Are Projects Based On The Thriller Album In The Works?

They should release Thriller and other short films on blu-ray from original film masters. They should also release Bad Tour concert from the film reels

Would be awesome. Personally I was teased watching the BAD25 doc, seeing some HD shots from the short film. Scorsese has the masters.
They should release Thriller and other short films on blu-ray from original film masters. They should also release Bad Tour concert from the film reels

What's really sad and I'm not trying to nock on anyone but to say that thriller is charting on Billboard is not a big deal at all. We are talking a few thousand copies sold. In today's day and age that is really meaningless nobody knows that at all but us. We should voice our opinions we have waited a long time for what we want and thats NEW MUSIC. I'm glad the younger generation can enjoy the classics but we were always waiting for the new ever since Invinceable. Michael would want us to have what he was working on.
As much as i love thiller its been re released over & over again , WE NEED NEW MJ MUSIC!
What's really sad and I'm not trying to nock on anyone but to say that thriller is charting on Billboard is not a big deal at all. We are talking a few thousand copies sold. In today's day and age that is really meaningless nobody knows that at all but us. We should voice our opinions we have waited a long time for what we want and thats NEW MUSIC. I'm glad the younger generation can enjoy the classics but we were always waiting for the new ever since Invinceable. Michael would want us to have what he was working on.
Thriller charting may not be a big deal to you, but actually it's more impressive than how Bad 25 did. The Estate/Sony may take it as a sign that if they want sales they will have to do something with Thriller. It's also not true that no one knows about those chart positions, but fans. People who follow the charts do take notice of it when an old classic album like Thriller keeps charting. I'd like Michael's unreleased stuff released, but such an album will never be a big seller IMO. The general public is just not interested in demos. We may not care about sales but Sony sure does. Plus a Thriller project doesn't necessarily mean a Thriller album re-release or another anniversary release (I think it surely will NOT be that!).
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"The general public is just not interested in demos." respect77

I agree. Fans can be blocking any new music due to the whole Michael issue re who was singing, etc etc ad nauseum. I doubt if the Estate wants to go there again. They did the demo route plus remixes with Bad 25 and fans still complained. They need to just move forward and release new music that's not just demos but completed by MJ's musicians/collaborators that he worked with for ages on other albums. These people won't be around forever. (Just my opinion, no offense.)
"The general public is just not interested in demos." respect77 I agree. Fans can be blocking any new music due to the whole Michael issue re who was singing, etc etc ad nauseum. I doubt if the Estate wants to go there again. They did the demo route plus remixes with Bad 25 and fans still complained. They need to just move forward and release new music that's not just demos but completed by MJ's musicians/collaborators that he worked with for ages on other albums. These people won't be around forever. (Just my opinion, no offense.)
But even putting aside the Casico debacle, the Michael album was a failure IMO. Many of the songs were finished by people who collaborated with Michael, yet the production was sloppy, rushed and simply sucked. Teddy Riley finished some of the songs and he did a bad job on them IMO. Michael would have never released such poorly produced stuff. It just shows that these people might have collaborated with Michael, but it's no guarantee that they will do the same quality job alone as when Michael watched over them. The true driving force behind those albums was Michael, not Teddy and the difference shows in how those album were produced compared to the sloppy work on the Michael album. So because of that bad experience with the Michael album, I'm pretty wary of other people finishing Michael's work, to be honest.
Well l if they want to honor the 30th Anniversary its fine with me. Maybe we will get a Victory concert and some unreleased songs and studio footage with that. Don't worry we will get news songs .. but I think they are taking great care with that (taking time for best production of new songs ) but they are not going to loose money .. we will probably never see the like of all the material we received with BAd 25 .

They did a great job promoting BAd 25 IMO .. it was advertise on ALL major music shows, major network morning and evening talk shows and entertainment shows and on every music website on the Internet - plus a huge promotion all over with the Spike lee Doc. They premiered it in theaters in LA. NY and London for FREE - they broadcast it on major TV networks USA and Europe. They cant come personally to every little town an store to promote it ..ALL major promotions are done over the TV and internet now .. (YOU KNOW THAT) If your country or city or music store doesn't think it is important enough to promote it or stock it - that's is not the fault of Sony or the Estate. If some fans never heard of it or got wind of it. That' s therefault for not being hooked up with the many fan boards and websites for MJ fans available. Someone isn't going to come knocking on their door to promote it.

Fans in Korea took it upon them selves to contact their music stores and had celebrations in them promoting it to the public.- Fans use to always be proactive in that way and took a major parts in celebrating releases to help promote them for MJ .. How well a album release does is dependent on the artist fans beyond the labels promotions. MJ fans have become lazy in that dept now .... IMO .. I hearso many fans complain .. but old school fans knows how this works - We did it for years for MJ . JAPAN and NY, KOREA Fans take a huge active roll - Probaly more in Europe do to. Australian fans use to do great promotions but from what I could see they snubbed BAd 25. If we want his musical Legacy to thrive we need to continue to actively make it happen ... not beg for free downloads :( I hate that - Its selfish and hurts MJ in the charts and to be recognized by the industry as still being a major player. I don't want billboard or other major charts sneering that we couldn't make MJ's music chart to the top .. I don't care what you say -We can only blame ourselves when he doesn't.

I just want MJ to Chart and be recognized and stay relevant in the charts and Musical industry for as long as possible. We CAN do that .. But I do realize Some fans of his music don't care about all that or keeping MJ on top, they just want free music.. and will let him fall by the wayside in the industry to get it.

BAD 25 was huge. but we live in a era of instant gratification and a few weeks later we are on to something else .. never appreciating what we have right now. With MJ we didn't get a new Album each year .. and we appreciated it when we got it and we savored it .. heck we threw BAD 25 on the Back burner and in a sub forum here within weeks after it release ... I feel Fans are never going to appreciate what they get .. and by that they are going to kill off MJ as being relevant in the industry ... (not historically) but if he doesn't sell .. the industry and media go to the ones that do and celebrate and promote them and pay homage to them. Of course MJ legacy will always be know .. but I want him on TOP and celebrated for as long as we can keep him there. (I'm not saying Everyone has to want what I want) It's my personal dream for MJ's legacy and Im sure many fans feel the same.

At least with Thriller ... It Is "THE GREATEST SELLING ALBUM OF ALL TIME" :) The Industry recognizes and celebrates that. They can't diss or deny it .. Even today's MJ fans can't kill that off ..... its a done deal. So if SONY and the Estate want to celebrate that and release a 30th Anniversary Album , I'm more than Happy to support and help promote it. I think of all the damage we could do, If fans would get behind BAD and Dangerous and the Newer releases like the world does for Thriller. but We have to BUY them folks (not complain or download them for free) .. that's how it works in the musical industry. Complaints don't chart or get accolades for the Artist ... purchases do.

I also don't see that any NEW SONGS will change anything for those who complain the loudest, they will most likely not even purchase them but they will complain and pick them to pieces and will treat them the same as they did BAD 25 and any other release. I'm not saying all fans do that just the chronic complainers who can never be satisfied.

Sorry for the long RANT :blush: I'm just sick of fans complaining and never taking a proactive role to change anything or celebrate and appreciate what we do have. Hey No one has to agree with me. You are welcome to feel differently and if I haven't mentioned you above, there is no need to feel personally offended either. This is just my own sad thoughts and observations of how I feel things have changed over the years.
I never understood why that happened.

"Good news doesn't sell" ~ MJ
Im not really sure, I think mainly because fans here were no longer interested in posting or celebrating in BAD 25. The only interest was the Spike lee Doc for the most part. They were already looking for something new. The un-going threads were mainly unfounded bashing and complaints about the DVD. I wish we woudl have left it as a main forum though becuase we didnt have any other releases to celebrate. I don't want to say more and offend anyone .. but seems the controversial topics where fans are bashing something or someone for their own satisfaction seems to be the most popular topics, More so than celebrating the positive threads "FOR" MJ. Anyone can look at the thread topics and post counts to see that its true. Plus if something positive is posted - it always seems to get derailed by a choice few into complaining and bashing something or someone. Just their human nature I guess. I wish it could be different. I don't know if that's just members who frequent our board or if it happens on other MJ boards as well. I don't really have time to frequent the other boards much. I may just do that for my own curiosity.
^^^ Beautiful post Qbee:bow:
I can see from your post that Michael and his legacy comes first, anything else - irrelevant at this stage, as it should be.

I feel the same way as you do. I personally don't really care what comes out, I buy it to help Michael's legacy, even better if it is something that I really would like to see, but at the end, even that doesn't matter to me.
Yes as long as it's good music that promotes MJ legacy I will support it - Michael's music isn't not just for die hard fans its for the world. something for the young to appreciate, the old and in between. BAD 25 was more marketed to the fans and they went the extra mile to give us what we asked for plus extra .. but many still didn't appreciate it so now they will probably go to those who will ... The world :) with THE GREATEST SELLING ALBUM OF ALL TIME -A 30 year Anniversary of Billie Jean is significant and of course we will still get some extras and unreleased material and probably a DVD etc. but I just want Michael to shine .. We will get the NEW songs ... I'm not worried about that one bit. We just have to be patient just as we had to be when Michael was here...
Yes as long as it's good music that promotes MJ legacy I will support it - Michael's music isn't not just for die hard fans its for the world. something for the young to appreciate, the old and in between. BAD 25 was more marketed to the fans and they went the extra mile to give us what we asked for plus extra .. but many still didn't appreciate it so now they will probably go to those who will ... The world :) with THE GREATEST SELLING ALBUM OF ALL TIME -A 30 year Anniversary of Billie Jean is significant and of course we will still get some extras and unreleased material and probably a DVD etc. but I just want Michael to shine .. We will get the NEW songs ... I'm not worried about that one bit. We just have to be patient just as we had to be when Michael was here...

Patience is a big word on the MJ world!
film reels for victory ARE locateable so they should ask Patrick Kelley or Henry Voccarro where they are now, I'm sure one of them and/or the brothers know the location of at least one show and to me this doesn't look like Thriller 30th IMO! just Making of Thriller/Victory Tour Package & possible cinema release if they restore the masters/film reels! BLU-RAY PLEASE!!! DON'T GIVE UP THE SEARCH!!!!! :D
film reels for victory ARE locateable so they should ask Patrick Kelley or Henry Voccarro where they are now, I'm sure one of them and/or the brothers know the location of at least one show and to me this doesn't look like Thriller 30th IMO! just Making of Thriller/Victory Tour Package & possible cinema release if they restore the masters/film reels! BLU-RAY PLEASE!!! DON'T GIVE UP THE SEARCH!!!!! :D
Henry Vaccaro sold all his stuff to Howard Mann.
It is very iteresting. I thought 2013 it's time for unreleased songs album but I'm so happy about new anniversary of Thriller. : D
This possibility is just too ridiculous. Time to rant.

Thriller has been re-released twice - the 2001 special edition and Thriller 25. Most of its track listing has appeared on several box sets - I believe Billie Jean has already been released eleven times. Not to mention that T25 was a mere five years ago, and Bad 25 happened six months ago. It's much too soon to be releasing yet another anniversary album. Thriller is overexposed anyways. Yes, it is a fantastic album. But Michael has trounced on that album MORE than once - Bad was so much higher than Thriller in terms of artistic merit, as was Dangerous and HIStory and even Invincible, in some aspects. I've talked to many other fans on many other forums, and they're all feeling the same way. We don't WANT another Thriller album and we don't NEED one.

Additionally, we will NOT be getting a Jacksons concert release. The Victory Tour was to promote the Jacksons' album, NOT Michael's. Sure, he sings Wanna Be Startin' Somethin', Billie Jean and Beat It on these concerts. Big deal. It has nothing to do with the album as a whole.

I've stuck by the Estate this entire time. I bought This Is It and its soundtrack, Vision, Michael, Immortal and Bad 25. And I was happy to do it, because I feel like I'm supporting Michael by doing it. But I'm sorry... if the Estate actually wastes a project on an unnecessary re-release and a crappy Jacksons concert, I won't be buying it.
This possibility is just too ridiculous. Time to rant.

Thriller has been re-released twice - the 2001 special edition and Thriller 25. Most of its track listing has appeared on several box sets - I believe Billie Jean has already been released eleven times. Not to mention that T25 was a mere five years ago, and Bad 25 happened six months ago. It's much too soon to be releasing yet another anniversary album. Thriller is overexposed anyways. Yes, it is a fantastic album. But Michael has trounced on that album MORE than once - Bad was so much higher than Thriller in terms of artistic merit, as was Dangerous and HIStory and even Invincible, in some aspects. I've talked to many other fans on many other forums, and they're all feeling the same way. We don't WANT another Thriller album and we don't NEED one.

Additionally, we will NOT be getting a Jacksons concert release. The Victory Tour was to promote the Jacksons' album, NOT Michael's. Sure, he sings Wanna Be Startin' Somethin', Billie Jean and Beat It on these concerts. Big deal. It has nothing to do with the album as a whole.

I've stuck by the Estate this entire time. I bought This Is It and its soundtrack, Vision, Michael, Immortal and Bad 25. And I was happy to do it, because I feel like I'm supporting Michael by doing it. But I'm sorry... if the Estate actually wastes a project on an unnecessary re-release and a crappy Jacksons concert, I won't be buying it.

Victory Tour isnt crappy IMO. i hope they take ''Jacksun's'' solo songs out though. only buying victory if film reels and blu-ray is created but another re release of thriller is worthless, new cd and ghosts, captain eo and BAD Tour 88 blu-ray is most important to me, also dangerous & history 25
AlwaysThere;3790382 said:
This possibility is just too ridiculous. Time to rant.

