Anybody Found the Time Magazine Special Issue yet?

So they have it in Kuwait and the Netherlands, but my mom and sister can't find it in anywhere in Washington State. Not at Borders, Barnes & Noble, etc. WTH...
I'm going to Borders tomorrow to see, they said they should get it then...They may have lied to get us off their back tho...:-(
I got mine today and plan on buying more for fans that want them. Let me know if you are unable to get them and I will do my best to serve you on a first come basis. You will have to pay shipping and handling as well though…
I got mine today and plan on buying more for fans that want them. Let me know if you are unable to get them and I will do my best to serve you on a first come basis. You will have to pay shipping and handling as well though…

If I can't find it this week I might take you up on that offer :) Where do you live?
If I can't find it this week I might take you up on that offer :) Where do you live?

I live in UTah, USA. They held a copy for me but when I looked on the shelf there were still about 12 more. I didn't feel good about exploiting this magazine as I did with the VIBE issue, so I am offering it to the fans rather than selling them on Ebay. Hopefully they will still be there tomorrow…
Bought mine at Barnes and Nobel- they are keeping them
behind the counter and will only allow 2 copies
Got it!

Barnes and Nobles and Borders had it where I live here in Utah but none of the grocery stores had it.

I also got the Newsweek.

And Thursday the TV Guides come out and Friday, People comes out and two special collections from the USA Today are also supposed to be out.

Long Live the KING!
I am so glad I saw this thread yesterday before I went out grocery shopping.

I found mine at Fred Myers (on Johnson Creek Road) in Portland, Oregon. They had several copies. I was able to afford 2 copies. (one I can read through and touch, the other will be in a protective plastic thing)

It is beautiful.. the clerk who checked my groceries was very careful with my copies that I bought and put it in a special bag and said she had to remember to pick her self up a copy.
i'm stopping everywhere on the way home from work (supposed to be working) and i'll let everyone know what's out. i'm in an area where mags hit the stands fast.

Michael I miss you SOOOOO MUCH :boohoo:
I got my Time magazine today! Really didn't like the J**** section.
I really expected Time to have more class than to use two full page-sized pictures they used. You know which two I'm talking about.
So yes, I'm really disappointed. So much for their 'classy' reputation. Bastards.

There are some beautiful pictures of little Michael in there.
Dear fans in London! tell me please where could I buy Time magazine?
My friend is in London now (not friend actually, just woman who agreed to help me), and she can't find it...
PLEASE, help me :(
If you can't find the magazine, Amazon has a hard-cover issue for presale now. Time Life will be re-releasing down the road as a hard-cover collector edition, so don't worry.
Dear fans in London! tell me please where could I buy Time magazine?
My friend is in London now (not friend actually, just woman who agreed to help me), and she can't find it...
PLEASE, help me :(
Tell your friend to call newsagents and local bookstores - and tell'em to hold onto a copy for you.
I've got the magazine. It is on sale now in Israel, where I live. Also found few French magazines, which I already posted the covers from. Plan to buy People and Rolling stone, may be Life magazine too. The Paris Match magazine, says something nasty of him on the cover, but there are few nice pics, in the same time. Unfortunately it also has the pic from the ambulance and talks of his plastic surgeries, deformed nose, and what not.