am I a mj fan?

No, you're not a fan if you don't think Michael is the greatest.


Wow, then you'll find a lot of people who are not fans, simply because they like and enjoy MJ's music but have respect for other artists as well.

I think that's quite an ignorant and intolerant way of defining who is a FAN and who isn't.
I've been frustrated with MJ fan boards for a while now. Not just this one. You try to post another viewpoint, look at things from both sides of the fence... you're just a negative fan or not a "true fan".

Hey, whatever.

Yeah tell me about it. I got bad reputation for that on every single forum lol.

Like when I for example said that I THINK Mike didn't need to get so many operations because he was always beautiful, they told me I am just looking at the surface of things and that I should love people the way they are, and that I betrayed Mike. OK whatever.
No, you're not a fan if you don't think Michael is the greatest

"Fan" is the short form of "Fanatic" and iy means:
fanatic n. A person marked or motivated by an extreme, unreasoning enthusiasm, as for a cause.

so i think, this means if u only enjoy his songs, u cant be called a fan. a fan is fanatical. (as the word base indicates)
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a fan doesn't have to be extreme - it doesn't encompass the literal meaning of its original abbreviation of 'fanatic'.

Oxford dictionary:


noun a person who has a strong interest in or admiration for a particular sport, art form, or famous person.
— DERIVATIVES fandom noun.

but most importantly, you don't need a dictionary or any other tool to start differentiating or competing between all of us admirers of Michael Jackson.
Oh please...why do we need to discuss this?
Of course you're a fan, but you have to understand too that as MJ fans, most of us are used to get crap from people and when something comes off negative a reaction is to be expected, and it's not pretty.

I do agree that the best way to deal with it, is taking it to the mods and not going back and forth with a pointless argument.

I agree. I've noticed that Michael fans are generally more defensive than other fanbases which is understandable in a sense. Michael is criticized very often and yes, you do get a lot of crap from people for liking him so a lot of fans are always in "defensive mode" and come on fanboards because it's nice to be able to talk about Michael without having to read disgusting and tasteless comments.

However, at the same time I don't think some fans should be criticized because they don't like everything Michael does or because someone doesn't think Michael is the end all be all and prefers other artists over him. I mean we are not sheep and don't have to blindly follow or love everything about him. I have been quite critical at times and can see that he has many faults and will speak out when I disagree with something he does or if I don't like a song, video, etc. but i'd still label myself as a fanatic of his because I just love the man to death lol, but honestly If everyone agreed about everything concerning Michael that would be extremely boring. This is called a disscussion board for a reason. Not everyone feels the same way about Michael, but as long as they aren't trolls or just all out dissing him and have some level of respect for him ('cause I do think that if you're on his fan board that you should respect him), then I really don't see the problem.
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haha guys lighten up I was joking.


You guys are so silly. :p
is "only liking sb's music," a strong interest or admiration?
yes it's an admiration. although i have yet to see someone on here proclaiming they "only like" Mike's music as opposed to any other quality. no need to grade people's fondness of Michael, since it leads nowhere but self-righteous comfort.

"Fan" is the short form of "Fanatic" and iy means:
fanatic n. A person marked or motivated by an extreme, unreasoning enthusiasm, as for a cause.

so i think, this means if u only enjoy his songs, u cant be called a fan. a fan is fanatical. (as the word base indicates)

No, the common usage of the word "fan" does not require that you be mentally unstable.
I like Stevie Wonder more than any other artist. Guess I'm not an MJ fan. And to think I've wasted my money on his DVD's, albums and taking crap from ignorant non-fans all these years when I was just a non-fan myself.
The way some fanatics make it sound, you're not a fan if you don't spend a lot of time getting depressed over MJ. Like they're bigger fans because they'll pop in their LWMJ DVD just to have themselves a good cry, and I won't.

I'm taking it that a lot of "non-fans" have more fun being fans than "real fans."
im confused.

guys, let me clartify sth.
i am not claiming anything, claiming which onse of u r a fan or are not. i dont know u, ive not even read posts by u, not even one, maybe.

i just mean, i think that there is a different name for one who thinks a specific singer is the greatest, and one who thinks there r other singer as great as him. am i wrong?
i just mean, i think that there is a different name for one who thinks a specific singer is the greatest, and one who thinks there r other singer as great as him. am i wrong?
yep it's called a difference of personal tastes, or in some cases a difference of opinion for those who don't believe there is such a thing as "the greatest".

nothing more.
You guys, why are we debating what makes someone a fan? we're all fans, or we wouldn't be here on a website about michael jackson. Everyone has their own reasons for loving him. You don't have to worship at his feet to be a fan.

MichaelsGuardianAngel said:
i just mean, i think that there is a different name for one who thinks a specific singer is the greatest, and one who thinks there r other singer as great as him. am i wrong?

That just means you're a fan of more than one artist.
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likewise i don't think MJ is the greatest dancer, or singer, or songwriter of all time. however his combination astounds me, the breadth of his talent astounds me, thus i rate him as the greatest entertainer, because he knows which buttons to push when it comes to the entertainment industry.

and to end: there are different degrees of fandom.:p