Anyone want to mail things to be left at Forest Lawn for Michael? *See post #40 re: Neverland also!*

Are you from outside the US too? (Not that mail isn't slow sometimes within the US ;)) Everytime we mail something back home from Germany they tell us it should arrive in "5 days". Same thing when someone mails something to us from the States. And it's like shaaaa, right. I've never gotten anything but the occasional letter in that few time. I've had things arrive like 14 days after being mailed (and that's with no Customs issues -- it just takes that long to show up). ~sigh~ Well, I still have hope that mine will turn up at Melania's before the end of the year :angel: It was mailed 11 days ago

i'm from HK.i don't always mail things outside HK so i don't really know how long it's actually gonna take.People said that it's gonna take about a week but i posted my stuff about two weeks ago.
i think it's because i missed the deadline.the staff told me they don't guarantee my package is going to arrive before Christmas.I too hope that my stuff can arrive before new year!*fingers crossed*
Thank You Melania! I saw the pictures!!! Thank You very much..Beautiful!! :hug:
I sent a card on Tuesday... I was gonna send something else but it is so expensive... Will send next time I guess... So Christmas Card for now... Which will probably arrive somewhere around New Year's... :(

Hope that there will be a way to take it to Forest Lawn even then...

Either way, thank you so much for everything. God bless.
Oh, mine did get there, just not in time for Sunday. :angel:

THANK YOU, Melanie, for doing this for us all and for all your time and effort!!!! It's very sweet. The pictures are a wonderful gift on this Christmas Eve (even though I feel sad at the same time a bit, you know). I love knowing there's a tree there with all our ornaments for Michael :cry: :angel: L.O.V.E. to you and all my fellow MJ fans. May we all find reasons to smile this Christmas.
Are you from outside the US too? (Not that mail isn't slow sometimes within the US ;)) Everytime we mail something back home from Germany they tell us it should arrive in "5 days". Same thing when someone mails something to us from the States. And it's like shaaaa, right. I've never gotten anything but the occasional letter in that few time. I've had things arrive like 14 days after being mailed (and that's with no Customs issues -- it just takes that long to show up). ~sigh~ Well, I still have hope that mine will turn up at Melania's before the end of the year :angel: It was mailed 11 days ago

Oh no! the lady in the post office told me this 5 days-thing too. I wanted to choose "Express Versand" (dunno the english word, the faster shipping for non-german speaker) but she told me it'll arrive in 5 days anyway... haha! Okay, it won't change anything anyhting if I'm mad at the shipping time,... but cant thank Melanie enough that she'll go there next week again :hug:
Thank you Melania so very much. It makes me happy to know that the card I had in my hand is now at Holly Terrace near Michael. Bless you for doing this for so many of us. It is greatly appreciated.
Oh no! the lady in the post office told me this 5 days-thing too. I wanted to choose "Express Versand" (dunno the english word, the faster shipping for non-german speaker) but she told me it'll arrive in 5 days anyway... haha!
Just fyi about shipping for the future. My family and I send things back and forth between the US (west coast & midwest) and Germany fairly often and, yeah, the times they tell you in the post office on either continent seem to only occur in Postal Fairytale Land. A few times letters or cards in small envelopes have arrived in Germany from the US within 5-7 days. But I've never had anything (not even a plain letter or card) get to America in less than a week from Germany. I suppose there could be the occasional lucky exception, but I honestly find that the usual time is 9-12 days for regular airmail, sometimes up to 14.

It will get there, though. I'm sorry yours didn't arrive in time, but it will arrive. Someone will get it to F.L., I'm sure :angel: