
And Britt, btw, thinking about that, I am sure the footage you are .raring will have scenes from Poland, cause that orange juice and that suit happened in Poland. I saw pics of this all over the media when he was here, so it might be Russia and Poland combined.

Can't wait! :woohoo:
:clapping: Starlight Starbright you decided to come back tonight!





Isn't he lovely.....??? Pretty young thing Michael!!! ....^^
Good morning people! here one more day, well here in spain is afternoon already :p
Have a lovely Jackson-day ;) and Keep on dacin' the dream :D
I just realised it's the 1st of December!
:wild: :woohoo: :wild:







britt, the suspense is making me :tease::timer::wild::lol: can't wait for polish/russian mike :cheeky:

limon, i'm LOVING the polish lessons I need to teach my mom these!!! apparently she teaches people in poland to do her job all day long but doesn't know any polish at all! hopefully they aren't calling her any of those :lol: :lol: :lol:



britt, the suspense is making me :tease::timer::wild::lol: can't wait for polish/russian mike :cheeky:

limon, i'm LOVING the polish lessons I need to teach my mom these!!! apparently she teaches people in poland to do her job all day long but doesn't know any polish at all! hopefully they aren't calling her any of those :lol: :lol: :lol:



she teaches people in poland? what does she teach? :lol: why is this world such a small place??? :unsure: ?
I just realised it's the 1st of December!
:wild: :woohoo: :wild:




*plays sexy santa*




kane, ily this was the best thing to see in the morning :wub::wub::wub::wub::wub:
oh, my mom's not actually in poland, she teaches people over the phone/internet to do her job (it's being outsourced to poland, so she won't have a job once they can actually do it right :lol: yay for poland bad for my mom) she does computer software engineering :)
oh, my mom's not actually in poland, she teaches people over the phone/internet to do her job (it's being outsourced to poland, so she won't have a job once they can actually do it right :lol: yay for poland bad for my mom) she does computer software engineering :)

Damn I was afraid it's something like that :cry:

I seriously think it must suck to be in her position, your poor mom...
My friends got a job outsourced from USA and they were happy but they felt almost guilty towards ppl that lost their jobs
because the company moved... nothing you can do, but it's a weird feeling, like you took someone's job...
Damn I was afraid it's something like that :cry:

I seriously think it must suck to be in her position, your poor mom...
My friends got a job outsourced from USA and they were happy but they felt almost guilty towards ppl that lost their jobs
because the company moved... nothing you can do, but it's a weird feeling, like you took someone's job...

yeah it sucks... she's known this for ~5 years now, she's just counting down the days until she is eligible for retirement hoping they don't fire her before then (it's like less than 12 months I think at this point). she's been working there since she graduated college 26 years ago so it's pretty hard for her :( :( :( she's looking forward to getting a lower-stress job though, if she can find one :unsure: i keep offering her my jobs we are short of ppl at both but they are both very high-stress :lol: :lol: :lol:

i mean it's a great opportunity on the other end you can't really turn down a job like that, even if you feel bad for taking it :unsure:

it's kind of cute though, she calls the people she works with in poland "her kids" since they are all in their 20s and she teaches them :)

edit: sorry for killing the mood, i swear it's not that depressing :cheeky: have some presents:


oh, my mom's not actually in poland, she teaches people over the phone/internet to do her job (it's being outsourced to poland, so she won't have a job once they can actually do it right :lol: yay for poland bad for my mom) she does computer software engineering :)
:unsure: poor mum :unsure:

Here, Calla, have a new one:

for cold December...
thankies! *takes*... :angel:

yeah it sucks... she's known this for ~5 years now, she's just counting down the days until she is eligible for retirement hoping they don't fire her before then (it's like less than 12 months I think at this point). she's been working there since she graduated college 26 years ago so it's pretty hard for her :( :( :( she's looking forward to getting a lower-stress job though, if she can find one :unsure: i mean it's a great opportunity on the other end you can't really turn down a job like that, even if you feel bad for taking it :unsure:

it's kind of cute though, she calls the people she works with in poland "her kids" since they are all in their 20s and she teaches them :)
what company does your mum work for? of course if you can say that... and do you know where in Poland is it located? :unsure:
she works for alcatel-lucent (maybe it's just alcatel in poland?)... idk where :unsure:
well, not exactly Calls as far as I understood, you were just in the same situation, not actually in the same company...

You didn't kill the mood Monky :hug: sometimes Apples have semi-serious exchanges too (short, tho...)

The most amazing aspect of this forum has so far been for me the opportunity to make friends across the world, across the Atlantic pond,
and actually see them face to face :sun: I cherish it :sun: Everywhere, we are different but the core remains the same -
end of sentimental notes for today :hysterical:

*jumps up and dances like Smooth Criminal*

tada lalalala lalaaaa


:music: Limon are you okaayyyyyyyy :shout: :shout: :music:
my lil perfection didn't make an entry here in a long time, sowwwy here it comes I am posting that to spoil myself roffflll :p












I can't help my complete admiration for his dance in SC...
Look at this lil piece for a moment:

Look at how he works with his feet compared to people around him.
They do jack shit when he twists and switches :lol:
that's why he's electrifying and they're just the background :lmao:

when he crosses his hands together and then splits again (dunno how to say it in English :p) his moves are max smooth...
damn the rest does not even MAKE that move :hysterical:

:give_heart: :give_heart: :give_heart:
Last edited:
:unsure: I am just asking, because I am on the other side... :unsure: I am one of your mum's "kids"... :depressed: ... but... I am not sure where alcatel is... :unsure: don't hate me, please :unsure:

awwww callie i don't hate you :hug: well does that explain why you work so late then i guess :unsure: wow actually that's kind of cool it is a really small world!!! i would've :lol: if you actually were one of my mom's "kids" then we'd really be twins haha :cheers:


*gets desk and a chair.....sits at it with a notebook and pencil*


*puts shiny red apple on the desk*


ummm swearword or normal? :unsure:
ok I know!
today's swearword is: dupek :giggle: tadadadadam!

Dupek is a very funny swearword, can be said very seriously when you're pissed with someone,
but it has a tongue-in-cheek lightness to it, for example when you use it to describe the one love of your life, your boyfriend.

Its equivalent in English seems to be a**h*le but I'd say the Polish version is much lighter.
Also it is not that difficult for English speakers to say, as it is pronounced: [ˈdupɛk]

End of Polish class :hi:

*takes notes* .... mmmhmmm.....mmmhmmm gonna have to use that today :wild:

roffffflllllllllllll term of endearment omfg ILY Orie! :hysterical:
Did you actually have anyone say that????

And yeah, dupek can be multi-use phrase:coffee:


suka (singular) - suki (plural) - for females
dupek (singular) - dupki (plural) - for males

Example: you see a lot of DUPKI and SUKI on the streets in the morning trying to squeeze themselves in packed bus crashing other people.


*takes more notes* :D

ok im gonna figure out how to fix these videos right now ;)