Almost lost my father today......

Jan 17, 2004
I just want to write this off my chest cause it's chewing on me.

This morning i received a call from my stephmother, she was in panic. Because my dad was not feeling well. He had woken up with horrible pains in his back and he couldn't feel his legs. She called the emergency line right away, and the ambulance was on its way. So she told me this on the phone and asked if i could come right away, so she could go along with the ambulance and i take care of their dog. So i hurried off to their place in my car.

All kinds of negative thoughts went through me , i love my dad to death, he has done so ridiculously much for me and my brother and had so much shit happening to him, if someone doesn't deserve this, it's him. There's definitely a few people i could wish this on, but NEVER on him. So i guess you automatically start to fear for the worst. So when i drove into their neighborhood,into the street and i saw the ambulance there......sigh..what a horrible sight.

So they took him to the hospital, and i called my bro and we waited. Then my stephmother called us and said that according to the current doctors, the situation wasn't life-threatening and not incredibly serious. So me and my bro are relieved about this news, we put on a movie and all to kill time , cause nothing was known yet except for that. But a hour later or so she calls again and tells us that it IS very serious and we should get there right away, cause a surgery was planned for today, a very serious and heavy surgery.

When we got into the room where he was lying on the stretcher...i simply bursted into crying, this wasn't something we had ever prepared for. Cause lately he was doing very very good, since he started using anti-depressants he told us he sees the joy of life again, the beauty of his wife , a world of difference compared to just a week or two ago. And then this happens.....

He was concious though and we talked to him, and we were expecting that surgery, but pretty soon a doctor came in and explained the whole situation.

My father's Artery(aorta) has a huge crack in it, this is due to high blood pressure. If the blood pressure goes up too much, and something breaks around that area in the's....end of story. There were two options; surgery...but according to that current doctor it was a high risk surgery, one that doesn't happen often. And the other option was by using medicines provided by the hospital and lots of rest. So they put him in Intensive Care and gave him the meds to lower the blood pressure. His blood pressure was 198 in the morning, and went from 180 , slowly to 170...120..and at the start of the evening it was even below 100, but hey...better alittle low blood pressure than high, right?

He's quite good now though, he has his little talks again and he smiles, he even asked us if we could bring him his Macbook and other stuff soon, cause he'd hate to feel bored in the hospital, lol. So things are looking good now, but goddamn..what a day. As long as the blood pressure stays low, it's good. That's the only thing that is of importance now. When he recovers from all this( i know there's always a chance that he won't,..but i rather not think of that possibility) this body part will always remain very weak and he probably should take things more easy. He shouldn't worry too much about things,so his blood pressure shouldn't go so high. And he should get a GOOD doctor who provides him his anti-depressants, ones that don't up his blood pressure like crazy.

He'll be staying in IC for a full week or 10 days, by the looks of it,....its looking good. But never get too happy....i learned that lesson this morning when i thought the situation wasn't that serious and it turned out to be quite the opposite.

Thanks to everyone who listened/read this.
All I can say is *HUGS* and I pray that he has a speedy recovery.
Oh man, I'm so sorry to hear about what happened to your dad, I hope he gets better soon. My dad's on blood pressure medication too and I know it's really important to have the right kind of medication to keep the blood pressure in check. I hope all goes well in the end. :flowers:
Oh man, I'm so sorry to hear about what happened to your dad, I hope he gets better soon. My dad's on blood pressure medication too and I know it's really important to have the right kind of medication to keep the blood pressure in check. I hope all goes well in the end. :flowers:

Yeah, but the thing is..he never had incredibly much problems with high blood pressure, sometimes it was too high but never in a risk level. But recently his house-doctor provided him anti-depressants, and my father called the doctor and said that they are upping his blood pressure and the doc simply shrugged it off like 'ah don't worry about that' , which is if you ask me ridiculous. But he definitely needs these meds though cause it makes him look at the world in such a incredibly different and better way.

The thing also is...things like this can happen to anyone. You don't have to be a smoker, a drinker or an incredibly unhealthy person, it can happen to anyone. But of course meds who make the blood pressure even higher is never good. When he had those pains this morning, that artery must have cracked....also...the first signal of this was a week ago, he just didn't notice it at the time. He was carrying something, and all of a sudden he felt a pain in his chest..but he didn't think any of it.

jeez...what an unreal unexpected too.
Thanks people for the kind replies.

I just want this whole week to be over in no time...have him back at his home with his wife. Cause even though it might look real good must always remember things can go wrong, always expect the unexpected as they say, right? I will definitely keep you all updated.
Wow...what an ordeal to experience...I hope everything works out! He seems to be on the way to recovery :huggy:
I just want to write this off my chest cause it's chewing on me.

This morning i received a call from my stephmother, she was in panic. Because my dad was not feeling well. He had woken up with horrible pains in his back and he couldn't feel his legs. She called the emergency line right away, and the ambulance was on its way. So she told me this on the phone and asked if i could come right away, so she could go along with the ambulance and i take care of their dog. So i hurried off to their place in my car.

All kinds of negative thoughts went through me , i love my dad to death, he has done so ridiculously much for me and my brother and had so much shit happening to him, if someone doesn't deserve this, it's him. There's definitely a few people i could wish this on, but NEVER on him. So i guess you automatically start to fear for the worst. So when i drove into their neighborhood,into the street and i saw the ambulance there......sigh..what a horrible sight.

So they took him to the hospital, and i called my bro and we waited. Then my stephmother called us and said that according to the current doctors, the situation wasn't life-threatening and not incredibly serious. So me and my bro are relieved about this news, we put on a movie and all to kill time , cause nothing was known yet except for that. But a hour later or so she calls again and tells us that it IS very serious and we should get there right away, cause a surgery was planned for today, a very serious and heavy surgery.

When we got into the room where he was lying on the stretcher...i simply bursted into crying, this wasn't something we had ever prepared for. Cause lately he was doing very very good, since he started using anti-depressants he told us he sees the joy of life again, the beauty of his wife , a world of difference compared to just a week or two ago. And then this happens.....

He was concious though and we talked to him, and we were expecting that surgery, but pretty soon a doctor came in and explained the whole situation.

My father's Artery(aorta) has a huge crack in it, this is due to high blood pressure. If the blood pressure goes up too much, and something breaks around that area in the's....end of story. There were two options; surgery...but according to that current doctor it was a high risk surgery, one that doesn't happen often. And the other option was by using medicines provided by the hospital and lots of rest. So they put him in Intensive Care and gave him the meds to lower the blood pressure. His blood pressure was 198 in the morning, and went from 180 , slowly to 170...120..and at the start of the evening it was even below 100, but hey...better alittle low blood pressure than high, right?

He's quite good now though, he has his little talks again and he smiles, he even asked us if we could bring him his Macbook and other stuff soon, cause he'd hate to feel bored in the hospital, lol. So things are looking good now, but goddamn..what a day. As long as the blood pressure stays low, it's good. That's the only thing that is of importance now. When he recovers from all this( i know there's always a chance that he won't,..but i rather not think of that possibility) this body part will always remain very weak and he probably should take things more easy. He shouldn't worry too much about things,so his blood pressure shouldn't go so high. And he should get a GOOD doctor who provides him his anti-depressants, ones that don't up his blood pressure like crazy.

He'll be staying in IC for a full week or 10 days, by the looks of it,....its looking good. But never get too happy....i learned that lesson this morning when i thought the situation wasn't that serious and it turned out to be quite the opposite.

Thanks to everyone who listened/read this.

Sending lot's of thoughts and prayers to YOU & YOURS..!

God Bless Always :angel:~~~

:rollingpeace: :rollingpeace:
This is helping me alot people.

I apreciate these kind of replies. I never ever had this happen to a loved one, well...a human being loved one, lost plenty of pets, but this is much different. This is my dad, he's my hero...he's an incredible guy. When you hear news like goddamn unexpected too, your world crumbles. And especially with him recently feeling so good because of those anti-depressants, he feels like a completely different man. And now this happens...jeez.

Nothing seems to have any value anymore neither on such a day, i never experienced something like this, but now i did...and this was one strange,horrible,unreal day, like a bad dream. When i drove into the street this morning and saw the ambulance, knowing it was for my definitely did remind me of my other hero Michael as well.Life truly can be so horrible at times....
Aww, I'm so sorry to hear this... :( Big hug for you! :hug:
Sending you and your father lots of love and strength! :give_heart: I hope he gets well soon!
I hope he i going to have a nice recovery...:hug:....I will pray for him..:pray:
My stepmother called me this morning, my dad had a very lousy night..not much sleep. The blood pressure went up a bit and they gave him some more meds to change that. For the rest of the night the pressure has been steady though. What's important is that after 10 days or so, the blood pressure should stay steady without those meds. But i expect only recovery now, i mean...i doubt the blood pressure can go up like crazy for no reason again, but you always gotta be ready for the unexpected i guess.
My brother just messaged me from the hospital, he's still very worried and now i'm worried again too. As soon as he visited him, his blood pressure rised, way too much. Also when his wife visited that's definitely good. These times of this kind of uncertainty are horrible.
My brother just messaged me from the hospital, he's still very worried and now i'm worried again too. As soon as he visited him, his blood pressure rised, way too much. Also when his wife visited that's definitely good. These times of this kind of uncertainty are horrible.
i am with you :hug: ...includeing all of us :yes:
Well, I hope evrything works out for the best. Yeah, be careful about visitors. It can make the person too excited and it will be counterproductive. He should have so much rest and quiet for his body to heal.

