Are you SERIOUSLY in love with Michael?

Yes I am in love with Michael.

And I don't care how weird it seems to some of you.
From 1988 to 1992 I had the most biggest crush on Michael. Then from 1992 to now I have been insanely in love with Michael. Michael truely was the man of my dreams. And he was truely my soulmate. We had so many things in common. Especially that we both have a skin disorder. I didn't care about 21 years, 5 months, and 25 days age difference that was between us. I have never loved a man the way I had love Michael. And thats what made losing him all the more painful for me.
my love for Michael is more than my life, not a love of a man and a woman to be his wife, is something that's not to describe it is a wonderful feeling, to see that many things in your life thoughts, feelings and attitudes are the same way I think and hajo in my life, important facts that happened in his life in a way I reach and often do not know how to explain, would not say he was a kind of soul mate, but I would say yes we have much in common I think if I had the opportunity to meet him, we would have a great connection only in the look and maybe make a nice friendship where one is supporting the other, we would first of all great friends in complete confidence. I think for That got so much love for him that is very unique and magic have no words to explain so I know feel, look and admire and try to understand pore things had to have this purpose. I love Michael with all my heart
I've never been IN love with him either, but I love him one hell uva lot, and do find him sexy as hell :)
I was for years and years in love with Michael.

I truly believed that he was the love of my life.My feelings for him were so strong,so deep...
BUT one day,when i less expected,i was sent an Angel,and i found love....
I found REAL love,and discovered that Michael was never the love of my life...The love of my life is what i am living now and it is so different from what i thought and felt for Michael....

But make no mistakes...The way i Love Michael,i will never love anyone else.
Michael is what i have the best in me.It's because of him that i am alive.
It's because of him that i have real friends,
It's because of him,that found love!
I dont wanna hear: "He is sexy/ I wanna ...... him" - We all ladies know that xD.
but I wanna hear that you may had been so much seriously in love with Michael.. or unhappy in love with him? Do you ever cry some day because you never had chance to married him or something like that?

It's wierd to me o_O... Michael is my type but im not in love with him xD?

Umm, no. However, I do not judge people who do love him though. I happen to have a serious crush on Eddie Izzard and Drew Barrymore, but they will most likely not love me back, so life goes on.
I've always been in love with Michael. He is and always will be my one and only true love, Prince Charming, my Romeo.. He's my Smooth Criminal. I always loved Michael, the person, the man... that's why it has been so difficult. Of course I love the music and videos and stuff... it would have been so much easier had I loved him only for that. I have always dreamed of marrying him. I wish I could have been there for him during his rough times. I remember being 11 years old, when Michael married Lisa, and I crying my eyes out to sleep. I was so young and I remember crying on my dad's shoulder and him asking me.. what's wrong babygirl? Why are your crying? Do you wanna tell me? And I shook my head. There is no words in this world to describe what I feel for him. I miss him every second of my life. I think about him all the time. I just can't stop crying right now, I miss him ... so much. Everyone has a soulmate, but not everyone finds them. And until they do they will feel incomplete. :weeping:
I understand the feeling of being in love with somebody I've never met. When I was 10, I fell in love with another singer. I felt betrayed when I found out he had a girlfriend. But this never happened again. I never had any other platonic love.

So I'd never fell in love with Michael. But I do love him like the majority here has said, as a friend, a father, a brother. He's attractive, but it's the kind of love that I'd wish him to be happy with the one he loved. Though, for some reason I think he's a part of me too. Maybe it's because he's influenced me so much in so many ways - even my way of thinking about my job is similar to his - that I think I could be friends with him if I had met him. And there are some things that I recently found out about him that got me 'closer' to him, philosophically speaking: he admired Walt Disney, which is a major influence in my life. I felt so happy about it.
Truly, deeply and forever. I don"t even call myself a fan.....I just love him. And it is the strongest feeling I ever had about anyone. And it lasts for more than 27 yrs now.
I love him more and more every day. That love is killing me.
yeah it's killing me! the love is killing me!! it's too much!! somtimes I'd pray "God do sth I love him less so I can have alittle space for another man in my heart!!"
Yes of course I am seriously in love with Michael Jackson
in every way godly possible one can love a man
Mentally, Spiritually , Physically, Unconditionally
Yes I am seriously in love with him
in every way humanly possible to love a man
Mentally spiritually and physically _

Why wouldnt I, or shouldnt I ? :)
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I'm only 18 and I've only experienced the puppy love stage....

But I love Michael so much that it makes me wonder if it is real love? :lol:

I love him but I'm not sure if I'm really in love... I think it's infatuation but no doubt I love his beautiful and caring heart... See, I often daydream about meeting Michael in the 70's and 80's... :blush: A typical model of teenage crushes...

Yet no other artist has captured my heart like Michael.

I know I dont make sense... :D I honestly don't understand it either. Maybe once I'm older, I'll be able to sort out my feelings for Mike.
Truly, deeply and forever. I don"t even call myself a fan.....I just love him. And it is the strongest feeling I ever had about anyone. And it lasts for more than 27 yrs now.
I love him more and more every day. That love is killing me.

Yeah,..the word "fan"...ugh...wish there was another one. =/
Thats..actually something I've debated with myself....I DO love him for who he is...But..If I knew him...I'd probebly love him like a father..It's probebly due to the huge age gap between he and I..(I'm 20.)

Or maybe he was the type of father I always wanted...(My father...well he's quite nasty sometimes..and he yells at me for stupid reasons..He never played with me when I was little...and he does things that goes against what I personally believe in..Heck, he's a racist and he insults MJ from time to time..)
I dont think I can love another man than him :cry:
Many male is so icecold today and they just playing with girls feelings
yes, completely, his happiness was tied up with my happiness, him being happy was as important or in fact more important than my own, really.

I'm pretty certain i'd give my life for him if that was the only way for him to live, although I know he'd never allow me too.

In everyway, I love, and for everyday for the rest of my life.
I really love Michael. I have never felt this way about anyone else. :wub: I love him so much that it hurts :(
I really love Michael. I have never felt this way about anyone else. :wub: I love him so much that it hurts :(

............same here:yes:
I cant describe it,its that strong and souldeep......:wub::yes::D
Michael,my sweet,loving angel......:wub::yes::D
I always thought he was cute but after I saw the video TWYMMF it was true love. ok maybe that was lust but I dream about him and I can't think of any other men that I like as much. I watch his videos every night and try to find out everything I can about him. I would call that being in love. Yes
I am. I truly am and I don't care if people say "you didn't even know him." He fills my heart, mind, body, soul, whatever you wanna call it, with this wonderful feeling that I can't describe. I've never felt this way about anyone, and I'll just leave it at that.:heart::heart:
he is everything to me....everything? i love him so much that if love was a container it would hold all the galaxies in the love for him is infinite.. it transcends the humble limits of human existance and ascends high into the unknown .... i love him more than my heart is capable of feeling and this really gives me pain....i will never love anyone else like this ... i can't ... all my love is for him
I don't know if I can say I am "in love" with him... I LOVE him... it's not only passion. It's a love so deep... free of any exigence. I feel magic inside... I feel peaceful when I think of him but, at the same time, a kind of pain, because it's hard to love someone so deep and can't even be able to tell him this in person, can't be able to take care of him. I guess I would give my life for him. It's a very powerful feeling and makes me want to be a better person for everyone. Loving Michael is the most beautiful piece of my life. I miss you, angel :(
it transcends the humble limits of human existance and ascends high into the unknown .... i love him more than my heart is capable of feeling and this really gives me pain....

Aww, that's beautiful. And I know what you mean (actually, lots of us here know too).