'American Idol' Must Find A Michael Jackson

What did Berry Gordy say? Something like... "Michael Jackson doesn't come around once in a lifetime. Michael Jackson comes around once."

That's all.
Firstly there will never be another Michael Jackson, like there will never be another Elvis or The Beatles. Secondly if there were to be a new Michael Jackson they certainly wouldn't need American Idol to get noticed, they would have been noticed way before.
I highly doubt they're going to find what they are looking for. If we really want to see and hear another artist that can make a significant impact on the music industry, then the music industry itself has to change. Priorities needed to be shifted towards talent at the highest standards versus what will create the most profit.
What did Berry Gordy say? Something like... "Michael Jackson doesn't come around once in a lifetime. Michael Jackson comes around once."

That's all.

Haha, and that is the truth right there. End of story.
Haha, and that is the truth right there. End of story.

so agree! and the sad part is MJ should still be here and when he was here he wasn't treated fairly at all. Now that he's gone everyone suddenly 'misses' him. It is very upsetting. Madonna said it best pretty much when she said 'you don't realize what you have until it's gone'
To be fair, American Idol did acknowledge Michael Jackson very nicely and respecfully prior to his death by having an MJ week for the show. That was great And it's nice that they use MJ as a benchmark even today. I mean, it shows that MJ and the incredible impact he made will never be forgotten.

LOL did anyone see the Japanese guy on last night's show who was "trying" (but failing) to dance like Michael? Too funny! Poor guy.
There will never be another Michael Jackson. The media needs to stop with that talk. PERIOD

lol these people dont get it. When a star like that dies there is no replacing or searching for a replacement.

You both got that right!:clapping:

:lol: Well, I've been watching for the past hour and so far, its a no and will be a no for the years to come... They are crackin' me up man :lol:


I am so over IDOL now

I hate how everyone in the media is always trying to find ''a new king of pop'' to replace Michael. You never hear them say ''We need a new King of Rock n Roll'' to replace Elvis Presley or ''We need a new fab four'' to replace The Beatles

Elvis and The Beatles are their icons, it would be almost sacriligious if anyone tried to replace them......MJ's legacy is disposable to them

Bitter people around here. .

Far from it
why do they want another one? the one that they had they treated like crap. Now that he's gone they want another one? I just hate these people so much.

believe it or not, I wanted to write the exact same thing.
I agreed with you. I don't mind them mentioning Michael. I also find it a compliment (although they did it mostly for creating hypes).

I owe my deepest gratitude for all Michael gave us in his life. His global mega-stardom touched millions' hearts and inspired million and million of people. It's a beautiful legacy. He's iconic and achieved immortality.

But, at the same time, I also want to acknowledge the fact that Michael gave his life for his arts. I guess no one can comprehend the amount of sacrifices he made in order to accomplish all his unparalleled achievements. He gave us his all. Of course he's triumphant ultimately; yet, he's a victim of his fame and talents. He's a human afterall.

Like what Alma mentioned, it's not about being bitter, it's being realistic. While we all should celebrate Michael's amazing legacy, I cannot forget the excruciating pain he suffered.

Good points. I think too that the excitement of MJ has been felt all over again and of course those in the industry hope another artist can create it. Michael was genuinely a cosmic force and when we physically lost him, you felt it. For Randy to hope to find someone of MJ's magnitude is natural, but he knows too, it ain't gonna happen! Like you said, it's hype. He wants the audience to tune in. And as usual, mentioning MJ even comparatively, gets attention and hopefully viewers.
I still at times cannot get it through my head that Michael is gone...jeez and they are trying to replace him....there are no words..:(
I just get pissed about things like this. The media sucks, they really do. They will do everything, and anything, to make others, the gernal public, think that future artist will thought as "the new MJ", or the biggest things every bla bla bla (sorry!). They will never stop to break Michael down, never. It's not often, or ever, we've heard them say that this guy/girl is bigger than Elivs, or will be, or anything like that. Michael's been gone less than two years, and even when he was alive, they were after making everything and everyone bigger than him, even though they know it wasn't so.
This is where we fans come in though, as always, we have to make sure the truths gets out there.
They just may have found a singer with the purity and perfect pitch of MJ...only she's a girl, 15 year-old Thia Megia :cheeky:

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&#8216;American Idol&#8217; top 12 girls recap: a &#8216;peachy&#8217; night

10:24 pm March 2, 2011, by Rodney Ho

Thia Megia on top 12 night, aired March 2 (taped Feb. 28). CREDIT: Michael Becker/ Fox

After a solid opening with the guys Tuesday, the women had a tough act to follow.
Overall, it was a good, not great, night. There were some truly professional performances and a couple of messy ones. (Hey, at least Ryan Seacrest got a new Georgia-inspired nickname, courtesy of Lauren Alaina!)

Pick your top 5 favorites from the top 12 gals (up to 5)

  • Thia Megia <small>(75%, 622 Votes)</small>
  • Pia Toscano <small>(73%, 600 Votes)</small>
  • Lauren Alaina <small>(64%, 531 Votes)</small>
  • Lauren Turner <small>(40%, 330 Votes)</small>
  • Karen Rodriguez <small>(39%, 322 Votes)</small>
  • Naima Adedapo <small>(36%, 295 Votes)</small>
  • Haley Reinhart <small>(28%, 230 Votes)</small>
  • Kendra Chantelle <small>(21%, 171 Votes)</small>
  • Ashthon Jones <small>(14%, 118 Votes)</small>
  • Julie Zorrilla <small>(7%, 62 Votes)</small>
  • Rachel Zevita <small>(5%, 39 Votes)</small>
  • Ta-Tinysa Wilson <small>(2%, 14 Votes)</small>
Total Voters: 827

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My favorites were Naima Adedapo, Lauren Turner, Lauren Alaina and Thia Megia. It&#8217;s hard for me to pinpoint a true favorite. Kendra Chantelle, Haley Reinhart, Pia Toscano and Karen Rodriguez had their moments. Ta-Tynisa Wilson, Rachel Zevita, Ashthon Jones and Julie Zorrilla had major problems that could endanger their chances of going further.

On Thursday, we find out the top 5 men and top 5 women vote getters. Then it gets tricky. Joe&#8217;s Place says we won&#8217;t know the wild cards yet. Instead, a new wild-card round will be added to give the remaining 14 contestants another shot at the final two slots. Really? Is that necessary? Give us the 12 (or 13) tomorrow already! Do we really need to hear Jordan Dorsey again?

Here are my rankings:
1. Thia Megia 2. Naima Adedapo 3. Lauren Alaina 4. Lauren Turner 5. Karen Rodriguez 6. Pia Toscano 7. Kendra Chantelle 8. Haley Reinhart 9. Ashthon Jones 10. Rachel Zevita 11. Ta-Tynisa Wilson 12. Julie Zorrilla

And a quick recap:
1. Ta-Tynisa Wilson (&#8220;Only Girl&#8221; by Rihanna) &#8211; Sounds like she shouted the entire song. It was very risky but also very annoying!
2. Naima Adedapo (&#8220;Summertime&#8221;) &#8211; She totally went the upbeat route in a canary-colored dress. Classy and fun with a great last note.
3. Kendra Chantelle Campbelle (&#8220;Impossible&#8221; by Christina Aguilera) &#8211; She has a versatile, strong voice but a distinctly vanilla persona that makes her easy to forget. This song personified her strengths and weaknesses in one neat package.
4. Rachel Zevita (&#8220;Criminal&#8221; by Fiona Apple) &#8211; Weird and bizarre take on this song and very very theatrical. She has no good defense for this one. I have not liked her and this did nothing to change that.
5. Karen Rodriguez (&#8220;Hero&#8221; by Mariah Carey) &#8211; Very clean, very pageantry take. The big difference: singing part of it in Spanish worked well and made her stand out. Smart!
6. Lauren Turner (&#8220;Seven Day Fool by Etta James) &#8211; Arguably one of the most pliant, interesting voices among the ladies. She showed that bluesy feel tonight. If only she looked like, say, Julie Zorrilla&#8230;
7. Ashthon Jones (&#8220;Love Over Me&#8221; by Monica) &#8211; Good stage presence. Not a great song for her, though. Her voice can get loud but is not deep tonally.
8. Julie Zorilla (&#8220;Breakaway&#8221; by Kelly Clarkson) &#8211; Worst performance of the night. Evoking the original &#8220;American Idol&#8217; is a major risk and it did not pay off. I felt like she was swallowed by the arrangement and her efforts to differentiating herself did not work. Like Robbie and Stefano the night before, she was an early favorite who didn&#8217;t rise to the occasion.
9. Haley Reinhart (&#8221; Fallin&#8221; by Alicia Keys) &#8211; She over-worked this song, every note turned into a mini-set of melisma, rolls and twists and turns. Okay, we get it. You can sing 30 different ways but you don&#8217;t have to show them all off in one song.

10. Thia Megia (&#8220;Out Here On My Own&#8221; by Irene Cara) &#8211; Again, she sings well beyond her years with almost frightening precision, depth and warmth. She took a chance singing a cappella to open but did just fine. Tonight, she even looked many years beyond 15. She and Charice could have a serious sing off!

11. Lauren Alaina (&#8220;Turn on the Radio&#8221; by Reba McEntire) &#8211; The night is heavy with ballads. She took a chance doing something more upbeat but she pulled off Reba just fine with impressive effortlessness. Randy said she is a bit like Kelly and Carrie and indeed, that is not a bad merger.
12. Pia Toscano (&#8220;I&#8217;ll Stand by You&#8221; by The Pretenders) &#8211; She sang this with such professional sheen, I almost felt a need for some Chrissie Hynde edge she is sorely lacking. She is pretty and pitch perfect but she missed a connection with the song and/or the audience. I just didn&#8217;t feel it. (Then again, the crowd in the theater gave her a standing ovation.)
Notable judges&#8217; and host quotes (the judges rotated this time)

&#8220;You bring color. You&#8217;re like an exotic flower in a rose garden.&#8221; &#8211; J. Lo to Naima
&#8220;I love that vibratto. Reminds me a little of Lauryn Hill. Makes me feel warm and connected to you.&#8221; Randy to Kendra
&#8220;It just didn&#8217;t work. I didn&#8217;t even know that was. I didn&#8217;t even half recognize the Fiona Apple song &#8216;Criminal.&#8217; &#8221; &#8211; Randy to Rachel.
&#8220;You made it your own.&#8221; &#8211; Randy, channeling Paula, to Karen
&#8220;I need you to get in the camera&#8217;s face and just sing it. That would have put you over the top.&#8221; &#8211; J. Lo to Lauren Turner.
&#8220;You have all the makings of the diva&#8230; your confidence up there is breathtaking.&#8221; J. Lo to Ashthon. ["I get it from you!" she says to J. Lo]

&#8220;It&#8217;s been said the mark of a great singer is the quality of the tone of the voice. Not the runs and power. Your tone reminded me so much of the great Michael Jackson.&#8221; &#8211; Randy to Thia.

&#8220;If I agreed with you, we&#8217;d both be wrong.&#8221; Steven, teasing Randy, after Haley&#8217;s performance.

&#8220;It takes a lot to move you,&#8221; Ryan Seacrest, teasing Randy.
New nickname and Georgia shout out!
&#8220;Peaches&#8221; from Lauren Alaina, who noted she and Ryan are both from Georgia...

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They need to stop with this. It'll never happen. The world so desperately keeps trying to fix what they messed up and they can't take it back. Is this why they've lowered the age a little bit on American Idol? So they can find some young kid to blow the world away like Michael did? Well it'll NEVER happen. Well, perhaps it might, but that kid won't be Michael Jackson and won't have the same influence he did. Why doesn't anybody want any originality? That's why Michael is so fabulous. Because of his uniqueness. And that's why there will never be another. There's only one.

Find a new MJ, and then what will they do? Treat him the way they treaded Michael as well?!??

This, too...

Plus, American Idol winners never last too long. They have a song or two but they fade in short time. The last season I intensely watched was when Kris Allen won. I rarely hear anything about him.

My point: We can't go searching for a unique talent, that talent has to come to us. That's exactly how I feel about Michael. He came to us. We didn't desperately go searching for him.
Talent like Michael stands out, and is noticed quickly. You're never going to find the next MJ on a show like American Idol.
Talent like Michael stands out, and is noticed quickly. You're never going to find the next MJ on a show like American Idol.

They need to stop with this. It'll never happen. The world so desperately keeps trying to fix what they messed up and they can't take it back. Is this why they've lowered the age a little bit on American Idol? So they can find some young kid to blow the world away like Michael did? Well it'll NEVER happen. Well, perhaps it might, but that kid won't be Michael Jackson and won't have the same influence he did. Why doesn't anybody want any originality? That's why Michael is so fabulous. Because of his uniqueness. And that's why there will never be another. There's only one.

Agree with both posts.

Also, I really believe that they were really complimenting Michael by placing him as a benchmark. They mentioned other artists too, but let's face it and be objective here Michael was truly one in a trillion - other wordly talent that will never ever come again. They very well know that. You always try to set expectations high on anything in life so hopefully you will at least try to come close to it. Even Randy said there may be someone coming close but there will never ever be another one like Michael or someone that will surpass him.

And his title of KING OF POP will never be usurped by anybody. That is his and his alone for the rest of time. He is irreplaceable in every way possible.

I don't hear it either. Not to disparage her by any means. Just not to be compared to Michael. Think that is a real disservice. It may be complimentary to Michael but it is annoying nevertheless to see how now that he is gone, there is this desire to 'find another MJ...' Why wasn't he appreciated more by these kinds of people when he was alive? Maybe he would still be here with us.
If you're looking for a 'new' Michael Jackson, you're looking for someone whose presence humbles you. Whose talent makes you stop in awe and whose performance makes you want to scream and cry. Someone who inspires you by a single note to want to be bigger and better than you ever were.

The girl in the video is a really, really good singer but she does not have the package that would make her the next MJ.
Yeah, they're obviously waisting their time here and nontheless making "us" wanna throw up.

And btw, since when is American Idol considered to be relevant? What's that? It never was? Oh well, I guess you're right!

All though I have to give credit when credit is needed, Thia Megia really is such an amaizing, talented and sweet person, God bless her heart!

PS: About Ryan Secreast, I like it how he tries soooo hard to be funny but he always fails to even make a baby giggle.
There will never be another Michael Jackson. The media needs to stop with that talk. PERIOD

I agree 110% that there will never be another Michael Jackson, but I see what he is saying about in the past artist would come along and they really would be a phenomenon, and really Michael was the last one...

I was just thinking about this the other day when I was trying to describe to my kids what it was like in the 80's (Michael related) and I thought they won't get it until there is someone else or a group that has "it". Whether they are fans of that or not, that is when they will get it and understand.

I have my doubts sometimes, but it has to happen right? It's been a long time... Elvis, The Beatles, Michael Jackson, ????
well the world had the real one but they treated him like crap so why do they want a new one now?