claws but they are cute looking :wub:

we're due to have another 43°C day tomorrow (today was 37°C)

As for the girl and the bridge.... well she survived the impact and stayed alive for 45 minutes in the water and land as police worked on her, she died in hospital

Melbourne bridge plunge girl dies


The father of a four-year-old girl who was reportedly thrown 58m (190ft) from a bridge in Australia into the river below has been charged with her murder.

Witnesses said a man stopped his car on Melbourne's West Gate Bridge and threw the child over the side.

The girl died a few hours later, after being airlifted to the city's Royal Children's Hospital, officials said.

She had been rescued from the Yarra River in critical condition, and police spent 45 minutes attempting to resuscitate her on the riverbank before she was transported to the hospital.

Two other children were in the car at the time of the incident, which happened during the morning rush hour as hundreds of other motorists were using the bridge, police said.

Re: Australia counts heatwave deaths

Some photos shared with


Taking the plunge ... a hot bat takes a bath in an effort to keep cool in the heat wave.


Slate their thirst ... Sheep lick at a fracture in the wall of a water tank.


Life-saving drink ... Samantha, a heat-affected baby ringtailed possum at the RSPCA in Burwood East gets rehydrated with an electrolite.


Night swimming ... Possums sneak up to a backyard pool.
(To have one of these pools you either have to pay for water to be shipped to you, or had council approval... otherwise these pools are against water restrictions).


Relief from the heat ... A young wild koala that was left behind by his heat stressed mum is now being treated and water from his freindly human kind.


Watering hole ... Birds flock to a backyard bird bath.


Not so happy Koala ... "Need.. ehh.. gum.. ehh.. leaves..."


Very happy koala ... "Water will do just fine thanks"

more here: LINK
Re: Australia counts heatwave deaths

Beautiful pictures L.J.. thank you! The sheep are especially depressing.. imagine having all that wool around you in the 45C heat :(

About the bridge girl, I'm really curious to know what was going on in the father's mind at the time. Somehow I dont get the feeling that he's a blood thirsty killer that woke up that morning and thought "i'm gonna kill my daughter". I have a feeling that he was stressed and panicked to the point where he snapped. But, I could be wrong.....
Re: Australia counts heatwave deaths

Aww, poor little girl...may she rest in peace...
There was also a 5-year-old girl that was thrown off the window on the 6th floor by her father too, last year, here in Brazil. It was a very polemic crime.

Koala's look cuddly but they're not sadly :lol: they have very sharp long claws but they are cute looking :wub:

Really? :eek: but if u catch/hold them in ur arms will they attack or become agressive?
Oh, I dont care, I have claws too, they are just too cute not to be cuddled!! :wild:

Those pictures rocks, LJ. Keep em coming!! :clap:
Re: Australia counts heatwave deaths

Really? :eek: but if u catch/hold them in ur arms will they attack or become agressive?

Yes they will, you dont wanna mess with a koala!! But captive koalas are fine, I've held a few in sanctuaries.. they're the cutest little things. Especially when they have a little baby clinging onto their fur :wub::wub:

Edit: Speaking of heatwave.. I'm in the middle of a 42C day right now. Aircon is barely helping and the poor little fan is struggling along :p
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Re: Australia counts heatwave deaths

more pictures :)


Sunrise at the Opera House on the start of a 3 day forecasted heat wave in Sydney


Heat wave ... Fireman put out the remains of a bush fire which burnt scrap vehicles near Whitegates Road, Londonderry.


Sydney burns ... Fire fighting efforts underway in Koola Av, East Killara, today as properties where under threat from bush fires.

IT is predicted to be the final gasp of this summer's horror heatwave, and it's already a scorcher.

Firefighters in Victoria, New South Wales, South Australia and the ACT are bracing for a devastating weekend as record high temperatures, gusty winds and parched earth combine to produce an unprecedented fire danger, The Australian reports.

Melbourne notched up its hottest day ever, after the barometer hit 46 degrees at 2.27pm (AEDT), breaking the record for the all-time hottest day of 45.6 degrees in 1939. The Hopetoun Airport in the Mallee hit a staggering 47.6 degrees a short time after.

At Avalon, south-west of Melbourne, the record was broken with 46.8 degrees at 1.26pm.

