August 7, 2008:$300,000 more sought in Michael Jackson videotaping case

here is a came up on google today .. from 1984

The Jackson Fireworks

By William Plummer
The Heartland Turned Out All Dressed Up for a Church Social, and Michael Put On a Supernatural Display

From PEOPLE Magazine Click to enlarge

Four hours before show time on Friday, the six musicians in the Jacksons' tour band were pacing their rooms on the fifth floor of Kansas City's Alameda Plaza Hotel. Studio and live-show veterans all, they had rehearsed the 110-minute multimedia extravaganza for more than three months (most recently during a sound check that had lasted until 4 that morning), but all the preparation couldn't quiet their opening-night jitters. While they waited to board the unmarked vans that would transport them and the Jackson brothers to jam-packed Arrowhead Stadium, they smoked too much, consulted their watches and horsed around. "My stomach's got a butterfly in it the size of [sci-fi monster] Rodan," laughed keyboardist Pat Leonard, 28.

The Jacksons' sixth-floor enclave—where "Do Not Disturb" signs hung on the doorknobs—was absolutely still. Inside Michael's suite the Man himself was running through vocal exercises. In a room nearby, brothers Randy, Tito, Jermaine and Marlon—minus Jackie, sidelined by a knee operation—were rehearsing harmonies and bracing themselves for the start of the $50 million, 13-plus city tour that could mark the farewell of the family act that debuted in 1965. Little brother Randy was psyching himself up, trying to sear away the pain in his left leg caused by an auto accident in 1980. "You know how a boxer feels before a fight?" he asked. "That's how I feel. I want to knock them out."

"Pain pills," added Marlon. "We tell the audience to bring pain pills when they come to see us. We want to be so good, so strong, it makes 'em hurt."

Gluttons for the sort of punishment Marlon had in mind found it—and then some. The Jacksons packed Arrowhead Stadium for three nights running, and the chief complaints among the 135,000 who witnessed their spectacle was that the brothers hadn't given them enough licks. "I'd like to see twice as much," said 19-year-old Donna Slonaker, from Lydon, Kans., "but I'd pay $30 to see it again."

After months of controversy, suspense and confusion, the Jackson Victory tour—named in honor of the newly released album that has already sold nearly two and a half million copies—was finally on the road, bound next for Dallas, Jacksonville, New York and points beyond. All told the five Jacksons expected to play 47 dates in 16 weeks to the tune of $50-$60 million in ticket sales—and a possible $8 million profit.

When they weren't fielding criticism about the tour's exorbitant mail-order ticket policy (which has been changed) and promoter Chuck Sullivan's demands for reduced hotel rates and free newspaper ad space, the close-knit clan had spent its pre-V-Days polishing the act. There was none of the ambitious partying that once characterized rock tours: Meals prepared by the Jacksons' two cooks were taken in the privacy of the brothers' rooms. Idle moments were devoted to playing riffs and (in Michael's case) autographing photos. The Gloved One slipped out of the hotel (via an elevator leading to the garage) to see Ghostbusters and to announce publicly that he would donate his share of the concert proceeds to charity. On Friday afternoon he accompanied Tito to a local hotel to accept an NAACP award. After that outing, the Jacksons remained en famine until Friday evening, when dressers came to help them into the opening-number costumes. At 9 p.m. the five hopped into a van for the 30-minute ride to the stadium, where the frenzy was cresting.

The audience that awaited them was a Whitman's sampler of Middle America. They arrived in muddy pickups and customized vans and sporty coupes—not just squealing adolescents in T-shirts emblazoned with Michael's likeness, but old people as well, and mothers with toddlers, and a rainbow coalition that only these Jacksons could bring together: young people with their parents. Said Andrea Gilliand of Stanley, Kans., speaking from the promontory of 30, "You're never too old to see Michael Jackson. It's the best concert I've ever been to, and I've seen the Stones and the Beatles. But why didn't he play Thriller?"

Well probably because he wanted to make his fans privy to the movie that screens daily behind his eyes. The script, for which the androgynous idol did the storyboards, is Arthurian legend as if spruced up by Star Wars creator George Lucas, with an assist from Muppeteer Jim Henson. At the show's opening, towering animated monsters thunder onstage, to be challenged by Randy (Michael's creative heir apparent), done up in glittering armor. Randy pulls a laser-lit sword out of a prop rock, slays one of the creatures and commands, "Behold the Kingdom." Belching smoke shot with green and blue and purple, the set elevates and out come the brothers, who make a dramatic descent down a set of newly revealed stairs into a deafening wave of screams.

Although Jermaine sings lead on three of his own songs and the other Jacksons have their moments, Michael seizes center stage and holds it. Resplendent in a silver sequined jacket with a red-and-white sash (one of his four costumes), he leaps into the air, freezes, whips about, drops to one knee and curls into a fetal position. He's arrogant on Beat It, tender on She's Out of My Life, triumphant on Billie Jean. His Heartbreak Hotel is so full of pops, stops, bangs and breaks that by the time he's done the crowd is inspecting its arms for imaginary bruises.

The Jackson tour is a spectacular production, and it comes with a spectacular price tag: in the neighborhood, says promoter Sullivan, of $15 million. The 375-ton stage, itself a costly proposition, is five stories high, 160 feet wide and 90 feet deep. It has seven computers and five elevators that require 22 men to operate. What with the 120 speakers, 2,200 lights, and the trestles and cables, the Jacksons' baggage adds up to some 65,000 pounds. The crew numbers 1,500, including those recruited locally to stage the finale—a sky-splitting fireworks show.

At Arrowhead more than 170 officers from area police departments kept the peace. They were abetted by 375 security guards hired by the stadium management, nine paramedics, two doctors and six nurses. A helicopter and four ambulances idled at the ready, and the crowd was frisked at the entrances by nearly 70 hand-held metal detectors. In fact security was so tight that Sullivan himself was denied backstage access on opening night when he forgot his pass.

Happily, the Jackson tour brain trust—which had prepared for a disaster on the order of the Stones' 1969 concert at Altamont—was confronted instead with the docility of a church social, a decorous reflection of Michael Jackson himself. Only nine arrests were made at Arrowhead, says a stadium spokesman, most for disorderly conduct. The only real high jinks came from Don King, the fright-wigged boxing czar and erstwhile tour promoter. Supplanted by Sullivan in June he nevertheless continued to hold forth as if he were running the show. "We're traveling virgin territory," he announced as he held court in the Alameda Plaza lobby. "There are no boundaries. If Michael had time to work as hard as Wayne Newton, 150 dates a year, he could make $200 million. But who wants to work that hard?"

The Jacksons worked hard enough as it was. But the threat of exhaustion seemed irrelevant to Randy, who elatedly hopped about on hotel chairs Saturday as he relived the electrifying opener. "It was great to be back up there," he said. "My leg was killing me, but I know it was the best opening show we've ever done. Afterward I couldn't sleep. My mother called just to say 'I love you and thought you were good.' My mother's all about love."

Meanwhile, down in Jacksonville, Mayor Jake Godbold was also falling in love. "It's time we reached for the stars," he said. Godbold had calculated that the Jacksons' three-day stint in his fair city would cost the local government $445,000 in salaries and promotions—a piddling sum compared to what visitors would spend for lodgings, meals, gas and Michael Jackson geegaws. "Seventy million dollars," he told the City Council, lingering over the last word. "Seventy million dollars.",,20088286,00.html
Billboard's new list of the artists with the most number-one hits during the Billboard Hot 100 (guess who's the #1 male solo act):

1.) The Beatles (20)
2.) Mariah Carey (18)
3.) Michael Jackson (13)
4.) Madonna (12)
4.) The Supremes (12; tie)
6.) Whitney Houston (11)
7.) Stevie Wonder (10)
7.) Janet Jackson (10; tie)
9.) The Bee Gees (9)
9.) Elton John (9; tie)
9.) Paul McCartney/Wings (9; tie)
10.) The Rolling Stones (8)
10.) Usher (8; tie)

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Billboard's new list of the artists with the most number-one hits during the Billboard Hot 100 (guess who's the #1 male solo act):

1.) The Beatles (20)
2.) Mariah Carey (18)
3.) Michael Jackson (13)
4.) Madonna (12)
4.) The Supremes (12; tie)
6.) Whitney Houston (11)
7.) Stevie Wonder (10)
7.) Janet Jackson (10; tie)
9.) The Bee Gees (9)
9.) Elton John (9; tie)
9.) Paul McCartney/Wings (9; tie)
10.) The Rolling Stones (8)
10.) Usher (8; tie)


Thanks Tim, I guess the question is will this be the official standard or is this just for the anniversary?
If Mike gets 8 #1 hits off this next album he'll have the number ONE spot.. lol!!!

can he do it??? lol!

How bout 6 for number 2?
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Mr.Jackson if you want to wear your pajamas...I say go for it...Who flipin cares...

Whatever makes you happy...Knock your self out..!

Heal The World~~~"Education Is The Key"
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I can imagine: This is Mike > :shuriken: with his three kids :shuriken::shuriken::shuriken: and finally Akon> :shuriken: to go off. :crackingup:

This is MJ, his kids and Akon going out:

:bluemj: :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r:

:rollin: :rollin:

too funny

Remember where this information is coming from.

Think about it....why would all the other news outlets quote Akon as talking only about his music endeavors with MJ and this mag come up with something totally different...a story about pajamas? Think about it.

My guess is that these people made this all up. It is totally fabricated.

Could be very true good point. Still it's a funny story :lol:
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Obessa Depresley, er, I mean Lisa Marie Presely talked about Michael in some interview she did for Marie Claire, and as usual, she was a total bi*ch, singing the same sorry song, saying the same crap about how she was naive and basically said marrying Michael was insane and she called him crazy, bringing up the marriage as "the worst mistake of her life". I swear I'm bordering on hating the ho. I don't know why Michael married her, but I think that was HIS biggest mistake, lol. Nasty little troll obviously can't get over him, even though she's about to have chinlesses twins over here. Oh well, f*** her and the horse she rode in on. Classless and bitter. Anyway, here's what she said, if you can get through it without gagging and rolling your eyes.

"We're all going to screw up," Presley says. "The important thing is, do you learn from it and not do it again? Can you change? Because, Lord knows, I've fu(ked up many, many times."

Interviewer: "What's the worst time?"

Lisa Marie: "My biggest mistake? Lets see," she begins quietly. "How can I word this? Um. Well. Leaving my first marriage, for the person that I left it for- (boohoo biyatch) that was probably the biggest mistake of my life."

Author: She is referring, of course, to Michael Jackson, a man whose name she, consciously or not, avoids saying aloud. This is understandable. The lunacy of the 1994 pairing exploded the celebrity Richter scale. There was the strained Diane Sawyer interview, the rumor that Jackson was only in the relationship for her dad's song catalog, the awkward "kiss" on the MTV Video Music Awards. Presley, poignantly, was not in on the joke.

Lisa Marie: "I was really naive at the time. I was in la-la land."

AUTHOR: She grimaces slightly, pushes some fallen hair from her forehead, and then lets it go.

Lisa Marie: "I had been really sheltered. I got married the first time very, very young. And the marriage I was in, there was so much resentment about who I was, because I had more than he did, and it became a power struggle. It is hard for a man to be with a woman who is stronger, wealthier. So in my mind I'm thinking, I know, I'll get with someone more compatible. I wasn't thinking what everyone else was thinking, which was that I must have been out of my fu(king mind."

Interviewer: Was she?

Lisa Marie: Pauses, and smiles. "I was just in a bubble. And able to be snowed. I hadn't been bitten by the snake of life yet. I grew up after that. I had to."

Author: But not completely. After jackson, Presley married the quirky, moody actor, Nic Cage.

Lisa marie: "I've gotten to the point in my life where I've chased all the crazies down," she says with conviction. "At this age, I really appreciate having [a husband who is] a best friend. But you know, the other guys were fun. For awhile."
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Obessa Depresley, er, I mean Lisa Marie Presely talked about Michael in some interview she did for Marie Claire, and as usual, she was a total bi*ch, singing the same sorry song, saying the same crap about how she was naive and basically said marrying Michael was insane and she called him crazy, bringing up the marriage as "the worst mistake of her life". I swear I'm bordering on hating the ho. I don't know why Michael married her, but I think that was HIS biggest mistake, lol. Nasty little troll obviously can't get over him, even though she's about to have chinlesses twins over here. Oh well, f*** her and the horse she rode in on. Classless and bitter. Anyway, here's what she said, if you can get through it without gagging and rolling your eyes.

lisa marie cant complete a sentence without using the f word lol referring to the others as crazies is just plain mean. this woman really scares me. she seems to have a crazy temper. i dont even want to imagine how crazy she gets when she gets angry. poor michael lol
That LMP interview... :busted: whatever she was drinkin'... give me some :rollin:
Yeah, he must of had his hands full with her, to say the least, lol. She's totally tired with this crap already, and I love how she always makes it out like it was entirely his fault. She contradicts herself anyway, because on the one hand she claims to be totally indipendent minded and beyond manipulation, but then she turns around and accusses Michael of doing that very thing to her. Whatever byatch, you were as much a part of the marriage as he was. Pff.
I can't believe that some fans think this Presley woman is sweet and defend her. :puke: She's just a media wh^^e. ""uuuuu he used me, I was insane to marry him, but now I'm good I hate him. Love me. " blah
If Lisa thought she married Michael because they were compatible, she was obviously deluding herself. She was the daughtrer of Elvis, not Elvis himself.She was never compatible with Michael, neither was she as rich as Michael. Her father did not own any of his songs or owned a catalogue so it was misinformation to think that MJ married her for the catalogue that he didn't even own.
The treatment in the media towards Michael after he married Lisa was nothing short of racism to me. They didn't care who lisa was hanging around with until she married MJ. That is wrong.
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did I read in the news that their collaboration will be released on Akon's album???
What about MJ's album?
If Lisa thought she married Michael because they were compatible, she was obviously deluding herself. She was the daughtrer of Elvis, not Elvis himself.She was never compatible with Michael, neither was she as rich as Michael. Her father did not own any of his songs or owned a catalogue so it was misinformation to think that MJ married her for the catalogue that he didn't even own.
The treatment in the media towards Michael after he married Lisa was nothing short of racism to me. They didn't care who lisa was hanging around with until she married MJ. That is wrong.
YOu are correct. No one care about this chick until she so called married Michael. She knew what she was doing when she so called married Michael. That was the biggest mistake Michael did as well (to me, LMP say it in order to try to get back in good grace with her Tennessee folks) . What gets me about LMP is that she got caught up in "using" Michael for own self gain as well and now she wants to act like she was the victim. Let me tell you about LMP, there is nothing "naive" about this girl and everytime the media act like the big old Michael Jackson got LMP (even Roger Feldman say this her and she used Michael to promote her own cds), it gets me mad. Michael is a self made millionaire unlike LMP was was HANDED everything. Its that old thinking that a white person can be forever trashing and people will lift them up whereas a black person will be look down upon and made out to be the worst. LMP just need to shut up. If anyone is crazy, it is LMP, her stupid mother (look at her face now) and her drug, womanizing daddy. The Presley Family is not saints. This is why many blacks were pissed with Michael for marry this idoit. Many blacks put MIchael on the same level with Elvis; and he turn around and marry his dumb daughter which was stupid.
Yeah, he must of had his hands full with her, to say the least, lol. She's totally tired with this crap already, and I love how she always makes it out like it was entirely his fault. She contradicts herself anyway, because on the one hand she claims to be totally indipendent minded and beyond manipulation, but then she turns around and accusses Michael of doing that very thing to her. Whatever byatch, you were as much a part of the marriage as he was. Pff.
Only people who liked her believe what she saying. However, I do not think anything with a brain listen to her. I remember on urban radion when she was on Oprah, many people went off on her as if she is some saint. I can not tell you what some folks said but just know many folks (particulating blacks folks) was like "oh no she didnt".
Hey, I just realized the Billboard list was reflecting the 50th anniversary of the Hot 100. In other words, Elvis is still the No. 1 male solo artist on the list. Billboard is so damn foolish. Oh well...
Hey, I just realized the Billboard list was reflecting the 50th anniversary of the Hot 100. In other words, Elvis is still the No. 1 male solo artist on the list. Billboard is so damn foolish. Oh well...
150 albums later and with the political and social system as well as the music industry giving him the advantage yes. MJ has done pretty well when you think that he had to breakdown the walls of racism, himself to even get his albums played on an uneven playing field. Not bad for only 6 albums. I would say, on average, MJ is streets ahead. inspite of all his disadvatages.:D
I didn't even know Elvis presley had a daughter until Michael married her. I used to like her because Michael looked very happy the time of their marriage. She really has no class trashing him everytime she got the chance.
Well anyone who pays attention to classic modern music would probably know that, but the general public wouldn't know who the hell she is, lol.
I've been knowing Elvis had a daughter. I'm old school so I knew about Elvis and his family. :lol:
those who don't follow western entertainment news/ who are not into western music don't know and if there's one western artist they know, it's Michael Jackson or maybe Elvis but most don't know who's elvis presley, they only know by his chinese given nickname, 'Cat king'.
But I'm confident to say Michael Jackson is more famous than Elvis presley in most Asian countries. MJ is known for his Moonwalk and as a great dancer. Elvis, don't know what he's famous for. lol Most people don't know he had a daughter and don't even know who priscilla presley is.
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Having witnessed countless divorce and custody cases, I recognize LMP's behaviour. She is a woman scorned so she acts like (and probably believes) there was nothing good about MJ or their relationship. I've heard people in divorce court who've been married for 20 years and have 4 kids together claim that the other party does not have ONE single good quality. When people get hurt, they aquire very, very selective memories. It's pathetic but also human.

The thing is that Michael hurt LMP by marrying Debbie and having a kid with her so soon after the separation. She even admitted this herself. I wish she were more mature and could really see her own part in the whole thing but meh.