Almost lost my father today......

My stepmother visited him again this evening with her sister and brother. The doctor there told her it wasn't wise of her that she stayed for 30 minutes, that's never good for patients in the IC. But that doc should have told her that in the afternoon after 10 minutes. He made it very clear that he can't have too many visitors at a time, so two persons is already too much, so it should be just one person visiting him and for 5 minutes, 10 minutes tops.

The blood pressure is the only important thing there is, so i think i'm gonna take it easy with the visits. At the same time i don't want my father to think i dont wanna visit him cause i might find it scary or sad or anything like that, the only reason i'd do that is because of the rest he needs, recovery is so much more important than visits.

So all this good really just small good news, and nothing more. I'm gonna be MUCH more at ease and relaxed when i hear his blood pressure is staying steady all the time, and when the docs really find him ready for medium care.
My stepmother visited him again this evening with her sister and brother. The doctor there told her it wasn't wise of her that she stayed for 30 minutes, that's never good for patients in the IC. But that doc should have told her that in the afternoon after 10 minutes. He made it very clear that he can't have too many visitors at a time, so two persons is already too much, so it should be just one person visiting him and for 5 minutes, 10 minutes tops.

The blood pressure is the only important thing there is, so i think i'm gonna take it easy with the visits. At the same time i don't want my father to think i dont wanna visit him cause i might find it scary or sad or anything like that, the only reason i'd do that is because of the rest he needs, recovery is so much more important than visits.

So all this good really just small good news, and nothing more. I'm gonna be MUCH more at ease and relaxed when i hear his blood pressure is staying steady all the time, and when the docs really find him ready for medium care.

Hey > :hug:

Do not worry. :better: Soon, he'll be completely ok. :yes: More prayers... :angel: :pray:
Hope he is doing much better now Staffordshire Bullterrier :), wishing you and most importantly your father well :).

God bless :hug:.
I just want to write this off my chest cause it's chewing on me.

This morning i received a call from my stephmother, she was in panic. Because my dad was not feeling well. He had woken up with horrible pains in his back and he couldn't feel his legs. She called the emergency line right away, and the ambulance was on its way. So she told me this on the phone and asked if i could come right away, so she could go along with the ambulance and i take care of their dog. So i hurried off to their place in my car.

All kinds of negative thoughts went through me , i love my dad to death, he has done so ridiculously much for me and my brother and had so much shit happening to him, if someone doesn't deserve this, it's him. There's definitely a few people i could wish this on, but NEVER on him. So i guess you automatically start to fear for the worst. So when i drove into their neighborhood,into the street and i saw the ambulance there......sigh..what a horrible sight.

So they took him to the hospital, and i called my bro and we waited. Then my stephmother called us and said that according to the current doctors, the situation wasn't life-threatening and not incredibly serious. So me and my bro are relieved about this news, we put on a movie and all to kill time , cause nothing was known yet except for that. But a hour later or so she calls again and tells us that it IS very serious and we should get there right away, cause a surgery was planned for today, a very serious and heavy surgery.

When we got into the room where he was lying on the stretcher...i simply bursted into crying, this wasn't something we had ever prepared for. Cause lately he was doing very very good, since he started using anti-depressants he told us he sees the joy of life again, the beauty of his wife , a world of difference compared to just a week or two ago. And then this happens.....

He was concious though and we talked to him, and we were expecting that surgery, but pretty soon a doctor came in and explained the whole situation.

My father's Artery(aorta) has a huge crack in it, this is due to high blood pressure. If the blood pressure goes up too much, and something breaks around that area in the's....end of story. There were two options; surgery...but according to that current doctor it was a high risk surgery, one that doesn't happen often. And the other option was by using medicines provided by the hospital and lots of rest. So they put him in Intensive Care and gave him the meds to lower the blood pressure. His blood pressure was 198 in the morning, and went from 180 , slowly to 170...120..and at the start of the evening it was even below 100, but hey...better alittle low blood pressure than high, right?

He's quite good now though, he has his little talks again and he smiles, he even asked us if we could bring him his Macbook and other stuff soon, cause he'd hate to feel bored in the hospital, lol. So things are looking good now, but goddamn..what a day. As long as the blood pressure stays low, it's good. That's the only thing that is of importance now. When he recovers from all this( i know there's always a chance that he won't,..but i rather not think of that possibility) this body part will always remain very weak and he probably should take things more easy. He shouldn't worry too much about things,so his blood pressure shouldn't go so high. And he should get a GOOD doctor who provides him his anti-depressants, ones that don't up his blood pressure like crazy.

He'll be staying in IC for a full week or 10 days, by the looks of it,....its looking good. But never get too happy....i learned that lesson this morning when i thought the situation wasn't that serious and it turned out to be quite the opposite.

Thanks to everyone who listened/read this.

Sending you a big hug and all the best wishes for your father. Hang in there.

I just want to write this off my chest cause it's chewing on me.

This morning i received a call from my stephmother, she was in panic. Because my dad was not feeling well. He had woken up with horrible pains in his back and he couldn't feel his legs. She called the emergency line right away, and the ambulance was on its way. So she told me this on the phone and asked if i could come right away, so she could go along with the ambulance and i take care of their dog. So i hurried off to their place in my car.

All kinds of negative thoughts went through me , i love my dad to death, he has done so ridiculously much for me and my brother and had so much shit happening to him, if someone doesn't deserve this, it's him. There's definitely a few people i could wish this on, but NEVER on him. So i guess you automatically start to fear for the worst. So when i drove into their neighborhood,into the street and i saw the ambulance there......sigh..what a horrible sight.

So they took him to the hospital, and i called my bro and we waited. Then my stephmother called us and said that according to the current doctors, the situation wasn't life-threatening and not incredibly serious. So me and my bro are relieved about this news, we put on a movie and all to kill time , cause nothing was known yet except for that. But a hour later or so she calls again and tells us that it IS very serious and we should get there right away, cause a surgery was planned for today, a very serious and heavy surgery.

When we got into the room where he was lying on the stretcher...i simply bursted into crying, this wasn't something we had ever prepared for. Cause lately he was doing very very good, since he started using anti-depressants he told us he sees the joy of life again, the beauty of his wife , a world of difference compared to just a week or two ago. And then this happens.....

He was concious though and we talked to him, and we were expecting that surgery, but pretty soon a doctor came in and explained the whole situation.

My father's Artery(aorta) has a huge crack in it, this is due to high blood pressure. If the blood pressure goes up too much, and something breaks around that area in the's....end of story. There were two options; surgery...but according to that current doctor it was a high risk surgery, one that doesn't happen often. And the other option was by using medicines provided by the hospital and lots of rest. So they put him in Intensive Care and gave him the meds to lower the blood pressure. His blood pressure was 198 in the morning, and went from 180 , slowly to 170...120..and at the start of the evening it was even below 100, but hey...better alittle low blood pressure than high, right?

He's quite good now though, he has his little talks again and he smiles, he even asked us if we could bring him his Macbook and other stuff soon, cause he'd hate to feel bored in the hospital, lol. So things are looking good now, but goddamn..what a day. As long as the blood pressure stays low, it's good. That's the only thing that is of importance now. When he recovers from all this( i know there's always a chance that he won't,..but i rather not think of that possibility) this body part will always remain very weak and he probably should take things more easy. He shouldn't worry too much about things,so his blood pressure shouldn't go so high. And he should get a GOOD doctor who provides him his anti-depressants, ones that don't up his blood pressure like crazy.

He'll be staying in IC for a full week or 10 days, by the looks of it,....its looking good. But never get too happy....i learned that lesson this morning when i thought the situation wasn't that serious and it turned out to be quite the opposite.

Thanks to everyone who listened/read this.

OMG Staffordshire...I am happy your dad is doing better....keep us posted okay? I will say a special prayer every night for him...
I am so fucking happy now. Pardon my french.....

I woke up this morning by a very positive phone call, it was the hospital. They told me my dad was gonna be moved from the IC to a normal department or however its called. They told me it was going so well, that it was time for him to move to another place.

I wa surprised to say the least, but even more about that he's not even being constantly monitored now, i mean his blood pressure. In the IC we could see the blood pressure meter on the display but not anymore. But it's not my place to start doubting these doctors, just very surprised though.

I visited him in the afternoon, we talked for awhile, and that was that. He's doing very well, talkative but very calm. He told me that this crack in his artery can be from years ago, but at that time he couldn't know..cause he had never had a MRI scan done. There's a good chance all of this has been there every since his 16th, but he never knew. What he did know was that he had always had a unstable blood pressure, plus that he never administered the blood pressure meds properly, cause his doctor never explained it to him the right away.

