Attorney: Doctor found Jackson with pulse

He has blood on his hands and a lot to answer for. Why hire an aggressive top tier lawyer if you have nothing to hide? Negligence, negligence, negligence. The man needs to be charged with manlaughter at the very least!
i hope this is not true bacuse if this was true he will be here not dead so why did they say this know the love of god :mat:
Oh god, if it's true I am even more furious! Why the hell did he do CPR on the bed! Why!!!!!!!!
none of us knew what happened. none of us know what would have happened, if ____.

no one knows what would have happened if anything would have been done differently. i personally would not feel better if they find out that this tragedy could have been prevented and someone is actually being responsible for it.
It's really hard knowing what to believe right now, we have stories flying around from every different angle a lot of from people who are only bothered about getting their 15 minutes of fame. We have to be really cautious.
The doctor is not a suspect. He is a witness.

And I just heard on Bloomberg news that the story from the media claiming that the doctor gave Michael a shot of Demerol before he died is simply not true. The doctor did not give him anything. He FOUND Michael in bed not breathing the next morning. He FOUND him that way.

The media want so bad for Michael to have died from a drug overdose so they can talk about how sad that was for the next 100 years. But I am beginning to think that they will be disappointed.
The doctor is not a suspect. He is a witness.

And I just heard on Bloomberg news that the story from the media claiming that the doctor gave Michael a shot of Demerol before he died is simply not true. The doctor did not give him anything. He FOUND Michael in bed not breathing the next morning. He FOUND him that way.

The media want so bad for Michael to have died from a drug overdose so they can talk about how sad that was for the next 100 years. But I am beginning to think that they will be disappointed.

And the results from the second (or first, but the second will be released earlier) autopsy will shed ALOT of light on this....right?
God, I wish all these reports would just stop until the final autopsy & investigation results are known... Why twist the dagger in the wound by telling us MJ could have very well been saved. Point is: HE WASN'T!!!!!!
Yes, the autopsy will shed light on how the media lies.

I am not saying that this doctor was all stellar and ish. What I am saying is that the media is trying to make up there on stories about what really happened and that is not fair to Michael. Why tell the public that the doctor injected Michael will Demerol before he died? Why report that as fact? That is a lie. They are only setting the stage for this whole, "he was a drug addict" finale. IT just makes me sick.
I'm thinking... even if he did have a weak pulse indeed, what good would it be if they resuscitated him but he was brain-dead? Same thing really...
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I am not saying that this doctor was all stellar and ish. What I am saying is that the media is trying to make up there on stories about what really happened and that is not fair to Michael. Why tell the public that the doctor injected Michael will Demerol before he died? Why report that as fact? That is a lie. They are only setting the stage for this whole, "he was a drug addict" finale. IT just makes me sick.
Agreed. And we need to stop letting ourselves be suckered by premature reports and speculation.
O MY GOD NO...please...I couldn't bear it..and I'm crying right now...
Yeah just heard this on CNN...... Apparently Michael was found in bed with a weak pulse, and was still warm. The doctor began CPR and that is when the 911 call was made. I makes me sick to my stomach....if they only could have saved him :(
Breaking news mj had a pulse

Dr. Conrad Murray's lawyer is now saying that when Murray found Michael Jackson, he was in his bed with a faint pulse.

Murray's lawyer, Edward Chernoff, says Murray went into Jackson's bedroom and saw that he wasn't breathing. Chernoff told the AP, "He just happened to find him in his bed, and he wasn't breathing. Mr. Jackson was still warm and had a pulse."

Chernoff says Murray immediately began administering CPR.

Chernoff says Murray did not prescribe or give Jackson Demerol or OxyContin. Chernoff says any drugs Murray did prescribe were given in response to a specific complaint from Jackson.
Re: Breaking news mj had a pulse

:cry: give him the pulse back

not sure what to believe anymore. don't want to know who or what killed my michael at the moment.. :(
Re: Breaking news mj had a pulse

In my mind, the mistake Murray made was not calling 911 first. He should have called 911 first, then started the CPR. If Michael had any level of a pulse, he could still be alive today if someone like Grace would have found him. I am sure she would have called 911 immediately.
Re: Breaking news mj had a pulse

Ok now if they find any drugs in his body and it turns out the Doctor said what he said, then he is as guilty as anything because it doesnt fit in with what he said, he would have adminsted what was in him unless micahel did it himself in which case he would have mentioned that...dr murray will be charged then and there...

Re: Breaking news mj had a pulse

We don't know the timeline between when MJ was found and when 911 was called. There are too many stories going around and we should just wait until everything is final. But we can't say for sure whether Murray started CPR while the other guy was on the phone with the paramedics.
Knowing Michael's health history is important, especially as fans, so as to know what happened.

In 1980, Michael collapsed on stage, he was taken to hospital and the Triumph tour was cancelled

In 1990 while dancing alone at his flat in LA, Michael collapsed. He recovered briefly, crawled to the phone and called his doctor who in turn immediately called the ambulance. Michael was taken to hospital.

In 1995, while rehearsing for a show, Michael collapsed. He was rushed to hospital immediately.

In 1999, while dancing, Michael collapsed. He was rushed to a private clinic.

In 2009, after 3 hours of dancing, Michael complained he wasn't feeling well. He told Frank who claims a doctor was sent over.
That's possibly why Doctor Murray walked in to watch over Michael and found he had a weak pulse.

The doctor began CPR and then also called the ambulance.

Here is the problem. In this last incident, there seems to have been a delay in getting him from home to hospital. He shouldn't have been left alone to sleep when compalining of feeling unwell if the doctor had known his past medical history.

The problem is this was a new doctor who had not dealt with Michael extensively in the past and did not know how to respond effectively when Michael collapses.

The 1980 and 1995 incident happened in public so the immediate reaction is to call an ambulance.

The 1990 happened when Michael was alone but the doctor was not present so the immediate response was to call the ambulance.

In 2009, the doctor seemed to have taken some of the responsibility on himself when Michael had a weak pulse.

But had he known, he would have alerted security and done CPR as MJ was speeded off to hospital which was 8 minutes away, or alerted someone to call the ambulance while starting CPR.

That would have given Michael time to be supported by machines and recover.

The situation seems to be a combination of several things
- A doctor who didn't know Michael's medical history very well.
- Leaving Michael alone after he complained of not feeling very well after rehearsals.
- probable slight delay in requesting a dispatch of the ambulance