Are you SERIOUSLY in love with Michael?

I love Michael very deeply I have as long as I can remember, I haven't loved anyone the way I love him.

Wow, I read this thread last night and I could not stop thinking about it... So I made my self some questions that may help the rest of you to find out :D

1) Is Michael the last though that cross your mind before sleeping at night and the first when you wake up in the morning?
Yes, some times even during night time -_-

2) Do you love him with all his flaws, faults, mistakes, no matter what?
Yes... even thou I dont know that he had any of those:smilerolleyes:

3) What you feel for him can't be express in words, no matter how much you try?
No, I cant:mello:

4) Is Michael high in your scale of priorities?
Very high...:yes: He is like a second job like my friend BES said :D

5) If Michael ask you to move in, marry or have his kids you will say yes with out any doubt?
Yes, but for me is just rational behavior:cheers:

6) For you, no other men is as good, nice, smart, good looking, interesting, etc etc etc as Michael?
The rest are losers:ph34r:

7) Do you spend a large quantity of time thinking, having fantasies or talking about him?
Errr.... like all of us here right?

8) Do you expirience fisical pain, sensations or reactions when you think about him?
......... :ninja:

Well..... I guess I am :ph34r:
If you are are long time fan whose watched him go through different stages of his life. I guess I'd say being that I was young when I first discovred Micahel and became a fan, that yeah. He was my first crush.

It changed though over the years as I got older. I just loved him as I'd love a dear friend. I cared about him. Wanted him to be well and happy. I wanted it all for him as I would for my brother or sister.

My "love" evolved" for Michael. Sure, it started off as a crush, but it ended up being about loving and respecting the man. What he stood for. The way he never caved in and did not give up on what he wanted to see in his life time when it came to humanity.
I'm only 18 and I've only experienced the puppy love stage....

But I love Michael so much that it makes me wonder if it is real love? :lol:

I love him but I'm not sure if I'm really in love... I think it's infatuation but no doubt I love his beautiful and caring heart... See, I often daydream about meeting Michael in the 70's and 80's... :blush: A typical model of teenage crushes...

Yet no other artist has captured my heart like Michael.

I know I dont make sense... :D I honestly don't understand it either. Maybe once I'm older, I'll be able to sort out my feelings for Mike.

LOL i'm 18 and I feel EXACTLY the same way. I often find myself day dreaming about meeting Michael when he was in his 20;s...Billie jean, thriller era.
I am. As I got to know about him more and more, it felt like falling in love and here I am answering "I am" without hesitation. I can't seperate "being in love with him" from "loving him" as some of yall did. I know what you guys mean, tho.

I look up to him
I shed tears thinking about what he went through
I think he's a sexy, caring, strong man with a beautiful soul

So,...the way I feel about him, it comes in a huge gift package of many positive emotions. The reason why I said "gift package" is I'm truly grateful for all this love I feel inside thanks to him. I feel the love for him like he's my father (Sometimes I imagined him as my father when he was alive...cuz I don't have a good relationship with my father), my brother, my friend, and my lover in one amazing person. Reminds me of the words he said about Diana Ross: My mother, my sister, my lover.

Its easy to be in love with Michael, he is the most beautiful man and has the most caring heart! :)
Yesss! Like the lyrics in Lovin' You goes "Lovin easy cuz you're beautiful."
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I am "in love" with Michael, but in my own way. I don't love him like how I love my fiance, I don't see myself wanting to be married to Michael, etc. I do love Michael intensely though. I think he's a very, very sexy, beautiful man, both inside and out. Can't get enough of him! He was definitely my first ever crush. XD I am lucky that my fiance is ok with the fact I love another man this much. ;D
I've been reading this thread and I have varied in my thinking about my love for Michael. I know I love Michael, but am I in love with Michael? I don't know. Sometimes I feel like I am and sometimes I say that I love him for the person he was; his spirit, compassion and generosity as well as is talent. Having said that pg13 posted those questions and I have to say that I answered most of them the same way...hmmmmmm? I also feel like I'm disrespecting Michael if I let myself fall for him physically if that makes any sense. Yes he was an attractive man, but there was so much more to him then his physical beauty.

