Article by Michael-

I am glad everyone has been blessed as I have in reading this article by MJ.
What a wonderful, gentle, generous, loving, forgiving, faithful, respectful, sensitive, talented, man we all love.
We are so blessed to have had him for 50 years. You left us too soon, but your legacy will be like Michaelangelo..... you will live through your music you work.

sorry you guys, i am just so disturbed by some of the new posts. I am bumping this page..... i hope some people can stop reading tabloid trash and read MJ's own words.
Love Mike's article, it's touching and also impressive, he's got a really nice way of writing.
Schmuley's on the other hand....:puke: He's bitter alright. Funny article to write from someone who's got superstar 'friends' and loves basking in their light. Guess he shows his true colors now.
Love Mike's article, it's touching and also impressive, he's got a really nice way of writing.
Schmuley's on the other hand....:puke: He's bitter alright. Funny article to write from someone who's got superstar 'friends' and loves basking in their light. Guess he shows his true colors now.

Aren't they all. Mark Lester too.
Love Mike's article, it's touching and also impressive, he's got a really nice way of writing.
Schmuley's on the other hand....:puke: He's bitter alright. Funny article to write from someone who's got superstar 'friends' and loves basking in their light. Guess he shows his true colors now.

I know right?
MJ's article is just as his speeches were funny, inspirational, and loving.
You can tell when he put alot of thought into something..

Rabbi Schmely's article... well I'm not sure what kind of Rabbi doesn't believe in the good of people or believe that people are born evil.
If you believe in GOD, how can you not believe in his power??
And that power includes the ability to change the hearts of the most hardened criminals.
I don't think Michael thought he with his own will could change Hitler but rather God working through him could change Hitler.
wow...newbie me liked reading this :) very inspirational..
I know right?
MJ's article is just as his speeches were funny, inspirational, and loving.
You can tell when he put alot of thought into something..

Rabbi Schmely's article... well I'm not sure what kind of Rabbi doesn't believe in the good of people or believe that people are born evil.
If you believe in GOD, how can you not believe in his power??
And that power includes the ability to change the hearts of the most hardened criminals.
I don't think Michael thought he with his own will could change Hitler but rather God working through him could change Hitler.

Yea- who sounds more like a rabbi??? MJ or Schmely or however you spell his name.