Aphrodite Jones on E! True Hollywood story

People must of been using his name to get their drugs.
I got the impression that most of the drug bottles had various different names on them, not Michael's name.

Many people get drugs through alias names, it is nothing new.
And if those people were getting drugs through using Michael's name then that's what would've been found and talked about, but that wasn't the case. If Michael had been getting drugs for others under his name, it also would've sent up red flags that Michael was getting too many drugs. The drugs wouldn't still be in Michael's possession either. People would take their drugs home with them to use when they wanted.

It sounds like you're implying that Michael ran a pharmacy out of his house. :bugeyed

The situation was that the police found bottle after bottle of drugs written to various people, including Kai Chase (who said she felt used by that,) in Michael's house, with the implication being that he used different people's names to get drugs so he could avoid people (pharmacies, doctors, the media?) knowing he was getting so many drugs.
We need to be on the offensive - laugh at them like the idiots they are and ask them to PROVE their ridiculous claims.
Good luck with that. I've tried that even here on this board and it doesn't work. The way they think they're "proving" their claim(s) is to quote OTHER unsubstantiated claims and then call that "proof"! :doh: The media do exactly the same thing.

Halperin says Michael had 25 boyfriends. PROVE IT. If not, we laugh at you for being a money-grubbing, deceitful, latent homosexual.
That bs quote from one of Michael's supposed lovers claiming Michael said "The King of Pop is now gonna lick your lollipop" was one of the most OBVIOUSLY contrived and made up pieces of bs I've ever heard. I easily recognized it as such, and that was before I was a fan!

Dimond re-releases her book and she claims that Michael molested several children. PROVE IT. Or we laugh at the delusional, infatuated, deceitful loser that you are.

It is time to make them PUT UP OR SHUT UP and if they cant do that. Then we just laugh our heads off.
I wish Michael had sued some of these people when he was alive. It would've served as a warning to others, and possibly would've put an end to at least SOME of the bogus claims.

yep you are definitely demented, when you don't realize that the second half of your sentence contradicts the first half. she is certified. somebody is wrongly taking her place in a mental ward.
:rollin: :rollin: :rollin:

and since the media supports her.... need i say more? these people are given power behind microphones and they direct the decisions of society. and then they say that they don't. but then that contradicts that they come up with their conclusions, and stream them into everyone's home via tv. and they're calling it TRUE hollywood story.
I agree. They have entirely TOO much power. We are lucky to live in the age of the internet though, because us "regular people" can fight back with information too, and reach a ton of people.
I did not say that Michael was running a Pharmacy out of his house...I don't believe he took the drugs. What about those found in his room after he died? was any found in his system?
Michael died of propofol toxicity which was administered by Dr Death..
Peace out!!
Yeah. She said he was on the cusp of greatness again. She also has said how inappropriate it was how Joe talked about his new recording company just days after MJ died because that was his SON who died, and he should've been mourning him. There were a few other favorable things too, but I can't remember them.

She DID however say that he popped 40 or 50 pills per day because his tolerance was so built up. I think that's full of shit.

She says good things to fool everyone. That way we can't say she is biased but we all know the truth.
I wish Michael had sued some of these people when he was alive. It would've served as a warning to others, and possibly would've put an end to at least SOME of the bogus claims.

Well, Michael did sue some of them. He sued an English tabloid for publishing that photograph of him (probably distorted) and saying he was deformed because of the plastic surgery. They had to apologize.

He also sued someone for saying they had seen a video of him having sex with a child. Not sure if it was that Chilean (!) guy, Víctor Gutiérrez or some es bodyguards or something of his, whoever it was they said it in Diane Diamond's show. I think he tried to sue her as well but for some reason couldn't. Anyone know how that was...?.
I'm pretty sure he won that one.

Didn't he also sue Víctor Gutiérrez for his book, "Michael jackson was my Lover"?. Or didn't he?.

I agree. They have entirely TOO much power. We are lucky to live in the age of the internet though, because us "regular people" can fight back with information too, and reach a ton of people.