As many have said, Michael's heart was pure and giving. How could anyone not fall in love with someone like Michael? Honestly speaking, I do believe he had the whole package; flaws and all. Who doesn't have flaws? That's what makes us individuals. Yes I would have loved to have been his one true love. As I read these posts and many others, I know that I am not alone. The more I think I am trying to think differently from everyone else, the more I am the same.

"I'll never let you part, for you're always in my heart..." :angel:
and i have always been...

i have never doubted about it, cause it was so obvious.
when i was about 7 years old, i imagined how i was marrying him...

and this feeling never fade away, it bacame stronger by the time...

i always was ready to leave my family forever for him,
i always was ready to give my life for him,
i was ready to be with him no matter what mistakes he would do ...

i was ready to leave everything, my believes , my faith, my interests..
cause i had only one interest in life _ being with him forever...

i was ready to kill every woman who could be my competitor,
i was ready to die with him, and to die for him ...

even now when he is gone i have no other aim,
but to meet him again somewhere and somehow,
this is for what i live...

if he comes now and asks to die to be with him, i will be the happiest person in the world !

i would go everywhere with him,
there is no paradise and no hell for me...
paradise is where is michael, hell is where he is not !
nothing else matters!

love is for what i live, and my love is only michael... forever....
I'm definatly in love with him, he means the world to me, everything!
I would do anything to take care of him, to give him attention, I would live 24 hours for him... even 25 if is possible... I don't see him as just an idol I saw him as my love, my friend, my boy, my all!

I'm not IN love with him, but I do love him very much. He has been a big part of my life and a great influence, and I always cared very deeply about his well being and happiness. A lot of love, definitely. And I don't think that will ever change.
Completely. Always have been, always will be. He was my first love and will always be in my heart.
I love him in every possible, it feels like. I've never really thought one could feel like this, honestly. lol. It's many ways he feels like a father or brother, in many ways he also feels like a close close that it's like he's a part of me...that we are one in the same. While in other ways, he also feels like my ideal mate. So case in point...while I love him in the same way as I would a part of my family, I feel completely head over heels IN love with him at the same time.

I think I can see where you're coming from..I feel the same way...He's just LOVE personified...He's so loveable to say it plainly...I will always have a special place in my heart for him just because he was such a special person all around...:wub:
It's on another level and indescribable. I don't know how to categorise it. I love him with all my being. He's actually a 'part' of me.
I love him in every possible, it feels like. I've never really thought one could feel like this, honestly. lol. It's many ways he feels like a father or brother, in many ways he also feels like a close close that it's like he's a part of me...that we are one in the same. While in other ways, he also feels like my ideal mate. So case in point...while I love him in the same way as I would a part of my family, I feel completely head over heels IN love with him at the same time.
Ummm, what Moonwalk and Amygrace said. I have loved Michael like this for so many years. I couldn't ever hope to explain it. It's indescribable and forever.
I'm guilty of wanting to marry him from ages 4 to 6 years old! ;)

But of course it changed into a different kind of love....not like I would have for a boyfriend, but respect and appreciation for what he did. Whether it was his music or his incredible humanitarian work. I still continue to have a crush on him....but I simply realized I'd never marry him. :laugh:

Michael was a lovely human being. I find it impossible to believe that anyone wouldn't love him. :(
For me, I have known Michael since he was very young in the J5. I've seen him live with l5 3 times and I ran into him at a record store on Sunsetat Tower records, that had to be at least 20 yrs ago.

When Michael was little, and the J5 were younger, much younger, I like Jermaine. My oldest son's middles son's name is Jermaine. but once Michael broke away from his brothers with "Off the Wall", that is when my feelings changed.

To me Michael was a role model for me, he was my brother I never had, his sensitivity of man I never had. I love him for sure and I always will love him. He is so precious to me.
He is a man that I love who I never really got the chancve to sit down and talk to on a serious level.

I went to the covention center today to the carshow which is right next door to the Staple Center. When I saw the building, I started to cry.

Another ironic thing, I didn't know about MJJF when the trail wa sgoing on so I had to relate to the news. I found it when I drove up to Neverland and some fans gave me the site.

In 12006 my best girlfriend committed suide, in 2006 my stepdad passed away in 1 and in 2005 I lost my uncle. I got wiped out so fast with all my very close relatives dying.
After things settled down and I found the site, I have been here non-stop. Michael filled that void .
Now he is gone, and I have good day and bad days surrounding his death. I don't thin I'll get closure until justice is served.