Are you SERIOUSLY in love with Michael?

*Little Suzie*

Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I wanna hear if you have been in love with Michael? Do you ever cry someday because you never had a chance to marry him or something like that?
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I don't know if i was ever in love with him but i did love him. It wasn't until recent that i actually fell for him hard. Did i want to marry him?....No i wanted him happy sure but i loved him in my own way.
I thought I was IN LOVE with Michael Jackson when I was 9..

I was so in love with him when he got married, I actually felt betrayed. My best friend has given me posters, magazines.. I'm embarrassed to say it here but I actually got rid of them and my collection of videos, and albums. I honestly felt I was cheated on.. The only reason why I felt this way was I wrote him a letter in 1993 and this was when all the bad press was going on - And I received a letter back saying I was invited to join something and I really thought Michael read my letter and even kept my photograph and would come to Indiana where I live and meet me, Even there was a 25 yr age difference between us.

Thankfully when I was a little older, maybe a teenager I came to my senses.

Now I'm 26, 15 yrs later -- lol -- I do LOVE Michael, but I think its the same LOVE a brother feels for a sister.
Sometimes I feel a "romantic" love towards Michael, but that's mostly just a fantasy. All in my daydreams. I have a bigger love for him, for who he is as a person that is real.
I love him in every possible, it feels like. I've never really thought one could feel like this, honestly. lol. It's many ways he feels like a father or brother, in many ways he also feels like a close close that it's like he's a part of me...that we are one in the same. While in other ways, he also feels like my ideal mate. So case in point...while I love him in the same way as I would a part of my family, I feel completely head over heels IN love with him at the same time.
i havent loved anyone the way i love and care for michael.
he is like a father, a brother, a best friend, even a boyfriend.
i cant really put it into words, but this love i have for him is as real as it can be.
I was IN love with him at a time. I haven't been in love with anybody else really. With Michael it's like romantic but platonic love. To me Michael was also like a father figure, brother, best friend and first love/boyfriend. Now it's just unconditional love.
I was a bit jealous to LMP but soon got over it and I was just happy for Michael.
I couldn't be in love with someone I never met, but I loved him dearly. It was a love that you can't really explain to people other than ourselves. I cared so much about him, worried about him, have grieved like he was a close relative and weep almost daily at some point.

He was just a special human being, and never in my lifetime could I feel about anyone else that I had not met the way I feel about him. I think he was attractive, but his innocence made it almost wrong to imagine being physical with him.
wel let me say this I would dump ANY other guy in the entire world for Michael if I had the chance..If Mj wanted me.. hahahaha, ok, then I would of course say yes. and Yea there is a huge age differance between us..whatever.
I love him so :( singing janet's: come back to meee
I love him with my entire being, I mean just looking at his videos, etc, I find myself wishing beyond words I could project some of that love onto him like he does to us, especially in videos where he's sad, talking about his loneliness etc, but also in the ones where he's smiling, acting silly... You know. Being Mike.
But there's not a physical kind of attraction, well maybe 1980-1990 appr. but I am/ was definitely not IN love with him. I just LOVE him. He makes me want to be the best person I can be. Whenever I do something good for others, especially for those in need, I think to myself "Mike would be proud, Mike would like this" and it feels even better.
When I was 12/13 I was very much in love with Michael.
But when I got older it became even better - I loved and love him for the person that he is and how he has influenced my life like no other. I love him with all of my heart :wub:
If this question was asked when I was about 9-15 yrs old, then YES!!!! Madly & deeply in love & I wanted to marry him & have MJ babies, had MJ all over my walls & books, would even write my name as Mrs. Jackson! LOL!!! :lmao:

From 16-present age, I adore & love MJ with all my heart, but I'm not "in love" with him, at least not anymore.

Michael Jackson is a part of me like my own fingerprints are. What his music & spirit have done for me & others, have no price. I'll always, always love him.
Its easy to be in love with Michael, he is the most beautiful man and has the most caring heart! :)
He was my ideal guy in every way, and while I guess I can't say I was seriously in love with him because we never met, I am pretty sure I would have been had I had the opportunity.
:yes:yeah, i was in love with him. he was so funny, smart, and adorable i couldn't stand it. and very hot and sexy.:cheeky::cheeky:
Yeah, I do love Michael. I am male so its not a romantic sort of thing for me. Its like a father or mother, or a brother or sister. I love him :)