Either way.....what a relief, jesus christ. So happy
I'm not a true believer of god or anything, i always keep an open mind. And while i never pray, last week before sleeping i once wished that everything would go well for my father and that he'd return home. My friend said it's not called 'asking god or praying..' but it's more like asking your guardian angel for help.

To whomever it was, felt good and right. And who knows..this might have helped it :)
I'm gonna visit him today again, he loves to get visitors cause he's completely alone in the room, no other patients but he told me he likes that alot. He can listen to his music on his MP3 player, read books on the Ipad or a real book of course. He has tv there, so that's all very good.

As horrible as last week started, this week starts off great. Even though he doesn't know ya'll here, i will give him the best wishes from you all :)
I'm gonna visit him today again, he loves to get visitors cause he's completely alone in the room, no other patients but he told me he likes that alot. He can listen to his music on his MP3 player, read books on the Ipad or a real book of course. He has tv there, so that's all very good.

As horrible as last week started, this week starts off great. Even though he doesn't know ya'll here, i will give him the best wishes from you all :)

Still keeping him in my prayers Staffordshire....may he come out of this unscathed and stronger than ever.

Does your dad have a cholesterol problem? Does he have any blockages in his arteries or veins?? Is he on Heparin or Coumadin? This also may call for some permanent lifestyle changes - like lowering sodium intake and fat intake.

Go to for further info on how to do this...
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Visited my dad again today...and he's doing very good. And he also told me a few things, that made me go 'Wtf' .

I guess you can call them medical mistakes or whatever...

Last tuesday when they brought him to the hospital, straight into the Emergency treatment/care department, they did a few checks and first said it was nothing serious. Then pretty soon they said it was something with the liver..soon it turned out it wasn't the liver. Later they perform a MRI scan and such...and well...the results came out.

Eventually me and my bro arrive at the room my dad is in, and i simply ask straight up to the current 'doctor' there "Is my dad's life in danger?"

And this @#$% doctor says.."Oh yes, this is definitely life threatening, and he's gonna undergo surgery this afternoon. And that surgery is very serious and risky."

So the whole family was like "jesus the hell this happened?", and we were of course in fear or however you wanna call it. Then this dude walks out, and the real doctor comes in and says they are definitely not gonna do a surgery cause they are simply against it, when they can treat it with medication. And while the situation is serious, its not life threatening.

So this first 'doctor' was a new guy, definitely not the real doctor, how the hell could he say all that stuff? That's not all...far from it. This is all in the Emergency treatment department. They tried to attach things like Catheter and Infusion Pump to his body...i say tried, cause they failed that shit. When he finally arrived at Intensive Care, the doctors there spent a few minutes properly attaching the things to his body, and cleaning the sheets of blood, cause the infusion and such weren't installed/attached properly. the hell can such mistakes happen in a emergency treatment department? For real!!!

This morning...a young looking nurse (around the age of 19-20) enters my dad's room and hands him a small bottle full of pills. So my dad says "Eh miss, i always take these pills throughout the day...not all at once"

And she's wasn't aware of this, cause she thought he had to take all these at once. I am just very glad my dad pays careful attention to everything that happens, when they do some checks on him, he always asks what it is. But if he was the kind of person that accepts it all, being in a hospital and putting his trust in them 100%..and thus taking all the pills...the results could have been disastrous. Later another young nurse comes in with Paracetamol, and tells my dad he should take them. While he has repeatedly told them he can't have this medicine cause it makes him nauseus all day. Later on, another one comes...and has a glass of water with Paracetamol in it..and yet again my dad had to tell them the same story.

He told me he doesn't blame them. He says they are incredibly young and can't help this, they get hired because they don't cost much at all for the boss and thus they don't use real and professional doctors for this. When a real nurse/doctor comes in, they don't make any mistakes and know everything they must do.

So i am thankful for them but at the same time i cuss at them for this type of stuff, wtf man.
i know the stress your going under :yes: i had my fair share of going into hospital :(what you got to do is go up to the desk and demand to know what is going on and tell them what happened about the young nurses and tell them you dont wish young nurses or doctors to be in the room because this is quite an important case :yes:i know how you feel :yes:...:eek: i just thought perhaps that is the reason they didnt want you to stay for long so they could do what they wanted or bend the rules if you like so you should say ok i wont stay in the room for long but i will be sitting outside room to see who goes in and i will ask them what there going to do or what they are going to give him and if they get funny say well you know what happened the other day and then remeber what they told you they have gone into do or to give and write it down and the time and then when you go nio see him again if he can remeber you can ask him if its true what you wrote down and then if it isnt you can tell them off because your the one that saw them go in his room even tho your not in his room because they can say they done something different but you could say i asked you to tell me what you were doing and if they did do something different when you come out the room dont take no for a answer and be quite strict but not to rude i hope that i have helped :)
Well, i haven't been here for a while, but i have a small but great update.

My father is doing incredibly good, he's definitely recovering from it all and tomorrow they will put him under another MRI scan and if the results are good, he can go home this weekend. Today when i was with him, he even showed me that he could walk without any problems. So's going surprisingly well, and i'm just goddamn happy.

However, i wasn't lying when i said i almost lost him, cause i really did. I never realized what a close call this was, jesus. Earlier this week a certain heart-surgeon visited my father's room and told him that when the ambulance picked him up from his home, his blood pressure was 300, and the blood pressure must have been around 330 the night before it happened. He asked my father if he hadn't noticed anything, no headaches or anything...and my father said he actually had a great sleep and didn't feel anything. And the next morning..well...ya'll know that. Crazy...300, sigh.

The surgeon told my father that he has very healthy organs and such, they could have been from a 40 year old man and not from a 60, that good. It's definitely because of those healthy organs that he survived..cause such a blood pressure is deadly. This same surgeon also told him that this thing/condition was highly genetic (if that's the right word, sorry , english ain't my mother language). Me and my bro have a 70% chance of getting this as well, so the surgeon recommends both of us to have a MRI scan sometime soon(1 or two years from now) to be sure about that.
I am so happy that your dad is doing is a rough road to get him back home....and as far as you and your brother go..dont delay..get the MRI..
I am so happy that your dad is doing is a rough road to get him back home....and as far as you and your brother go..dont delay..get the MRI..

Oh i very much agree, but there's no rush at this time. The MRI is incredibly expensive and we can never afford it. What we must do is..find a health insurance company who supports MRI scans, and take that insurance.

The doctors have said, it's especially important around the age of 33. My brother is 30, i am 28. So we have time left.
I'm so glad to hear he's doing better. I hope his recovery continues.
Well, i haven't been here for a while, but i have a small but great update.

My father is doing incredibly good, he's definitely recovering from it all and tomorrow they will put him under another MRI scan and if the results are good, he can go home this weekend. Today when i was with him, he even showed me that he could walk without any problems. So's going surprisingly well, and i'm just goddamn happy.

However, i wasn't lying when i said i almost lost him, cause i really did. I never realized what a close call this was, jesus. Earlier this week a certain heart-surgeon visited my father's room and told him that when the ambulance picked him up from his home, his blood pressure was 300, and the blood pressure must have been around 330 the night before it happened. He asked my father if he hadn't noticed anything, no headaches or anything...and my father said he actually had a great sleep and didn't feel anything. And the next morning..well...ya'll know that. Crazy...300, sigh.

The surgeon told my father that he has very healthy organs and such, they could have been from a 40 year old man and not from a 60, that good. It's definitely because of those healthy organs that he survived..cause such a blood pressure is deadly. This same surgeon also told him that this thing/condition was highly genetic (if that's the right word, sorry , english ain't my mother language). Me and my bro have a 70% chance of getting this as well, so the surgeon recommends both of us to have a MRI scan sometime soon(1 or two years from now) to be sure about that.

Great! :clapping: He'll be ok. :yes: Do not worry. :better: More prayers for him. :angel:
Tomorrow i woke up by a phonecall from my dad's home, and it was him. He told me he was back home and i was like 'What the....' hahaa, totally didn't expect that. I visited him, and talked a bit. But pretty soon he got very tired, but that's pretty normal. So yeah, finally out of the hospital and definitely recovering day by day.

So damn glad all of that is over, again..thanks for the cool replies here, thats something i can always apreciate.
But it's not over, like i said...the condition or however i must call it is highly genetic, but that's not all.

My dad will get 3 different checks/tests in february performed by a heart surgeon(but no real surgery though) to check if his suffers from another disease/syndrome close to the aorta. It's called Marfan Syndrome, if he has it, it must be cured with meds. It's also genetic, just as the weak aorta/arteries. So if my dad has it, my bro and i will need that check/test as well.