Almost lost my father today......

Fingers crossed, the stress accompanying these tests must get irksome, too......

Well, i know for myself that i'm not too worried, cause it won't help anything. I dont know how to call it..but i'm a very easy thinker and i take life very easily too..when there's a negative situation happening, i accept it and hope for the best (although what happened to my dad was beyond that for me..) but i hope my bro but especially my dad doesn't worry too much.
Good... That's something to learn from, your attitude.

Much strength to you and yours ahead!..
But it's not over, like i said...the condition or however i must call it is highly genetic, but that's not all.

My dad will get 3 different checks/tests in february performed by a heart surgeon(but no real surgery though) to check if his suffers from another disease/syndrome close to the aorta. It's called Marfan Syndrome, if he has it, it must be cured with meds. It's also genetic, just as the weak aorta/arteries. So if my dad has it, my bro and i will need that check/test as well.

Well, I hope your father does not have anything. But if he does, at least there remedies to treat disease. More prayers for him > :angel: