Akon defends Michael!

I thought what akon said was nice...but like someone on thi thread said, i hope too hes not just saying that to look good. I really hope that hes saying from the bottom of his heart.
There's always issues, ask this guy:

akon though thinks hes as good as michael musically. he needs to get a reality check. he needs to acknowledge the fact that hes a zero compared to michael and not put himself on the same level as michael. thats crazy and very disrespectful. i appreciate his nice words but not his delusions about him being as good as michael. seems that fans are so caught up in his nice words, that dont pay any attention to akon's delusions.
it's nice what he said...but I still don't like him:nana:
"Imagine a songwriter of Lionel's calibre and a songwriter of MY calibre working together," Akon says. "It's huge."

I like Akon and things that he said about Michael but I really admire a humble people.
Well yeah, Akon's full of himself. But that seems to be a modern trend with todays pop stars. At least he respects Michael and seems to understand how incredible he is, unlike SOME wanna be's... "cough.chris.cough", "hack.justin.hack".
akon though thinks hes as good as michael musically. he needs to get a reality check. he needs to acknowledge the fact that hes a zero compared to michael and not put himself on the same level as michael. thats crazy and very disrespectful. i appreciate his nice words but not his delusions about him being as good as michael. seems that fans are so caught up in his nice words, that dont pay any attention to akon's delusions.
it seems that some fans are so caught up in bashing him that they didn't read his words either....

he did NOT compare himself to michael....he didn't say he was on the same level as him....he said it a bout lionel richie...
Nice to see Akon taking that kind of attitude to life and his work. Hopefully it will make people think differently about Michael too, instead of immediately labeling him as 'bad', or 'weird' before hearing the truth and not listening to speculation.
Akon...stay away from Michael!!! don´t poison him with your crap music:)
Okay peeps. Calm down here. Why can't some of you guys accept kind words from a fellow artist when you read them? There is really no reason to tear the guy a new one in this thread, so quit.
Okay peeps. Calm down here. Why can't some of you guys accept kind words from a fellow artist when you read them? There is really no reason to tear the guy a new one in this thread, so quit.

Surely it is a mark of the fan community's adulation for MJ that they would not wish to watch him soil his musical legacy by duetting with generic, fly-by-night nobodies?

I, for one, care fantastically about Michael's image, reputation, career and legacy - and I think that all of those things will be severely damaged or impeded by his continued work with Akon. I don't see why - as somebody who cares about MJ and wants the best for him - I shouldn't be allowed to say that.

At a very basic level, Akon is a man who believes that a thug lifestyle is cool. He falsified a criminal record in order to give himself street cred, and sings the phrase 'Konvict Muzik' at the beginning of all his songs. Michael, conversely, has spent the last thirty years working tirelessly to create an image for himself as a humanitarian spokesman for children. Is it really sensible or positive for MJ to be working with a man who advocates criminal records as a signifier of popularity? Should a self-styled ambassador for children and 'voice for the voiceless' be lending his vocals to a song that begins by glamourising the word 'convict'? I don't think so, and I think it's a serious, legitimate point.
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I don't see the problem with Michael working with Akon. Frankly, to me, it's no worse then him working with any of the names thus far mentioned and also honestly, I like what Akon's said about his approach towards working with Michael and about his ideas for thinking what's good for Michael artistically. A lot of fans seem to have little faith in Micheal's artistic judgement and control, which is confusing to me. Michael know's what he's doing and I've never seen an artist with a more confident vision of what he want's. Michael know's exactly what he want's. The challange, of course, is in getting other's to see that as well and to help him bring it out. But don't forget that Michael's in the drivers seat and it's his art and his music, no matter who he's working with. Akon's not much of an artist, he's not someone I'm impressed with, but he's not the worst thing out there either and he respects Michael and seems to want to genuinely work with him and feels grateful for the opportunity. That's more then I can say for people like Ne-Yo or Chris Brown, who act like Michael should feel priviledged to be working with them, pff. I think it's fine that Michael's working with someone who, while not very talented, at least has respect and want's to actually help him. Michael can make anything sound good, so I don't see the point in worrying.
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it seems that some fans are so caught up in bashing him that they didn't read his words either....

he did NOT compare himself to michael....he didn't say he was on the same level as him....he said it a bout lionel richie...

he didnt say it here. it was some other time in another interview. he didnt say exactly "michael and i are on the same level musically" but it was something along these lines and thats what he meant. if i find the quote i'll post it here.
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here it is. in fact i was wrong. he DID say it exactly like that. :)

“Musically we were on the same level and we wanted it to be special. We wanted it so that when people got my album, it was something that was never heard. But the leak stopped those plans,” he said.


edit: oh and it was also posted here 2 days ago http://www.mjjcommunity.net/forum/showthread.php?t=57972

Roxanne, you're making much ado about nothin', and you know it.
Akon said, "Musically, we were on the same level and we wanted it to be special".
What the hell do you think he was talkin' about?
"Hold My Hand" (Duh?!)
Y'know the duet that never got released. It's not like Akon said, "Well, me and Michael are both legends". Akon, Ne-Yo, will.i.am, and all these other cats out there working with Michael kiss his ass every chance they get whenever they talk about him, yet you (and a couple other folks here), are sitting around on your computers bored out of your damn minds looking for something to bitch about.
You know what. Roxanne, I challenge you.
I challenge you and every other Akon hater who's been posting crap in this thread to find ONE (yep, just one) bad or disrespectful thing Akon's ever said about Michael Jackson.
Do that and I will personally mail you 50 bucks.

