Aphrodite Jones on E! True Hollywood story

Acutally I feel sorry for Demon. She has nothing to report and she looks defeated and older. lol she is reporting on Kate and jon or whatever..poor woman.
I am glad that Aphrodite took a 360 degree turn around and decided to write the truth with transcript to back up what was said.
I want people besides us (because we're automatically discredited just for being "fans") to shoot back at her when she goes around parading lies as truth. She gets away with it because *no one above her challenges it*. It's ridiculous that she's been promoted to such a position in the media. Malice, we can't really fight - people are entitled to their own opinion; but complete fabrication, reporting *blatant* lies - "Freedom of Speech" doesn't support that, not when you're being paid to report the truth.
That DD doesn't know what the hell she is talking about. I believe she is a very sick sick women .
I agree! I like it when she says good stuff about MJ, but can't stand her when she says dumb crap like MJ and LMP didn't even have sex the whole time they were married. How ridiculous! :mad:
I agree! I like it when she says good stuff about MJ, but can't stand her when she says dumb crap like MJ and LMP didn't even have sex the whole time they were married. How ridiculous! :mad:

"I like it when she says good stuff about MJ"- DD says good stuff about MJ? Humm...are you sure?
"I like it when she says good stuff about MJ"- DD says good stuff about MJ? Humm...are you sure?
Yeah. She said he was on the cusp of greatness again. She also has said how inappropriate it was how Joe talked about his new recording company just days after MJ died because that was his SON who died, and he should've been mourning him. There were a few other favorable things too, but I can't remember them.

She DID however say that he popped 40 or 50 pills per day because his tolerance was so built up. I think that's full of shit.
Yeah. She said he was on the cusp of greatness again. She also has said how inappropriate it was how Joe talked about his new recording company just days after MJ died because that was his SON who died, and he should've been mourning him. There were a few other favorable things too, but I can't remember them.

She DID however say that he popped 40 or 50 pills per day because his tolerance was so built up. I think that's full of shit.

WOW...I'm impressed. What does Diane Demon think about Mike as an artist/entertainer?
WOW...I'm impressed. What does Diane Demon think about Mike as an artist/entertainer?
I can't remember, but here is the schedule if you want to watch it over the weekend:

E! Investigates: Last Days of Michael Jackson

Thu, Oct 15 @ 10:00 PM
Fri, Oct 16 @ 6:00 PM
Sat, Oct 17 @ 11:00 AM
Sun, Oct 18 @ 9:00 AM
Mon, Oct 19 @ 1:00 PM
Complete crap since the opening credits...

Well I take that back, not complete crap, only 95% crap with the 5% of truth coming from Majestics comment about the biology of Michaels children.
I caught the last 15 min and I want to punch DD so hard, I can't stand her nor Halperin.

Hey Nancii (legacy project), I think it's time to organize an email "bomb" to bombarde E, DD and Halperin on a certain date. Can we find their emails?

The evil media is trying so hard to portray him as a drug addict but when the movie comes out they'll all have egg on their faces to go with the blood on their hands, because everybody will see how luminous he was.

Anyone knows the half life of those pain pills "they" say Michael was "allegedly" taking?

When MJ past his physical back in March, it would've shown in the blood test because some of these drugs have long half-life.
Yeah. She said he was on the cusp of greatness again. She also has said how inappropriate it was how Joe talked about his new recording company just days after MJ died because that was his SON who died, and he should've been mourning him. There were a few other favorable things too, but I can't remember them.

She DID however say that he popped 40 or 50 pills per day because his tolerance was so built up. I think that's full of shit.
I don't care what she says about Joe. If it's between Joe and Diane, I'm on Joe's side.
Aww...so she feels sorry for Michael because his father didn't look sorry enough? Who the hell is SHE to say anything? She should shut up and worry about her own effed up principles.

Sorry Laura, this isn't anything against you.:no: I'm just pissed off at all those media people who caused Michael hell (especially in the last years of his life). Don't go soft on them for saying a few 'nice' things. They can go jump.
She DID however say that he popped 40 or 50 pills per day because his tolerance was so built up. I think that's full of shit.

That stupid 10,000 pill thing! If he took that much pills, he would have died sooner. Who does the media think they are fooling (besides the haters). Acting like he pops dangerous pills like they were candy. :doh:
DD, Halperin and Grace whateve,r should get psych help. They have nothing to talk about except Michael. Michael is their meal ticket and now that he is not here to defend himself they are having a field day. I feel sorry for such vermins. Their deeds will entitle them a sure place in hell. The devil awaits!! When they get their punishment I hope no one feels sorry for them.
Here's something from Aphrodite:


My Comments on E! Investigates - Michael Jackson (air date 10/15/2009): I felt that sinking feeling as I continued to watch, knowing that I agreed to appear. The first thing that popped to my mind, was ... Diane Dimond.... acting like she maybe cared about Michael? I was absolutely shocked. And then, of course, her true colors were revealed by the end of the show. I know Michael would have felt betrayed. What were they thinking? I don't have a clue. Was there any "investigating" on that show? Perhaps I missed it. Sure there were some touching comments from the Reverend Al Sharpton and from Michael's manager, Frank DeLio. What was uncovered? In my opinion, it was a re-hashing of news clips already reported about Michael's death. And what about the secret "sources" of some of the commentators? Who are they, I wonder? Hmmmm. And, BTW, if I didn't know better, I'd say that home footage of Michael's and his kids, was somehow too similar to the footage once shot by Martin Bashir. Can anyone say, "eerie coincidence?"
To think that DD is still making money off of Michael makes me sick. Her quotes closing the document about him being an addict was just too much. Why did she have to say that? Where is the proof? Why did they repeat the doctors claim of events? He is a liar just like DD. It was a waste of time watching this show.
I don't care what she says about Joe. If it's between Joe and Diane, I'm on Joe's side.
Aww...so she feels sorry for Michael because his father didn't look sorry enough? Who the hell is SHE to say anything? She should shut up and worry about her own effed up principles.
I know what you're saying but it was nice to see that she recognized how inappropriate Joe's actions were. The footage of him is just bizarre. He is smiling and pushing his record company, and instead of talking about his SON dying, he only mentions that it's been difficult because "we lost the world's biggest superstar". :doh: I feel sorry for Michael having had to deal with THAT for a father! :sad:

Sorry Laura, this isn't anything against you.:no: I'm just pissed off at all those media people who caused Michael hell (especially in the last years of his life). Don't go soft on them for saying a few 'nice' things. They can go jump.
I know what you mean here too. The media really did make his life hell in so many ways. I'm not trying to go soft on them, but do try to appreciate the good things they say about MJ.

In the beginning of that show DD says that Michael looked "happy and healthy" and was "ready to go" when talking about his comeback, but by the end of the show she says that Michael was a drug addict. How the hell you gonna be a "healthy" drug addict??? :doh:

She is definitely trying to play both sides of the fence: trying to appeal to both the fans

and the haters.:blowup:
That stupid 10,000 pill thing! If he took that much pills, he would have died sooner. Who does the media think they are fooling (besides the haters). Acting like he pops dangerous pills like they were candy. :doh:
They also had Nurse Cherilyn Lee talking about it. She said she tested MJ's blood, and although she wasn't testing for drugs, she said if he had been doing drugs long-term, abnormalities would've shown up in the tests. None did.

I wish someone could explain all the prescription drug bottles they found in MJ's home though, with the prescriptions written to various different names. I don't know what to think of that. :sad:
People must of been using his name to get their drugs. Michael was not in control of his finances. People used and cheated him. Many people get drugs through alias names, it is nothing new.
I guess she was in the bedroom with them every night. She does not know how stupid she sounds. She must wanted MJ to hit her off.

but has lisa or michael publicly stated anywhere that they slept together and had sex??
Here's a link where people discuss the half life of Xanax. Some of them say that they tested positive a month after taking some. So, If MJ's blood or urine test didn't show traces of it for the insurance physical back in March (I guess we'll never know the result) but it could mean that he had kicked the habit out when he signed up for these shows.
Either way, I think it's gonna be harder to promote him as a druggy after he looks so good in the movie. One can only hope that the bashing will end after everybody sees the movie.

Yeah... ON Diane Sawyer...1995 Interview !!!

Watch from 2:13-2:31 AND 2:47-3:41


lol i know about that one, when she said they don't sleep in seperate bedrooms....she didn't say they didn't sleep in seperate BEDS i mean u can have 2 beds in one room. and when she screamed out YES YES YES! it sounded like she was answering another question, was she, or was she answering the question about them having sex..? =D
pushing away the negativity, accepting that DD and co are sub-IQ, emotionally dysfunctional and obsessive pseudo-human versions of faecal matter, and leaving thread
She is definitely trying to play both sides of the fence: trying to appeal to both the fans

and the haters.:blowup:

Yep. She's always done that. Nothing new. She'll drool all over herself proclaiming his greatness as a performer and in the very same breath knock him down as a sad, deranged pedophile.

She *pretends* that she thinks he's a sweet, good natured guy who's been hurt and molested which is why he's an emotionally messed up druggie who hurts and molests kids.

She frequently claims "I have nothing against the guy" and I've even heard her say "I like him".

If she truly believed he's done the things he's been accused of, then it doesn't matter what his childhood was like, it doesn't matter what he's like "deep down", there's no feeling sorry for or forgiving those transactions. You just can't. She knows this.

Her act is all too transparent. It's past time for her to give it up.

...Sorry for my slightly OT Demon rant. =/
Ya know what? It is time to start laughing at these fools. We spend our time getting angry, writing mean things about them, getting all worked up - feeling that WE have to prove our side of the story. It puts us on the defensive.

We need to be on the offensive - laugh at them like the idiots they are and ask them to PROVE their ridiculous claims. Halperin says Michael had 25 boyfriends. PROVE IT. If not, we laugh at you for being a money-grubbing, deceitful, latent homosexual. Dimond re-releases her book and she claims that Michael molested several children. PROVE IT. Or we laugh at the delusional, infatuated, deceitful loser that you are.

It is time to make them PUT UP OR SHUT UP and if they cant do that. Then we just laugh our heads off.

Midnight rant.
E! is a tabloid show...you can't tell me that those who appeared (including Sharpton and Dileo) didn't know it was going to be that type of show. I refuse to believe they are that naive...I have a "sinking feeling" Ms. Jones, as well as the others who appeared knew this. How much were they paid? What is their connection to him now besides the money?

You're right, The Chosen One, they SHOULD have to prove their claims, but the sorry fact is that they are never held accountable by media...by the time the ish airs to the public it's too late the damage is done to the person they exploit. No explanation needed.

Michael had to deal with years of this crap and you can't sit in press conferences all day disspelling every damn rumor someone makes up about you...you'd never get on with your life. I think he just finally let it go for the most part, and said "f*ck it!" Let them believe what they want as long as he knows the truth, you can't do much about how others perceive you....they'll believe what they want. However, it doesn't mean they shouldn't be held accountable no, especially now that he is no longer here to refute anything they say. They have no conscience about what they do. It is frustrating for those who cared for him, to have others who knew little of him talking sh!t constantly without what they say being challenged in any way by mainstream media. As long as there is money to be made they'll keep it up though...no doubt about that.
I know what you're saying but it was nice to see that she recognized how inappropriate Joe's actions were. The footage of him is just bizarre. He is smiling and pushing his record company, and instead of talking about his SON dying, he only mentions that it's been difficult because "we lost the world's biggest superstar". :doh: I feel sorry for Michael having had to deal with THAT for a father! :sad:

I know what you mean here too. The media really did make his life hell in so many ways. I'm not trying to go soft on them, but do try to appreciate the good things they say about MJ.

In the beginning of that show DD says that Michael looked "happy and healthy" and was "ready to go" when talking about his comeback, but by the end of the show she says that Michael was a drug addict. How the hell you gonna be a "healthy" drug addict??? :doh:

She is definitely trying to play both sides of the fence: trying to appeal to both the fans

and the haters.:blowup:

yep you are definitely demented, when you don't realize that the second half of your sentence contradicts the first half. she is certified. somebody is wrongly taking her place in a mental ward. and since the media supports her.... need i say more? these people are given power behind microphones and they direct the decisions of society. and then they say that they don't. but then that contradicts that they come up with their conclusions, and stream them into everyone's home via tv. and they're calling it TRUE hollywood story.
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