Akon defends Michael!

lol..besides, MJ has been reported as being associated with a guy with the mob and a guy in the porn industry, and MJ still came out smelling like a rose..:lol:

* i know...i'm leavin* lol
Bad atmosphere (hmm, can't spell that :lol:) in here huh??
Surely it is a mark of the fan community's adulation for MJ that they would not wish to watch him soil his musical legacy by duetting with generic, fly-by-night nobodies?

I, for one, care fantastically about Michael's image, reputation, career and legacy - and I think that all of those things will be severely damaged or impeded by his continued work with Akon. I don't see why - as somebody who cares about MJ and wants the best for him - I shouldn't be allowed to say that.

At a very basic level, Akon is a man who believes that a thug lifestyle is cool. He falsified a criminal record in order to give himself street cred, and sings the phrase 'Konvict Muzik' at the beginning of all his songs. Michael, conversely, has spent the last thirty years working tirelessly to create an image for himself as a humanitarian spokesman for children. Is it really sensible or positive for MJ to be working with a man who advocates criminal records as a signifier of popularity? Should a self-styled ambassador for children and 'voice for the voiceless' be lending his vocals to a song that begins by glamourising the word 'convict'? I don't think so, and I think it's a serious, legitimate point.

It may be a legimate point for you, but not in this thread, so cut it out.

Nice words from Akon...and, although I too am not such a big Akon fan/supporter, I also realise that I have no control over who Michael chooses to work with so I hope for the best and really hope that Akon and others Michael are said to be working with, do not screw him over for anything. That's my only hope ...other than that I look optimistically towards brand new music.

P.S - TwistedV - I do agree with you and it IS a legitimate point. In the past too Michael has been concerned with whom he works with and the kind of work those artists have been doing. I think the issue is whether this was the right thread to raise it.
I think akon better be mj manager

I hope you didn't mean that. Were you joking?

I honestly don't care for Akon. He's not for me, in any form or fashion.

The "Hold My Hand" song didn't make any waves in my ocean of emotions. It was a "B" Side song, if you ask me.

Michael can do much better and he can do it...ALONE!

Akon's had his share of sing-a-longs (duets) with other artists. It was fresh at first, but now he's fizzled out, in my opinion. He can write a book about how nice it was to work with Michael, doesn't change what I think at the least, even if I read the book a thousand times.

Whatever Michael decides will be no one's choice but his own, but do I have to like it? Not always.

I will always love him, but I don't have to love the decisions of who he decides to sing with. I like to play it by ear, no pun intended.
Love Mike, love his music, respect he can make his own choices on who he wants to work with but it doesn't mean you can dig 'em all. As for Akon being friends and defending MJ, it's all good, a lot of people have big-upped MJ over the years, lol. It's like saying "you're supposed to be nice to your elders!" LOL I'm just more concerned in how their records are gonna come out if they ever do come out, which still remains to be seen. :lol:
basically..I echo troubleman's sentiments....and LMAO! respecting your elders!!! :lol: that's IT! I think they all know better not to bad mouth Michael Jackson.

ah well, I'm hopeful...Hold My Hand was a good track. I enjoyed it.
yall still don't get how good you make an artist look when you bash him or her :lol:

The artist makes herself or himself look good or bad. I don't have to love them all.

I guess I see it from the other end of the very long table...way up on this end.:D
Akon's gonna be on E!'s late night show 'Chelsea Lately' on monday so I hope he'll be prepared just incase she asks about michael since i've seen how she treats him and how she has called him a "Mess" and basically just the usual crap you would hear from a comic when speaking about mike.
Yes Roxanne, you are bitching, and no Roxanne, you can't have 60, because you still can't prove Akon's ever said anything disrespectful towards Michael.
Which means you're still making much ado about nothing.
When Akon made the statement about him and MJ "being on the same level musically", he was basically saying, "Yeah, me & Mike were feelin' each other the day we recorded that song".
Nothing more, nothing less.
You have to be in sync with whoever you work with in the studio. Otherwise, why would you waste your time, money, and energy? If Michael and Akon had ZERO chemistry, the song wouldn't have transpired.
Next time, just come out and say how much you hate Akon and everything he stands for, instead of accusing the man of something he didn't even say.
He's not on Michael Jackson's level, he knows that, and he wasn't implying that.
PLEASE stop picking on the guy.


u dont really know what akon really meant by saying that and i dont either. he could have meant what u said but i dont think so. akon has said sth similar in the past which makes me think its more likely he meant that they're on the same level. i see kanye and usher and chris brown and ne-yo doing interviews and saying that they're as good as michael or that they're going to become as big as him. akon is no different. i appreciate the nice comments hes made about michael but i cant help but thinking hes saying those things for personal gain. so he can work with him again in the future. he hasnt said any bad word about michael so far. i'll give u that. good for him. i still dont like the guy though. but i dont hate him as u said. hate is a very strong word and i save it for others.
im not bitching. its called making a comment about sth. im not making much ado about this. i made one single remark in one single post of mine and u quoted me and gave this too much attention. u could have just ignored it if u think its nothing and not worth talking about.
u dont really know what akon really meant by saying that and i dont either. he could have meant what u said but i dont think so..

ok so then how can u say he was saying he was on the same level as mj? um so basically we've all been debating what he meant by what he said....and ur comment summed it all up...we don't know...so shall we move on?
Do you remember that prank phone call? Michael was NOT talking to (the one who suposed to be)A kon about music at all ,they were basicly friends ,,Michael likes Akon like a friend ,.come on he went to the movies with him ,it is an honor only Liz taylor and Chris Tucker were able to be with Michael in the cinema.

so please leave Michael alone ,he needs a freind and this guy who has a charity foundation in Africa is someone Michael trusts and admires.maybe he wanted to make some music with Akon "to be in the latter album not in Michael's'' as a gift for a dear friend .Michael did that many times in the past.

few years ago when i listened to his song Mr. Lonely i felt that he was talking about Michael "the part that sounds like Disney cartoons) so yeah maybe Michael had that impression too,
u dont really know what akon really meant by saying that and i dont either. he could have meant what u said but i dont think so. akon has said sth similar in the past which makes me think its more likely he meant that they're on the same level. i see kanye and usher and chris brown and ne-yo doing interviews and saying that they're as good as michael or that they're going to become as big as him. akon is no different. i appreciate the nice comments hes made about michael but i cant help but thinking hes saying those things for personal gain. so he can work with him again in the future. he hasnt said any bad word about michael so far. i'll give u that. good for him. i still dont like the guy though. but i dont hate him as u said. hate is a very strong word and i save it for others.
im not bitching. its called making a comment about sth. im not making much ado about this. i made one single remark in one single post of mine and u quoted me and gave this too much attention. u could have just ignored it if u think its nothing and not worth talking about.

Sure Roxanne, whatever.
Nothing I say will ever change your opinion, and nothing you say will ever change mine. You still wanna believe with all of your heart that Akon is some kind of jerk, and that he doesn't "deserve" to work with someone like Michael Jackson.
Fine. That's how you feel. Me, well, I believe that most people (Akon included) are good natured and should be judged by the content of their character. NOT by what you hear or read about them in supermarket tabloids or entertainment shows. Apparently Michael feels the same way.
Thank god.
I'm sure most of the misleading information you've heard about Akon came from the same sources that tried to convince you that MJ was a weirdo (the media). Only, you've chose to believe the crap said about Akon instead of the crap said about Jackson.
That's called a double standard.
At the end of the day, we're ALL god's children.

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ok so then how can u say he was saying he was on the same level as mj? um so basically we've all been debating what he meant by what he said....and ur comment summed it all up...we don't know...so shall we move on?
hmmm just cuz i wanted to......and yes, that is a doublestandard...hmmmmmmmmmmm
Sure Roxanne, whatever.
Nothing I say will ever change your opinion, and nothing you say will ever change mine. You still wanna believe with all of your heart that Akon is some kind of jerk, and that he doesn't "deserve" to work with someone like Michael Jackson.
Fine. That's how you feel. Me, well, I believe that most people (Akon included) are good natured and should be judged by the content of their character. NOT by what you hear or read about them in supermarket tabloids or entertainment shows. Apparently Michael feels the same way.
Thank god.
I'm sure most of the misleading information you've heard about Akon came from the same sources that tried to convince you that MJ was a weirdo (the media). Only, you've chose to believe the crap said about Akon instead of the crap said about Jackson.
That's called a double standard.
At the end of the day, we're ALL god's children.


Umm, no more hollaring back. And this is the last warning. Any more off topic remarks in this thread will result in the thread being closed. If you guys want to continue this line of discussion, take it to PM.
and where is hold my hand??? it is suposed that will be in akons new album..

omg, did you read the trascript the song got leaked so hes not putting that dum song on his album and im glad he isn't cuz the song sux
Akon recently said "I can't speak too much on Mike's project. Mike is a perfectionist. He's probably the most brilliant person I've sat across from. A humble, cool cat."

"I'm on a whole 'nother level now," he said of his work with MJ and how it has affected him. "It's all about the presentation. It has to be big, it has to be right."

as we thought , the album is done and now all mike needs to d is to tweek it a little :)
Thanks for posting that Victory. It's frustrating how every time one of these talk show hosts asks about Michael, they can't just take someone's complimenting Michael and let it be. They've got to try and challange it and it makes the interviewee afraid to say anything else. It's annoying. But at least Akon defended him.
Btw incase you didn't know her bf happens to be Ted Harbert who just happens to be the president of E! and also i'm not really surprised by chelsea's remarks I wasn't having high expectations that she would come around but there is just this pattern where they'll ask "What was he like?", "Was he wearing a mask"?, "Was he enjoying himself"?" and their reluctance to wanting to meet in person. But then again remember this is coming from a network who gives shows that range from medicore talent (denise richards) to hacks (kim kardashian, dina lohan, paris hilton). I didn't include snoop cus atleast he's actually talented.
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