Yeah, that is indeed great. The press now have less power than before, and I'd say they have less and les of a monopoly in the information.

I think it would have been great if Michael would have had a website where he would comment on things. It's what Brian May of Queen does (and he HATES the press). That way he can talk without his words being twisted by the press. It would have been great for Michael, since that always happened to him.

He probably would have done it eventually. Anyone knows how much into Internet was he?.
I did not say that Michael was running a Pharmacy out of his house...I don't believe he took the drugs. What about those found in his room after he died? was any found in his system?
Michael died of propofol toxicity which was administered by Dr Death..
Peace out!!

If he wasn't taking them, then why on earth were they in his room?.
What explanation can there be?.
but has lisa or michael publicly stated anywhere that they slept together and had sex??

They did in the Diane Sawyer interview, and Lisa Marie did specifically say they did have sex in her statement after he died.
E! is a tabloid show...you can't tell me that those who appeared (including Sharpton and Dileo) didn't know it was going to be that type of show. I refuse to believe they are that naive...I have a "sinking feeling" Ms. Jones, as well as the others who appeared knew this. How much were they paid? What is their connection to him now besides the money?

You're right, The Chosen One, they SHOULD have to prove their claims, but the sorry fact is that they are never held accountable by media...by the time the ish airs to the public it's too late the damage is done to the person they exploit. No explanation needed.

Michael had to deal with years of this crap and you can't sit in press conferences all day disspelling every damn rumor someone makes up about you...you'd never get on with your life. I think he just finally let it go for the most part, and said "f*ck it!" Let them believe what they want as long as he knows the truth, you can't do much about how others perceive you....they'll believe what they want. However, it doesn't mean they shouldn't be held accountable no, especially now that he is no longer here to refute anything they say. They have no conscience about what they do. It is frustrating for those who cared for him, to have others who knew little of him talking sh!t constantly without what they say being challenged in any way by mainstream media. As long as there is money to be made they'll keep it up though...no doubt about that.

Well, no doubt they knew E! is a tabloid chanel, but I don't think we should infer from that that their intentions weren't good or that they did it for the money... much less Aphrodite Jones.
I think their reasoning is probably taht the show is going to be made anyways, and that it better has some people saying something positive about him, than only Diane Diamond in it.
Can't say they're wrong...
I have not and will not watch any of these new E! mockumentaries. Several months ago I personally confronted Dimond by pointing out how dead wrong she was about most of what she reported in the Arvizo case--I specifically quoted one of her "exclusive" reports on how she insisted Gavin's DNA was found on Michael's mattress and how the family couldn't reach 911 if they tried--both of these claims were confirmed categorically false in court. Dimond responded by shouting that she was right and her versions were proven in court, yet when confronted with actual transcripts proving otherwise she abruptly put me on "ignore" and scampered off. What a wicked and blind old hag--something is grotesquely unfair about life when people like her are still alive and thriving yet Michael is the one who's gone.

E! is a tabloid show...you can't tell me that those who appeared (including Sharpton and Dileo) didn't know it was going to be that type of show. I refuse to believe they are that naive...I have a "sinking feeling" Ms. Jones, as well as the others who appeared knew this. How much were they paid? What is their connection to him now besides the money?
I actually believe there is a great amount of naivety by those in Michael's camp. Most of those around him are completely oblivious to who the haters and hanger-ons are or what stories they've spread.

Case-in-point: During Michael Jackson's memorial, Frank DiLeo, Al Sharpton, and others treated the repulsive tabloidmonger IAN HALPERIN as if he were a great friend of Michael's. Yes, Ian Halperin got to associate with, take pictures with, provide commentary with, and otherwise enjoy the company of those who were in fact closely associated with Michael. He was also treated to the memorial and served as a guest commentator sitting right next to Frank on NBC.




Tell me that don't make you sick?
Looking at those pics you could see Halperin is a sycophant who was determined (and probably still is determined) to tie himself to Michael.

I am sure if Sharpton knew about this guy he would not have posed with him.
I have not and will not watch any of these new E! mockumentaries. Several months ago I personally confronted Dimond by pointing out how dead wrong she was about most of what she reported in the Arvizo case--I specifically quoted one of her "exclusive" reports on how she insisted Gavin's DNA was found on Michael's mattress and how the family couldn't reach 911 if they tried--both of these claims were confirmed categorically false in court. Dimond responded by shouting that she was right and her versions were proven in court, yet when confronted with actual transcripts proving otherwise she abruptly put me on "ignore" and scampered off. What a wicked and blind old hag--something is grotesquely unfair about life when people like her are still alive and thriving yet Michael is the one who's gone.

I actually believe there is a great amount of naivety by those in Michael's camp. Most of those around him are completely oblivious to who the haters and hanger-ons are or what stories they've spread.

Case-in-point: During Michael Jackson's memorial, Frank DiLeo, Al Sharpton, and others treated the repulsive tabloidmonger IAN HALPERIN as if he were a great friend of Michael's. Yes, Ian Halperin got to associate with, take pictures with, provide commentary with, and otherwise enjoy the company of those who were in fact closely associated with Michael. He was also treated to the memorial and served as a guest commentator sitting right next to Frank on NBC.




Tell me that don't make you sick?

haha they have no idea there standing with the man that repeatedly called michael gay. its disgusting and funny at the same time....
They did in the Diane Sawyer interview, and Lisa Marie did specifically say they did have sex in her statement after he died.

In the Diane Sawyer interview when she screamed out YES YES YES! it sounded like she was answering another question, was she, or was she answering the question about them having sex..? =D

and she said they had sex AFTER he died?! where??
My sources say that Diane Diamond left public radio under suspicious circumstances, and that she is addicted to herion and Ritalin which she steals from her neighbors medicine cabinet, she runs an illegal dog fighting ring, hates children and once worked as a prostitute in Brooklyn. Of course, I can't verify any of this, but that is what my sources say.......
Perhaps we should give Diane Demonic and the spineless, can't get a real job, Ian Halperin a taste of their own medicine. As much fun as it would be to do it seriously, I can only bring myself to do it in jest as I refuse to stoop to their level of inhumanity. But, there must be a way to make them accountable. This crap made my blood boil when Michael was alive, it is almost unbearable now. I must do something.
well there seems to be many topics in here.lol. Are you trying to say that Michael Was A druggy? What did they find in the autopsy reoprt? anyway this is not the place to discuss this topic..
Case-in-point: During Michael Jackson's memorial, Frank DiLeo, Al Sharpton, and others treated the repulsive tabloidmonger IAN HALPERIN as if he were a great friend of Michael's. Yes, Ian Halperin got to associate with, take pictures with, provide commentary with, and otherwise enjoy the company of those who were in fact closely associated with Michael. He was also treated to the memorial and served as a guest commentator sitting right next to Frank on NBC.

Tell me that don't make you sick?

It does.
I remember seeing those pics after the memorial. Halperin looks like a "Dice Clay" wannabe. Did those he posed with know who he was? Did they care to ask? Did he misrepresent himself to them? Perhaps. The focus of that day was supposed to be on Michael, so yeah maybe they were naive about him...he should not have been there...but then so was Bain. People were shocked and grieving, so maybe they didn't stop to sort out who really should or shouldn't have been at the memorial. It was a sad day for those paying respects to MJ...obviously some were being phony in their grief.

Given all the bs he wrote in his book, I have no doubt he'd lie through his teeth to get into the inner-circle of MJ for his book or be it near people like Sharpton, Jesse J, or Dileo or whoever else during the memorial...whatever he said or did, it obviously worked that day for him.

As far as Dimond and Jones, they have no REAL connection to Michael at all...I don't trust either of them. So yeah imo, I think for them it's about money. Dimond just has more of a history (no pun intended) with exploiting Michael's name than Jones. Dimond put you on ignore? I AM shocked...Not. She hears what she wants to hear, mostly the sound of her own voice.

Michael DID file a lawsuit against King Productions for the show "Hard Copy". The interviews led by none other than Diane Dimond with Blanca Francia, five security guards, etc...trying to imply that Michael was a child abuser, but never really coming right straight out and saying it of course. That's how they get away with it, innuendo. He did try to stop them. Lots of people were coming out of the woodwork to get their 15minutes then and are doing it now. Remember L. Thomas running the talkshow circuit? Mistake on Michael's part to hire him back. He complained that his wife was pregnant, so of course Michael felt sorry for his ass, what did he get for it? Stabbed in the back.

Michael's suit against K. Productions listed Dimond at the very top...she was moaning about it to Ashley Banfield before Court TV was turned into Trutv. He had every right after what they did. Remember Sneddon's press conference for his bogus charges involving the Arvizo's? Dimond was there in a red blazer jacket, she went up to Sneddon and shook his hand as if to congratulate him on his quest to get Michael...sick isn't it? VERY SLEAZY! Makes my blood boil. Now he is gone and she can dance on his grave and continue to exploit him without question. It's hard not to be bitter about all of it. I've seen all the games they play, they've done it for years. Media give her and others like her a forum and don't care to ask, "What proof do you have what you are saying is factual?" Never do they go there. Fans have to be careful who they consider to be genuine. Michael had that same problem and we know it hurt him.

Media are wishy washy. One minute they talk like they are legit and the next a complete lie comes out of their faces. It's a game for them. I think the song "Tabloid Junkie" applies to E! and so many others. Unfortunately, they mix some factual info with innuendo and straight up lies, then call it journalism. It's a free for all now that Michael isn't here to defend himself. What are they gaining? Certainly not credibility or legitimacy. What else...MONEY!

It's a catch-22 for fans because some of the very people who have absolutely no respect for Michael or his legacy are the very same people that will be making tons of money off his name.
remember sneddon's press conference for his bogus charges involving the arvizo's? Dimond was there in a red blazer jacket, she went up to sneddon and shook his hand as if to congratulate him on his quest to get michael...sick isn't it?

yep, journalistic spawn of satan
I remember seeing those pics after the memorial. Halperin looks like a "Dice Clay" wannabe. Did those he posed with know who he was? Did they care to ask? Did he misrepresent himself to them? Perhaps. The focus of that day was supposed to be on Michael, so yeah maybe they were naive about him...he should not have been there...but then so was Bain. People were shocked and grieving, so maybe they didn't stop to sort out who really should or shouldn't have been at the memorial. It was a sad day for those paying respects to MJ...obviously some were being phony in their grief.

Given all the bs he wrote in his book, I have no doubt he'd lie through his teeth to get into the inner-circle of MJ for his book or be it near people like Sharpton, Jesse J, or Dileo or whoever else during the memorial...whatever he said or did, it obviously worked that day for him.

As far as Dimond and Jones, they have no REAL connection to Michael at all...I don't trust either of them. So yeah imo, I think for them it's about money. Dimond just has more of a history (no pun intended) with exploiting Michael's name than Jones. Dimond put you on ignore? I AM shocked...Not. She hears what she wants to hear, mostly the sound of her own voice.

Michael DID file a lawsuit against King Productions for the show "Hard Copy". The interviews led by none other than Diane Dimond with Blanca Francia, five security guards, etc...trying to imply that Michael was a child abuser, but never really coming right straight out and saying it of course. That's how they get away with it, innuendo. He did try to stop them. Lots of people were coming out of the woodwork to get their 15minutes then and are doing it now. Remember L. Thomas running the talkshow circuit? Mistake on Michael's part to hire him back. He complained that his wife was pregnant, so of course Michael felt sorry for his ass, what did he get for it? Stabbed in the back.

