Anybody Found the Time Magazine Special Issue yet?

I bought it today at Wal-Mart, after looking a bunch of places.

I just want to warn you guys of a couple of things before you get it:

The first article, which discusses his passing, brings up the possibility (which has not been confirmed) that his death was due to drugs in order to cope with the demand of the London shows and cites TMZ.

The magazine is divided into three parts of his life: The last one, as someone said earlier, is called "J****, 1990-2009." It goes on to say "Deformed by Surgery, Warped by Fame, the Sad End of an American Icon." It has that grotesque courtroom picture, the balcony picture with Blanket, some trial pictures, etc. It claims that he may have been over $500 million in debt, that he lost Neverland, may have been enabled by doctors, etc. So, if you don't want to read any of that kind of stuff, I suggest that you reconsider getting this issue.

Overall, though, it takes a fairly balanced look at his life and career.
Are there pics in it? I have had alot of MJ magazines that I did not care what they wrote..just wanted the pics? Is that sad to be that way. Really don't want to read their disrespect.
I have the Newsweek. The bookstore I went to hadn't received it yet???? Have to look elsewhere. I didn't think it was out... Thanks for letting us know.
Y'all scared me. My local Wegmans had plenty of copies. =]
bought it tonight. Overall Im happy with it. They mention vitiligo as a fact and really pay him homage. I of course hate the ***** section but what can you do? the back is adorable that was sweet of them (and pepsi?) to do that.
I got it in Australia from Borders. There was ONE copy in the store room which one of the workers had picked up early. Apparently they're ordering around 100 for each Borders stores in this country.

I ended up getting the only edition they had :)

It's now in my MJ "box" I have with all the unopened keep sakes i'm planning to keep forever.
I looked all over for it Monday, that's when I thought it was coming out. I can't wait to go today and get it! I'm thinking of buying 2 or 3 copies depending on how many are there...I don't want to be greedy, but at the same time... :x
I found it interesting that on the very back page of the magazine Pepsi wrote an add paying their respect to Michael.
I found it interesting that on the very back page of the magazine Pepsi wrote an add paying their respect to Michael.

A friend of mine e-mailed Pepsi about the possibility of rerunning some old ads with Michael in them and they said they were considering it. I think it would be pretty neat to see those on TV again..
Anyone know if we can get this in England? They had Time in Borders but not the right edition.
Borders in UK called me- they ve got it in! only 2 copies though, the worker is keeping one for himsel and to give one for me. though im scared to read it when i get it i case i ruin it and deface its value, i want to keep it for decades1
I have an extra copy I'm willing to send to anyone in one of those countries that does not had access to it. At no cost. I just want to help someone that can't get to it. First person to PM gets it..
They had this in WH Smith in Oxford, but not Borders, which still has the old copy from last week.
I can't find it anywhere. Borders, WHSMITH... anywhere.

I GOT MINE! Went to my local Borders they only were delivered FOUR COPIES! luckily i know a guy there that reserved one for me, he told me people all day have been asking for it.
I have already ordered mine from Borders, I will pick it up tomorrow.

btw, my local whs said they are getting them in stock tomorrow morning at 8.30 am :)
I have been to 3 different places, but can't find the special commemorative issue. Barnes and Noble said they haven't even received any yet. Anybody bought it yet? If so, where did you purchase it?

Hi.. I just wanted to let you know that yes i bought the Time magazine yesterday 6/30/09 and I got it at Borders. It is beautiful. It makes this whole thing seem so final. sad sad sad.