


wtf :shock:
the pics adore is posting has set the civil rights movement back 40yrs.. smh... rofll.. oh my black ppl i luv you but i don't like you sometimes...
oh oceangirl stay poppin' off.. i don't know what she did but i saw her name with a line thru it.. ok.. gotta get back to typing the story
no not yet.. jag.. i have 3/4ths of it done.. gotta work on it some more.. herstory i am doing my best with yours but i may have to give you a new song.. cuz botdf works better with mj talking to a dude. i may have to give that to tom... and give you ITC
no not yet.. jag.. i have 3/4ths of it done.. gotta work on it some more.. herstory i am doing my best with yours but i may have to give you a new song.. cuz botdf works better with mj talking to a dude. i may have to give that to tom... and give you ITC

sok.. i know you been busy writting them all up.. i love them all :D gonan need to go back through after your done and do a massive mutilquote with all of them :lol:
no not yet.. jag.. i have 3/4ths of it done.. gotta work on it some more.. herstory i am doing my best with yours but i may have to give you a new song.. cuz botdf works better with mj talking to a dude. i may have to give that to tom... and give you ITC
Cuz only Mikka knows what a closted down low hetero I am.