'American Idol' Must Find A Michael Jackson

Amy Jackson

Proud Member
Oct 23, 2008
Even the most die-hard of "American Idol" cheerleaders would surely have to admit that the hit reality show experienced a downturn last season. Above and beyond the steady drop-off in viewership, the competition suffered from a lack of compelling talent.

Season 10, which debuts Wednesday night (January 19), is seeking to remedy that deficiency, introducing multiple rule and format changes. Expectations are high among fans and "Idol" insiders. But perhaps the person with the highest expectations of all is Randy Jackson. The veteran judge is looking to find a once-in-a-generation artist who will fundamentally alter the pop-culture landscape.


"I hope that 'Idol' finds a killer vocalist that helps to change music completely," Jackson told MTV News in a recent interview. "Michael Jackson and Prince just slaughtered the business. Elvis slaughtered the business. I can't remember a time when someone was that important in the history of the game of music."

OK, so expectations are not merely high, but possibly out of this world. Randy went on to mention a few other acts — Madonna, Coldplay, U2, Jay-Z, Biggie and Tupac — who also have had a transformative effect on artistry and culture. Even the biggest winners in "Idol" history, like Kelly Clarkson and Carrie Underwood, cannot lay claim to such comprehensive influence. Yet it seems that it's a Madonna or an MJ that Randy is hoping to find, rather than a Clarkson or an Underwood.

"No one has come in and changed the game, meaning that as soon as they showed up ... everyone was dressing, acting and wanted to be them, full stop," he explained. "I hope that we find that quintessential star."

Ultimately, though, whatever a singer's vocal talent level truly is, success comes down to the quality of an artist's material. "You can be the best singer in the world, and if you don't have that great song, guess what? They're not going to buy it," Jackson explained. "It's like having bad salt at the table. If it's not good, people just won't use it."

Don't miss our "American Idol" live stream "Judging the Judges: An 'Idol' Without Simon," featuring post-show analysis from Jim Cantiello and special guests, on MTV.com tonight at 10 p.m. ET. Tweet your "Idol" commentary with the hashtag #idolwithoutsimon, and we could quote you on the show!

Get your "Idol" fix on MTV News' "American Idol" page, where you'll find all the latest news, interviews and opinions.

Sourse: MTV.com
There will never be another Michael Jackson. The media needs to stop with that talk. PERIOD
There will never be another Michael Jackson. The media needs to stop with that talk. PERIOD

why do they want another one? the one that they had they treated like crap. Now that he's gone they want another one? I just hate these people so much.
We could use another person with a heart like Michael's though, and maybe we can learn our lesson and stop abusing amazing people.
There will never be another Michael Jackson. The media needs to stop with that talk. PERIOD

I agree with you! I saw a advertising now on SONY CHANNEL, they said, we must find a "new king of pop" something like that I think this is bad, Michael is irreplaceble.
I agree with you! I saw a advertising now on SONY CHANNEL, they said, we must find a "new king of pop" something like that I think this is bad, Michael is irreplaceble.
oh My Goodness...that i terrible..Michael will NEVER EVER EVER be replaced as the KOP!!!..
lol these people dont get it. When a star like that dies there is no replacing or searching for a replacement.
They should be satisfied if they are lucky enough to find another Kelly Clarkson or Carrie Underwood. They are setting their expectations way too high for that show. I mean, Michael is irreplaceable but not only that, he was multi-talented. That man could dance, sing and write incredible songs and create beautiful music. He had been performing since he was a child. He was unique in so many ways. AI, stick with finding the next Kelly Clarkson please. on the flip side of this, it's nice they mention his name and use him as a benchmark.
They're going to have to embark on a grand journey of their lifetime, soar out beyond the stars and planets of our solar system, past other galaxies, even into another universe in order to find that "capricious anomoly in the sea of space", if they ever want to find another Michael Jackson.

so basically, if there was another person like Michael on this earth, he/she wouldnt need some tv show to get noticed. All they would have to do is go up to a producer, sing and dance for five minutes, and the rest will be history for them.
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It's tiring and I feel sorry for the young guys who participate to this show -
They probably have some talent but the judges announce that they are going to find the new MJ and this just makes them ridiculous - Noone will see the talent of those guys but only compare them to MJ - it's a little bit unfair for them.
Aren't they able to tell they want to be seen for themselves and not how they could be seen compared to MJ ? (Or they have so big ego that they think they can do it)
It's amazing how the judges really think to find in one man (or girl why not) someone like Michael who is not only is a singer and a dancer, but a songwriter, a human beatbox, a really complete performer with four decade of hard job !!!
Or they have a very very very reduced image of what Michael was ?!?
Find a new MJ, and then what will they do? Treat him the way they treaded Michael as well?!??
I agree with you! I saw a advertising now on SONY CHANNEL, they said, we must find a "new king of pop" something like that I think this is bad, Michael is irreplaceble.

I hate how everyone in the media is always trying to find ''a new king of pop'' to replace Michael. You never hear them say ''We need a new King of Rock n Roll'' to replace Elvis Presley or ''We need a new fab four'' to replace The Beatles
"I hope that we find that quintessential star."

They'll never find one, but no matter which talented person crosses their path, they're to be pitied. They're aiming for stars to ruin and bury them, they never treat them as people in the first place, especially not Jackson. Stars today are doomed, moreso than ever before. They're feeding on them to death, so they can live, just like vampires do, and that's not in the slightest an exaggeration.
Bitter people around here. I think it's nice that Michael is still the standard for pure excellence in his field. That's why they mention his name. Admit you would be insulted if they would say they were looking for the next Justin Timberlake.

Of course they are not going to find another Michael, he was one in a zillion. Hopefully for them another Kelly Clarkson or someone else who can actually sing will be found.
well good luck searching then... hope they got multiple lives.. cuy they surely will not find one in this life.
Na-a, ain't gonna happen! Michael Jackson is a treasure you can't ask for, Michael Jackson is a treasure that happens. Once. In a lifetime.

You will neither get a Madonna or a Prince!

You'd be very lucky and I mean really very lucky to get a Whitney or a Kylie.
Good god.

Look, there wasnt a King Of Pop before Michael. That title was created for him. There wont be one after either.

It is HIS title, it doesnt go to anyone else.

They just say this kind of thing to create hype round the show anyway, if they think they are going to find another Michael Jackson then they are setting themselves up for dissapointment everytime.
Bitter people around here.

No, just realistic people, and at most, passionate fans on a public forum reacting as such regarding the person they admire.

Admit you would be insulted if they would say they were looking for the next Justin Timberlake.

I admit, for one, that I don't care about what any of these people are looking for, as long as there are no victims in the process/end like it happens with most artists or pseudo-artists out there. So far, this hasn't been the case, and there's more to life than eye sight to comprehend that.
Going by many of the posts here ... I have a feeling that many have missed Randy's point.

He does not want to replace Michael ... he's just tired of mediochre Idols's entrants ... & he's looking for a star that can be as BIG as Michael ... somebody who can make the difference like Michael did ... revolutionise the music like he did.

The quintessential star.

Thing is ... it's HUGE SHOES to fill ... but new artists can at least try to reach that hight and aspire to be as great as Michael is.

Michael was a TOTAL package that will never be duplicated.

He was tryely an Earth Angel in voice & deed.

This type of treasure does not come around often.

What a pity so many people treated this precious treasure so poorly ... and never knew his worth ... they are so much the poorer for it.

I feel blessed that I experienced Michael's greatness & appreciated everything about him ... and will do eternally.
No, just realistic people, and at most, passionate fans on a public forum reacting as such regarding the person they admire.

I admit, for one, that I don't care about what any of these people are looking for, as long as there are no victims in the process/end like it happens with most artists or pseudo-artists out there. So far, this hasn't been the case, and there's more to life than eye sight to comprehend that.

Thanks Alma.

Thus far, no one has said anything hostile or offensive towards American Idol or any of the judges. People expressed that Michael Jackson is irreplacable.

In my opinion, shows like American Idol and x-factor accelerate the decline of music industry. Manufactured idols do not process the level of talents and charisma to send them to the strastophere.

Would a one-in-a-billion genius like Michael Jackson camp out for a chance to be auditioned, then be humiliated in front of a panel of judges? Don't get me wrong. I like Kelly Clarkson and Carrie Underwood. But, Kelly and Carrie are yet to reach the level of Celine or Mariah or Whitney.
Going by many of the posts here ... I have a feeling that many have missed Randy's point.

He does not want to replace Michael ... he's just tired of mediochre Idols's entrants ... & he's looking for a star that can be as BIG as Michael ... somebody who can make the difference like Michael did ... revolutionise the music like he did.

The quintessential star.

Agreed! They are not looking for replacement, they are just acknowlaging by whom the bar was set for ultimate superstardom. It's a compliment when he is mentioned as the best one could strive for.

By my previous comment about bitterness I didn't mean it towards American idol, but towards stardom in general: 'build em up to tear em down like Michael' was what I tasted in some of previous posts. Michael's life was tragic in that way, but I think it's sort of bitterish to dwell on that part of it when in essence he has triumphed by staying his true self amidst it all. His stardom has touched all of our hearts and impacted the world greatly - it was very beautiful for the most part.
Agreed! They are not looking for replacement, they are just acknowlaging by whom the bar was set for ultimate superstardom. It's a compliment when he is mentioned as the best one could strive for.

By my previous comment about bitterness I didn't mean it towards American idol, but towards stardom in general: 'build em up to tear em down like Michael' was what I tasted in some of previous posts. Michael's life was tragic in that way, but I think it's sort of bitterish to dwell on that part of it when in essence he has triumphed by staying his true self amidst it all. His stardom has touched all of our hearts and impacted the world greatly - it was very beautiful for the most part.

I agreed with you. I don't mind them mentioning Michael. I also find it a compliment (although they did it mostly for creating hypes).

I owe my deepest gratitude for all Michael gave us in his life. His global mega-stardom touched millions' hearts and inspired million and million of people. It's a beautiful legacy. He's iconic and achieved immortality.

But, at the same time, I also want to acknowledge the fact that Michael gave his life for his arts. I guess no one can comprehend the amount of sacrifices he made in order to accomplish all his unparalleled achievements. He gave us his all. Of course he's triumphant ultimately; yet, he's a victim of his fame and talents. He's a human afterall.

Like what Alma mentioned, it's not about being bitter, it's being realistic. While we all should celebrate Michael's amazing legacy, I cannot forget the excruciating pain he suffered.
I agreed with you. I don't mind them mentioning Michael. I also find it a compliment (although they did it mostly for creating hypes).

I owe my deepest gratitude for all Michael gave us in his life. His global mega-stardom touched millions' hearts and inspired million and million of people. It's a beautiful legacy. He's iconic and achieved immortality.

But, at the same time, I also want to acknowledge the fact that Michael gave his life for his arts. I guess no one can comprehend the amount of sacrifices he made in order to accomplish all his unparalleled achievements. He gave us his all. Of course he's triumphant ultimately; yet, he's a victim of his fame and talents. He's a human afterall.

Like what Alma mentioned, it's not about being bitter, it's being realistic. While we all should celebrate Michael's amazing legacy, I cannot forget the excruciating pain he suffered.

The excruciating pain he suffered is so right.. And the fact that he had absolutely no one to help him with the pain. It's so sad . I miss MJ terribly