All Custody and Estate discussion


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I don't think this has been posted already so here it is.

LOS ANGELES, California (CNN) -- Katherine Jackson's legal battle for some control of her son's estate returns to court Monday in front of the same judge who is expected to award her permanent guardianship of Michael Jackson's children.

Dozens of lawyers are expected to pack a Los Angeles courtroom where a judge will consider the Jackson family matriarch's challenge of the lawyer and former music executive who were named as executors in Michael Jackson's will.

Katherine Jackson's lawyers filed a petition last week accusing the men who now control the estate of being "intent on keeping her in the dark" about deals they've made or are negotiating.

Londell McMillan, Jackson's lead attorney, raised questions about "a suspicious circle of relationships" involving John Branca, the singer's longtime personal attorney, and John McClain, a music industry executive and longtime friend.

Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Mitchell Beckloff gave Branca and McClain temporary control of the estate until Monday's hearing.

Katherine Jackson is asking the judge to order Branca, McClain and others to answer questions under oath about their business agreements to determine if they are "fit and able" to administer the estate. The men also were served with a 19-page demand for documents.

Branca has refused to let Katherine Jackson see Michael Jackson's contracts with AEG -- the company that was organizing and promoting his planned concerts -- unless she agrees to keep them confidential. Branca's lawyer argued in a court filing that he has no choice, since the contracts have a provision requiring confidentiality.

Branca's lawyers also argued that Jackson's demand for documents was too broad and burdensome.

"Such measures will not be necessary if Mrs. Jackson is appointed a co-executor of the estate," McMillan said.

McMillan, in an interview with CBS Thursday, estimated the Jackson estate was worth $2 billion, while the executors have estimated in court that its value is around $500 million.

The will written in 2002 places all of Michael Jackson's assets into a family trust benefiting his mother, his three children and unnamed charities.

Judge Beckloff will consider at Monday's hearing who will have permanent control of the estate.

I agree these guys aren't sharing much info with Katherine of what they're doing.
Re: Michael Jackson's mom to seek control of estate

it has been posted in bits and pieces on this forum and investigative. :)
but anyway, tomorrow is the hearing. there will be more news then.
Re: Michael Jackson's mom to seek control of estate

I hope and Pray she Gets IT ! !

I certainly believe this WILL is the REASON Michael Jackson is DEAD.

Main Entry:ex·ec·u·tor
Pronunciation:\ig-ˈze-k(y)ə-tər or in sense 1 ˈek-sə-ˌkyü-\
Etymology:Middle English, from Anglo-French, from Latin exsecutor, from exsequi
Date:13th century
1 a: one who executes something obsolete : executioner
2 a: the person appointed by a testator to execute a will b: literary executor

Main Entry:ex·e·cute
Inflected Form(s):ex·e·cut·ed; ex·e·cut·ing
Etymology:Middle English, from Anglo-French executer, from execucion execution
Date:14th century
transitive verb
1 : to carry out fully : put completely into effect
2 : to do what is provided or required by
3 : to put to death especially in compliance with a legal sentence
Re: Michael Jackson's mom to seek control of estate

I don't think she wants full control, I don't even think MJ wanted that.. she just wants certain information and to be a part of certain decisions that are being made with her son's money which I think is quite reasonable. I guess we'll see what the outcome will be tomorrow...
Re: Michael Jackson's mom to seek control of estate

In my humbled opinion, I believe Katherine Jackson and her Legal Team are doing this because, Mrs Jackson maybe aware that this 2002 'Will" is not her sons latest and most valid Will. I think she and her team have reason to believe its fraudulent and they wouldn't be the only ones who feel that way either.

The sharp and astute fella who purchased the so called beattles catalogue right from underneath the nose of Sir Paul, would be savvy enough to have a more current "will" than the 2002 one that has mysteriously materalized.

From everything that I've learned about the very wealthy, they update their will's whenever they have a fallen out with somebody. Now if thats true, you gotta know our Michael was updating that damn "will" probably every year!
Re: Michael Jackson's mom to seek control of estate

In my humbled opinion, I believe Katherine Jackson and her Legal Team are doing this because, Mrs Jackson maybe aware that this 2002 'Will" is not her sons latest and most valid Will. I think she and her team have reason to believe its fraudulent and they wouldn't be the only ones who feel that way either.

The sharp and astute fella who purchased the so called beattles catalogue right from underneath the nose of Sir Paul, would be savvy enough to have a more current "will" than the 2002 one that has mysteriously materalized.

From everything that I've learned about the very wealthy, they update their will's whenever they have a fallen out with somebody. Now if thats true, you gotta know our Michael was updating that damn "will" probably every year!

