American Idol- season 7

Re: American Idol: Season 7

As far as I'm concerned, Jason did crack. He's the only one who didn't give a strong performance. He sounded like he was struggling and his renditions were forgetable. He is getting worse not better. I think he should have been voted off and I'm wondering what is keeping him in the competition. Are more women/girls voting and is he kept in bec. of those baby blues. I'm sorry, but it can't be based on the performances he has been giving lately. I think there is room for him to have a career in singing as when he did Don't Stop the Music he suprised me with what he did. He actually reminded me of Justin Timberlake during that performance. I just think it's not coming together when he actually performs on the show. It's a shame. I really hope Syesha makes the top 3.
Re: American Idol: Season 7

This week's theme should be good: Rock & Roll Hall of Fame music. Has anyone else been listening to any of the studio versions of the contestants' work?
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Re: American Idol: Season 7

I voted heavily for Syesha tonight to make it to the Top 2. She had the best performances of the night to me. The 2 Davids don't do anything for me. The make me want to turn the channel when they perform, but Syesha keeps you watching because she's always doing something interesting and entertaining.

I hope that the younger David gets the boot tomorrow night. I simply don't care for him. He's just not ready for the stardom, as far as I'm concerned.

If she comes through and makes it to last 2 standing. I hope she will knock the performance out of the park so that she will prove that she deserves to be the American Idol - 2008.
Re: American Idol: Season 7

sorry lady p,

My little David is going up against the other david :eviltongue:

Syesha will get a record deal regardless of leaving this week. She will more than likely get a part on broadway as well ;) :eek:k:
Re: American Idol: Season 7

y is the dewy eyed youngster still on? he has the personality of cardboard, he looks consiptated when he sings, his dad is a tyrant, and he looks creepy when they ask him questions. he's a fibber, he pretends like he's never sang a song then we see vid of him performing the very same song....he's trying to get by ona facade...ugh
Re: American Idol: Season 7

I don't vote much for the show but I voted around 100 times for Syesha this week..

still did not make enough difference.. :(

now I don't care who wins.. it's wutever to me
Re: American Idol: Season 7

This is by far my least favorite season. Archuleta? Seriously? This show has turned into a joke. Sorry for any fans of the show who enjoy him, I don't mean to offend, I just really can't stand him. Monotonous, boring, one-dimensional... I just don't see how this guy is one of the best in America.

Also, Syesha got screwed. What the hell did they choose for her to sing? Then they give David A. and David Cook songs PERFECTLY suited to their style. Also, Paula flat-out said she didn't think Syesha deserved to go on. Since when does Paula tell people they're not good enough for next week? She praises people who sound like garbage..

The judges and the show in general were aiming for a "David vs. David" final. Seems obvious to me.

Just my 2 pennies.
Re: American Idol: Season 7

well my fave is in the finale so I am not complaining :eviltongue:

honestly, my favorite part of AI is the auditions :giggle: then the summer tour. the middle part is just filler :lol:
Re: American Idol: Season 7

yea since ratings are hella down, they actually cosidering eliminating the auditions from the show and going right to hollywood....sux
Re: American Idol: Season 7

no auditions :eek: !!??

oh hell to tha nah !!
Re: American Idol: Season 7

I don't believe they will get rid of the auditions. With the songs Syesha had to perform I'm not surprised that she was eliminated and David A did have a strong night. It was refreshing to hear him do something like With You & I thought his dancing was fine. I don't know why Simon didn't like it. Probably only because David hasn't had a song to move him like that before.

I really hope David Cook wins.
Re: American Idol: Season 7

I bet David will win....

ummm!?!?! ya
Re: American Idol: Season 7

sorry lady p,

My little David is going up against the other david :eviltongue:

Syesha will get a record deal regardless of leaving this week. She will more than likely get a part on broadway as well ;) :eek:k:

Yes, Syesha will do better than most after leaving this fake show.:yes:

I'm sorry that you have such bad taste and you're a Michael Jackson fan, too.:scratch::no:

soso def said:
y is the dewy eyed youngster still on? he has the personality of cardboard, he looks consiptated when he sings, his dad is a tyrant, and he looks creepy when they ask him questions. he's a fibber, he pretends like he's never sang a song then we see vid of him performing the very same song....he's trying to get by ona facade...ugh

soso def, I feel exactly as you do about the creepiness. He literally makes my skin crawl. I can't look at him and I don't like listening to him. I would tell you what he reminds me of, but I won't go there.

Someone mentioned him dancing...what dancing? The poor hapless child can't move his body to safe his life.

Why would anybody spend money to see him perform? He won't get a cent of my money, for real.

The other David is plain dull...he's not ROCK.

They both are uninspiring and from what we've seen this year, not very entertaining. Very easy for me to say.

And oh yeah, I'm not gracing them with my viewer's rating. I won't tune into the show for the fake finale. I'd rather watch a horror flick and I hate watching those.
Re: American Idol: Season 7

All the judges said Syesha's performance of Fever was bad...I didn't thnk so - I actually thought she did a great vocal. It was a little bit theatrical, but the vocal was strong.

As for Archuleta - i've been waiting all season to heat him sing an upbeat song, but i didn't think With You was the right choice for him.

Anyways...the judges seemed to have an agenda, for sure.

My vote goes to David Cook
Re: American Idol: Season 7

fair enough y'all ... if the final two are not up to par, who would you have liked to seen last to this point ??
Re: American Idol: Season 7

fair enough y'all ... if the final two are not up to par, who would you have liked to seen last to this point ??

To tell you the truth, although they wanted people to believe this was the most talented group of contestants of all of AI, I never felt that way.

That girl (A'ysha?) that had lost her dad just before auditioning for the show wasn't given a chance to last long enough. I think she could have done well.

They took Chikezie down by telling him he sung too old. WTF? He wasn't that bad.

Other than Syesha, I really don't think I liked that many people this year. I was utterly not thrilled.

Last year, at least I was thrilled by Sanjaya and Jordin, just because of their unpredictability, mostly his.

I voted for Syesha simply because I felt she was better than all the girls, even though Carly was okay, she seemed to sing too big at times.

Brooke, NO.

The other girl who knew Britney Spears, Christie (?), NO.

I guess my favorites turned out to be Syesha and maybe A'ysha(?) and that's strictly for their entertainment value. The held my attention. Everybody else I would leave the room, look at the walls, play video games on my cellphone and just plain ignore them.:D

The way the judges were sitting on their azzes taken people down with the same old criticisms performance after performance there was no way either of them could have stayed. But Syesha was getting votes and I believe she did better than they wanted us to know. She couldn't have been at the bottom all those shows. They did it for the drama, I believe.

What's with the judges always saying that shet, "You shouldn't sing somebody's song because that person sung it the best."

What do they expect? They ask them to sing songs and then they criticize them based on who sung the song first. That's so dumb.

I think I went overboard answering this question.

I guess I had a lot to get off my chest. Sorry about that.:D
Re: American Idol: Season 7

David Archuleta :heart:

Is the only reason why I'm watching this show.

I melt on my couch when I watch his smile.
Re: American Idol: Season 7

that is quite alright Lady P :lol:

David is just adorable ... I guess I just don't see the wierdness or the creepy factor that others see *shrug*

Some are creeped out by Michael *shrug* I dont see that either :)
Re: American Idol: Season 7

I agree with most of what you said, riskaa. I didn't think Fever was a bad song choice but I do think she should have done something different with the music, made it more current. The last person to release a version of Fever was, I believe, Madonna in the 90s. Though I didn't like her version, she managed to do a dance music version of it. I think Syesha could have experimented more with her arrangements. She often kept songs in their original keys i.e I Will Always Love You and the Alisha Keyes song.

The judges do seem to have an agenda, all of them; you're right.

On a different note: Does anyone else think Paula has been acting strangely because she is severely fatigued? I saw her reality show, Hey Paula! and it seems she works through the night often selling her jewellry on TV.
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Re: American Idol: Season 7

Also, Syesha got screwed. What the hell did they choose for her to sing? Then they give David A. and David Cook songs PERFECTLY suited to their style. Also, Paula flat-out said she didn't think Syesha deserved to go on. Since when does Paula tell people they're not good enough for next week? She praises people who sound like garbage..

Yes I agree... it made me sick when she told Syesha that she wouldnt make it to the top 2...its like she was kissing up to those who are rooting for the 2 davids...its like it wasnt really her speaking...
Re: American Idol: Season 7

that is quite alright Lady P :lol:

David is just adorable ... I guess I just don't see the wierdness or the creepy factor that others see *shrug*

Some are creeped out by Michael *shrug* I dont see that either :)

We weren't discussing Michael.

Michael does not creep me out.

David A does not remind me of Michael.

David A reminds me of someone else that will remain nonmentionable.
Re: American Idol: Season 7

What did you all think about tonight's show?
I think Simon was unfair to David Cook..
Re: American Idol: Season 7

I thought it was a weak show.

David Cook was decent as usual, but I just don't like Archuleta. It seems to me they specicically wanted a David/David final and I felt they screwed Syesha over. I also feel that they want David A. to win this because they all but said he was better tonight and they got all hammy over every performance of his.
Re: American Idol: Season 7

I am watching American Idol because of David Archuleta. He's real talented at a very young age and I just love it when he smiles...

I watch American Idol, too, because of Ryan Seacrest. I love him.
Re: American Idol: Season 7

like David A. or not, he belted those three songs out last night.

David cook was very entertaining as well.

I voted for David ;)
Re: American Idol: Season 7

OMG D.A. killed Dont let the sun go down on me!!!!!!!!:punk: :punk: :punk: I like him :D
Re: American Idol: Season 7

I'm glad Syesha is getting to sing with the likes of Seal and DOnna Summer. She deserves to enjoy this...
Re: American Idol: Season 7

mine did. and this keeps alive the streak of singers who win after performing mj songs.
Re: American Idol: Season 7

:glare: well, i am happy for you ... :girl_tantrum: :cry: