am I a mj fan?

speedway, did you make this thread cause someone hurt your feelings? i read through all the bickering here, but seems like someone made you feel less than a true fan? i hope not. sometimes trolls do hit these forums so yes fans who've been on them for a while are sensitive. at the same time, there are some fans who try to do the superfan routine to make others feel less secure, and that is equally bad. i don't know the history here, haven't seen any of the threads that might have led up to this, but you don't need anyone's permission or validation. you know for yourself what is true.
You have the right to come here and prefer other artists , BUT here is a mj FAN board if you diss him in the name of so-called freedom of speaking we wont let you diss him .

To you he is not the only one , neither to us we also love a lot other artists , but the difference is that to us he is the greatest , the best of all these artists and if you want us to respect your opinion that michael is not the greatest , well respect our opinion that he IS the greatest .

You can disagree with us without the need to bash him and diss him by remind us again and again that he has done nothing for years , we all know it but to us he still is the greatest whatever and thats normal , it deosnt mean that you are more realistic or something like that but we only state our opinion no need to diss michael to convince us .

Im a huge mj fan. And I have been a fan since 1990. I love mj, and i think about him and his art alot.
The grate thing about art (music, film, painting) is to analyse and be critical when it´s needed, that is showing respect to the artist. because you show that you care, and that his art means something to you...and the thing about mj that f fasinates me is that he is so diffrent in the things he dose. you never know what to get. but than again net everything speaks to me on the same level.
OK, let's look at it this way. There are obviously different kinds of Michael Jackson fans. We all make up an online Fan Community. Just like in a real community there is diversity. That is what a Community is all about. The majority of the members here are fairly intense fans ... meaning that along with his music, they sincerely Love Michael as a person. These people also come in several levels. Some are almost religious in there dedication to Michael, others simply adore his spirit. Many fans are protective of his reputation. For others, it is all about his music and nothing else matters ... they completely separate themselves from his personal life.

The point being, Michael Jackson Fans come in a Rainbow of colors. It is an intricate web of love & admiration, with a sprinkle of insanity.

The community as a whole needs to understand this and remember that we all have one thing in common ... MICHAEL JACKSON !! Try a little tolerance :chichi:

Now behave and have some damn FUN up in here **neck roll**
10 ways that can identify u as a fan:

1) Ur not a big music buyer but you buy that individuals music
2) u search info on that person to enjoy
3) Sign up on a forum to talk about that person cuz you want to find ppl that share that same interest
4) U catch yourself going to youtube and viewing things of that person often
5) U feel that erge to defend that individual instead of just ignoring it
6) U get a little excitement feeling when his name comes up on convo (in urs or others)
7) you question if your a fan or not (if ur putting that much thought into it, you could be a fan)
8) if you like wearing shirts of musicians etc.. U consider getting one of that individual
9) if your a sketcher while bord and find yourself sketching the person
10) if you say so....... you are

just some things that fans tend to do..
Oh please...why do we need to discuss this?
Of course you're a fan, but you have to understand too that as MJ fans, most of us are used to get crap from people and when something comes off negative a reaction is to be expected, and it's not pretty.

I do agree that the best way to deal with it, is taking it to the mods and not going back and forth with a pointless argument.
The point being, Michael Jackson Fans come in a Rainbow of colors. It is an intricate web of love & admiration, with a sprinkle of insanity.

The community as a whole needs to understand this and remember that we all have one thing in common ... MICHAEL JACKSON !!

that's a nice thing to say (the bold part):)
we love :heart:Michael differently, thats allright and respected. but NO FAN SHOULD EVER disrepect him. if one does, how can he call himself a fan??? i cant understand how one can critisize :heart:Michael so harshly and says thigns like "he is boring". "one of his music videos is boring" "his outfit is ugly" " i hate his hair style" thats not a fan way. a critic critisizes. dont u guys agree?

and i think some of us are more than fan, u see like a :heart: True Lover! :)
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yes ur a fan..just cuz u like sum1 more doesnt mean ur not..just dont disrespect mj and u wont hear my mouth..he may not be the greatest 2 u (which i dont understand how lol) but 2many of us he is, so like sum1 posted just dont disrespect mj and u wont hear (im not gonna say us..since i cant speak 4 everybody) but u wont hear my motuh @ all, but as soon as i feel in someway he has been disrespected by any1 thas\ts wehn i go off lol....=]
i cant understand how one can critisize Michael so harshly and says thigns like "he is boring". "one of his music videos is boring" "his outfit is ugly" " i hate his hair style" thats not a fan way. a critic critisizes. dont u guys agree?

those aren't disrespectful tho... granted ugly and hate are harsh-er words but that's opinion and is allowed.

i think liberian girl is a boring music video LOL does that make me a lesser fan? no, it's normal LOL
we love :heart:Michael differently, thats allright and respected. but NO FAN SHOULD EVER disrepect him. if one does, how can he call himself a fan??? i cant understand how one can critisize :heart:Michael so harshly and says thigns like "he is boring". "one of his music videos is boring" "his outfit is ugly" " i hate his hair style" thats not a fan way. a critic critisizes. dont u guys agree?

No, I disagree with you :) There has been a couple of times when I have laughed and wondered what the heck was going on in his mind when he decided to wear whatever he was wearing at the time :laugh: And still I love that man to death. To be his fan you don't have to like everything he wears, does or says ;D

i think liberian girl is a boring music video LOL does that make me a lesser fan? no, it's normal LOL

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No, I disagree with you :) There has been a couple of times when I have laughed and wondered what the heck was going on in his mind when he decided to wear whatever he was wearing at the time :laugh: And still I love that man to death. To be his fan you don't have to like everything he wears, does or says ;D


This is well said. It's this simple concept that some fans (no one in particular, just certain fans in general) fail to grasp. Many people would jump your stuff for simply not enjoying one of videos, songs or concerts despite how much other stuff you enjoy. One negative comment and you are not a fan, even if you have a bazillion other posts that are positive.
praise this


what is he dressed to do ?? diving suit, wind sailing/climbing harness, life vest, shades and a designer trucker hat :giggle: LEOPARD at that !! Michael, Michael ... MICHAEL !! :hysterical:

Fan or not, that pic is MADD funny ... I don't care who you are :giggle:
This is well said. It's this simple concept that some fans (no one in particular, just certain fans in general) fail to grasp. Many people would jump your stuff for simply not enjoying one of videos, songs or concerts despite how much other stuff you enjoy. One negative comment and you are not a fan, even if you have a bazillion other posts that are positive.

Maybe you should do the same thing when we dont agree with you ,for example if we say mj is bigger than the Beatles , you jump and say "ah there is only fanatiscs who think that" not just you but some other "fans" who think too .

Sorry but if you think the Beatles are bigger you can state your opinion without the need to diss michael , and to say "only the fanatics think that , the public opinion dont care about michael " is dissing man all the more this statement is completely faulse or at least is not the gospel because you think that , the fact is that each time you state an opinion you systematicaly try to provoque the fans by saying "oh you are blinded , only fanatics think that , people dont care about him etc..." so dont expect compliments .
speedway, did you make this thread cause someone hurt your feelings? i read through all the bickering here, but seems like someone made you feel less than a true fan? i hope not. sometimes trolls do hit these forums so yes fans who've been on them for a while are sensitive. at the same time, there are some fans who try to do the superfan routine to make others feel less secure, and that is equally bad. i don't know the history here, haven't seen any of the threads that might have led up to this, but you don't need anyone's permission or validation. you know for yourself what is true.

OH please nobody try to be the chief here!!! , people are quite intelligent to be able to defend themselves .

But If some think they can diss michael without hearing my mouth my (nick)name is no longer serena Williams period .
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What is "constructive criticism " on the post called "Usher vs michael " ?? , if you didnt see that this thread was made only to provoque the fans ,
s_w, with all due respect, the same can be said of your new "Madonna Vs Mj" redundant Polish voting thread created very shortly after the dispute started. one could say that this was a loaded attempt as you are implying elsewhere. obviously both threads should be able to exist if people stuck to the topic and not went off on other agendas, as the admins here already pointed out.
There was no constructive criticism in the Usher/MJ thread. In fact, there was no criticism of MJ at all. The poster said they saw Usher and the energy made them miss MJ.

I don't see how that's a diss or a thread made to provoke someone. The poster seemed inexperienced and just posting their thoughts.
Yes ,you are!I like other artists, but not like MJ.I'm crazy about his music and all.I don't need something else , because I have my MJ=
No, I disagree with you :) There has been a couple of times when I have laughed and wondered what the heck was going on in his mind when he decided to wear whatever he was wearing at the time :laugh: And still I love that man to death. To be his fan you don't have to like everything he wears, does or says ;D

no i did not mean that. i think i wasn't able to express my idea well. i think if u go to KOP board once, u will know what im saying.
s_w, with all due respect, the same can be said of your new "Madonna Vs Mj" redundant Polish voting thread created very shortly after the dispute started. one could say that this was a loaded attempt as you are implying elsewhere. obviously both threads should be able to exist if people stuck to the topic and not went off on other agendas, as the admins here already pointed out.

Sorry but thats not the same problem , the thread Madonna /mj WAS A POLL !!!!, i wanted mj won , as i said i hesitated to do this thread but not my fault if the poll was made at the same time than the fight .

My thread was ONLY to vote for michael and not to discuss about blah blah ... nothing to do with the provocative usher/mj .
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There was no constructive criticism in the Usher/MJ thread. In fact, there was no criticism of MJ at all. The poster said they saw Usher and the energy made them miss MJ.

I don't see how that's a diss or a thread made to provoke someone. The poster seemed inexperienced and just posting their thoughts.

This thread was made only to provoque the fans and to reapeat again and again the same criticism , the same provocative statement like " i miss the old mj" , " i will get my tix for madonna , she was amzing" blah blah ....

So explain why did she talk about Madonna again and again in a thread dedicated to mj/usher ??? where is the point with that ??

Where is the point with usher , are there any news about usher related to mj , a collaboration , a performance , a song , ??? what ?? NOTHING but provocation .

Anyway i stik to my opinion , she is far from being "innocent" like you said .
"I miss the old MJ" in and of itself is not something purposely meant to provoke fans. If someone said "I hate his new stuff, how can any of you like it?.... I really miss the old MJ", then I can see the issue.

That thread was someone saying they saw Usher live, and it really made them miss the old MJ. Nothing more, nothing less. Then they said they were looking foward to seeing Madonna. They never said Madonna was better than MJ, they never said Usher was better than MJ, they never said anything negative against MJ. I'm trying to understand where you're coming from, I just don't see it.

Usher and Madonna are both big names, and they happen to be doing shows and appearances, and believe it or not, Madonna, MJ and Usher have a lot of the same audience.

I mean, it's as if you're tired of Usher and Madonna (which I guess is understandable), but it seems that if anyone even mentions those people, you automatically deem them as trying to provoke other fans. I don't see that. Hell, when I see guys like Justin Timberlake and Usher I miss the days when MJ would come out and bust a move too. They're not as good as MJ, but they do remind me of him.
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OH please nobody try to be the chief here!!! , people are quite intelligent to be able to defend themselves .

But If some think they can diss michael without hearing my mouth my (nick)name is no longer serena Williams period .

i have no idea where you are coming at me with this response from. if my post made you that angry (and i cannot imagine why it did) you've obviously read it not in the context in which it was meant. your name can be whatever you want it to be. i wasn't even talking to you.
i have no idea where you are coming at me with this response from. if my post made you that angry (and i cannot imagine why it did) you've obviously read it not in the context in which it was meant. your name can be whatever you want it to be. i wasn't even talking to you.

For my name , that was only an expression obviously .
"I miss the old MJ" in and of itself is not something purposely meant to provoke fans. If someone said "I hate his new stuff, how can any of you like it?.... I really miss the old MJ", then I can see the issue.

That thread was someone saying they saw Usher live, and it really made them miss the old MJ. Nothing more, nothing less. Then they said they were looking foward to seeing Madonna. They never said Madonna was better than MJ, they never said Usher was better than MJ, they never said anything negative against MJ. I'm trying to understand where you're coming from, I just don't see it.

Usher and Madonna are both big names, and they happen to be doing shows and appearances, and believe it or not, Madonna, MJ and Usher have a lot of the same audience.

I mean, it's as if you're tired of Usher and Madonna (which I guess is understandable), but it seems that if anyone even mentions those people, you automatically deem them as trying to provoke other fans. I don't see that. Hell, when I see guys like Justin Timberlake and Usher I miss the days when MJ would come out and bust a move too. They're not as good as MJ, but they do remind me of him.

I am not sick of Madonna at all or usher , but i wont reapeat myself i think you undertsood what i meant and i stik to my opinion .
No, you're not a fan if you don't think Michael is the greatest.