"These are some of the hottest temperatures we have ever seen in the upper levels in most of our careers,'' said Terry Ryan, senior forecaster at the Bureau of Meteorology.
Re: Australia counts heatwave deaths

Firefighters have responded to over 40 seperate fire incidents in 2 states alone....





Re: Australia counts heatwave deaths

It still hasn't get any easier?

I hope the weather would become normal there, soon.

But OMG there is so many cute animals in Australia!! I love them! :wub:
Re: Australia counts heatwave deaths

OH MY, didnt know koalas were that agressive!

Cozzie, LJ, do u see them a lot where u live?

I dream of holding a koala on my arms one day, and hugging a big fat panda too! :wub:

Oh my God, LJ. Things are bad, I heard on the news when it got over 47C, I couldnt believe it....and wow, so many bush fires, Im shocked!
Hope the weather cools down for u guys...and also for us here, its hard to go out on the streets, u can see and feel the asfalt reflecting the sun on us...
Re: Australia counts heatwave deaths

Hmm.. well Ive been living in Australia for 6 years and I've only spotted them maybe twice or 3 times in the wild... they're pretty difficult to spot since they live up in trees. When I'm driving down the highways near my home I always see koala signs but I havent been able to find one yet :(

If you want to hold a koala then there are mannnny places where you can do that here. Just go to any sanctuary and you can do it :)


I'm reading now that so far 40 people have died from the bush fires :( :( :(
Re: Australia counts heatwave deaths

It's getting worse with whole townships being burnt to the ground :no: My state is slowly being eaten up with flames.

Australia fires rage with 35 dead

Australian emergency crews are stepping up their efforts to tackle wildfires that have ripped through the state of Victoria, killing 35 people.
About 30,000 firefighters are battling several major fires, and the number of confirmed dead is continuing to rise.
Victoria Premier John Brumby said he had accepted an offer from the federal government to send in the army.
Entire towns have been destroyed in the fires, fanned by soaring temperatures and unpredictable winds.
Forecasters are predicting more extremely hot weather in the region - which has seen record temperatures of 47C (117F) in recent days.
'Absolutely horrific'
Officials say they are battling against the worst fire conditions in the state's history.
Witnesses described seeing walls of flames, trees exploding and the skies raining ash, as fires tore across 30,000 hectares (115 sq miles) of forests, farmland and towns.

At least 100 homes have been destroyed in Victoria and about 14,000 homes are without power.
Most of the people who died came from a cluster of small towns to the north of Melbourne.
At least 12 people died in the town of Kinglake, four at Wandong, four at St Andrews and three at Strathewen.
One Strathewen resident told ABC local radio how people had witnessed "absolutely horrific" scenes as they had helped battle the flames.


"The school's gone, the hall's gone... some people left it too late. We've lost friends, and we're just waiting for more - children, loved ones," she said.
The town of Marysville, with about 500 residents, was said to have been burned to the ground.
Local fire officer Greg Esnouf said: "We're starting to get some reports in now that are very saddening. This latest report says Marysville possibly one building left standing - that's just shocking."
One person was reported dead in Marysville, but most residents managed to shelter from the blaze in a local park.
'Tragic day'

If winds pick up, the authorities fear fire could spread

Tens of thousands of firefighters have been trying to contain blazes in two other states - New South Wales and South Australia - but the fires there were largely contained or burning away from residential areas.
The fire service is using water-bombing aircraft to contain fires and thousands of volunteers are using water hoses.
"It's obviously a tragic day and a tragic week in our history," Mr Brumby said.
Late on Sunday, he said he had accepted an offer from Prime Minister Kevin Rudd to send in troops to relieve overstretched emergency crews.
"This is a terrible and devastating tragedy," Mr Rudd said.
Bushfires are common in Australia, but the current blazes are the most deadly since 1983, when 75 people died on a day that became known as Ash Wednesday.

Video and Links
Re: Australia counts heatwave deaths

Interactive Map Showing Fire Locations

Up to date news:

On the interactive map I have friends who live in Kilmore which is in the very center (there's a car on the map)

I live between Bacchus Marsh and Melbourne so I'm fairly safe though our area is so dry it's either yellow or dust. It's devestating to watch the news and see people who have losed their homes and loved ones. I cant imagine leaving my house from a fire and knowing I ran out at the last minute and left pets behind or something :no: