Amy Winehouse died. :(


Proud Member
Jul 29, 2009
Confirmed by CNN and Fox news now.

Sorry girl.. RIP..
Was not a fan but always wished she'd solve her problem and get the career she deserved.
amy winehouse found dead

Rest in peace.yet another tragedy. Found at 4pm gmt at her home
Re: amy winehouse found dead

That's very sad, though I'm not a fan. She was way too young... :no:
Re: amy winehouse found dead

???? you are not saying the truth.arent you?? i am not a fan but if its true it is sad.This summer i read that she canceled her tour cause of she is dead???
Re: Amy Whinehouse died. :(

Just read in the papers. It was bound to happen. Not long ago in Belgrade she was totally drugged on stage. It seems that she never quit drugs. It's a shame. An extremely talented musician destroyed by the drugs.

May she rest in peace.
Re: amy winehouse found dead

Yes its true.just do a google news search.sadly it was a case of when not if with amy.heartbreaking.
Re: Amy Whinehouse died. :(

I never knew if I liked her songs or not. She has some good ones and others just need to be accepted as good tracks. Yes she was full of drug & alcohol, so I am not really surprised, but most sad is, 27 years YOUNG. I think she could have a great carreer if she was not addicted to those stuff...
Re: Amy Whinehouse died. :(

How sad... What a loss. Loved both of her albums, especially her debut CD "Frank". Sleep tight Amy.
Re: Amy Whinehouse died. :(

Is it for sure it is drugs or is this just what everyone is assuming?
Re: Amy Whinehouse died. :(

I was not a fan of hers. But nevertheless, I am very sorry to hear that she died. Rest in peace Amy.
Re: Amy Whinehouse died. :(

^^ Assumed. It's a shame.She was talented
Re: Amy Whinehouse died. :(

Just Speechless....I saw this woman singing in a London pub before she was famous, and what a voice!

I'm just Speechless. The last album I bought, it's Back To Black. Just unbelievable to see this news.

And sadly I think she will be in a better place now.

Thanks for the good music Amy, the REAL MUSIC.

Re: Amy Whinehouse died. :(

her voice was a serious problem she can really sang its sad how this music industry only care about Money and making money off the artist nobody pay attention to her crys for help even thro she was high all the time they could of help her trust me her death is another inside job these celebs just don't died off like that
Re: Amy Whinehouse died. :(

It's just so sad. Such a remarkable talent who has gone to soon. Here's hoping she's singing an awesome duet with Michael right now :(
Re: Amy Whinehouse died. :(

Just terrible. She was really young...and I liked her voice.

Rest in peace Amy.
Re: Amy Whinehouse died. :(

A terrible tragedy. I liked her songs. RIP Amy!
Re: Amy Whinehouse died. :(

I liked her alot.I think she was the most talented new artist of this century


This one was the last good news I heard about her and I was happy for her .

28 September 2010

Quincy Jones says Amy Winehouse is so talented she is ''from another planet'', and he's honoured she sings on his new album of covers, 'Q: Soul Bossa Nostra'.

Quincy Jones says Amy Winehouse is so talented she is "from another planet".

The legendary producer - who worked on Michael Jackson's 'Thriller', the largest selling album of all time - said he was lucky to be able to recruit Amy to work on his upcoming album of covers 'Q: Soul Bossa Nostra' after a chance meeting at Nelson Mandela's 90th birthday party, which she performed at in 2008.

Of her performance of Dinah Washington track 'It's My Party', recorded with Mark Ronson, Quincy told "She's a smart little girl. What can I say, man? Nobody sounds like her. She's been going through a lot of stuff, but she came on through, man. Everybody was saying, 'You'll never get her' and all that stuff.

"You know how the press is today - it's lethal, with all the haters and negative s**t. But she and Mark came on in and they did it. She has a great voice. She's from another planet."

Meanwhile Mark, who produced Amy's breakthrough album 'Back to Black', said he will not make a decision as to whether he will work with her on her long delayed third album until he's heard the songs she's written for it.

He told the Metro newspaper: "I'm not sure if I'll definitely produce her new album. Whenever I'm producing a record with Amy or whoever, it's always about the songs, so you have to hear the songs before you decide what you're going to do.

"Obviously there's a chemistry in the record that we made together. I hope if we did something together again it would be as good."

Re: Amy Whinehouse died. :(

I just found out. Very sad. I didn't follow her career but I knew about the incident she had on stage recently. :(
Re: Amy Whinehouse died. :(

Very sad. She was much too young. RIP Amy.
Re: Amy Whinehouse died. :(

That's so sad, even though you could see it coming.. :( My condolences to her family and friends.
Re: Amy Whinehouse died. :(

I reckon the only shocking thing about this is her age. Given her life habits, it's not shocking at all, but still sad nonetheless. Her life was a slow-motion train wreck. I'm not a fan of hers by any means (I cannot stand her voice, actually), but she was talented and had a strong personality. It's a shame to see all of it culminate in waste and unnecessary tragedy. This entire thing was wholly preventable--perhaps Amy's death will serve as a warning to other "troubled" stars, who may not ponder too much over their own mortality due to their young age. No one is immortal. No one is indestructible. Some end up paying the ultimate price for their habits. Every action has a consequence.
“I could never decide whether I wanted to be Michael Jackson or marry him. I don’t care what people say because he’s a f*****g genius.” - Amy Winehouse.
Re: Amy Winehouse is dead

Breaking News 7:06pm UK, Saturday July 23, 2011
Amy Winehouse Found Dead In London Home
Singer Amy Winehouse has been found dead at her home in Camden, north London, at the age of 27, police have confirmed.
The London Ambulance Service was called to her flat just after 4pm but were unable to save her life.

Sky sources said the singer was "beyond help" when paramedics arrived.

"On arrival, officers found the body of a 27-year-old female who was pronounced dead at the scene," a police statement said. Sky's home affairs correspondent Mark White says it is believed the singer died of a suspected drug overdose however officially her death is being treated as "unexplained."

A section of the street on which she lived had been cordoned off by police as fans gathered.

Singer Michelle Gayle told Sky News that Amy's father Mitch was "devastated."

The Back To Black artist had cancelled all tour dates and engagements last month after a series of erratic public appearances.

Her final show was in Belgrade in June where she was jeered after a shambolic performance. She had appeared briefly on stage with her goddaughter Dionne Bromfield on Wednesday night. She had been troubled by drink and drugs problems throughout her career. Tributes to the singer have been posted on Twitter. Sarah Brown, the wife of former Prime Minister Gordon Brown said her death was a "terrible waste of a great talent." Kelly Osbourne tweeted that she had "just lost 1 of my best friends" and fellow singer Lily Allen said Amy Winehouse's