American Idol- season 7


Proud Member
Nov 2, 2006
Hi everyone:

This is a thread for everyone following American Idol. I've enjoyed this season more than I have in a long time. One of the reasons is because of David Cook. He is the only contestant I've experience who surprises me each week, mostly pleasantly. I didn't enjoy the We Are innocent song a couple weeks ago, but he certainly made up for it last week when Mariah was on. I keep going to You Tube to hear his version of Be My Baby which as a favorite of mine when Mariah first did it.

Are people outside of the US able to download AI tracks from itunes? I haven't yet started using Ipods but David Cook now has me considering it seriously.

I'm also enjoying the other David and Syesha's renditions. How about you? Also, do you think this year's contestants are the best yet as trhe judgews have been saying all along?

Looking forward to your responses.
Re: American Idol: Season 7

Meh. I dunno why but David Cook is good, but not as good as the judges are making him out to be. I saw him do Mariah Carey's You'll Always Be My Baby...and I just's getting predictable ! LOL All he's doing every week is taking pop songs, putting a guitar riff to them, and make them rock out...and everyone's like falling all over him for that! lol
Re: American Idol: Season 7

J5Master... I think it's a talented thing to take Pop songs and turn them in to rock songs. I was pleasantly surprised also when I heard "Always be my baby" in a rockish type of tone.

Love.Him... "Always be my baby" is also one of my all time favorite songs from Mariah.

But everyone that is left on the show has their own unique talent. I think everyone on there deserves to have an album out. I'm curious who would sell the most....

My brother really likes Jason Castro. He says he thinks that he is the only one who'd by an album from.... I'm starting to think the same cuz he just has a unique voice and a unique look, and unique music. :) He's also cute!
Re: American Idol: Season 7

yeah, i dunno. a lot of people do it...i mean it's good once or twice, but every single time? And no one really is telling David to 'switch it up', like they did for...saaayyy...Chris Daughtry :lol:

I liked Chikezie, i'll buy his album. I cant believe he got voted off before that other chick who had no personality and only stayed in cuz she sung "god bless the usa" :lol: But Chikezie has real talent.

I like Jason too.
Re: American Idol: Season 7

I also liked Chikezie. It was sad to see him go. I also thought Christie should have left earlier, but she did improve. I don't think David Cook is the only one who is not being told to switch it up. The judges seem to be accepting Brook & Jason's styles as unique & truly them.

David Cook managed to get me to like Hello! A song I remember not liking from when it came out. Do you like rock music at all, J5Master. I'm just wondering.

Also, in addition to the contestants, I'd like to know how people are feeling about Simon these days. Are there any Simon Cowell fans here?
Re: American Idol: Season 7

Yes! Usually the rocker guys are my favorites when it comes to American Idol. I have Chris Daughtry's album and i think he's very talented ( i also listen to tons of other rock artists of course LOL)

By mentioning Chris Daughtry I was noticing how the judges CONSTANTLY told him to switch up and show more versatility, something that they're not doing in this season. Its almost as if they arent challenging the contestants enough. I hated when they did it back then, but now i missed it cuz it made the show a hella lot more interesting, and made the artists GROW.

Sometimes I like Simon cuz he's usually on point, but lately i feel that there's a serious strategy to when he's mean and when he isn't. But that just IMO.
Re: American Idol: Season 7

i haven't felt that i would download anything from there on itunes...but the closest i came to wanting to do it, and the only time i voted was when brooke white did 'let it be'. i haven't watched, since. nothing stands out enough for me.
Re: American Idol: Season 7

David Cook is my favorite, and if he wins, I'll definitely be buying his album, and if he doesn't win, he's likely to get some sort of record deal, so again I'll buy his album. He's got a sexy voice and presence, and he's hot. None of the other contestants are as interesting or talented. David Archuleta seems like a nice person, but he is overrated.
Re: American Idol: Season 7

both Dave's could and should win this,but overall this year sucks IMO. I ain't felt Idol on a whole since season 3 or 4. the chicks are weak on a whole this year aside from one or 2.
Re: American Idol: Season 7

i still think they are being 'clever' with Kristy Lee Cook. it's hard to believe they didn't preserve her till the top ten, on purpose..and i saw the photographs where she was strategically placed to stand out. and how they were subliminally encouraging her..from ryan to simon, to reporters who wrote about the show, this season. i think the producers want her to be the winner without it looking obvious. and getting into the top ten is like winning...and like getting a record deal. and they already started the talboid treatment of her, with a story of her getting engaged, appearing on access hollywood..or the extra..or one of those shows. surely there will be an obvious winner, but count on Kristy Lee Cook to end up with the kind of backing that is way similar to an obvious winner of the competition.
Re: American Idol: Season 7

I've been following American Idol 7! I can't watch the performances live or anything because they're shown two weeks after the original day here in Finland, but I watch the performances on youtube. I think that Jason is my favourite. His first performances in the finals weren't that good but he's gotten a lot better and I especially liked Somewhere Over the Rainbow.
Re: American Idol: Season 7

Yes, I think Somewhere Over the Rainbow was one of his best performances. I think he modelled his version from the version used to end Joe Black, one of my favorite Brad Pitt movies.

One thing I've noticed w/ Idol this year is that whenever anyone has done a Queen song they have made it to the next week. Carly really messed up a couple weeks ago but managed to survive. I think that was down to people liking her voice but I suspect a lot of Queen fans have been voting. At least 3 Queen songs have been performed on the show so far.

About Kristy Lee, I think you're on to something, Vince. I think keeping her in the program helped keep some variety as she was the only one representing country music.
Re: American Idol: Season 7

I think Brooke probably will go home tonight or maybe Jason. I was thinking last week that she needs to toughen up & also watch how she answers questions from the media.
Re: American Idol: Season 7

for the first time there has been a report that the ratings for AI have gone down. the media said that the week where Mariah Carey's songs were sung was the lowest rated episode, ever.

and i agree with the comment about Brooke. nothing says 'unnattractive' more than bickering with the media. it takes away from your talent, no matter how good you are.
Re: American Idol: Season 7

I like David Archuleta, because he has a genuinely beautiful voice.

But I heard his father is a horrible "stage dad" and makes David cry at the rehearsals and sometimes doesnt let him even get any water :(

I also feel that his father makes him sing the songs he sings, b/c just about EVERY song he has sung has been an inspirational song and Simon said one week that he seriously doubted that David chose his own song. I mean, Inspirational songs are great (duh- MITM, Earth Song,....etc..) but sometimes music is just about feeling GOOD and escaping life for a while.

I just hope that when the show is over he finds the right ppl to manage him (NOT his dad) and he picks the right genre of music.
Re: American Idol: Season 7

I'm surprised MC would be the lowest ratings for the show. She was supposed to be no. 1 on the Billboard charts t the same time, wasn't she? I noticed that Brooke seemed to want to give the impression that she would not be "talking back" anymore :) I was surprised that Carly went home after her performance. Does anyone think the public found the lyrics to Jesus Christ Superstar offensive?

I haven't seen the play, so I only have an idea of the plot from what I remember from over the years.

My fav, Webber song is Music of the Night, so I was glad to hear David sing it. I knew his voice would be able o carry it off.
Re: American Idol: Season 7

I remember hearing that the song is offensive for Christians but I dont think that is why she went home...I dont know why she went home I thought she was one of the strongest if not the strongest performances that night...that was weird for me that she was sent home
Re: American Idol: Season 7

all i know is brooke white better be the next to go home. i liked her at first, but she can't sing like these other singers on the stage. she can't sing long notes.
Re: American Idol: Season 7

I really liked Brooke in the beginning too when she sang Happy Together and the Carly Simon song those were my favorite performances of hers...
Re: American Idol: Season 7

I actually really like Brooke White. Admittedly, she's not the best singer in the group but when she sings I believe every word she's singing. She reminds me of singers like Carole King or the Indigo Girls who'll (vocally) never stand a chance against Mariah or Whitney but they're great because you believe what they're singing. I don't think she should win the whole thing but I certainly don't think she's lousy either. Carly had had a few weaker weeks already and although she has this really big voice, maybe the audience just wasn't feeling her anymore.

I've been waiting for Jason Castro to get voted out for a couple of weeks now but I guess I won't see that happen for a while because he has too many supporters. David A has a beautiful voice but overall he just puts me to sleep now. I usually look forward to seeing David Cook and Syesha Mercado perform because they have their own style and it feels like they're really taking the competition seriously.
Re: American Idol: Season 7

Meh. I dunno why but David Cook is good, but not as good as the judges are making him out to be. I saw him do Mariah Carey's You'll Always Be My Baby...and I just's getting predictable ! LOL All he's doing every week is taking pop songs, putting a guitar riff to them, and make them rock out...and everyone's like falling all over him for that! lol
that is what he is supposed to do is be original. There are a few that I can spot that are not original, I call em out every week and they're illiminated. I've been able to tell who is going and tell you what..he might make it to top 3 if he reeeally tries. That one girl..can't remember her name..she is black..her name starts with an S. Anyway, she is gonna be gone soon :yes:

That boy that comes from around where I live..the youngest one, I have a gut feelin he'll make it to top 2. We'll see. :yes: I just don't see him goin, any time soon .

EDIT: Speaking of brooke white..she keeps being threatened to be voted off too.. so she might go next, as well..we'll see next week. It's pretty predictable lol and yeah i'm not into this year's at all, either. getting old :/
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Re: American Idol: Season 7

Neil Diamond week, wow lol. If they thought MC & Webber week was difficult, they might find this one even more so. Any Neil Diamond fans here?

On another note, I miss David Hernandez. I thought he left earlier than he should.

Edit: about Ai getting old, strangely enough, I felt that way last year. I hardly watched it thought I enjoyed it the previous year. They had even had Prince on in 2005, I think, so I don't now why I didn't watch it much last year. I'm glad I watched this year though, but people can catch up w/You Tube :)
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Re: American Idol: Season 7

that is what he is supposed to do is be original. There are a few that I can spot that are not original, I call em out every week and they're illiminated. I've been able to tell who is going and tell you what..he might make it to top 3 if he reeeally tries. That one girl..can't remember her name..she is black..her name starts with an S. Anyway, she is gonna be gone soon :yes:

That boy that comes from around where I live..the youngest one, I have a gut feelin he'll make it to top 2. We'll see. :yes: I just don't see him goin, any time soon .

EDIT: Speaking of brooke white..she keeps being threatened to be voted off too.. so she might go next, as well..we'll see next week. It's pretty predictable lol and yeah i'm not into this year's at all, either. getting old :/

yeah but what David's doing isn't THAT original though. :lol:
Re: American Idol: Season 7

I used to like Brooke but now she kinda annoys me. Neithet her song choices nor her singing have been good lately. And I didn't like how she stopped the orchestra and started again. Wasn't that the second time she had to start again? And I don't like it how she interrupts the judges all the time
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Re: American Idol: Season 7

I'm with you. :yes:

I used to like Brooke but now she kinda annoys me. Neithet her song choices nor her singing have been good lately. And I didn't like how she stopped the orchestra and started again. Wasn't that the second time she had to start again? And I don't like it how she interrupts the judges all the time
Re: American Idol: Season 7

I'm getting tired of Syesha being put in the bottom 2 or 3. She is not doing that badly. I've been voting to keep her in the show. If she gets voted off I won't watch the remaining shows.

I don't care for either David, especially the younger one. He seems out of place to me in a eery way. If he wins I will not be happy. Brooke is just done in my opinion, I don't know why she's still on the show. And the dreadlocked one, Jason, I think, he's just giving me nothing to cheer for.

So it looks like I won't like the winner this year, if Syesha doesn't get a chance to go for it.

Last year, I voted for Jordin and I was thrilled that she got the votes.
Re: American Idol: Season 7

I agree, I don't think Syesha deserved to be in the bottom 3 so often.

About the latest performances: I think Jason gave the weakest performances for last night. I preferred Syesha's second song Thank the Lord for Tonight to her first one. Brooke did much better in her second song I am, I said, much better than the first one. David A did quite well with both his songs. For me, though, David C gave the strongest performances.
Re: American Idol: Season 7

Syesha is WAY to under rated..

It just goes to show that it's just a popularity contest.. Little bandwagon bull crap..

Syesha is the best vocalist on the show right now.. It's crazy how she just gets ignored, no matter how good she does..

It's not about the voice, or even about who can put a good performance..

It's a bandwagon thing.. They pick there favorites in the beginning, and ride with them to the end even if others are better..

'Oh but he's qute'.. 'She's so sweet'..

But what about the TALENT..

I take David A. for instance.. Ya he can sing well..

But can I see anyone buying tickets to watch him perform?? NO!!

He's a good recording artist.. He would sell tickets his first performances, because he is who he is.. But once people see him.. It's like.. OK NOW WHAT??

Syesha can sing her ballads, can sing mid tempo, fast tempo songs.. Can put on a show much better than David A..

But he's the qute shy kid with elv ears, that says thank you a lot, flares his nose, and talks from his breath more than the average person..

People just want to eat him up like a little cake.. I KNOW! :)

But does he got what it takes?? NO!! (my opinion) U feed him to the sharks and he gets eaten..

I'm not saying he's bad though.. I like him.. I just see how the game is played, and he's in the lead with it.. With the David Cooke turning the corner really fast.. He could take it because he has that darker, 'cool' theme, that teenie boppers are not supposed to like, but they love it..
Re: American Idol: Season 7 is political..and they make no apologies for it..
Re: American Idol: Season 7

Well, at least Syesha gets to perform another night. I voted a whole lot for her Tuesday night. I could not see Brooke beating her out. Brooke had to go. Simon sucks for saying that Syesha would most likely go home Thursday night.

When she said to Simon, "We'll see." I was like yeah, you tell him, because I haven't voted yet. I was happy to see that my votes did count to KEEP HER at least another week. I will continue to try and help her get some respect from Randy and Simon with my votes. I think Paula likes her.

She's up against the boys all by herself now. She's going to need a lot of votes to not get voted off next week. Because they are trying to get her thrown off the show with their negative comments, I'm hoping one of the boys crack and do very poorly.

The only competition I see for Syesha is David Cook. But that's just me.