Anyone else hate nightclubs?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I can't stand them. I don't go to them that much, the only time i'll ever go is if all my friends decide to go to one that night and i just tag along. I love a nice night out, going to the bar and chatting with people i find enjoyable but if i somehow end up in a nightclub that night, the night goes from nice to boring. For some reason i have always found nightclubs to be really boring.

So here's a list of things i hate most about nightclubs

1. Crap ''dance'' music - I use the term dance music very loosley here because the music (for me) just isn't danceable. It's just nothing but a loud beat being repeated over and over again. Gives me headache

2. Bright flashing lights - So not only do you have bad ''dance'' music giving you an headache, you now also have bright lights that blind you. How charming

I really wish that i could have been the age i am now in the 80's. I've seen the official chart for 1983 and it made me so angry that if i was alive back then i could have been listening to songs like Land Down Under by Men At Work and What A Feeling from The Flashdance soundtrack (The name of the singer escapes my mind). I've seen pictures of what nightclubs used to look like in the 80's and they look so much better. I loved the bright multifull colours that are used. That's one of the main things i love about the 80's and early 90's was that alot of things was all about bright colours and it had a real positive feel to it.
me! i hate them!! EVERYONE my age goes out to them and i really dont!!
im never out...i tell ya...Thursday was the first night i was at a nightclub since January!
everyone my age goes out everynight/weekend, id rather not like. id much rather just sit in!
I hate them if I'm sober and love them when I'm drunk. Sober, the environment makes me all nervous and awkward, and with some alcohol in my system everything is awesome lol.
I've never been to a nightclub before, but they don't look very appealing to me anyway.
I will say that the only good nightclub i've ever been to is a nightclub called Reflex: The 80's bar. A nightclub that plays nothing but 80's music. Can't go wrong there
i work in one. yeah i hate them. full of drunk ppl, music that is so loud u cna only bare it with ear plugs. how ppl enjoy that i dont know. if im in a area with loads of flashing lights i have to turn my head away cause it hurts my eyes and makes me feel funny. and worst of all standing around at 2am when i dieing to go to bed
everyone my age goes out everynight/weekend, id rather not like. id much rather just sit in!

I've never been to a nightclub before, but they don't look very appealing to me anyway.

Same here. I would rather spend my nights at home at home than to go out to a night club. And I am only 30 years old.

I have never been to one I don't think, and I doubt I would like it.

I agree with all of the above. I have no desire to go to a club. I'm not one who is even much for parties.
Well, I was young in the 80's and even then the last place I ever wanted to be was in a nightclub. I would rather be pushed from the edge of a cliff, lol. I just don't get the appeal. Loud music, flashing lights, drunk people acting stupid, creepy guys trying to get another notch in their belt. I would rather go some place quiet where you can actually hear conversation or some place fun like a ball game or even the dentist is better, hehe! Ultimately for me home is where I feel the most comfortable.
I can't stand them either....Even if I'm drunk, I quickly get bored...And, analogue, you're right about the music...same heavy beat over and over again.....and I really can't stand having to dodge a bunch of drunk, horny men all night....:puke:

P.S. what REALLY pisses me off, is when they actually play a Michael song, but the remix it into something completely different....and ruin the whole thing....His music is sacred, don't fuck with it....
I think I went to a disco twice in my life. Is that the same as a nightclub? :unsure:
If so, I didn't like it at all. but many people love them. I don't see the point in that. Why going there if you can't even talk to the one in front of you? and no food :(
I'd rather go to a pub with friends than go to a nightclub. I don't mind nightclubs, it all depends on who you're with and it depends on the music. I cant stand dance music so that is out of the question, if I go out its a place that plays old music and contemporary stuff, not dance. Oh and I agree with the poster about Reflex, its awesome!
Nightclubs? Blah! A room with shit load of flashing lights, loud "dance music", drunk people trying to "dance" (this would include the use of glowsticks!) & both men and women trying to pull the birds/ guys.

I'd rather have fun that I'd actually like to remember thank you.
Nightclubs are fun once in a while for me, but not too often. I like the ones that are set out nicely so they have areas of dancing and lounges, then you're able to chat with new people without the loud music interfering. Bars/pubs are also great for chilling, but sometimes its nice to let your hair down and have a dance. As for the flashing lights and music, it really depends on the club/bar/pub. I don't go heavy on the alcohol, two drinks is satisfying enough and then theres no hangover worry about.
I dont mind them but just as long as they play the music i like, then i'll go to it. I havent been to a nightclub in years
There not being a lot of discussion in nightclubs is actually one of its highpoints for me. I think talking can be boring a lot of times, especially when you meet a new person who apparently wants to interview your ass. I hate that so much. I just hate any time I feel like I'm being analyzed by somebody I just met. Chances are that I just wanna goof around and have a good time if I'm out with friends.


Stfu lol
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There not being a lot of discussion in nightclubs is actually one of its highpoints for me. I think talking can be boring a lot of times, especially when you meet a new person who apparently wants to interview your ass. I hate that so much. I just hate any time I feel like I'm being analyzed by somebody I just met. Chances are that I just wanna goof around and have a good time if I'm out with friends.


Stfu lol true....I just pretend I don't hear them cuz of the music :lol:
^ haha me too!!! when i see some fella coming towards me i just pull my mate in closer and start dancing like a maniac!! :lmao:
^^ hahahaha....sometimes me and another friend would pretend we're lesbians just to deter those guys :mello::lmao:
I used to go a lot in my 20's and loved it.. Hardly go now, I wouldn't now like the places I used to go to.. Drunks, Men coming onto you every time you turn around, Ohh and the sticky carpets. :bugeyed :puke: LOL!!
When I do go now, It has to be somewhere like Reflex.. Music I know and lyrics you can actually understand and sing along to. :D
^^ hahahaha....sometimes me and another friend would pretend we're lesbians just to deter those guys :mello::lmao:

lmao girl thats what we do!!! it works hi...although i kinda think they like the idea of lesbians!! :nono: dirty dirty!!