American Idol - Haley Reinhart performs EARTH SONG!

It wasn't anything towards Michael, he was being "ironic" or in a way sarcastic about how others sound like Michael or something to that effect, not 100% on what was said exactly but TRUST ME it wasn't anything against Michael. I would have been the first to be all "Oh HELL NO." LOL. I need to re-watch that to be sure what he was saying exactly. Maybe I'll go re-watch it.

No, he wasn't being sarcastic about MJ. Randy has often alluded to the greatness of MJ. He was more stressing the difficulty of someone trying to do justice to his song.
Earth song was 6 weeks at number 1 here, and MJ's biggest selling song in the UK. But of course it's american idol, so he only considered america, i just don't like the implication that it's a bad song.
Yeah one word: No.

I watched it and was shaking my head throughout the entire performance. It lacked passion and was just wrong. Haley is a a good singer (imho) BUT she should never have touched this song (or any of his songs for that matter). YOU DO NOT TOUCH A MICHAEL FLIPPIN' JACKSON SONG PERIOD! THE. END. I know it inspired her and all, but yeah no honey just no. LOL.

Steven is just in love with her voice which is cool but in this instance Steven (whom I ADORE) was unable to seperate himself and hear what was obvious...Love him to death btw. Beautiful man, beautiful. Hehehe.

O/T but I devised a drinking game where every time Steven Tyler says the word "Beautiful" on IDOL you have to take a'll get you pretty buzzed...LOL!

OH! LOVE THE GIF/ANIMATED PIC OF STEVEN! **saves to computer**

I agree with everything you said, 100%. I was grimacing with my eyes closed during the whole thing. And Steven Tyler, oh my gosh, I think he's great, but enough with "Beautiful" already. :LOL:
Earth song was 6 weeks at number 1 here, and MJ's biggest selling song in the UK. But of course it's american idol, so he only considered america, i just don't like the implication that it's a bad song.

No one on the show implied it was a bad song, just a bad performance, which in my honest opinion it was. Two of the judges just didn't seem to know that the song was a hit (much more so than he and she realized).

Loved that Haley was inspired by Michael but as has already been mentioned this was not the song for her to sing. That's all.
Earth Song is an anthem and America is not the whole universe. It's a brilliant song whether they want to accept it or not!
I always keep forgetting Earth Song was never released in the US as it was such an massive hit in the UK. But she sang it lovely!
I thank she was great, Michael Jackson was her insperation. she gets my vote
I think Earth Song is a difficult song to sing. Why wasn't released in the US?
When Haley started off, I was all excited that she was singing Earth Song....just because it's an MJ song and it showed her "appreciation" of a great song and as you've all said, she was inspired. Aaaand those first few seconds were pretty good. But. after about 20 seconds in, it was clear she should NOT have sang this song. No passion at all...which this song truly possesses.
I agree totally with Randy Jackson on this one. She was screaming etc.....

Inspiration is fine but at this point of the game, the contestants need to be in it to win it.
I've actually been wanting to see James go for a while now. I don't find his performances impressive as all he ever seems to do is scream in his songs, kind of how Haley always uses that growl in her performances. After hearing her performance of Earth Song I thought there might be a good chance of Haley leaving tonight, but I guess we'll see now.

I'm really nervous. I want Lauren to win!
I've actually been wanting to see James go for a while now. I don't find his performances impressive as all he ever seems to do is scream in his songs, kind of how Haley always uses that growl in her performances. After hearing her performance of Earth Song I thought there might be a good chance of Haley leaving tonight, but I guess we'll see now.

I'm really nervous. I want Lauren to win!

I agree but I would rather that Haley was eliminated. I am so tired of her growling. BUT I think Lauren has an even better chance of winning it all now that James has been eliminated (along with all the hearing-challenged teenaged girls/guys that were most likely voting for him).
did steven tyler say it wasn't a hit song? it was an international hit, and hit number five in his territory.
I think Earth Song is a difficult song to sing. Why wasn't released in the US?

Maybe they thought it would do better a single over there and not here. I dont think Stranger in Moscow was released as a single over here either. If it was it wasnt heavily promoted in the states. I guess why spend money on heavy promotion on songs in the US?? If he wasnt goona tour over here...
I loved that Haley chose this song and everything she said why it inspired her so much. I agree with Randy though, I think the song was quite difficult for her to sing but she did all she could with it and I applaud her for that :) I am happy she is in the top three, but I am sad to see James go, I thought it was Lauren's turn... wow, America must reeeeally looove country music, doesn't it??? I knew country was big in America but didn't realise it was this huge. At this point, I think Scotty will win, but I am supporting Haley.
did steven tyler say it wasn't a hit song? it was an international hit, and hit number five in his territory.

IKR? LOL! It was Number one in the UK and stayed there for many weeks :D

I wasn't keen on this, Some if not all MJ songs should never be touched. Especially songs like Earth song.
I didn't even like it when international superstars sang it as a tribute.. Grammy's wasn't it? Every time Michael's vocals came in it was like a breath of fresh air :wub: Not knocking them for doing the tribute though..
Just Michael's vocals in his own songs nobody can match. IMO
I didn't enjoy that at all, sorry, but some MJ songs should only and I mean only be done by MJ, and Earth Song is one of them in my opinion.

No hate to her though, she had good intentions :)
You know the first thing that popped in my mind when I saw the clip was how great it is to have the new generation honoring Michael. This is how his legacy will live forever. This song was not a hit in the U.S. which boggles the mind, but a huge hit elsewhere around the world. (the short film def. was) and needs to be heard. This performance by Haley whether bad or good, imo is irrelevant. The fact that millions of ppl in this country heard it and got more exposure to it is hugely important. It's high time the U.S. got on board and acknowledge this song as the epic gem that it really is.

Having said that, I honestly thought she did okay, I think better than those stars at the Grammy's tribute, really- THEY were awful- I couldn't believe it. LOL It is in that moment when I am reminded what a powerful voice Michael has. Anyway, thank you Haley.
You know the first thing that popped in my mind when I saw the clip was how great it is to have the new generation honoring Michael. This is how his legacy will live forever. This song was not a hit in the U.S. which boggles the mind, but a huge hit elsewhere around the world. (the short film def. was) and needs to be heard. This performance by Haley whether bad or good, imo is irrelevant. The fact that millions of ppl in this country heard it and got more exposure to it is hugely important. It's high time the U.S. got on board and acknowledge this song as the epic gem that it really is.

Having said that, I honestly thought she did okay, I think better than those stars at the Grammy's tribute, really- THEY were awful- I couldn't believe it. LOL It is in that moment when I am reminded what a powerful voice Michael has. Anyway, thank you Haley.

I agree. How many people watch American Idol? Maybe they want to hear how Michael sang it. I think as someone said here that it was a song post Thriller and Bad. People need to remember all the great work he did. Even though Michael would sing his songs the best, I think I would be sad if no one ever picked a song of his to sing. If the judges don't think it was a hit song then they need to be educated about that. Does it matter if they pick a hit song? There are plenty of times songs don't get the attention it deserves.