Take care of yourself! And, your family.
My bro messaged me in the afternoon saying that he was still very worried. He had just visited him and said that he didn't say much, looked very tired and as soon as he started talking, the blood pressure was rising. So my bro stayed for only a few minutes. I went there in the evening, simply to show him that i'm there for him, he really did look very very tired, and didn't wish any more visitors neither. And even though he was in such a state, he asked how we were doing, and asked his wife if she was gonna work or stay at home for this week, told her not to worry too much...that's really my dad, he's in a horrible place now and he worries about his loved ones.

His blood pressure was as high as 180 when we entered his room, and pretty soon went down to 140. This is really all that matters, the goddamn blood pressure, the shity thing about this all is...this horrible uncertainty. The doctors can't say much, and all we can do is visit him for a few minutes...go home, waste time doing nothing....and hoping for news about improvements the next day. sigh.....
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I kinda know how you feel... My mother was in hospital last week and I was worried sick... But gladly she's ok now and she's home again. It's just so frustrating to wait for news from the doctor and in the meantime there's nothing you can do... :(
I hope you'll get better news today and I hope your dad will get well soon! Take care! :group:
This morning we received some good news, or at least..we first thought so. It appeared that there was a big chance my father was gonna be moved from intensive care to medium care. As long as the blood pressure staid steady, but that wasn't the case. It's still all over the place as soon as he starts to talk or just doesn't lie still enough. And even if the docs say he can be moved to medium care, he said he wishes to stay in intensive care for longer, cause he feels very safe there. Knowing there's always someone watching him, 24/7. Plus that he gets along very well with a nurse , but its especially worries from him about all kinds of things, that makes him want to stay in IC for much longer.

Our visits are also very brief, but it's just very important that he simply sees us, even if its just 2 minutes or 5 tops, that doesn't matter. He did tell us that he still feels pains in his chest and he gets morphine for those pains. So it's definitely far from over.

But the daily visits are gonna stop,it's not helping anyone and certainly not him. He needs his rest, and that blood pressure needs to go down we gonna keep those to a minimum from now on.
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The worst days are over, the moments you get a phonecall and you go there and see how serious it is, seeing your father on that stretcher, that's the one thing that has been going through my mind alot this whole week now. Even when there have been several moments after that where i talked to my dad and where he was clowning around alittle. I still do remember the traumatic moments the most.

What i don't like is how these doctors keep saying the opposite things. First the doctor said a surgery was gonna happen, then another one says its not gonna happen cause of the risks. Then yet another doctor(this one was at the IC) said the risks aren't that high, these surgeries used to be heavy he said, but not anymore.

My stepmother knows a man who was 80 when he got this, exactly what my father now has. This man is now 89, no surgery happened. I hope to god this is gonna happen with my dad too..completely recover from it. But it's the uncertainties that are the most killing, with a broken leg or whatsoever you always know it'll heal and you can go home again, this is so different. There's plenty of anxiety here, and my bro and stepmother of course too, my real mother as well, but that's normal and we'll be ok. But today i'm taking it easy, cause last night i forgot about important things, and that's all because of this. I needed to give my dog her anti-epileptic attack pills, but i completely forgot to enable the timer, this never happens to me.

I do have problems sleeping though, but that's pretty normal. So i just stay in bed also in the morning and afternoon and then get up, that way i still get the sleep that i need. But only today, cause i'm probably gonna visit him tomorrow again.

The current situation is better...he called his wife in the morning, said he had a very good sleep. She told me that if she hadn't know he was in the hospital in this condition she would have thought he was sitting at home, he just sounded that good. His blood pressure had been around 120 to 140 in the night. He also said the doctors noticed a sort of spot on his lungs, and this was due to not enough oxygen, because he lies down all the time, and he needs to sit up more, so he's back on...infusion? Think thats what its called. But he was very talkative and asked for books so he could read. Big difference compared to yesterday and before that.
I am so glad your dad is okay. I hope a speedy recovery for your dad as soon as possible :) Yes, the feeling is different if the person in the hospital is extremely close to you like mum or dad. I would feel the same too or maybe I couldnt handle the situatian better than you, I really dont know. But recently, I lost my aunt. She was rather close to us so I felt that impact a bit. Will be sending you and your father prayers :)
They say if a person stays positive themself about the current situation and really fight it, it always helps. And i believe that, its positive energy and i believe it adds to recovery.

My grandpa (from my dad's side) wasn't very old, but he was feeling like shit, and lost his job. His days consisted of just sitting in his chair doing nothing, and only thinking about negative things, not long after that he passed away. If people give up...i believe death is not far away, basically.

My stepmother said there's a good chance they might put my dad in a lower department(prolly medium care) sometime next week, while that really sounds like good news. We are very far off from next week, so let's just wait. She visited him this afternoon and stayed there for like 30 minutes without his blood pressure rising, so that is very positive.