I hear what you are saying... but Llondell was Michael's lawyer for the last 3yrs and a will wasn't updated with him...

he had Peter Lopez and Katz and I don't think they have an updated will...

and when he just died the family filed in court that Michael did not have a will..

the footballer McNair died having 4 kids a wife and no will...

and 2002 is not that long ago.............

if Blanket wasn't in the will then I would wonder (since he was the last child)...

but Michael initial every paragraph of the will ... and if another will was filed it would have been found...

where is that other will??...maybe another will show up...time will tell..

if its in someone elses possession ... that person must have a tv and don't know Michael died....LOL

I know his family must feel slighted but if Michael wanted his family in charge of his estate he would have assigned them...he has known his family all his life ...he could have easily put his family as executor back then... he has know Branca for over 21yrs...

there was a will found from 1997 and something tells me that will did not have his family as executors either..

his Mom is already getting 40%...
Re: Michael Jackson's mom to seek control of estate

If Katherine trusted Branca and McClain, then this wouldn't be happening. Something is telling her that something doesn't feel right about this situation. I don't think it's Joe because I don't think she has tolerance for Joe any more. Her beloved son is dead and I feel like she just wants to know that everything is on the straight and narrow. . . which WE do not even think it is.

Janet has worked with McClain before with her huge albums of the 80s, so she must have an opinion of him. It's strange that we haven't really heard from John McClain yet. We've heard from Branca though.

IDK. . . I just can't believe that Michael did not have an updated will stemming from the trial. Maybe he did update the will in case things turned out horribly wrong and had to go to jail. But since he was exonerated, maybe he destroyed that will and kept the 2002 one??? I mean, he had so many lawyers around him from the trial and afterwards. I can't believe that Michael did not discuss an update of the will with anyone.

Also, didn't the Jackson camp say that Michael usually updates his will every five years? Or was it someone else since the Jackson camp also said that they didn't think he had a will when he passed away? Anyways, too confusing.

IMO, Katherine should be kept up to date with what is going on with the estate. I think she just wants to know what sort of deals/projects that Branca and McClain are going to associate her son's name and likeness too. Also, she and her lawyers can keep tabs on how much the estate is earning and where the money is going. I mean, there MUST be a reason that Londell states that the estate is worth $2 billion. I don't think he is just getting that number out of nowhere. Plus, Londell has been with Michael in more recent times unlike John Branca.
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Re: Michael Jackson's mom to seek control of estate

Is'nt possible that someone could be intentionally witholding a more updated Will?

And what if comes Monday a new Will is presented to the court?

I kinda feel where Katherine is coming from, I don't see why Branca and McClain should find it difficult to share with Katherine the goings on with the Estate, unless they have something to hide and seeing a recent photo of Branca coming from court a couple weeks ago, he's looking a bit shady to me for real!
Re: Michael Jackson's mom to seek control of estate

Is'nt possible that someone could be intentionally witholding a more updated Will?

And what if comes Monday a new Will is presented to the court?

I kinda feel where Katherine is coming from, I don't see why Branca and McClain should find it difficult to share with Katherine the goings on with the Estate, unless they have something to hide and seeing a recent photo of Branca coming from court a couple weeks ago, he's looking a bit shady to me for real!

I think there is an updated will somewhere. If Branca and McClain start doing shady things I do believe one will appear. MJ was too smart, they don't give him enough credit.
Re: Michael Jackson's mom to seek control of estate

I don't blame her, I would want a say in how my son's name and likeness is to be used. I don't think it's about money, I think it's more about not wanting to see her son's face on a damn bobblehead doll or some other dumb shit
Re: Michael Jackson's mom to seek control of estate

I was wondering, Michael fired Brance in the past, and I think McClain too. But I'm sure he fired Branca.

And from my research, Michael fired him after 2002. So if Michael fired Branca after he made him in charge of his estate wouldn't Michael update the will to make that change??
Re: Michael Jackson's mom to seek control of estate

Sadly it seems nobody can really be relied upon to handle the estate. Michael had good reason for appointing people independant of the family, it avoids all the in fighting, and Katherine for all her wonderful qualities is not a business woman, Joe hangs out with dodgy characters like Leonard Rowe, who has a conviction for fraud, so I can understand him putting the estate with lawyers.
Re: Michael Jackson's mom to seek control of estate

OK I have no clue about what an execuetor does, I am thinking he makes decisions an deals in the interest OF THE ESTATE.

But could someone please tell me how much authority does he have as far as if he or they should die. Do they have authority to appoint another lawyer or does that power go to Mike's kds when they are of age or his mother if she is alive?.
Re: Michael Jackson's mom to seek control of estate


Executor of Estate

One of the most important decisions to make in estate planning is whom you name as executor of your estate. An Executor of the Estate - sometimes called a Personal Representative, or P.R. - is one or more persons named in a will whom the deceased wishes to administer his or her estate. The executor controls the estate from the time of death until the last federal and state tax returns have been filed and all assets have been distributed to the beneficiaries.
Generally, an executor takes charge of the deceased's assets and/or property and ensures that all outstanding debts, charges and taxes are paid before distributing the net assets to the beneficiaries of the will. The duties of an executor also include auditing the deceased's assets, valuing those assets and applying to the court for a grant of probate, an order of the court saying that the will is valid and that the executor has the right to administer the estate. When applying for probate, certain documents need to be completed and documentary evidence provided to the court. Such evidence can include evidence of death, proof of proper attestation of the will, and details of assets and liabilities.

In some situations an individual may opt for Co-Executors of the Estate. A financial professional such as a CPA can be named co-executor to help guide a family member through the process.

A Successor Executor is often named in the will in case the original nominee is unable, or when the time comes, unwilling to perform the duties of executor. Spouses, for example, should always have successor executors in case of the event of simultaneous deaths.
Re: Michael Jackson's mom to seek control of estate

The one thing that keeps coming back in my mind is when Latoya mentioned in her interview that Michael updated his will every few years. At the moment my family is in a dispute about a will and our lawyer mentioned that any lawyer will tell you that everyone needs to update their will every 5 or so years. I have a will and have updated it so far 2 times in the three years that I have had it. You would think with all of the things Michael had going on at the time with AEG and his concerts he would have just recently updated it. There was A LOT of money at stake.
Re: Michael Jackson's mom to seek control of estate

+1. i wouldnt rely on anyone in the jackson family. too many dodgy characters and associates. even michael thought so or he wouldnt have appointed other people.

Sadly it seems nobody can really be relied upon to handle the estate. Michael had good reason for appointing people independant of the family, it avoids all the in fighting, and Katherine for all her wonderful qualities is not a business woman, Joe hangs out with dodgy characters like Leonard Rowe, who has a conviction for fraud, so I can understand him putting the estate with lawyers.
Re: Michael Jackson's mom to seek control of estate

If there was another will, I am sure someone would have stepped forward already. The fact that no one has another will says something. 2002, this is it!
Re: Michael Jackson's mom to seek control of estate

I personally would not want Katherine to be the administrator or executor of MJs asset!!!

She is not capable of administering MJs business, she is not literate to do that, she is not a lawyer, she has no "education" for business matters!

And the Jackson Family has had very clear history of declaring bankruptcy... so She would totally break the business with her so-called advisors connected to Joe a Leonard Rowe.

I fully Believe in Branca and McClain, they are the best people to keep MJs legacy on and administer his asset for kids future in their best interests!!!
Re: Michael Jackson's mom to seek control of estate

yeah i think so. the fact that he hadnt updated his will in years could be because 1) he didnt want to or 2) he wasnt expecting to die anytime soon. plenty of people have wills that they havent updated in ages. im only young myself but im thinking of getting a will so when i die i can choose who gets what - even though as a student i dont really have much

If there was another will, I am sure someone would have stepped forward already. The fact that no one has another will says something. 2002, this is it!
Re: Michael Jackson's mom to seek control of estate

I personally would not want Katherine to be the administrator or executor of MJs asset!!!

She is not capable for administering MJs business, she is not literate to do that, she is not lawyer, she has no "education" for business matters!

And the Jackson Family has had very clear history of declaring bankruptcy... so She would totally break the business with her so-called advisors connected to Joe a Leonard Rowe.

I fully Believe in Branca and McCalain, they are the best people to keep MJs legacy on and administer his asset for kids future in their best interests!!!

i don't think, if given the option of herappointing a person or her being that person, she would choose herself.

she just wants someone she trusts. branca worked or may stillwork for sony sohow the atv is used would be a conflict of interest.

so unless they say thatonly mcclain can deal w/ allthings sony, they're gonna have to either boot branca or appoint a new person
Re: TMZ Streaming Live from MJ Custody and Estate Hearing

it makes me feel like i am there and i have a purpose for being there
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Re: TMZ Streaming Live from MJ Custody and Estate Hearing

Re: TMZ Streaming Live from MJ Custody and Estate Hearing

it doesnt work..., they dont broadcast that.
Re: TMZ Streaming Live from MJ Custody and Estate Hearing

why now doesn't work?
Re: TMZ Streaming Live from MJ Custody and Estate Hearing

Arnie Klein just sent a lawyer wanting to keep Joe away from the kiddies.
Re: TMZ Streaming Live from MJ Custody and Estate Hearing

Judge said Klein has no legal standing, Mike and Deb are the parents.
Re: TMZ Streaming Live from MJ Custody and Estate Hearing

Arnie Klein just sent a lawyer wanting to keep Joe away from the kiddies.

12:24 -- The judge just said Klein has no legal standing to lodge an objection ... that Michael Jackson and Debbie Rowe are the parents.

12:18 -- The judge wants to know what legal standing Klein has -- this could force the issue over whether he's the daddy.

12:17 -- Get this. Mark Vincent Kaplan (K-Fed's lawyer) just showed up on behalf of Dr. Arnold Klein. Kaplan says Klein has a long-standing commitment to Michael Jackson and has concerns about Joe Jackson being involved with the children. There are reports Klein is the father, but he hasn't confirmed or denied.

i'm sick of this mofo