Attorney: Doctor found Jackson with pulse

Because Jackson was so frail, Murray "administered with his hand behind his back to provide the necessary support," Chernoff said. Some have speculated the doctor botched the CPR.
"He's a trained doctor," Chernoff said. "He knows how to administer CPR."
one hand on a bed? *sigh*. i dunno why we even think/talk about this its not gonna bring him back just hurt us even more
"He's a trained doctor" but he did CPR on the bed?!??! I am not a doctor but I will never do something so stupid... He was a cardiologist...He knows how to do it wright! Then why he didn't? I don't know how to say it, this will not bring him back! But I can't accept it this way!
I didnt want to know that he still had a no no he hadnt
he passed away in his sleep
didnt feel any pain
I guess we will never know the truth.
I don't like deaths ala Marilyn Monroe, with such mistery around.
I want the truth. And if is was lupus, then I want the world to know he has been suffeing for so many years!! If it was an error I want justice. If he was murdered I want everyone to know it. If it was because he used to many medice I want the world to know how pain they caused him, and that they killed him.

I guess we wil never know, they will say simply that he took too many medicine portraying him as a drug addict just to get the final laugh at him! While we know everyone saud he was present, dancing and singing, not like somone on pills everyday!

I would like the last respect for mj.
But I'm kind of sure we will never have.
that happened in 95 so maybe. but nothing was said in regards to the first autopsey
Omigod.....this is all just terrible terrible it hurts...none of this is going to bring our man back to life now.
I believe that it was on the Today Show or CNN, that the lawyer stated that it was about 25 minutes before 911 was called; part of the explanation was it was difficult to get an outside line out of his house.

It doesn't take 25 minutes to figure out whether a call can be made in the house. Step outside with a cell phone for Heaven's sake. It is horrible that he may would have been here if gotten to the hospital sooner. I also think that it is weird that they keep talking about CPR but no references yet to getting air into the lungs.

Michael should have been here today. I just can't believe that he wasn't meant to have his time. It's not right!!!! He had a da*n pulse and still warm to the touch.
Dont know went down in that room, but this I do know.

If you find someone not breathing with a pulse, you give them mouth to mouth, not chest compressions.

But maybe be lost the pulse as time went by
this is so upsetting for hear he DID call a doctor for himself when he wasn't feeling well and the doctor didn't do what he was suppose to do and that was to take care of him...this is too upsetting
The story is becoming more suspicious and stranger by the minute, that damn doctor wasn't in best interest for mike from what I'm gathering.

1) How the hell he didn't know about Mike's medical history, as a doctor you are to know and given information about your patient before proceeding to work in their care.

2) How the hell did he forget the basic procedures of giving CPR to a patient who is not breathing?

3) Why the hell did he flee before paramedics arrived on the scene?

4) why the hell did it take for the cops to find him to question Mike's last moments and the meds he was giving?

5) How the hell he didn't know that Mike was on other prescriptions, you are suppose to ask you patient that question as well as going by their medical history before giving them a prescription they may or may not need.

If mike was complaining of chest problems before, why wasn't he immediate into the hospital? because obviously the doctor he had there "caring" for him did'nt know what the hell he was doing.

It sounds like it was about money to me and if the doc. did'nt do his Job, he would'nt have gotten paid.

I hope the "doctor" remember this and shall hunt him from here on out.

"What's done in the dark will always come to light"
So there's a chance he could be here today.

This is the most unfair thing that's ever happened to Michael EVER.
Just saw the doctor's lawyer explaining how the doctor did CPR and it is just getting WORSE!!! CPR with ONE HAND??? On an ADULT??? While your OTHER hand is BEHIND his back??? WTH????!!!!! The only patients you can use one hand on during CPR are young kids!! And CPR on a BED?? Unless Michael was sleeping on a wooden board, no bed is "firm enough" for CPR. The hospital beds we have for kids/babies have pretty firm mattrasses....but we would NEVER even dream of doing CPR without a board underneath the patient! We have a crash cart with a hard board attached to it and we are also required to use the board if we need to perform CPR. That thing about "it was a firm bed" is nothing but a sad attempt to try to save that doctor's ass! Well guess's not gonna work! And it was bad enough to hear he did CPR on the bed, but with ONE HAND?? It is specifically instructed to do CPR with both hands, and with your hands STRAIGHT and working with your upper body and not your arms, because it takes a lot of energy to do CPR and especially if you do it for minutes, your arms will get too tired, if you don't do it properly. So with one hand, I can't see how he is able to get enough pressure because if he is holding his other hand behind Michael's back, that means he had to be almost hugging him, so there is no way he can get enough pressure on the heart, and his hand will get weaker too by the minute in such position. WHY would he choose such a difficult and ineffective and EXHAUSTING way to do CPR when ALL he needed to do was to call help, drag MJ to the floor from bed and start PROPER CPR!!! It DOESN'T MAKE SENSE??!!! Like I've kept saying...the more I read and hear about the doctor the less everything makes sense. It all just doesn't add up. No matter how you twist it! It is just absolutely DEVASTATING to read and it makes my blood boil!!!! Makes me SO ANGRY to hear he didn't help Michael the way he should have!!! :( Michael could still be with us, had the doctor done proper CPR and called help right away. And "hard to get an outside line"....?? WTF?? These days when everyone and their mother has a cell phone??! They in all seriousness trying to tell us that each time Michael would have needed to call someone outside the house...he would have needed to wait 25 minutes to get an outside line??!! :doh: Yeah, sure! :doh: And if Michael was in his he wouldn't have had a phone in his room?! Sheesh! I bet my bottom dollar that Michael had a phone next to his bed.

Another thing that concerns me and just came to mind is...what is Colony Capital's and Dr. Tohme Tohme's role? Weren't there reports that those people had threatened the Julian's Auction people to "fear for their life"? And didn't MJ just fire Tohme? And if Colony Capital owns Neverland....and make it like Elvis' Graceland after MJ is dead...doesn't that give them huge profits? Just makes you wonder and some of the things that seem possible are scary.
I am sorry but that doctor does not sound like a real doctor. I do not have a doctor degree and I know what should or should not have been done.
What I wanna know is why the hell would you wait 30 mins or whatever it was to call 911?!!!! I am so upset right now. I hope this isn't true because if MJ's death could have been prevented then ugh! I am going to be so sick.