Michael's suit against K. Productions listed Dimond at the very top...she was moaning about it to Ashley Banfield before Court TV was turned into Trutv. He had every right after what they did. Remember Sneddon's press conference for his bogus charges involving the Arvizo's? Dimond was there in a red blazer jacket, she went up to Sneddon and shook his hand as if to congratulate him on his quest to get Michael...sick isn't it? VERY SLEAZY! Makes my blood boil. Now he is gone and she can dance on his grave and continue to exploit him without question. It's hard not to be bitter about all of it. I've seen all the games they play, they've done it for years. Media give her and others like her a forum and don't care to ask, "What proof do you have what you are saying is factual?" Never do they go there. Fans have to be careful who they consider to be genuine. Michael had that same problem and we know it hurt him.

Media are wishy washy. One minute they talk like they are legit and the next a complete lie comes out of their faces. It's a game for them. I think the song "Tabloid Junkie" applies to E! and so many others. Unfortunately, they mix some factual info with innuendo and straight up lies, then call it journalism. It's a free for all now that Michael isn't here to defend himself. What are they gaining? Certainly not credibility or legitimacy. What else...MONEY!

It's a catch-22 for fans because some of the very people who have absolutely no respect for Michael or his legacy are the very same people that will be making tons of money off his name.

But why do you put Aphrodite Jones in the same category than Diane Diamond?.
You do know that she wrote a book defending him, with a forword by Tom Meserau, don't you?.
I have not and will not watch any of these new E! mockumentaries. Several months ago I personally confronted Dimond by pointing out how dead wrong she was about most of what she reported in the Arvizo case--I specifically quoted one of her "exclusive" reports on how she insisted Gavin's DNA was found on Michael's mattress and how the family couldn't reach 911 if they tried--both of these claims were confirmed categorically false in court. Dimond responded by shouting that she was right and her versions were proven in court, yet when confronted with actual transcripts proving otherwise she abruptly put me on "ignore" and scampered off. What a wicked and blind old hag--something is grotesquely unfair about life when people like her are still alive and thriving yet Michael is the one who's gone.

I actually believe there is a great amount of naivety by those in Michael's camp. Most of those around him are completely oblivious to who the haters and hanger-ons are or what stories they've spread.

Case-in-point: During Michael Jackson's memorial, Frank DiLeo, Al Sharpton, and others treated the repulsive tabloidmonger IAN HALPERIN as if he were a great friend of Michael's. Yes, Ian Halperin got to associate with, take pictures with, provide commentary with, and otherwise enjoy the company of those who were in fact closely associated with Michael. He was also treated to the memorial and served as a guest commentator sitting right next to Frank on NBC.




Tell me that don't make you sick?
We can't take our complaints to her anymore. We must discredit her publicly. We need ways to do this. Read her book and for every thing she says is fact we must show that it is false with undeniable proof. Discredit her to make her look like an obsessed money-grubbing fool.
well there seems to be many topics in here.lol. Are you trying to say that Michael Was A druggy? What did they find in the autopsy reoprt? anyway this is not the place to discuss this topic..
Be careful of the person you are responding to. Are they a real fan. I don't know several post in the future will tell. We need to find ways to discredit Ian Halperin and Diane D. They are the ones getting more face time.
But why do you put Aphrodite Jones in the same category than Diane Diamond?.
You do know that she wrote a book defending him, with a forword by Tom Meserau, don't you?.

Some are mad at her because of the abuse thing she said, but I have heard some people in the MJ fanbase said the same thing too. And Joe has said some things similar to that. The " I spanked and punshied them because that's what black households did at the time in the 50's and 60's" thing.
Some are mad at her because of the abuse thing she said, but I have heard some people in the MJ fanbase said the same thing too. And Joe has said some things similar to that. The " I spanked and punshied them because that's what black households did at the time in the 50's and 60's" thing.

I'm sorry, what did Aphrodite say about that...?.
I'm sorry, what did Aphrodite say about that...?.

I don't know to tell the truth just reading by the comments about this subject in the THS thread. I gotta find out when the special comes back on to conform this.

As for Dimond, she is still trying to pretend that she's sad about MJ's death but she may have been cheering about it cause it has gaven her more face time than ever!
heres the clip where demon says LMP and MJ never slept together =/


As soon as i saw her, i clicked away, i don't want to see that laughable face. And that other dude who went 'Well he paid this and that...so there must be something' i am getting SO TIRED of this. Can't these people do research? Cause if they did...the settlement really wouldn't sound so weird anymore. What amazes me is that these media assholes NEVER EVER ...not even once said this 'then again, what parent in their right mind accepts money from someone who destroyed your son's life?'

They also have NEVER reported about how accepting the money from Michael, didn't mean it was the end for the Chandlers, they could have done more...but they accepted it and refused any other things to partake. Ah nevermind....getting myself worked up again.

Most of the media is a MOTHAFUGGIN JOKE!!!!
It is possible that Michael had many prescriptions in his room that he was not currently taking; though, he may have taken them at one time. I find prescriptions in medicine cabinet that go back a few years and I think, "How do I still have this"? They never say how old the bottles are - even though we know some are more current. I'm just saying he wouldn't have necessarily cleaned house even though he stop taking them.
Be careful of the person you are responding to. Are they a real fan. I don't know several post in the future will tell. We need to find ways to discredit Ian Halperin and Diane D. They are the ones getting more face time.
Are you saying that people should be weary of anyone who questions why MJ had all the drugs in his house? It's a legitimate question. I don't think your comments were made for me, but I'd like to address the general idea anyway, since I've seen these "real fan" comments made on here before.

I guess I have to question if someone is really a "fan" of MJ's if they refuse to see him as a human being with human failings, (as we all have,) but insist on promoting him to sainthood and demanding perfection from him. He wasn't perfect, and if you insist on that from someone, then don't say you love them, because you couldn't possibly. You love some idea of who you think they are instead. If you truly LOVE someone, then you love all of them, including their faults.

I don't think MJ was on drugs other than those needed for sleeping, but if it was determined that he was, I would love him no less. Matter of fact, I would totally understand if he took drugs for pain, since he had lingering pain, and also I believe he was hurt a lot by life, so if he needed them for a mental crutch too, I sure as heck wouldn't condemn him for that. I would understand it. He went through a lot of hell in this life. :sad:

Some are mad at her because of the abuse thing she said, but I have heard some people in the MJ fanbase said the same thing too. And Joe has said some things similar to that. The " I spanked and punshied them because that's what black households did at the time in the 50's and 60's" thing.
On the show it really did seem like she was minimizing the abuse. She's wrong though. NO WAY was oiling down a kid and then whipping them with an ironing cord "normal" for the 50's or 60's.

It is possible that Michael had many prescriptions in his room that he was not currently taking; though, he may have taken them at one time. I find prescriptions in medicine cabinet that go back a few years and I think, "How do I still have this"? They never say how old the bottles are - even though we know some are more current. I'm just saying he wouldn't have necessarily cleaned house even though he stop taking them.
That's a very distinct possibility.
Are you saying that people should be weary of anyone who questions why MJ had all the drugs in his house? It's a legitimate question. I don't think your comments were made for me, but I'd like to address the general idea anyway, since I've seen these "real fan" comments made on here before.

I guess I have to question if someone is really a "fan" of MJ's if they refuse to see him as a human being with human failings, (as we all have,) but insist on promoting him to sainthood and demanding perfection from him. He wasn't perfect, and if you insist on that from someone, then don't say you love them, because you couldn't possibly. You love some idea of who you think they are instead. If you truly LOVE someone, then you love all of them, including their faults.

I don't think MJ was on drugs other than those needed for sleeping, but if it was determined that he was, I would love him no less. Matter of fact, I would totally understand if he took drugs for pain, since he had lingering pain, and also I believe he was hurt a lot by life, so if he needed them for a mental crutch too, I sure as heck wouldn't condemn him for that. I would understand it. He went through a lot of hell in this life. :sad:

On the show it really did seem like she was minimizing the abuse. She's wrong though. NO WAY was oiling down a kid and then whipping them with an ironing cord "normal" for the 50's or 60's.

That's a very distinct possibility.

Wonderful wonderful post! Thank you, nice job.

I'll also add that although the snippets of Jones commenting on the abuse definitely raised a few red flags, we need to remember that this is still a tabloid show. Who knows if it was taken out of context or what the point was of stating that. She also may not be knowledgeable on the extent of Joe's abuse. She's an expert on the court cases, but she may not be an expert on MJ's past, prior to '93. I dunno.
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As soon as i saw her, i clicked away, i don't want to see that laughable face. And that other dude who went 'Well he paid this and that...so there must be something' i am getting SO TIRED of this. Can't these people do research? Cause if they did...the settlement really wouldn't sound so weird anymore. What amazes me is that these media assholes NEVER EVER ...not even once said this 'then again, what parent in their right mind accepts money from someone who destroyed your son's life?'

They also have NEVER reported about how accepting the money from Michael, didn't mean it was the end for the Chandlers, they could have done more...but they accepted it and refused any other things to partake. Ah nevermind....getting myself worked up again.

Most of the media is a MOTHAFUGGIN JOKE!!!!

That is what is actually important. The fact that the settlement didn't mean the Chandlers couldn't have gone on with the criminal case. That is what I said to someone who was asking my "if he didn't do anything, then why did he pay the settlement?", and that person didn't go on arguing after that...

Because the issue of what parents in their right mind would accept money instead of justice... doesn't really mean anything. It doesn't prove anything, because the parent could simply NOT be in their right mind, they could just care about money and not their child.

But the act is they were NOT accepting money INSTEAD of justice, because there was nothing stopping them from pursuing the criminal case.
Wonderful wonderful post! Thank you, nice job.

I'll also add that although the snippets of Jones commenting on the abuse definitely raised a few red flags, we need to remember that this is still a tabloid show. Who knows if it was taken out of context or what the point was of stating that. She also may not be knowledgeable on the extent of Joe's abuse. She's an expert of the court cases, but she may not be an expert on MJ's past, prior to '93. I dunno.

Can anyone say what she said?.

And yes, in any case we should remember that they could have been manipulating what she said... And that she might not know that much about it...

In any case, I don't think there's anything she could have said that would make her deserving of being put in the same level of Diane Diamond... have people not read Aphrodite's blog or website about her book?, she is clearly such a fan of Michael...

What bothers me is people like AL Sharpton or Jessie Jackson (which one was it???) that went to defend Joe when he wal being criticized about promoting his label after Michael died... And Katherine saying that the Joe didn't do what they say he did... thus pretty much calling Michael (and some of his brothers/sisters) a liar.
Are you saying that people should be weary of anyone who questions why MJ had all the drugs in his house? It's a legitimate question. I don't think your comments were made for me, but I'd like to address the general idea anyway, since I've seen these "real fan" comments made on here before.

I guess I have to question if someone is really a "fan" of MJ's if they refuse to see him as a human being with human failings, (as we all have,) but insist on promoting him to sainthood and demanding perfection from him. He wasn't perfect, and if you insist on that from someone, then don't say you love them, because you couldn't possibly. You love some idea of who you think they are instead. If you truly LOVE someone, then you love all of them, including their faults.

I don't think MJ was on drugs other than those needed for sleeping, but if it was determined that he was, I would love him no less. Matter of fact, I would totally understand if he took drugs for pain, since he had lingering pain, and also I believe he was hurt a lot by life, so if he needed them for a mental crutch too, I sure as heck wouldn't condemn him for that. I would understand it. He went through a lot of hell in this life. :sad:

On the show it really did seem like she was minimizing the abuse. She's wrong though. NO WAY was oiling down a kid and then whipping them with an ironing cord "normal" for the 50's or 60's.

That's a very distinct possibility.

No comment.