Thriller has been re-released twice - the 2001 special edition and Thriller 25. Most of its track listing has appeared on several box sets - I believe Billie Jean has already been released eleven times. Not to mention that T25 was a mere five years ago, and Bad 25 happened six months ago. It's much too soon to be releasing yet another anniversary album. Thriller is overexposed anyways. Yes, it is a fantastic album. But Michael has trounced on that album MORE than once - Bad was so much higher than Thriller in terms of artistic merit, as was Dangerous and HIStory and even Invincible, in some aspects. I've talked to many other fans on many other forums, and they're all feeling the same way. We don't WANT another Thriller album and we don't NEED one.

Additionally, we will NOT be getting a Jacksons concert release. The Victory Tour was to promote the Jacksons' album, NOT Michael's. Sure, he sings Wanna Be Startin' Somethin', Billie Jean and Beat It on these concerts. Big deal. It has nothing to do with the album as a whole.

I've stuck by the Estate this entire time. I bought This Is It and its soundtrack, Vision, Michael, Immortal and Bad 25. And I was happy to do it, because I feel like I'm supporting Michael by doing it. But I'm sorry... if the Estate actually wastes a project on an unnecessary re-release and a crappy Jacksons concert, I won't be buying it.

Even if you and others think Thriller was not the best album ever made by Michael, the WORLD proved by sales numbers that it is the best album ever made by ANYONE. Fans should celebrate Michael’s singular achievement. It is THE reason he was known as King Of Pop.

I’m not sure if you saw the Victory Tour but, it was NOT to promote the Jacksons’ album. It celebrated the Jacksons being victorious as a group and Michael’s and Jermaine’s solo careers. Not one song from the Victory album was sung on that tour. Many of the songs were from Michael’s solo career, Off The Wall and Thriller, and it was very much a Thriller Tour. It also had Michael and Jermaine’s duet. May not be a big deal to you but, it was a big deal to Michael and his fans because it was extremely successful.

I cannot support Michael by choosing parts of his career over others. We already had 6 unreleased songs from Michael on Bad 25 and the majority of people ONLY brought the dvd with the SAME songs on it.

Zakk, I think the whole concert should be available including Jermaine’s solo parts and the whole concert on cd.
Tygger;3790570 said:
I think the whole concert should be available including Jermaine’s solo parts and the whole concert on cd.

I think that would be great, too, Tygger.
Tygger;3790570 said:
Even if you and others think Thriller was not the best album ever made by Michael, the WORLD proved by sales numbers that it is the best album ever made by ANYONE. Fans should celebrate Michael’s singular achievement. It is THE reason he was known as King Of Pop.

I’m not sure if you saw the Victory Tour but, it was NOT to promote the Jacksons’ album. It celebrated the Jacksons being victorious as a group and Michael’s and Jermaine’s solo careers. Not one song from the Victory album was sung on that tour. Many of the songs were from Michael’s solo career, Off The Wall and Thriller, and it was very much a Thriller Tour. It also had Michael and Jermaine’s duet. May not be a big deal to you but, it was a big deal to Michael and his fans because it was extremely successful.

I cannot support Michael by choosing parts of his career over others. We already had 6 unreleased songs from Michael on Bad 25 and the majority of people ONLY brought the dvd with the SAME songs on it.

I've watched various Victory tour DVDs and clips online and nothing strikes me as amazing. The only sections I care about are Michael's solos, and that isn't nearly enough for me to buy it. I was never a big fan of Jermaine's music to begin with so I can easily live without that. In my opinions, releasing any further Michael Jackson concerts are a waste of time and a waste of a project. I mean, we've already seen everything from Victory (albeit in bad quality), Bad, Dangerous (save for three songs) and HIStory, so what more is there to see? It's essentially a clone of what we've already seen. It would be like the Estate opting to release Yokohama instead of Wembley on Bad 25 - a useless idea, as most fans already have Yokohama in darn good quality.

I support every single aspect of Michael's music and his career. I bought an album with three fake recordings and a remix album with no new material at all. But the idea of shelling out upwards of $20-$30 for Thriller yet again is just ridiculous to me. Besides, we've been hyped for months about the next album of unreleased material after comments by an Estate spokesperson and tweets from Michael Prince. There's no way in hell I'll let them build our excitement and then throw us this bull. If there's any unreleased music on this set, I'll buy them individually on iTunes. But this doesn't deserve my money.

One more comment: everybody stop talking about the Victory tour. Because by this point you're EXPECTING a Victory tour DVD to be included rather than hoping for one. Then, if there isn't a live DVD included in the set, everyone's going to whine and yet again flip on the Estate out of overly high expectations. Of course, no one knows if the registrations involve the next project, so for now all we can do is sit back and wait for a comment from the Estate.