Akon defends Michael!


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I found this news very refreshing for a change. Here is Akon correcting common and unfair notions generated by bad publicity . Hopefully, readers will see Michael as he is, the way Akon saw him! Read on...


Akon's rap sheet

Cameron Adams
December 04, 2008 12:00am

Akon is making a name for himself among big names. but the hip-hopper has learned a valuable lesson while working with Michael Jackson: the perils of persecution.

***** is used to defending himself against the world. And -- between his criminal past, suggestive moves on stage and throwing fans off stage -- Akon is no stranger to danger.

"There's so many misconceptions around Michael Jackson, but when you meet him he's the most humble, coolest, down-to-earth person," Akon says.

"I realised when I met him that with success there are a lot of misconceptions. Because a lot of people can't get too close to you, so they put the wrong information out that they get from a third party. You've got to be in a position where you can reach the artist directly to get the true story."

So to clear up the rumours; let's talk about throwing a kid off the stage.

"I'm not that kind of person," he says, before admitting for legal reasons he can't talk about the incident that took place last year and has dogged him since.

"We're about to go to court and then it'll be out the window. I'm very confident about the outcome. Sometimes it can deteriorate your character and initially it upset me. But I understand that's all part of the music business. There's a lot of hypocritical decisions made."

In the last year the website The Smoking Gun claimed Akon's criminal past and stint in jail may have been exaggerated for effect.

He laughs off the claims.

"I've seen how they got Obama. People's pasts have nothing to do with what they've accomplished in the present and what they're doing now. There's no perfect person in the world. You have to go through negative stuff and turmoil and incidents that allow you to know the difference, to know better, to grow and become a positive person.

"When they pull people's pasts up, that's not fair. Everyone has a past. The people writing about me, if I pulled up their past imagine what would come out. After a while you've got to hope people get smarter, that they're not so petty."

Akon's new word for 2008 is positivity. It's the reason he changed the title of his new album from Acquitted to Freedom.

"Even with something as simple as a title, you have to know how to dodge the bullet before it comes," he muses. "Acquitted came off kinda negative. I want to keep the energy around me very positive."
Certainly his record label Kon Live is smiling with a string of hits.

Akon met Lady GaGa when the pair were put together to write for Pussycat Dolls and snapped her up for his label.

"I saw that raw talent, she was a diamond in the rough," Akon says. "All she needed was the right machine to back her. She's an incredible songwriter. That's how I discovered her, as a songwriter, and then I found out she was an artist."

It's that dual life of songwriter and artist that's working for Akon.
He's penned The Sweet Escape for Gwen Stefani and Forgive Me for Leona Lewis, while singing with everyone from New Kids on the Block to Eminem.

"I work for everybody," he says modestly. "Rap, pop, country . . . Gwen opened the door for everybody to come to me as a pop producer, before I was just known for my R&B and hip hop.

"Leona Lewis was like that. I like to attach myself to a legend early in their career. That's how I would have liked it for me, have someone attach themselves early to me when I was up and coming, rather than wait 'til I blow up."

Akon says he loves working behind the scenes, particularly on his own artists.

"You're more powerful when you're behind the scenes. Especially when you're dealing with artists, me I'm already established and I've got a name. I don't want to overshadow their group."

Working with Michael Jackson on turning Wanna Be Startin' Somethin' into a duet for Thriller 25 this year has led to another duet, Hold My Hand, which has leaked on the net and may appear on *****'s comeback album.

"That Michael Jackson song took my career to a whole other level, my motivation to a whole other level," Akon says. "Knowing I was redoing a timeless classic and I would have to really represent on it, man, I was excited. I couldn't wait to prove myself."

He's also written and performed a duet with Whitney Houston for her new album. "She's absolutely incredible," Akon says. "She's ready."

As well as launching new Kon Live acts Rock City and Flipside, he'll also appear on new albums by Eminem, 50 Cent and Lionel Richie next year.

"Imagine a songwriter of Lionel's calibre and a songwriter of my calibre working together," Akon says. "It's huge."
it's always nice to see Akon represent, even to all the envious people who call MJ by that five letter evil word.
people are so quick to judge. people have been calling MJ this and that when some do not even lift a finger to get to know the man! It is unfortunate how some can come up with pre-conceived notions about someone they do not even know on a personal level. hooray for akon and i pray that this article willmake people think, esp. the so-called haters, to rethink that what the press dishes out is not always the truth
so hmh might be on mjs album...i figured it wud be an mj track since he had the 1st verse..and it didnt even sound done lol
good for him. i hope he really means it and hes not trying to kiss a$$ so he can work with him in the future. i know they've already worked together but its just one song and its not even gonna be released.
Here's another recent Interview of Akon with People.com. (He always have the same nice things to say about MJ :wub:)
link: http://www.people.com/people/article/0,,20242441,00.html
You did some work with Michael Jackson earlier in the year with 25th Anniversary of Thriller. How did you riff off each other musically?
Akon: The collaboration was incredible. From the first moment we actually met each other face-to-face it seemed like we had know each other for years. I was always a big fan, I knew everything about him. It was just astonishing to me that he knew a lot about me, and he was a fan of me as well. We clicked instantly.

