Anyone else hate nightclubs?

i went to one yesterday for the first time, i didnt like it at all but to each his own
I can't stand clubs and bars in all honesty, I'm just not a party person. What a relief to hear from so many others who feel the same way. :)
Yes, all these years I thought I was weird. :)

Same here! Where I live especially, it's like everybody still lives by that 1950s working class, industrial society stereotype where you clock on at 9, slave away and hate your job, clock off at 5 and then spend the rest of your day downing pints at the Dog & Duck. And that's what your whole life's supposed to revolve around, presumably, lol. 90% of what formally went on at my university students' union seemed to be about nightclubbing and partying OR sport, neither of which I'm even faintly interested in (watching sport, yes, playing sport, no). The small number of societies that did exist seemed pretty dead as well. So I did feel like a bit of a weirdo there, lol.

I'm not big on alcohol, don't like dancing (unless I'm watching a professional or taking a high level formal class, maybe), don't like the kind of meaningless music they're supposed to play, don't like aimless small town gossip and don't even understand the attraction of 'pulling', really... I've always been the kind of person who sees work as more fun than fun. So yeah, I just don't "get" nightclubs at all. I don't think I've been in anything like one since feeling obliged to tag along at discos at primary school age, constantly checking the clock waiting for it all to end, so that I could go off and do something that was actually interesting.
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Same here! Where I live especially, it's like everybody still lives by that 1950s working class, industrial society stereotype where you clock on at 9, slave away and hate your job, clock off at 5 and then spend the rest of your day downing pints at the Dog & Duck. And that's what your whole life's supposed to revolve around, presumably, lol. 90% of what formally went on at my university students' union seemed to be about nightclubbing and partying OR sport, neither of which I'm even faintly interested in (watching sport, yes, playing sport, no). The small number of societies that did exist seemed pretty dead as well. So I did feel like a bit of a weirdo there, lol.

I'm not big on alcohol, don't like dancing (unless I'm watching a professional or taking a high level formal class, maybe), don't like the kind of meaningless music they're supposed to play, don't like aimless small town gossip and don't even understand the attraction of 'pulling', really... I've always been the kind of person who sees work as more fun than fun. So yeah, I just don't "get" nightclubs at all. I don't think I've been in anything like one since feeling obliged to tag along at discos at primary school age, constantly checking the clock waiting for it all to end, so that I could go off and do something that was actually interesting.

Living in NYC...the city that never sleeps with never ending night life, sometimes I feel like I should be out there taking advantage of all it has to offer. But I'm a quiet person. I don't like loud music (unless it's something I really enjoy like MJ or certain others), I don't like screaming at the top of my lungs to have a conversation, I don't like being scrutinized and judged by males who only want the "hot chick" with the perfect everything. I don't like having to be clever and witty and perky. I don't like working hard to impress somebody who probably is just looking for that one night stand anyway. I don't like talking to strangers in loud, dark places, lol.