Article by Michael-

Beautiful, yes i read this like four years ago, i was amazed that day, and i am today, wish more writing as insightful as this can see the light, so we can see more of the real Michael:)
Just thankful I stumbled upon it. Glad everyone has been touched by Michael's words as I was when I first read it. It makes me cry every time I read it. Its happy tears, knowing what a wonderful son, brother, uncle, father, friend, and a human being he is/was. Sad tears, because he was betrayed over and over again.

Does anyone know of other articles that MJ wrote. I'd love to read his words, and hear his words in interviews, rather than reading all the trash that is out there.
He is so amazing because he is different. He is a prophet of love. He had a true gift of writing too. The day he died I had hoped to have Dancing the Dream signed. I had been planning on asking him to write more...:(
That was beautiful. Thank you for posting it.

Reading it just reconfirms my faith in Michael. I understand him completely, especially when it come to children. Children are the most precious beings on this earth and everyone should cherish them. They are a true blessing from God. Children are our future and if we nourish and love them as we should the will grow to be beautiful people. Micheal knew this and appreciated it.

I am sooooo glad I read this, I feel even closer to him. We have so much in common.
Its funny, he actually makes Michael look good in this article. Michael's words speak for themselves, the rabbi just tried to water his words down with his negative words. Michael is acting like a Christian is supposed to act, the rabbi doesnt understand. Its about love for EVERYONE, even the most evil people in the world. Pray for your enemies, Even Jesus prayed for the people that were crucifying him on the cross. The rabbi is a self rightous money hungry trader, just my opinion.
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Michael's talents were so multi-faceted. He could have adventured out in to anything he chose and been completely perfect and flawless at it. It is almost disgusting LOL
Aw, that article made me cry. Not because it was MJ writing it, but just the words itself. Being a parent does bring a whole new outlook on life, and just looking into your child's eyes will make you melt. Everything he said is so true.
Thank you, i'm very grateful for your post and appreciate it greatly.
Whoa. That is just incredible!! Imagine, people had michael right there in their homes up to 1991!!!!!!!!!! And they didnt even know it..... OMG Im freaking out just thinking about it! LUCKY!!!!
never read tha beffore,,,,thamls for posting that
made me cry,,,,i think MJ was closer to God than we reaalized,,,,Jesus is always there for those who are lonley and broken.....
never read tha beffore,,,,thamls for posting that
made me cry,,,,i think MJ was closer to God than we reaalized,,,,Jesus is always there for those who are lonley and broken.....

yes Michael was one of a kind, he was a musical god:yes:, yet a dreamer, and so down to earth, i love him, is like he still with me in my heart, but i miss him, i miss his travels to bookstores with the kids, i miss him so much:(
Its funny, he actually makes Michael look good in this article. Michael's words speak for themselves, the rabbi just tried to water his words down with his negative words. Michael is acting like a Christian is supposed to act, the rabbi doesnt understand. Its about love for EVERYONE, even the most evil people in the world. Pray for your enemies, Even Jesus prayed for the people that were crucifying him on the cross. The rabbi is a self rightous money hungry trader, just my opinion.

Yea- I don't really read or like anything the rabbi writes. But since you linked it, I read it.

Jmoney:- In that Article Michael is being a person of faith.... a Christian. the Rabbi is full of hate, and judgement. You are right. Its sad, some religious leaders are so caught up in themselves. Thanks for the link. You are right, hahahaa- the article makes michael look good and not bad. LOL.
Hey thanks for posting this!
I love anything that comes straight from himself besides his music, and lyrics etc. I love reading what he has to say and i really enjoyed that article. I didn't want it to stop. Was kind of disapointed it ended on page 3.
Carinemjj. God is real, i am a living example! og Gods grace and love...
Wow...the words of that Rabbi are very harsh..especially near the end..calling Michael, just another self absorbing Hollywood celebrity. Screw him
never read tha beffore,,,,thamls for posting that
made me cry,,,,i think MJ was closer to God than we reaalized,,,,Jesus is always there for those who are lonley and broken.....

I loved reading this. It's so comforting to read this too :wub::)

It shows how Michael believed and had faith in God. He went through a lot, but I know the Lord was always with him. It's good to know MJ knew that too.

*continuing to pray for Michael and his fam* :angel:
Reading that article it felt like Michael was actually speaking to me. Amazing.
i remember reading this when it was first published. love michael :)and seven i totally agree with you. it is so surreal that michael has gone, after all these weeks it still hasn't fully dawned on me...
i remember reading this when it was first published. love michael :)and seven i totally agree with you. it is so surreal that michael has gone, after all these weeks it still hasn't fully dawned on me...

I agree, it is still hard to believe. Like when I read the burial thread, that made me cry.
Thanks for posting, i've never seen it before.
That's really beautiful.
it's sad, touching for me, He really expressed his need to just wanting to be normal for once.
Michael was honest and if he has chance, he will not want to be special again.
Since special made he got something, but also lose something.
That's just my opinion, please forgive what i said.

RIP Michael
I'll never let you part,
For you're always in my heart.
Oh God... I've never readed this article before. I love this man so much... so much...

Thank you for posting.