What surprised you the most about him?
Akon: How humble and how smart he was. Sometimes you get a certain perception from how the media portrays him, but [working with him] was completely opposite. An artist of that caliber and as big as he is, you would think he would have certain qualities that you probably wouldn't like, such as being very arrogant or stuck up. With him, it was like he had never put out a record before – he still had that hunger.

and another one from Bossip.com
link: http://www.bossip.com/55952/exclusive-akon...lking-about-mj/
That guy’s a genius, man. That’s probably the highlight of my career. He’s the most humble cool dude. When you stop and think about all of the controversies and articles on him, they don’t even reflect the person that I saw. I always say if people got the chance to actually meet the man behind all of the controversy, they would be embarrassed to even have that thought. He’s totally different from the normal perception that you see.
Really cool what he said about Michael, but...

"I'm already established and I've got a name. I don't want to overshadow their group."

"Imagine a songwriter of Lionel's calibre and a songwriter of my calibre working together," Akon says. "It's huge."

Is it just me or did that sound a bit arrogant of him??

Anyway, what is that throwing kid off stage thing? What happened?
The stuff that Akon said about MJ from People.com was already posted on last weekend's news thread.

All of these things that he said about MJ was said before. I do not think anyone's views about MJ would change just because Akon, who likes to throw his fans off the stage, says so. I know Mike is not what people say he is. Duh. Isn't everyone? Akon not really talking about the fact that his past is not what it seems - interesting. Blah. I am not impressed by the guy. He said nice things about Mike, but I have read better things.
Good for Akon.

I have to laugh, because Ryan didn't have an opportunity to repeat any of the "MJ stories," in the hope that Akon might join in on any MJ related jokes. He knew Akon was not going to play THAT game.

I always enjoy hearing from somebody who has actually spent some time with MJ, as opposed to a person who repeats a third-party story.
More he talk about Michael.........................................


And also Michael.....................

Gotta say that Akon's interviews over the past 6 months (more or less) have shown he's definitely maturing as an artist. And the latest ones to promote this album really show there's some growth there...imo, of course. He's developing that "consciousness" Michael's been talking about. IMO he still has a way to go creatively, but at the same time not all artists have to have depth to be good. There's nothing DEEP about the Beach Boys...yet they are considered Americana at it's finest. At least Akon seems to be making an attempt to be a better person/artist. I see nothing wrong with that. Maturity is learning from the errors of your past and TRYING to do better. The issue is whether or not ppl allow you to do that? Can they move on WITH you or try to trap you in that past by constantly DOGGING you over it?

I hope he continues TRYING. He might succeed. I like his new positivity thing, too. Negativity never really helps anyone.

Other than HMH, it sucks that MP3 song didn't make the album either. I REALLY liked one. It's lyrically clever and had that R Kelly vibe to it musically. Damn hackers and leakers. ugh! :aggressive:

Edit: Oh, and nice words about Michael. Thanks to all for posting. :flowers:
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I've said it before and I'll say it again...I like Akon. He doesn't have the greatest singing voice, but neither does Prince, and Prince is talented in other ways. I don't understand the hate for this guy, he doesn't seem like a bad guy to me.
I've said it before and I'll say it again...I like Akon. He doesn't have the greatest singing voice, but neither does Prince, and Prince is talented in other ways. I don't understand the hate for this guy, he doesn't seem like a bad guy to me.
People hate when someone starts to become successful and to hate makes them feel good about themselves by putting someone else down. That is the world we live in.
The stuff that Akon said about MJ from People.com was already posted on last weekend's news thread.

All of these things that he said about MJ was said before. I do not think anyone's views about MJ would change just because Akon, who likes to throw his fans off the stage, says so. I know Mike is not what people say he is. Duh. Isn't everyone? Akon not really talking about the fact that his past is not what it seems - interesting. Blah. I am not impressed by the guy. He said nice things about Mike, but I have read better things.
i don't think he really cares if anyone is impressed by him....

furthermore, this is typical of a fan community.....when someone doesn't kiss the ass of the person they like, they're bashed...when they do, they didn't do it correctly so it's whatever
Good for Akon.

I have to laugh, because Ryan didn't have an opportunity to repeat any of the "MJ stories," in the hope that Akon might join in on any MJ related jokes. He knew Akon was not going to play THAT game.

Yeah. Ryan knew better than to start some glee-and-hate club bullcrap with Akon about Michael because Akon spent time with Michael and obviously admires him. It wouldn't work.
really..it seemed like a rough copy 2me...
It sounded like a demo to me too. :) But we will never know, the mystery just continues forever.

Anyway, really nice words from Akon. Aww. :lol: Thanks for posting!
do you think that hold my hand will be the new concert opener?