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nobody mentions what happened when Akon went on tour with Gwen Stefani
this is not so much about personal liking or musical taste the guy does stupid things that attract bad publicity to him and the people around him and it can happen with Michael too and Michael doesn't need that he has enough to deal with already. I appreciate his words they can be friends but I think Michael is taking unnecessary risks by getting professionally involved with Akon he is too unpredictable and impulsive
Roxanne, you're making much ado about nothin', and you know it.
Akon said, "Musically, we were on the same level and we wanted it to be special".
What the hell do you think he was talkin' about?
"Hold My Hand" (Duh?!)
Y'know the duet that never got released. It's not like Akon said, "Well, me and Michael are both legends". Akon, Ne-Yo, will.i.am, and all these other cats out there working with Michael kiss his ass every chance they get whenever they talk about him, yet you (and a couple other folks here), are sitting around on your computers bored out of your damn minds looking for something to bitch about.
You know what. Roxanne, I challenge you.
I challenge you and every other Akon hater who's been posting crap in this thread to find ONE (yep, just one) bad or disrespectful thing Akon's ever said about Michael Jackson.
Do that and I will personally mail you 50 bucks.


did i say he was not talking about hmh ? do u think im not aware of that ? does it matter in which song hes referring to ? the point is that he said that they're both on the same level musically. im not bitching about anything. i know this will come as a shock to u but this is a goddamn message board and ppl come here and spend some of their free time posting and discussing things. also unless i told u so or ur spying on me u dont really know whether im sitting around being bored or not, correct ? u seem very arrogant and very self-assured. first u attacked me because i made a comment on an akon's quote which was not posted on here and u didnt know about it. now that u know about it ur accusing me of bitching and hating on akon. i guess u on the other hand are not bored at all.
as about the challenge.... can u make that 60 ? :unsure:
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I don't see the problem with Michael working with Akon. Frankly, to me, it's no worse then him working with any of the names thus far mentioned and also honestly, I like what Akon's said about his approach towards working with Michael and about his ideas for thinking what's good for Michael artistically. A lot of fans seem to have little faith in Micheal's artistic judgement and control, which is confusing to me. Michael know's what he's doing and I've never seen an artist with a more confident vision of what he want's. Michael know's exactly what he want's. The challange, of course, is in getting other's to see that as well and to help him bring it out. But don't forget that Michael's in the drivers seat and it's his art and his music, no matter who he's working with. Akon's not much of an artist, he's not someone I'm impressed with, but he's not the worst thing out there either and he respects Michael and seems to want to genuinely work with him and feels grateful for the opportunity. That's more then I can say for people like Ne-Yo or Chris Brown, who act like Michael should feel priviledged to be working with them, pff. I think it's fine that Michael's working with someone who, while not very talented, at least has respect and want's to actually help him. Michael can make anything sound good, so I don't see the point in worrying.

I have no problem with Mike working with Akon, but some people should not be getting upset if Chris Brown or Neyo wants to work with MJ. At the end of the day, it is Mike's choice. I do not think I was "tearing down" Akon. I am not a fan of his work and I am not impressed. The guy likes to throw his fans off the stage and hump on little girls. The guy loves to do things that are a bit questionable. If some fans have an issue with Akon, they can say it without feeling that they should not just because he said things about MJ that we have been reading, hearing already for various years. We know these things and I doubt what he says would change anyone's opinions about MJ.
did i say he was not talking about hmh ? do u think im not aware of that ? does it matter in which song hes referring to ? the point is that he said that they're both on the same level musically. im not bitching about anything. i know this will come as a shock to u but this is a goddamn message board and ppl come here and spend some of their free time posting and discussing things. also unless i told u so or ur spying on me u dont really know whether im sitting around being bored or not, correct ? u seem very arrogant and very self-assured. first u attacked me because i made a comment on an akon's quote which was not posted on here and u didnt know about it. now that u know about it ur accusing me of bitching and hating on akon. i guess u on the other hand are not bored at all.
as about the challenge.... can u make that 60 ? :unsure:

Yes Roxanne, you are bitching, and no Roxanne, you can't have 60, because you still can't prove Akon's ever said anything disrespectful towards Michael.
Which means you're still making much ado about nothing.
When Akon made the statement about him and MJ "being on the same level musically", he was basically saying, "Yeah, me & Mike were feelin' each other the day we recorded that song".
Nothing more, nothing less.
You have to be in sync with whoever you work with in the studio. Otherwise, why would you waste your time, money, and energy? If Michael and Akon had ZERO chemistry, the song wouldn't have transpired.
Next time, just come out and say how much you hate Akon and everything he stands for, instead of accusing the man of something he didn't even say.
He's not on Michael Jackson's level, he knows that, and he wasn't implying that.
PLEASE stop picking on the guy.

Oh, really? They can? Super! I'm sure Michael's relieved to hear you say that.
very funny...I used the wrong expression big deal not a native english speaker. what I meant is it's a good thing he's friends with Michael I believe he's sincere when he talks about him...but I still don't like him and I don't care what anybody says :waving: